repeat task.wait() until game:IsLoaded(); getgenv().boostFPS = true local vim = game:GetService("VirtualInputManager") setfpscap(5000) game.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(d) if d.Name == "MainView" and d.Parent.Name == "DevConsoleUI" and boostFPS then task.wait() local screen = d.Parent.Parent.Parent screen.Enabled = false; end end) vim:SendKeyEvent(true, "F9", 0, game) wait() vim:SendKeyEvent(false, "F9", 0, game) while true do task.wait() if not boostFPS then continue; end warn("") if not game:GetService("CoreGui"):FindFirstChild("DevConsoleUI", true):FindFirstChild("MainView") then vim:SendKeyEvent(true, "F9", 0, game) wait() vim:SendKeyEvent(false, "F9", 0, game) continue end end