-- first script(GodMode) local gameMetaTable = getrawmetatable(game) setreadonly(gameMetaTable, false) local oldMetaTable = gameMetaTable.__namecall local CallingScript = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Handler game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.ChildAdded:Connect(function(item) if item.ClassName == "LocalScript" and item.Name == "Handler" then CallingScript = item end end) gameMetaTable.__namecall = newcclosure(function(self, ...) local method = getnamecallmethod() local script = getcallingscript() local args = {...} if method == "FireServer" and script == CallingScript then return false end return oldMetaTable(self,...) end) -- Second script (gives you any weapon that is ingame) local args = { [1] = game:GetService("Lighting").Weapons:FindFirstChild(" Weapon name ") } game:GetService("Lighting").EquipSkin:FireServer(unpack(args))