print("Credits to mstudio45 for the ported UI lib of Linoria") print("Credits to Wally-RBLX and his devs for making this amazing script") print("I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THIS CODE. CREDITS TO THIS CODE AND UI LIBS ETC GO TO THEIR OWNERS.") print(" ") print("Wally RBLX's Funky Friday AutoPlay script mobile port. (READ LINES ABOVE!)") local start = tick() local client = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer; local set_identity = (type(syn) == 'table' and syn.set_thread_identity) or setidentity or setthreadcontext local executor = identifyexecutor and identifyexecutor() or 'Unknown' local function fail(r) return client:Kick(r) end -- gracefully handle errors when loading external scripts -- added a cache to make hot reloading a bit faster local usedCache = shared.__urlcache and next(shared.__urlcache) ~= nil shared.__urlcache = shared.__urlcache or {} local function urlLoad(url) local success, result if shared.__urlcache[url] then success, result = true, shared.__urlcache[url] else success, result = pcall(game.HttpGet, game, url) end if (not success) then return fail(string.format('Failed to GET url %q for reason: %q', url, tostring(result))) end local fn, err = loadstring(result) if (type(fn) ~= 'function') then return fail(string.format('Failed to loadstring url %q for reason: %q', url, tostring(err))) end local results = { pcall(fn) } if (not results[1]) then return fail(string.format('Failed to initialize url %q for reason: %q', url, tostring(results[2]))) end shared.__urlcache[url] = result return unpack(results, 2) end -- attempt to block imcompatible exploits -- rewrote because old checks literally did not work if type(set_identity) ~= 'function' then return fail('Unsupported exploit (missing "set_thread_identity")') end if type(getconnections) ~= 'function' then return fail('Unsupported exploit (missing "getconnections")') end if type(getloadedmodules) ~= 'function' then return fail('Unsupported exploit (misssing "getloadedmodules")') end if type(getgc) ~= 'function' then return fail('Unsupported exploit (misssing "getgc")') end local getinfo = debug.getinfo or getinfo; local getupvalue = debug.getupvalue or getupvalue; local getupvalues = debug.getupvalues or getupvalues; local setupvalue = debug.setupvalue or setupvalue; if type(setupvalue) ~= 'function' then return fail('Unsupported exploit (misssing "debug.setupvalue")') end if type(getupvalue) ~= 'function' then return fail('Unsupported exploit (misssing "debug.getupvalue")') end if type(getupvalues) ~= 'function' then return fail('Unsupported exploit (missing "debug.getupvalues")') end -- free exploit bandaid fix if type(getinfo) ~= 'function' then local debug_info =; if type(debug_info) ~= 'function' then -- if your exploit doesnt have getrenv you have no hope if type(getrenv) ~= 'function' then return fail('Unsupported exploit (missing "getrenv")') end debug_info = getrenv() end getinfo = function(f) assert(type(f) == 'function', string.format('Invalid argument #1 to debug.getinfo (expected %s got %s', 'function', type(f))) local results = {, 'slnfa') } local _, upvalues = pcall(getupvalues, f) if type(upvalues) ~= 'table' then upvalues = {} end local nups = 0 for k in next, upvalues do nups = nups + 1 end -- winning code return { source = '@' .. results[1], short_src = results[1], what = results[1] == '[C]' and 'C' or 'Lua', currentline = results[2], name = results[3], func = results[4], numparams = results[5], is_vararg = results[6], -- 'a' argument returns 2 values :) nups = nups, } end end local IsMobile = false; local DevicePlatform = Enum.Platform.None; pcall(function() DevicePlatform = UserInputService:GetPlatform(); end); IsMobile = (DevicePlatform == Enum.Platform.Android or DevicePlatform == Enum.Platform.IOS); local UIRepo = '' local ScriptRepo = '' local UI = nil if IsMobile then UI = loadstring(game:HttpGet(UIRepo .. 'TestMobileSupport.lua'))() else UI = loadstring(game:HttpGet(UIRepo .. 'Library.lua'))() end local metadata = loadstring(game:HttpGet(ScriptRepo .. 'metadata.lua'))() local httpService = game:GetService('HttpService') local framework, scrollHandler, network local counter = 0 while true do for _, obj in next, getgc(true) do if type(obj) == 'table' then if rawget(obj, 'GameUI') then framework = obj; elseif type(rawget(obj, 'Server')) == 'table' then network = obj; end end if network and framework then break end end for _, module in next, getloadedmodules() do if module.Name == 'ScrollHandler' then scrollHandler = module; break; end end if (type(framework) == 'table' and typeof(scrollHandler) == 'Instance' and type(network) == 'table') then break end counter = counter + 1 if counter > 6 then fail(string.format('Failed to load game dependencies. Details: %s, %s, %s', type(framework), typeof(scrollHandler), type(network))) end wait(1) end local runService = game:GetService('RunService') local userInputService = game:GetService('UserInputService') local virtualInputManager = game:GetService('VirtualInputManager') local random = local task = task or getrenv().task; local fastWait, fastSpawn = task.wait, task.spawn; -- firesignal implementation -- hitchance rolling local fireSignal, rollChance do -- updated for script-ware or whatever -- attempted to update for krnl function fireSignal(target, signal, ...) -- getconnections with InputBegan / InputEnded does not work without setting Synapse to the game's context level set_identity(2) local didFire = false for _, signal in next, getconnections(signal) do if type(signal.Function) == 'function' and islclosure(signal.Function) then local scr = rawget(getfenv(signal.Function), 'script') if scr == target then didFire = true pcall(signal.Function, ...) end end end -- if not didFire then fail"couldnt fire input signal" end set_identity(7) end -- uses a weighted random system -- its a bit scuffed rn but it works good enough function rollChance() -- if (//library.flags.autoPlayerMode == 'Manual') then if Options.AutoplayerMode.Value == 'Manual' then if (Options.SickBind:GetState()) then return 'Sick' end if (Options.GoodBind:GetState()) then return 'Good' end if (Options.OkayBind:GetState()) then return 'Ok' end if (Options.BadBind:GetState()) then return 'Bad' end return 'Bad' -- incase if it cant find one end local chances = { { 'Sick', Options.SickChance.Value }, { 'Good', Options.GoodChance.Value }, { 'Ok', Options.OkChance.Value }, { 'Bad', Options.BadChance.Value }, { 'Miss' , Options.MissChance.Value }, } table.sort(chances, function(a, b) return a[2] > b[2] end) local sum = 0; for i = 1, #chances do sum += chances[i][2] end if sum == 0 then return chances[random:NextInteger(1, #chances)][1] end local initialWeight = random:NextInteger(0, sum) local weight = 0; for i = 1, #chances do weight = weight + chances[i][2] if weight > initialWeight then return chances[i][1] end end return 'Sick' end end -- autoplayer local chanceValues do chanceValues = { Sick = 96, Good = 92, Ok = 87, Bad = 75, } local keyCodeMap = {} for _, enum in next, Enum.KeyCode:GetEnumItems() do keyCodeMap[enum.Value] = enum end if shared._unload then pcall(shared._unload) end function shared._unload() if shared._id then pcall(runService.UnbindFromRenderStep, runService, shared._id) end UI:Unload() for i = 1, #shared.threads do coroutine.close(shared.threads[i]) end for i = 1, #shared.callbacks do task.spawn(shared.callbacks[i]) end end shared.threads = {} shared.callbacks = {} shared._id = httpService:GenerateGUID(false) local function pressKey(keyCode, state) if Options.PressMode.Value == 'virtual input' then virtualInputManager:SendKeyEvent(state, keyCode, false, nil) else fireSignal(scrollHandler, userInputService[state and 'InputBegan' or 'InputEnded'], { KeyCode = keyCode, UserInputType = Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard }, false) end end local rng = runService:BindToRenderStep(shared._id, 1, function() --if (not library.flags.autoPlayer) then return end if (not Toggles.Autoplayer) or (not Toggles.Autoplayer.Value) then return end local currentlyPlaying = framework.SongPlayer.CurrentlyPlaying if typeof(currentlyPlaying) ~= 'Instance' or not currentlyPlaying:IsA('Sound') then return end local arrows = framework.UI:GetNotes() local count = framework.SongPlayer:GetKeyCount() local mode = count .. 'Key' local arrowData = framework.ArrowData[mode].Arrows for i, arrow in next, arrows do -- todo: switch to this ( local ignoredNoteTypes = { Death = true, Mechanic = true, Poison = true } if type(arrow.NoteDataConfigs) == 'table' then if ignoredNoteTypes[arrow.NoteDataConfigs.Type] then continue end end if (arrow.Side == framework.UI.CurrentSide) and (not arrow.Marked) and currentlyPlaying.TimePosition > 0 then local position = (arrow.Data.Position % count) .. '' local hitboxOffset = 0 do local settings = framework.Settings; local offset = type(settings) == 'table' and settings.HitboxOffset; local value = type(offset) == 'table' and offset.Value; if type(value) == 'number' then hitboxOffset = value; end hitboxOffset = hitboxOffset / 1000 end local songTime = framework.SongPlayer.CurrentTime local playbackSpeed = 1 do local configs = framework.SongPlayer.CurrentSongConfigs if type(configs) == 'table' and type(rawget(configs, "PlaybackSpeed")) == "number" then playbackSpeed = configs.PlaybackSpeed end songTime = songTime / playbackSpeed end local noteTime = math.clamp((1 - math.abs(arrow.Data.Time - (songTime + hitboxOffset))) * 100, 0, 100) local result = rollChance() arrow._hitChance = arrow._hitChance or result; local hitChance = (Options.AutoplayerMode.Value == 'Manual' and result or arrow._hitChance) if hitChance ~= "Miss" and noteTime >= chanceValues[arrow._hitChance] then fastSpawn(function() arrow.Marked = true; local keyCode = keyCodeMap[arrowData[position].Keybinds.Keyboard[1]] pressKey(keyCode, true) local arrowLength = arrow.Data.Length or 0 local isHeld = arrowLength > 0 if isHeld then arrowLength = arrowLength / playbackSpeed end local delayMode = Options.DelayMode.Value local minDelay = isHeld and Options.HeldDelayMin or Options.NoteDelayMin; local maxDelay = isHeld and Options.HeldDelayMax or Options.NoteDelayMax; local noteDelay = isHeld and Options.HeldDelay or Options.ReleaseDelay local delay = delayMode == 'Random' and rng:NextNumber(minDelay.Value, maxDelay.Value) or noteDelay.Value task.wait(arrowLength + (delay / 1000)) pressKey(keyCode, false) arrow.Marked = nil; end) end end end end) end local ActivateUnlockables do -- Note: I know you can do this with UserId but it only works if you run it before opening the notes menu -- My script should work no matter the order of which you run things :) local loadStyle = nil local function loadStyleProxy(...) -- This forces the styles to reload every time local upvalues = getupvalues(loadStyle) for i, upvalue in next, upvalues do if type(upvalue) == 'table' and rawget(upvalue, 'Style') then rawset(upvalue, 'Style', nil); setupvalue(loadStyle, i, upvalue) end end return loadStyle(...) end local function applyLoadStyleProxy(...) local gc = getgc() for i = 1, #gc do local obj = gc[i] if type(obj) == 'function' then -- goodbye nups numeric loop because script-ware is weird local upvalues = getupvalues(obj) for i, upv in next, upvalues do if type(upv) == 'function' and getinfo(upv).name == 'LoadStyle' then -- ugly but it works, we don't know every name for is_synapse_function and similar local function isGameFunction(fn) return getinfo(fn).source:match('%.ArrowSelector%.Customize$') end if isGameFunction(obj) and isGameFunction(upv) then -- avoid non-game functions :) loadStyle = loadStyle or upv setupvalue(obj, i, loadStyleProxy) table.insert(shared.callbacks, function() assert(pcall(setupvalue, obj, i, loadStyle)) end) end end end end end end local success, error = pcall(applyLoadStyleProxy) if not success then return fail(string.format('Failed to hook LoadStyle function. Error(%q)\nExecutor(%q)\n', error, executor)) end function ActivateUnlockables() local idx = table.find(framework.SongsWhitelist, client.UserId) if idx then return end UI:Notify('Developer arrows have been unlocked!', 3) table.insert(framework.SongsWhitelist, client.UserId) end end -- UpdateScore hook do while type(roundManager) ~= 'table' do task.wait() roundManager = network.Server.RoundManager end local oldUpdateScore = roundManager.UpdateScore; function roundManager.UpdateScore(...) local args = { ... } local score = args[2] if type(score) == 'number' and Options.ScoreModifier then -- table.foreach(args, warn) if Options.ScoreModifier.Value == 'No decrease on miss' then args[2] = 0 elseif Options.ScoreModifier.Value == 'Increase score on miss' then args[2] = math.abs(score) end end return oldUpdateScore(unpack(args)) end table.insert(shared.callbacks, function() roundManager.UpdateScore = oldUpdateScore end) end -- Auto ring collector do local thread = task.spawn(function() local map = workspace:waitForChild('Map', 5) local buildings = map and map:waitForChild('FunctionalBuildings', 5) local spawners = buildings and buildings:waitForChild('RingSpawners', 5) if spawners == nil then return end if type(firetouchinterest) ~= 'function' then return end while true do task.wait() if Toggles.AutoClaimRings and Toggles.AutoClaimRings.Value then local character = client.Character local rootPart = character and character:findFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') if rootPart == nil then continue end for i, spawner in next, spawners:GetChildren() do for _, ring in next, spawner:GetChildren() do if ring.Name ~= 'GoldenRing' then continue end local ring = ring:findFirstChild('ring') if not (ring and ring:IsA('BasePart')) then continue end if ring.Transparency == 1 then continue end firetouchinterest(ring, rootPart, 0) firetouchinterest(ring, rootPart, 1) end end end end end) table.insert(shared.callbacks, function() pcall(task.cancel, thread) end) end local SaveManager = {} do SaveManager.Ignore = {} SaveManager.Parser = { Toggle = { Save = function(idx, object) return { type = 'Toggle', idx = idx, value = object.Value } end, Load = function(idx, data) if Toggles[idx] then Toggles[idx]:SetValue(data.value) end end, }, Slider = { Save = function(idx, object) return { type = 'Slider', idx = idx, value = tostring(object.Value) } end, Load = function(idx, data) if Options[idx] then Options[idx]:SetValue(data.value) end end, }, Dropdown = { Save = function(idx, object) return { type = 'Dropdown', idx = idx, value = object.Value, mutli = object.Multi } end, Load = function(idx, data) if Options[idx] then Options[idx]:SetValue(data.value) end end, }, ColorPicker = { Save = function(idx, object) return { type = 'ColorPicker', idx = idx, value = object.Value:ToHex() } end, Load = function(idx, data) if Options[idx] then Options[idx]:SetValueRGB(Color3.fromHex(data.value)) end end, }, KeyPicker = { Save = function(idx, object) return { type = 'KeyPicker', idx = idx, mode = object.Mode, key = object.Value } end, Load = function(idx, data) if Options[idx] then Options[idx]:SetValue({ data.key, data.mode }) end end, } } function SaveManager:Save(name) local fullPath = 'funky_friday_autoplayer/configs/' .. name .. '.json' local data = { version = 2, objects = {} } for idx, toggle in next, Toggles do if self.Ignore[idx] then continue end table.insert(data.objects, self.Parser[toggle.Type].Save(idx, toggle)) end for idx, option in next, Options do if not self.Parser[option.Type] then continue end if self.Ignore[idx] then continue end table.insert(data.objects, self.Parser[option.Type].Save(idx, option)) end local success, encoded = pcall(httpService.JSONEncode, httpService, data) if not success then return false, 'failed to encode data' end writefile(fullPath, encoded) return true end function SaveManager:Load(name) local file = 'funky_friday_autoplayer/configs/' .. name .. '.json' if not isfile(file) then return false, 'invalid file' end local success, decoded = pcall(httpService.JSONDecode, httpService, readfile(file)) if not success then return false, 'decode error' end if decoded.version ~= 2 then return false, 'invalid version' end for _, option in next, decoded.objects do if self.Parser[option.type] then self.Parser[option.type].Load(option.idx, option) end end return true end function SaveManager.Refresh() local list = listfiles('funky_friday_autoplayer/configs') local out = {} for i = 1, #list do local file = list[i] if file:sub(-5) == '.json' then -- i hate this but it has to be done ... local pos = file:find('.json', 1, true) local start = pos local char = file:sub(pos, pos) while char ~= '/' and char ~= '\\' and char ~= '' do pos = pos - 1 char = file:sub(pos, pos) end if char == '/' or char == '\\' then table.insert(out, file:sub(pos + 1, start - 1)) end end end Options.ConfigList.Values = out; Options.ConfigList:SetValues() Options.ConfigList:Display() return out end function SaveManager:Delete(name) local file = 'funky_friday_autoplayer/configs/' .. name .. '.json' if not isfile(file) then return false, string.format('Config %q does not exist', name) end local succ, err = pcall(delfile, file) if not succ then return false, string.format('error occured during file deletion: %s', err) end return true end function SaveManager:SetIgnoreIndexes(list) for i = 1, #list do table.insert(self.Ignore, list[i]) end end function SaveManager.Check() local list = listfiles('funky_friday_autoplayer/configs') for _, file in next, list do if isfolder(file) then continue end local data = readfile(file) local success, decoded = pcall(httpService.JSONDecode, httpService, data) if success and type(decoded) == 'table' and decoded.version ~= 2 then pcall(delfile, file) end end end end local Window = UI:CreateWindow({ Title = string.format('funky friday autoplayer - version %s | updated: %s', metadata.version, metadata.updated), AutoShow = true, Center = true, Size = UDim2.fromOffset(550, 627), }) local Tabs = {} local Groups = {} Tabs.Main = Window:AddTab('Main') Tabs.Miscellaneous = Window:AddTab('Miscellaneous') Groups.Autoplayer = Tabs.Main:AddLeftGroupbox('Autoplayer') Groups.Autoplayer:AddToggle('Autoplayer', { Text = 'Autoplayer' }):AddKeyPicker('AutoplayerBind', { Default = 'End', NoUI = true, SyncToggleState = true }) Groups.Autoplayer:AddDropdown('PressMode', { Text = 'Input mode', Compact = true, Default = 'firesignal', Values = { 'firesignal', 'virtual input' }, Tooltip = 'Input method used to press arrows.\n* firesignal: calls input functions directly.\n* virtual input: emulates key presses. use if "firesignal" does not work.', }) Groups.HitChances = Tabs.Main:AddLeftGroupbox('Hit chances') Groups.HitChances:AddDropdown('AutoplayerMode', { Text = 'Autoplayer mode', Compact = true, Default = 1, Values = { 'Automatic', 'Manual' }, Tooltip = 'Mode to use for deciding when to hit notes.\n* Automatic: hits notes based on chance sliders\n* Manual: hits notes based on held keybinds', }) Groups.HitChances:AddSlider('SickChance', { Text = 'Sick chance', Min = 0, Max = 100, Default = 100, Suffix = '%', Rounding = 0, Compact = true }) Groups.HitChances:AddSlider('GoodChance', { Text = 'Good chance', Min = 0, Max = 100, Default = 0, Suffix = '%', Rounding = 0, Compact = true }) Groups.HitChances:AddSlider('OkChance', { Text = 'Ok chance', Min = 0, Max = 100, Default = 0, Suffix = '%', Rounding = 0, Compact = true }) Groups.HitChances:AddSlider('BadChance', { Text = 'Bad chance', Min = 0, Max = 100, Default = 0, Suffix = '%', Rounding = 0, Compact = true }) Groups.HitChances:AddSlider('MissChance', { Text = 'Miss chance', Min = 0, Max = 100, Default = 0, Suffix = '%', Rounding = 0, Compact = true }) Groups.HitTiming = Tabs.Main:AddLeftGroupbox('Hit timing') Groups.HitTiming:AddDropdown('DelayMode', { Text = 'Delay mode', Default = 1, Values = { 'Manual', 'Random' }, Tooltip = 'Adjustable timing for when to release notes.\n* Manual releases the note after a fixed amount of time.\n* Random releases the note after a random amount of time.', }) Groups.HitTiming:AddLabel('Manual delay') Groups.HitTiming:AddSlider('ReleaseDelay', { Text = 'Note delay', Min = 0, Max = 500, Default = 20, Rounding = 0, Compact = true, Suffix = 'ms' }) Groups.HitTiming:AddSlider('HeldDelay', { Text = 'Held note delay', Min = -20, Max = 100, Default = 0, Rounding = 0, Compact = true, Suffix = 'ms' }) Groups.HitTiming:AddLabel('Random delay') Groups.HitTiming:AddSlider('NoteDelayMin', { Text = 'Min note delay', Min = 0, Max = 100, Default = 0, Rounding = 0, Compact = true, Suffix = 'ms' }) Groups.HitTiming:AddSlider('NoteDelayMax', { Text = 'Max note delay', Min = 0, Max = 500, Default = 20, Rounding = 0, Compact = true, Suffix = 'ms' }) Groups.HitTiming:AddSlider('HeldDelayMin', { Text = 'Min held note delay', Min = 0, Max = 100, Default = 0, Rounding = 0, Compact = true, Suffix = 'ms' }) Groups.HitTiming:AddSlider('HeldDelayMax', { Text = 'Max held note delay', Min = 0, Max = 500, Default = 20, Rounding = 0, Compact = true, Suffix = 'ms' }) Groups.Misc = Tabs.Main:AddRightGroupbox('Misc') Groups.Misc:AddButton('Unlock developer notes', ActivateUnlockables) Groups.Misc:AddToggle('AutoClaimRings', { Text = 'Auto claim rings' }) Groups.Keybinds = Tabs.Main:AddRightGroupbox('Keybinds') Groups.Keybinds:AddLabel('Sick'):AddKeyPicker('SickBind', { Default = 'One', NoUI = true }) Groups.Keybinds:AddLabel('Good'):AddKeyPicker('GoodBind', { Default = 'Two', NoUI = true }) Groups.Keybinds:AddLabel('Ok'):AddKeyPicker('OkayBind', { Default = 'Three', NoUI = true }) Groups.Keybinds:AddLabel('Bad'):AddKeyPicker('BadBind', { Default = 'Four', NoUI = true }) Groups.Configs = Tabs.Miscellaneous:AddRightGroupbox('Configs') Groups.Credits = Tabs.Miscellaneous:AddRightGroupbox('Credits') local function addRichText(label) label.TextLabel.RichText = true end addRichText(Groups.Credits:AddLabel('<font color="#3da5ff">wally</font> - script')) addRichText(Groups.Credits:AddLabel('<font color="#de6cff">Sezei</font> - contributor')) Groups.Credits:AddLabel('Inori - ui library') Groups.Credits:AddLabel('Jan - old ui library') Groups.Misc = Tabs.Miscellaneous:AddRightGroupbox('Miscellaneous') Groups.Misc:AddLabel(metadata.message or 'no message found!', true) Groups.Misc:AddDivider() Groups.Misc:AddButton('Unload script', function() pcall(shared._unload) end) Groups.Misc:AddButton('Copy discord', function() if pcall(setclipboard, "") then UI:Notify('Successfully copied discord link to your clipboard!', 5) end end) Groups.Misc:AddLabel('Menu toggle'):AddKeyPicker('MenuToggle', { Default = 'Delete', NoUI = true }) UI.ToggleKeybind = Options.MenuToggle if type(readfile) == 'function' and type(writefile) == 'function' and type(makefolder) == 'function' and type(isfolder) == 'function' then makefolder('funky_friday_autoplayer') makefolder('funky_friday_autoplayer\\configs') Groups.Configs:AddDropdown('ConfigList', { Text = 'Config list', Values = {}, AllowNull = true }) Groups.Configs:AddInput('ConfigName', { Text = 'Config name' }) Groups.Configs:AddDivider() Groups.Configs:AddButton('Save config', function() local name = Options.ConfigName.Value; if name:gsub(' ', '') == '' then return UI:Notify('Invalid config name.', 3) end local success, err = SaveManager:Save(name) if not success then return UI:Notify(tostring(err), 5) end UI:Notify(string.format('Saved config %q', name), 5) task.defer(SaveManager.Refresh) end) Groups.Configs:AddButton('Load', function() local name = Options.ConfigList.Value local success, err = SaveManager:Load(name) if not success then return UI:Notify(tostring(err), 5) end UI:Notify(string.format('Loaded config %q', name), 5) end):AddButton('Delete', function() local name = Options.ConfigList.Value if name:gsub(' ', '') == '' then return UI:Notify('Invalid config name.', 3) end local success, err = SaveManager:Delete(name) if not success then return UI:Notify(tostring(err), 5) end UI:Notify(string.format('Deleted config %q', name), 5) task.spawn(Options.ConfigList.SetValue, Options.ConfigList, nil) task.defer(SaveManager.Refresh) end) Groups.Configs:AddButton('Refresh list', SaveManager.Refresh) task.defer(SaveManager.Refresh) task.defer(SaveManager.Check) else Groups.Configs:AddLabel('Your exploit is missing file functions so you are unable to use configs.', true) --UI:Notify('Failed to create configs tab due to your exploit missing certain file functions.', 2) end -- Themes do local latestThemeIndex = 0 for i, theme in next, themeManager.BuiltInThemes do if theme[1] > latestThemeIndex then latestThemeIndex = theme[1] end end latestThemeIndex = latestThemeIndex + 1 local linoriaTheme = themeManager.BuiltInThemes.Default[2] local funkyFridayTheme = table.clone(themeManager.BuiltInThemes.Default[2]) funkyFridayTheme.AccentColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 65, 65):ToHex() themeManager.BuiltInThemes['Linoria'] = { latestThemeIndex, linoriaTheme } themeManager.BuiltInThemes['Default'] = { 1, funkyFridayTheme } themeManager:SetLibrary(UI) themeManager:SetFolder('funky_friday_autoplayer') themeManager:ApplyToGroupbox(Tabs.Miscellaneous:AddLeftGroupbox('Themes')) SaveManager:SetIgnoreIndexes({ "BackgroundColor", "MainColor", "AccentColor", "OutlineColor", "FontColor", -- themes "ThemeManager_ThemeList", 'ThemeManager_CustomThemeList', 'ThemeManager_CustomThemeName', -- themes }) end UI:Notify(string.format('Loaded script in %.4f second(s)!', tick() - start), 3)