repeat task.wait() until game.GameId ~= 0 if Parvus and Parvus.Loaded then Parvus.Utilities.UI:Notification({ Title = "Parvus Hub", Description = "Script already executed!", Duration = 5 }) return end local PlayerService = game:GetService("Players") repeat task.wait() until PlayerService.LocalPlayer local LocalPlayer = PlayerService.LocalPlayer local LoadArgs = {...} local function GetSupportedGame() local Game for Id,Info in pairs(Parvus.Games) do if tostring(game.GameId) == Id then Game = Info break end end if not Game then Game = Parvus.Games.Universal end return Game end local function GetScript(Script) return Parvus.Debug and readfile("Parvus/" .. Script .. ".lua") or game:HttpGetAsync("" .. Script .. ".lua") end local function Concat(Table,Separator) local String = "" for Index,Value in pairs(Table) do String = Index == #Table and String .. tostring(Value) or String .. tostring(Value) .. Separator end return String end local function LoadScript(Script) return loadstring(Parvus.Debug and readfile("Parvus/" .. Script .. ".lua") or game:HttpGetAsync("" .. Script .. ".lua"))() end getgenv().Parvus = { Debug = LoadArgs[1], Loaded = false, Utilities = {}, Games = { ["Universal"] = { Name = "Universal", Script = "Universal" }, ["1054526971"] = { Name = "Blackhawk Rescue Mission 5", Script = "Games/BRM5" }, ["580765040"] = { Name = "RAGDOLL UNIVERSE", Script = "Games/RU" }, ["1168263273"] = { Name = "Bad Business", Script = "Games/BB" }, ["807930589"] = { Name = "The Wild West", Script = "Games/TWW" }, ["187796008"] = { Name = "Those Who Remain", Script = "Games/TWR" }, ["1586272220"] = { Name = "Steel Titans", Script = "Games/ST" }, ["358276974"] = { Name = "Apocalypse Rising 2", Script = "Games/AR2" } } } Parvus.Utilities.Misc = LoadScript("Utilities/Misc") Parvus.Utilities.UI = LoadScript("Utilities/UI") Parvus.Utilities.Drawing = LoadScript("Utilities/Drawing") LocalPlayer.OnTeleport:Connect(function(State) if State == Enum.TeleportState.Started then local QueueOnTeleport = (syn and syn.queue_on_teleport) or queue_on_teleport QueueOnTeleport(([[local LoadArgs = {%s} local function LoadScript(Script) return loadstring(LoadArgs[1] and readfile("Parvus/" .. Script .. ".lua") or game:HttpGetAsync("" .. Script .. ".lua"))(unpack(LoadArgs)) end LoadScript("Loader")]]):format(Concat(LoadArgs,","))) end end) local SupportedGame = GetSupportedGame() if SupportedGame then Parvus.Game = SupportedGame.Name LoadScript(SupportedGame.Script) Parvus.Utilities.UI:Notification({ Title = "Parvus Hub", Description = Parvus.Game .. " loaded!", Duration = LoadArgs[2] }) Parvus.Loaded = true end