if setreadonly then for k, v in pairs(getgc(true)) do if pcall(function() return rawget(v, "indexInstance") end) and type(rawget(v, "indexInstance")) == "table" and rawget(v, "indexInstance")[1] == "kick" then if not isreadonly(v) then print("Readonly = false \n Continuing...") v.tvk = {"kick", function() return game.Workspace:WaitForChild("") end} wait(1.5) print("Bypassed") else print("Readonly = true \n bypassing readonly...") setreadonly(v, false) v.tvk = {"kick", function() return game.Workspace:WaitForChild("") end} setreadonly(v, true) wait(1.5) print("Finished \n Bypassed") end end end else print("setreadonly is not available in this environment.") end