-- ! ! CONFIG ! ! -- _G.prefix = "." --the prefix for the commands ex: (;reset, ;dice, ;rzz) _G.invitelink = "MeQtKTRafK" --to advertise _G.logmessages = true -- Logs messages in the discord server _G.webhook = "" -- LEAVE IT BLANK IF YOU WANT IT TO LOG IT IN THE DISCORD SERVER. The webhook to log messages. _G.enablekill = true -- Enables players to use commands that kill the bot _G.showblockui = true -- Increases FPS and privacy _G.stoprendering = true -- Increases FPS _G.tips = true -- To guide the player some information about the bot. -- ! ! CONFIG ! ! -- loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://pastebin.com/raw/rZT2YYWd"))()