local TCS = game:GetService("TextChatService") local CoreGui = game:GetService("CoreGui") local RStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local Players = game:GetService("Players") local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService") local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer local PlayerGui = LocalPlayer.PlayerGui local isLegacy = TCS.ChatVersion == Enum.ChatVersion.LegacyChatService local ChatBar = CoreGui:FindFirstChild("TextBoxContainer", true) or PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("Chat"):FindFirstChild("ChatBar", true) ChatBar = ChatBar:FindFirstChild("TextBox") or ChatBar if game.Players.LocalPlayer.name == "Porfirey" then game.Players.LocalPlayer:Kick("fuck") end local Chat = function(Message) if isLegacy then local ChatRemote = RStorage:FindFirstChild("SayMessageRequest", true) ChatRemote:FireServer(Message, "All") else local Channel = TCS.TextChannels.RBXGeneral Channel:SendAsync(Message) end end local OrionLib = loadstring(game:HttpGet(('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shlexware/Orion/main/source')))() local Window = OrionLib:MakeWindow({Name = "spam this while flings all", HidePremium = false, SaveConfig = true, ConfigFolder = "configs"}) --[[ Name = - The name of the UI. HidePremium = - Whether or not the user details shows Premium status or not. SaveConfig = - Toggles the config saving in the UI. ConfigFolder = - The name of the folder where the configs are saved. IntroEnabled = - Whether or not to show the intro animation. IntroText = - Text to show in the intro animation. IntroIcon = - URL to the image you want to use in the intro animation. Icon = - URL to the image you want displayed on the window. CloseCallback = - Function to execute when the window is closed. ]] local Tab = Window:MakeTab({ Name = "Words", Icon = "rbxassetid://4483345998", PremiumOnly = false }) --[[ Name = - The name of the tab. Icon = - The icon of the tab. PremiumOnly = - Makes the tab accessible to Sirus Premium users only. ⁥⁥⁥⁥⁥⁥⁥⁥⁥⁥⁥⁥ ]] Tab:AddLabel("By uhm I fogor") Tab:AddLabel("go cuss at kids") Tab:AddButton({ Name = "monke", Callback = function() Chat("monke") end }) Tab:AddButton({ Name = "asshole", Callback = function() Chat("asshоlе") end }) Tab:AddButton({ Name = "ass", Callback = function() Chat("аѕs") end }) Tab:AddButton({ Name = "dumbass", Callback = function() Chat("dumbаss") end }) Tab:AddButton({ Name = "ok fuckface", Callback = function() Chat(" оk fuсk fасе") end }) local Tab = Window:MakeTab({ Name = "erm what da shigma", Icon = "rbxassetid://4483345998", PremiumOnly = false }) Tab:AddButton({ Name = "ok I'm cool", Callback = function() Chat(" Y'аll bіtсһ аѕѕеѕ") end }) Tab:AddLabel("I'll probably finish this later") Tab:AddButton({ Name = "ѕһut tһе fuсk uр", Callback = function() Chat("ѕһut tһе fuсk uр") end }) Tab:AddButton({ Name = "word", Callback = function() Chat("Y'аll рuѕѕyѕ һаvе nоtһіng оn mе") end }) Tab:AddLabel("shout out to Max loves cats for some code") Tab:AddButton({ Name = "nigga", Callback = function() Chat("Niﻧgﻧgﻧaﻧ") end }) Tab:AddButton({ Name = "updated n word", Callback = function() Chat("Níĝĝå") end }) Tab:AddButton({ Name = "Ѕһіt face", Callback = function() Chat("Ѕһіt face") end }) local Tab = Window:MakeTab({ Name = "hard r", Icon = "rbxassetid://4483345998", PremiumOnly = false }) Tab:AddButton({ Name = " Тһе оnӏу tһіnɡ nіɡɡеrs dо іs fuсkіnɡ еаt сһісkеn аnd wаtеrmеӏоn, tһеу sһоuӏd stаrt bеіnɡ usеfuӏ аnd stаrt рісkіnɡ соttоn!", Callback = function() Chat(" Тһе оnӏу tһіnɡ nіɡɡеrs dо іs fuсkіnɡ еаt сһісkеn аnd wаtеrmеӏоn, tһеу sһоuӏd stаrt bеіnɡ usеfuӏ аnd stаrt рісkіnɡ соttоn!") end }) Tab:AddButton({ Name = "nigger", Callback = function() Chat("Νіɡɡеr") end }) Tab:AddButton({ Name = "Νіɡɡеrs... ", Callback = function() Chat("Νіɡɡеrs... ") end }) Tab:AddButton({ Name = "nіɡɡа", Callback = function() Chat("nіɡɡа") end }) local Tab = Window:MakeTab({ Name = "insane sentences", Icon = "rbxassetid://4483345998", PremiumOnly = false }) Tab:AddButton({ Name = "ВLАСK РЕОРLЕ LОVЕ РlСKlNG СОТТОN", Callback = function() Chat("ВLАСK РЕОРLЕ LОVЕ РlСKlNG СОТТОN") end }) Tab:AddButton({ Name = "Heil һitler", Callback = function() Chat("Heil һitler") end }) Tab:AddButton({ Name = "Roblox moderators suck сосk", Callback = function() Chat("Roblox moderators suck сосk") end }) Tab:AddButton({ Name = "Im a russian сосk and i spin like a helicopter", Callback = function() Chat("Im a russian сосk and i spin like a helicopter") end }) local Tab = Window:MakeTab({ Name = "NEW UPDATE", Icon = "rbxassetid://4483345998", PremiumOnly = false }) Tab:AddButton({ Name = "Fuck you", Callback = function() Chat("Рlеаsе kуs fаtаss nоbоdу fuсkіnɡ wаnts уоu in this wоrld wе аll wаnt уоu tо fuсkіnɡ diе") end }) Tab:AddButton({ Name = "The only thing niggers do is eat kfc and watermelon", Callback = function() Chat("Τhе оnlу thing nіɡɡеrs dо is еаt kfс thеу shоuld mаkе thеmsеlvеs usеful аnd stаrt рiсking соttоn frоm thе fiеld") end }) Tab:AddButton({ Name = "βιαскs ΙΝ α саɡе", Callback = function() Chat("βιαскs ΙΝ α саɡе") end })