//Neko Class var NekoNin = gamecore.Base.extend('NekoNin', { nekoAnim:'', bmpAnimation:'', spriteSheet:'' }, { hp:1000, lastFireTime:0, nekoState : 'nekoIdle', nekoState2 : 'nekoIdle', nekoJump : false, jumpSpeedLimit : 15, jumpSpeed : 15, init: function() { this.Class.nekoAnim=new Image(); this.Class.nekoAnim.onload = this.handleImageLoad; this.Class.nekoAnim.onerror = this.handleImageError; this.Class.nekoAnim.src= 'img/MonsterARun.png'; console.log(this); }, handleImageLoad: function(e) { console.log(this); this.Class.spriteSheet = new createjs.SpriteSheet({ // image to use images: [this], // width, height & registration point of each sprite frames: { width: 64, height: 64, regX: 32, regY: 32 }, // To slow down the animation loop of the sprite, we set the frequency to 4 to slow down by a 4x factor animations: { walk: [0, 9, "walk", 4] } }); // to save file size, the loaded sprite sheet only includes left facing animations // we could flip the display objects with scaleX=-1, but this is expensive in most browsers // instead, we generate a new sprite sheet which includes the flipped animations createjs.SpriteSheetUtils.addFlippedFrames(spriteSheet, true, false, false); // create a BitmapSequence instance to display and play back the sprite sheet: this.Class.bmpAnimation = new createjs.BitmapAnimation(spriteSheet); // set the registration point (the point it will be positioned and rotated around) // to the center of the frame dimensions: this.Class.bmpAnimation.regX = this.Class.bmpAnimation.spriteSheet.frameWidth/2|0; this.Class.bmpAnimation.regY = this.Class.bmpAnimation.spriteSheet.frameHeight / 2 | 0; // start playing the first sequence: // walk_h has been generated by addFlippedFrames and // contained the right facing animations this.Class.bmpAnimation.gotoAndPlay("walk_h"); //walking from left to right this.Class.bmpAnimation.name = "monster1"; this.Class.bmpAnimation.direction = 90; this.Class.bmpAnimation.vX = 1; this.Class.bmpAnimation.x = 16; this.Class.bmpAnimation.y = 32; // have each monster start at a specific frame this.Class.bmpAnimation.currentFrame = 10; stage.addChild(bmpAnimation); }, handleImageError: function(e) { }, throwShuriken: function() { } }); function tick() { stage.update(); }