if game.PlaceId == 653205701 then if _G.LoremipsumdwerolorsitametconsectetueradipiscingelitAeneancommodoligulaegetdolorAeneanmassaCumsociisnatoquepenatibusetmagnisdisparturientmontesnasceturridiculusmusDonecquamfelisultriciesnecpellentesqueeupretiumquissemNullaconsequatmassaquisenimDonecpedejustofringillavelaliquetnecvulputateegetarcuInenimjustorhoncusutimperdietavenenatisvitaejustoNullamdictumfeliseupedemollispretiumIntegertinciduntCrasdapibusVivamuselementumsempernisiAeneanvulputateeleifendtellusAeneanleoligulaporttitoreuconsequatvitaeeleifendacenimAliquamloremantedapibusinviverraquisfeugiatatellusPhasellusviverranullautmetusvariuslaoreetQuisquerutrumAeneanimperdietEtiamultriciesnisivelaugueCurabiturullamcorperultriciesnisiNamegetduiEtiamrhoncusMaecenastempustellusegetcondimentumrhoncussemquamsemperliberositametadipiscingsemnequesedipsumN then return end _G.LoremipsumdwerolorsitametconsectetueradipiscingelitAeneancommodoligulaegetdolorAeneanmassaCumsociisnatoquepenatibusetmagnisdisparturientmontesnasceturridiculusmusDonecquamfelisultriciesnecpellentesqueeupretiumquissemNullaconsequatmassaquisenimDonecpedejustofringillavelaliquetnecvulputateegetarcuInenimjustorhoncusutimperdietavenenatisvitaejustoNullamdictumfeliseupedemollispretiumIntegertinciduntCrasdapibusVivamuselementumsempernisiAeneanvulputateeleifendtellusAeneanleoligulaporttitoreuconsequatvitaeeleifendacenimAliquamloremantedapibusinviverraquisfeugiatatellusPhasellusviverranullautmetusvariuslaoreetQuisquerutrumAeneanimperdietEtiamultriciesnisivelaugueCurabiturullamcorperultriciesnisiNamegetduiEtiamrhoncusMaecenastempustellusegetcondimentumrhoncussemquamsemperliberositametadipiscingsemnequesedipsumN = true local Mercury = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/deeeity/mercury-lib/master/src.lua"))()local GUI = Mercury:Create{ Name = "Mercury", Size = UDim2.fromOffset(615, 390), Theme = Mercury.Themes.Serika, Link = "https://www.roblox.com/games/653205701/Fort-Jackson#Going-Rogue" } local game = game local GetService = game.GetService if (not game.IsLoaded(game)) then local Loaded = game.Loaded Loaded.Wait(Loaded); end local _L = {} _L.start = start or tick(); local Debug = true do local F_A = getgenv().F_A if (F_A) then local Notify, GetConfig = F_A.Utils.Notify, F_A.GetConfig local UserInputService = GetService(game, "UserInputService"); local CommandBarPrefix = GetConfig().CommandBarPrefix local StringKeyCode = UserInputService.GetStringForKeyCode(UserInputService, Enum.KeyCode[CommandBarPrefix]); return wait() end end local Services = { Workspace = GetService(game, "Workspace"); UserInputService = GetService(game, "UserInputService"); ReplicatedStorage = GetService(game, "ReplicatedStorage"); StarterPlayer = GetService(game, "StarterPlayer"); StarterPack = GetService(game, "StarterPack"); StarterGui = GetService(game, "StarterGui"); TeleportService = GetService(game, "TeleportService"); CoreGui = GetService(game, "CoreGui"); TweenService = GetService(game, "TweenService"); HttpService = GetService(game, "HttpService"); TextService = GetService(game, "TextService"); MarketplaceService = GetService(game, "MarketplaceService"); Chat = GetService(game, "Chat"); Teams = GetService(game, "Teams"); SoundService = GetService(game, "SoundService"); Lighting = GetService(game, "Lighting"); ScriptContext = GetService(game, "ScriptContext"); Stats = GetService(game, "Stats"); } setmetatable(Services, { __index = function(Table, Property) local Ret, Service = pcall(GetService, game, Property); if (Ret) then Services[Property] = Service return Service end return nil end, __mode = "v" }); local GetChildren, GetDescendants = game.GetChildren, game.GetDescendants local IsA = game.IsA local FindFirstChild, FindFirstChildOfClass, FindFirstChildWhichIsA, WaitForChild = game.FindFirstChild, game.FindFirstChildOfClass, game.FindFirstChildWhichIsA, game.WaitForChild local GetPropertyChangedSignal, Changed = game.GetPropertyChangedSignal, game.Changed local Destroy, Clone = game.Destroy, game.Clone local Heartbeat, Stepped, RenderStepped; do local RunService = Services.RunService; Heartbeat, Stepped, RenderStepped = RunService.Heartbeat, RunService.Stepped, RunService.RenderStepped end local Players = Services.Players local GetPlayers = Players.GetPlayers local JSONEncode, JSONDecode, GenerateGUID = Services.HttpService.JSONEncode, Services.HttpService.JSONDecode, Services.HttpService.GenerateGUID local Camera = Services.Workspace.CurrentCamera local Tfind, sort, concat, pack, unpack; do local table = table Tfind, sort, concat, pack, unpack = table.find, table.sort, table.concat, table.pack, table.unpack end local lower, upper, Sfind, split, sub, format, len, match, gmatch, gsub, byte; do local string = string lower, upper, Sfind, split, sub, format, len, match, gmatch, gsub, byte = string.lower, string.upper, string.find, string.split, string.sub, string.format, string.len, string.match, string.gmatch, string.gsub, string.byte end local random, floor, round, abs, atan, cos, sin, rad; do local math = math random, floor, round, abs, atan, cos, sin, rad = math.random, math.floor, math.round, math.abs, math.atan, math.cos, math.sin, math.rad end local InstanceNew = Instance.new local CFrameNew = CFrame.new local Vector3New = Vector3.new local Inverse, toObjectSpace, components do local CalledCFrameNew = CFrameNew(); Inverse = CalledCFrameNew.Inverse toObjectSpace = CalledCFrameNew.toObjectSpace components = CalledCFrameNew.components end local Connection = game.Loaded local CWait = Connection.Wait local CConnect = Connection.Connect local Disconnect; do local CalledConnection = CConnect(Connection, function() end); Disconnect = CalledConnection.Disconnect end local __H = InstanceNew("Humanoid"); local UnequipTools = __H.UnequipTools local ChangeState = __H.ChangeState local SetStateEnabled = __H.SetStateEnabled local GetState = __H.GetState local GetAccessories = __H.GetAccessories local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer local PlayerGui = FindFirstChildWhichIsA(LocalPlayer, "PlayerGui"); local Mouse = LocalPlayer.GetMouse(LocalPlayer); local CThread; do local wrap = coroutine.wrap CThread = function(Func, ...) if (type(Func) ~= 'function') then return nil end local Varag = ... return function() local Success, Ret = pcall(wrap(Func, Varag)); if (Success) then return Ret end if (Debug) then warn("[FA Error]: " .. debug.traceback(Ret)); end end end end local startsWith = function(str, searchString, rawPos) local pos = rawPos or 1 return searchString == "" and true or sub(str, pos, pos) == searchString end local trim = function(str) return gsub(str, "^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"); end local tbl_concat = function(...) local new = {} for i, v in next, {...} do for i2, v2 in next, v do new[i] = v2 end end return new end local indexOf = function(tbl, val) if (type(tbl) == 'table') then for i, v in next, tbl do if (v == val) then return i end end end end local forEach = function(tbl, ret) for i, v in next, tbl do ret(i, v); end end local filter = function(tbl, ret) if (type(tbl) == 'table') then local new = {} for i, v in next, tbl do if (ret(i, v)) then new[#new + 1] = v end end return new end end local map = function(tbl, ret) if (type(tbl) == 'table') then local new = {} for i, v in next, tbl do local Value, Key = ret(i, v); new[Key or #new + 1] = Value end return new end end local deepsearch; deepsearch = function(tbl, ret) if (type(tbl) == 'table') then for i, v in next, tbl do if (type(v) == 'table') then deepsearch(v, ret); end ret(i, v); end end end local deepsearchset; deepsearchset = function(tbl, ret, value) if (type(tbl) == 'table') then local new = {} for i, v in next, tbl do new[i] = v if (type(v) == 'table') then new[i] = deepsearchset(v, ret, value); end if (ret(i, v)) then new[i] = value(i, v); end end return new end end local flat = function(tbl) if (type(tbl) == 'table') then local new = {} deepsearch(tbl, function(i, v) if (type(v) ~= 'table') then new[#new + 1] = v end end) return new end end local flatMap = function(tbl, ret) if (type(tbl) == 'table') then local new = flat(map(tbl, ret)); return new end end local shift = function(tbl) if (type(tbl) == 'table') then local firstVal = tbl[1] tbl = pack(unpack(tbl, 2, #tbl)); tbl.n = nil return tbl end end local keys = function(tbl) if (type(tbl) == 'table') then local new = {} for i, v in next, tbl do new[#new + 1] = i end return new end end local function clone(toClone, shallow) if (type(toClone) == 'function' and clonefunction) then return clonefunction(toClone); end local new = {} for i, v in pairs(toClone) do if (type(v) == 'table' and not shallow) then v = clone(v); end new[i] = v end return new end local setthreadidentity = setthreadidentity or syn_context_set or setthreadcontext or (syn and syn.set_thread_identity) local getthreadidentity = getthreadidentity or syn_context_get or getthreadcontext or (syn and syn.get_thread_identity) local GetCharacter = GetCharacter or function(Plr) return Plr and Plr.Character or LocalPlayer.Character end local Utils = {} local Stats = Services.Stats local ContentProvider = Services.ContentProvider local firetouchinterest, hookfunction; do local GEnv = getgenv(); local touched = {} firetouchinterest = GEnv.firetouchinterest or function(part1, part2, toggle) if (part1 and part2) then if (toggle == 0) then touched[1] = part1.CFrame part1.CFrame = part2.CFrame else part1.CFrame = touched[1] touched[1] = nil end end end local newcclosure = newcclosure or function(f) return f end hookfunction = GEnv.hookfunction or function(func, newfunc, applycclosure) if (replaceclosure) then replaceclosure(func, newfunc); return func end func = applycclosure and newcclosure or newfunc return func end end if (not syn_context_set) then local CachedConnections = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "v" }); GEnv = getgenv(); getconnections = function(Connection, FromCache, AddOnConnect) local getconnections = GEnv.getconnections if (not getconnections) then return {} end local CachedConnection; for i, v in next, CachedConnections do if (i == Connection) then CachedConnection = v break; end end if (CachedConnection and FromCache) then return CachedConnection end local Connections = GEnv.getconnections(Connection); CachedConnections[Connection] = Connections return Connections end end local getrawmetatable = getrawmetatable or function() return setmetatable({}, {}); end local getnamecallmethod = getnamecallmethod or function() return "" end local checkcaller = checkcaller or function() return false end local Hooks = { AntiKick = false, AntiTeleport = false, NoJumpCooldown = false, } local mt = getrawmetatable(game); local OldMetaMethods = {} setreadonly(mt, false); for i, v in next, mt do OldMetaMethods[i] = v end setreadonly(mt, true); local MetaMethodHooks = {} local ProtectInstance, SpoofInstance, SpoofProperty; local pInstanceCount = {0, 0}; local ProtectedInstances = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "v" }); local FocusedTextBox = nil do local SpoofedInstances = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "v" }); local SpoofedProperties = {} Hooks.SpoofedProperties = SpoofedProperties local otherCheck = function(instance, n) if (IsA(instance, "ImageLabel") or IsA(instance, "ImageButton")) then ProtectedInstances[#ProtectedInstances + 1] = instance return; end if (IsA(instance, "BasePart")) then pInstanceCount[2] = math.max(pInstanceCount[2] + (n or 1), 0); end end ProtectInstance = function(Instance_) if (not Tfind(ProtectedInstances, Instance_)) then ProtectedInstances[#ProtectedInstances + 1] = Instance_ local descendants = Instance_:GetDescendants(); pInstanceCount[1] += 1 + #descendants; for i = 1, #descendants do otherCheck(descendants[i]); end local dAdded = Instance_.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(descendant) pInstanceCount[1] += 1 otherCheck(descendant); end); local dRemoving = Instance_.DescendantRemoving:Connect(function(descendant) pInstanceCount[1] = math.max(pInstanceCount[1] - 1, 0); otherCheck(descendant, -1); end); otherCheck(Instance_); Instance_.Name = sub(gsub(GenerateGUID(Services.HttpService, false), '-', ''), 1, random(25, 30)); Instance_.Archivable = false end end SpoofInstance = function(Instance_, Instance2) if (not SpoofedInstances[Instance_]) then SpoofedInstances[Instance_] = Instance2 and Instance2 or Clone(Instance_); end end UnSpoofInstance = function(Instance_) if (SpoofedInstances[Instance_]) then SpoofedInstances[Instance_] = nil end end local ChangedSpoofedProperties = {} SpoofProperty = function(Instance_, Property, NoClone) if (SpoofedProperties[Instance_]) then local SpoofedPropertiesForInstance = SpoofedProperties[Instance_] local Properties = map(SpoofedPropertiesForInstance, function(i, v) return v.Property end) if (not Tfind(Properties, Property)) then SpoofedProperties[Instance_][#SpoofedPropertiesForInstance + 1] = { SpoofedProperty = SpoofedPropertiesForInstance[1].SpoofedProperty, Property = Property, }; end else local Cloned; if (not NoClone and IsA(Instance_, "Instance") and not Services[tostring(Instance_)] and Instance_.Archivable) then local Success, Ret = pcall(Clone, Instance_); if (Success) then Cloned = Ret end end SpoofedProperties[Instance_] = {{ SpoofedProperty = Cloned and Cloned or {[Property]=Instance_[Property]}, Property = Property, }} ChangedSpoofedProperties[Instance_] = {} end end local GetAllParents = function(Instance_, NIV) if (typeof(Instance_) == "Instance") then local Parents = {} local Current = NIV or Instance_ if (NIV) then Parents[#Parents + 1] = Current end repeat local Parent = Current.Parent Parents[#Parents + 1] = Parent Current = Parent until not Current return Parents end return {} end local Methods = { "FindFirstChild", "FindFirstChildWhichIsA", "FindFirstChildOfClass", "IsA" } local lockedInstances = {}; setmetatable(lockedInstances, { __mode = "k" }); local isProtected = function(instance) if (lockedInstances[instance]) then return true; end local good2 = pcall(tostring, instance); if (not good2) then lockedInstances[instance] = true return true; end for i2 = 1, #ProtectedInstances do local pInstance = ProtectedInstances[i2] if (pInstance == instance) then return true; end end return false; end MetaMethodHooks.Namecall = function(...) local __Namecall = OldMetaMethods.__namecall; local Args = {...} local self = Args[1] local Method = getnamecallmethod() or ""; if (Method ~= "") then local Success, result = pcall(OldMetaMethods.__index, self, Method); if (not Success or Success and type(result) ~= "function") then return __Namecall(...); end end if (Hooks.AntiKick and lower(Method) == "kick") then local Player, Message = self, Args[2] if (Hooks.AntiKick and Player == LocalPlayer) then local Notify = Utils.Notify local Context; if (setthreadidentity) then Context = getthreadidentity(); setthreadidentity(3); end if (Notify and Context) then Notify(nil, "Attempt to kick", format("attempt to kick %s", (Message and type(Message) == 'number' or type(Message) == 'string') and ": " .. Message or "")); setthreadidentity(Context); end return end end if (Hooks.AntiTeleport and Method == "Teleport" or Method == "TeleportToPlaceInstance") then local Player, PlaceId = self, Args[2] if (Hooks.AntiTeleport and Player == LocalPlayer) then local Notify = Utils.Notify local Context; if (setthreadidentity) then Context = getthreadidentity(); setthreadidentity(3); end if (Notify and Context) then Notify(nil, "Attempt to teleport", format("attempt to teleport to place %s", PlaceId and PlaceId or "")); setthreadidentity(Context); end return end end if (checkcaller()) then return __Namecall(...); end if (Tfind(Methods, Method)) then local ReturnedInstance = __Namecall(...); if (Tfind(ProtectedInstances, ReturnedInstance)) then return Method == "IsA" and false or nil end end if (Method == "children" or Method == "GetChildren" or Method == "getChildren" or Method == "GetDescendants" or Method == "getDescendants") then return filter(__Namecall(...), function(i, instance) return not isProtected(instance); end); end if (self == Services.UserInputService and (Method == "GetFocusedTextBox" or Method == "getFocusedTextBox")) then local focused = __Namecall(...); if (focused) then for i = 1, #ProtectedInstances do local ProtectedInstance = ProtectedInstances[i] local iden = getthreadidentity(); setthreadidentity(7); local pInstance = Tfind(ProtectedInstances, focused) or focused.IsDescendantOf(focused, ProtectedInstance); setthreadidentity(iden); if (pInstance) then return nil; end end end return focused; end if (Hooks.NoJumpCooldown and (Method == "GetState" or Method == "GetStateEnabled")) then local State = __Namecall(...); if (Method == "GetState" and (State == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping or State == "Jumping")) then return Enum.HumanoidStateType.RunningNoPhysics end if (Method == "GetStateEnabled" and (self == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping or self == "Jumping")) then return false end end return __Namecall(...); end local AllowedIndexes = { "RootPart", "Parent" } local AllowedNewIndexes = { "Jump" } MetaMethodHooks.Index = function(...) local __Index = OldMetaMethods.__index; local called = __Index(...); if (checkcaller()) then return __Index(...); end local Instance_, Index = ... local SanitisedIndex = Index if (typeof(Instance_) == 'Instance' and type(Index) == 'string') then SanitisedIndex = gsub(sub(Index, 0, 100), "%z.*", ""); end local SpoofedInstance = SpoofedInstances[Instance_] local SpoofedPropertiesForInstance = SpoofedProperties[Instance_] if (SpoofedInstance) then if (Tfind(AllowedIndexes, SanitisedIndex)) then return __Index(Instance_, Index); end return __Index(SpoofedInstance, Index); end if (SpoofedPropertiesForInstance) then for i, SpoofedProperty in next, SpoofedPropertiesForInstance do local SanitisedIndex = gsub(SanitisedIndex, "^%l", upper); if (SanitisedIndex == SpoofedProperty.Property) then local ClientChangedData = ChangedSpoofedProperties[Instance_][SanitisedIndex] local IndexedSpoofed = __Index(SpoofedProperty.SpoofedProperty, Index); local Indexed = __Index(Instance_, Index); if (ClientChangedData.Caller and ClientChangedData.Value ~= Indexed) then OldMetaMethods.__newindex(SpoofedProperty.SpoofedProperty, Index, Indexed); OldMetaMethods.__newindex(Instance_, Index, ClientChangedData.Value); return Indexed end return IndexedSpoofed end end end if (Hooks.NoJumpCooldown and SanitisedIndex == "Jump") then if (IsA(Instance_, "Humanoid")) then return false end end if (Instance_ == Stats and (SanitisedIndex == "InstanceCount" or SanitisedIndex == "instanceCount")) then return called - pInstanceCount[1]; end if (Instance_ == Stats and (SanitisedIndex == "PrimitivesCount" or SanitisedIndex == "primitivesCount")) then return called - pInstanceCount[2]; end return called; end MetaMethodHooks.NewIndex = function(...) local __NewIndex = OldMetaMethods.__newindex; local __Index = OldMetaMethods.__index; local Instance_, Index, Value = ... local SpoofedInstance = SpoofedInstances[Instance_] local SpoofedPropertiesForInstance = SpoofedProperties[Instance_] if (checkcaller()) then if (Index == "Parent" and Value) then local ProtectedInstance for i = 1, #ProtectedInstances do local ProtectedInstance_ = ProtectedInstances[i] if (Instance_ == ProtectedInstance_ or Instance_.IsDescendantOf(Value, ProtectedInstance_)) then ProtectedInstance = true end end if (ProtectedInstance) then local Parents = GetAllParents(Instance_, Value); local child1 = getconnections(Parents[1].ChildAdded, true); local descendantconnections = {} for i, v in next, child1 do v.Disable(v); end for i = 1, #Parents do local Parent = Parents[i] for i2, v in next, getconnections(Parent.DescendantAdded, true) do v.Disable(v); descendantconnections[#descendantconnections + 1] = v end end local good, Ret = pcall(__NewIndex, ...); for i, v in pairs(descendantconnections) do v:Enable(); end for i, v in next, child1 do v.Enable(v); end if (not good) then return __NewIndex(...); end return Ret; end end if (SpoofedInstance or SpoofedPropertiesForInstance) then if (SpoofedPropertiesForInstance) then ChangedSpoofedProperties[Instance_][Index] = { Caller = true, BeforeValue = Instance_[Index], Value = Value } end local Connections = tbl_concat( getconnections(game.ItemChanged, true) ) if (not next(Connections)) then return __NewIndex(Instance_, Index, Value); end for i, v in next, Connections do v.Disable(v); end local Ret = __NewIndex(Instance_, Index, Value); for i, v in next, Connections do v.Enable(v); end return Ret end return __NewIndex(...); end local SanitisedIndex = Index if (typeof(Instance_) == 'Instance' and type(Index) == 'string') then local len = select(2, gsub(Index, "%z", "")); if (len > 255) then return __Index(...); end SanitisedIndex = gsub(sub(Index, 0, 100), "%z.*", ""); end if (SpoofedInstance) then if (Tfind(AllowedNewIndexes, SanitisedIndex)) then return __NewIndex(...); end return __NewIndex(SpoofedInstance, Index, __Index(SpoofedInstance, Index)); end if (SpoofedPropertiesForInstance) then for i, SpoofedProperty in next, SpoofedPropertiesForInstance do if (SpoofedProperty.Property == SanitisedIndex and not Tfind(AllowedIndexes, SanitisedIndex)) then ChangedSpoofedProperties[Instance_][SanitisedIndex] = { Caller = false, BeforeValue = Instance_[Index], Value = Value } return __NewIndex(SpoofedProperty.SpoofedProperty, Index, Value); end end end return __NewIndex(...); end local hookmetamethod = hookmetamethod or function(metatable, metamethod, func) setreadonly(metatable, false); Old = hookfunction(metatable[metamethod], func, true); setreadonly(metatable, true); return Old end OldMetaMethods.__index = hookmetamethod(game, "__index", MetaMethodHooks.Index); OldMetaMethods.__newindex = hookmetamethod(game, "__newindex", MetaMethodHooks.NewIndex); OldMetaMethods.__namecall = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", MetaMethodHooks.Namecall); Hooks.Destroy = hookfunction(game.Destroy, function(...) local instance = ... local protected = table.find(ProtectedInstances, instance); if (checkcaller() and protected) then otherCheck(instance, -1); local Parents = GetAllParents(instance); for i, v in next, getconnections(Parents[1].ChildRemoved, true) do v.Disable(v); end for i = 1, #Parents do local Parent = Parents[i] for i2, v in next, getconnections(Parent.DescendantRemoving, true) do v.Disable(v); end end local destroy = Hooks.Destroy(...); for i = 1, #Parents do local Parent = Parents[i] for i2, v in next, getconnections(Parent.DescendantRemoving, true) do v.Enable(v); end end for i, v in next, getconnections(Parents[1].ChildRemoved, true) do v.Enable(v); end table.remove(ProtectedInstances, protected); return destroy; end return Hooks.Destroy(...); end); end Hooks.OldGetChildren = hookfunction(game.GetChildren, newcclosure(function(...) if (not checkcaller()) then local Children = Hooks.OldGetChildren(...); return filter(Children, function(i, v) return not Tfind(ProtectedInstances, v); end) end return Hooks.OldGetChildren(...); end)); Hooks.OldGetDescendants = hookfunction(game.GetDescendants, newcclosure(function(...) if (not checkcaller()) then local Descendants = Hooks.OldGetDescendants(...); return filter(Descendants, function(i, v) local Protected = false for i2 = 1, #ProtectedInstances do local ProtectedInstance = ProtectedInstances[i2] Protected = v and ProtectedInstance == v or v.IsDescendantOf(v, ProtectedInstance) if (Protected) then break; end end return not Protected end) end return Hooks.OldGetDescendants(...); end)); Hooks.FindFirstChild = hookfunction(game.FindFirstChild, newcclosure(function(...) if (not checkcaller()) then local ReturnedInstance = Hooks.FindFirstChild(...); if (ReturnedInstance and Tfind(ProtectedInstances, ReturnedInstance)) then return nil end end return Hooks.FindFirstChild(...); end)); Hooks.FindFirstChildOfClass = hookfunction(game.FindFirstChildOfClass, newcclosure(function(...) if (not checkcaller()) then local ReturnedInstance = Hooks.FindFirstChildOfClass(...); if (ReturnedInstance and Tfind(ProtectedInstances, ReturnedInstance)) then return nil end end return Hooks.FindFirstChildOfClass(...); end)); Hooks.FindFirstChildWhichIsA = hookfunction(game.FindFirstChildWhichIsA, newcclosure(function(...) if (not checkcaller()) then local ReturnedInstance = Hooks.FindFirstChildWhichIsA(...); if (ReturnedInstance and Tfind(ProtectedInstances, ReturnedInstance)) then return nil end end return Hooks.FindFirstChildWhichIsA(...); end)); Hooks.IsA = hookfunction(game.IsA, newcclosure(function(...) if (not checkcaller()) then local Args = {...} local IsACheck = Args[1] if (IsACheck) then local ProtectedInstance = Tfind(ProtectedInstances, IsACheck); if (ProtectedInstance and Args[2]) then return false end end end return Hooks.IsA(...); end)); Hooks.OldGetFocusedTextBox = hookfunction(Services.UserInputService.GetFocusedTextBox, newcclosure(function(...) if (not checkcaller() and ... == Services.UserInputService) then local FocusedTextBox = Hooks.OldGetFocusedTextBox(...); if(FocusedTextBox) then local Protected = false for i = 1, #ProtectedInstances do local ProtectedInstance = ProtectedInstances[i] Protected = Tfind(ProtectedInstances, FocusedTextBox) or FocusedTextBox.IsDescendantOf(FocusedTextBox, ProtectedInstance); end if (Protected) then return nil end end return FocusedTextBox; end return Hooks.OldGetFocusedTextBox(...); end)); Hooks.OldKick = hookfunction(LocalPlayer.Kick, newcclosure(function(...) local Player, Message = ... if (Hooks.AntiKick and Player == LocalPlayer) then local Notify = Utils.Notify local Context; if (setthreadidentity) then Context = getthreadidentity(); setthreadidentity(3); end if (Notify and Context) then Notify(nil, "Attempt to kick", format("attempt to kick %s", (Message and type(Message) == 'number' or type(Message) == 'string') and ": " .. Message or "")); setthreadidentity(Context) end return end return Hooks.OldKick(...); end)) Hooks.OldTeleportToPlaceInstance = hookfunction(Services.TeleportService.TeleportToPlaceInstance, newcclosure(function(...) local Player, PlaceId = ... if (Hooks.AntiTeleport and Player == LocalPlayer) then local Notify = Utils.Notify local Context; if (setthreadidentity) then Context = getthreadidentity(); setthreadidentity(3); end if (Notify and Context) then Notify(nil, "Attempt to teleport", format("attempt to teleport to place %s", PlaceId and PlaceId or "")); setthreadidentity(Context) end return end return Hooks.OldTeleportToPlaceInstance(...); end)) Hooks.OldTeleport = hookfunction(Services.TeleportService.Teleport, newcclosure(function(...) local Player, PlaceId = ... if (Hooks.AntiTeleport and Player == LocalPlayer) then local Notify = Utils.Notify local Context; if (setthreadidentity) then Context = getthreadidentity(); setthreadidentity(3); end if (Notify and Context) then Notify(nil, "Attempt to teleport", format("attempt to teleport to place \"%s\"", PlaceId and PlaceId or "")); setthreadidentity(Context); end return end return Hooks.OldTeleport(...); end)) Hooks.GetState = hookfunction(GetState, function(...) local Humanoid, State = ..., Hooks.GetState(...); local Parent, Character = Humanoid.Parent, LocalPlayer.Character if (Hooks.NoJumpCooldown and (State == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping or State == "Jumping") and Parent and Character and Parent == Character) then return Enum.HumanoidStateType.RunningNoPhysics end return State end) Hooks.GetStateEnabled = hookfunction(__H.GetStateEnabled, function(...) local Humanoid, State = ... local Ret = Hooks.GetStateEnabled(...); local Parent, Character = Humanoid.Parent, LocalPlayer.Character if (Hooks.NoJumpCooldown and (State == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping or State == "Jumping") and Parent and Character and Parent == Character) then return false end return Ret end) local GetRoot = function(Plr, Char) local LCharacter = GetCharacter(); local Character = Char or GetCharacter(Plr); return Plr and Character and (FindFirstChild(Character, "HumanoidRootPart") or FindFirstChild(Character, "Torso") or FindFirstChild(Character, "UpperTorso")) or LCharacter and (FindFirstChild(LCharacter, "HumanoidRootPart") or FindFirstChild(LCharacter, "Torso") or FindFirstChild(LCharacter, "UpperTorso")); end local GetHumanoid = function(Plr, Char) local LCharacter = GetCharacter(); local Character = Char or GetCharacter(Plr); return Plr and Character and FindFirstChildWhichIsA(Character, "Humanoid") or LCharacter and FindFirstChildWhichIsA(LCharacter, "Humanoid"); end local GetMagnitude = function(Plr, Char) local LRoot = GetRoot(); local Root = GetRoot(Plr, Char); return Plr and Root and (Root.Position - LRoot.Position).magnitude or math.huge end local Settings = { Prefix = "!", CommandBarPrefix = "Semicolon", ChatPrediction = false, Macros = {}, Aliases = {}, } local PluginSettings = { PluginsEnabled = true, PluginDebug = false, DisabledPlugins = { ["PluginName"] = true }, SafePlugins = false } local WriteConfig = function(Destroy) local JSON = JSONEncode(Services.HttpService, Settings); local PluginJSON = JSONEncode(Services.HttpService, PluginSettings); if (isfolder("Rogue-admin") and Destroy) then delfolder("Rogue-admin"); writefile("Rogue-admin/config.json", JSON); writefile("Rogue/admin/pluings/plugin-conf.json", PluginJSON); else makefolder("Rogue-admin"); makefolder("Rogue-admin/plugins"); makefolder("Rogue-admin/chatlogs"); writefile("Rogue-admin/config.json", JSON); writefile("Rogue-admin/plugins/plugin-conf.json", PluginJSON); end end local GetConfig = function() if (isfolder("Rogue-admin") and isfile("Rogue-admin/config.json")) then return JSONDecode(Services.HttpService, readfile("Rogue-admin/config.json")); else WriteConfig(); return JSONDecode(Services.HttpService, readfile("Rogue-admin/config.json")); end end local GetPluginConfig = function() if (isfolder("Rogue-admin") and isfolder("Rogue-admin/plugins") and isfile("Rogue-admin/plugins/plugin-conf.json")) then local JSON = JSONDecode(Services.HttpService, readfile("Rogue-admin/plugins/plugin-conf.json")); return JSON else WriteConfig(); return JSONDecode(Services.HttpService, readfile("Rogue-admin/plugins/plugin-conf.json")); end end local SetPluginConfig = function(conf) if (isfolder("Rogue-admin") and isfolder("Rogue-admin/plugins") and isfile("Rogue-admin/plugins/plugin-conf.json")) then WriteConfig(); end local NewConfig = GetPluginConfig(); for i, v in next, conf do NewConfig[i] = v end writefile("Rogue-admin/plugins/plugin-conf.json", JSONEncode(Services.HttpService, NewConfig)); end local SetConfig = function(conf) if (not isfolder("Rogue-admin") and isfile("Rogue-admin/config.json")) then WriteConfig(); end local NewConfig = GetConfig(); for i, v in next, conf do NewConfig[i] = v end writefile("Rogue-admin/config.json", JSONEncode(Services.HttpService, NewConfig)); end local CurrentConfig = GetConfig(); local Prefix = isfolder and CurrentConfig.Prefix or "!" local Macros = CurrentConfig.Macros or {} local AdminUsers = AdminUsers or {} local Exceptions = Exceptions or {} local Connections = { Players = {} } _L.CLI = false _L.ChatLogsEnabled = true _L.GlobalChatLogsEnabled = false _L.HttpLogsEnabled = true local GetPlayer; GetPlayer = function(str, noerror) local CurrentPlayers = filter(GetPlayers(Players), function(i, v) return not Tfind(Exceptions, v); end) if (not str) then return {} end str = lower(trim(str)); if (Sfind(str, ",")) then return flatMap(split(str, ","), function(i, v) return GetPlayer(v, noerror); end) end local Magnitudes = map(CurrentPlayers, function(i, v) return {v,(GetRoot(v).CFrame.p - GetRoot().CFrame.p).Magnitude} end) local PlayerArgs = { ["all"] = function() return filter(CurrentPlayers, function(i, v) -- removed all arg (but not really) due to commands getting messed up and people getting confused return v ~= LocalPlayer end) end, ["others"] = function() return filter(CurrentPlayers, function(i, v) return v ~= LocalPlayer end) end, ["me"] = function() return {LocalPlayer} end } if (PlayerArgs[str]) then return PlayerArgs[str](); end local Players = filter(CurrentPlayers, function(i, v) return (sub(lower(v.Name), 1, #str) == str) or (sub(lower(v.DisplayName), 1, #str) == str); end) if (not next(Players) and not noerror) then GUI:Notification{ Title = "Fail", Text = "Couldn't find player %s", str, Duration = 3, Callback = function() end }; end return Players end local AddConnection = function(Connection, CEnv, TblOnly) if (CEnv) then CEnv[#CEnv + 1] = Connection if (TblOnly) then return Connection end end Connections[#Connections + 1] = Connection return Connection end local LastCommand = {} --IMPORT [ui] Guis = {} ParentGui = function(Gui, Parent) Gui.Name = sub(gsub(GenerateGUID(Services.HttpService, false), '-', ''), 1, random(25, 30)) ProtectInstance(Gui); if (syn and syn.protect_gui) then syn.protect_gui(Gui); end -- for preload Gui.Parent = Parent or Services.CoreGui Guis[#Guis + 1] = Gui return Gui end UI = Clone(Services.InsertService:LoadLocalAsset("rbxassetid://7882275026")); UI.Enabled = true local CommandBarPrefix; local ConfigUI = UI.Config local ConfigElements = ConfigUI.GuiElements local CommandBar = UI.CommandBar local Commands = UI.Commands local ChatLogs = UI.ChatLogs local Console = UI.Console local GlobalChatLogs = Clone(UI.ChatLogs); local HttpLogs = Clone(UI.ChatLogs); local Notification = UI.Notification local Command = UI.Command local ChatLogMessage = UI.Message local GlobalChatLogMessage = Clone(UI.Message); local NotificationBar = UI.NotificationBar CommandBarOpen = false CommandBarTransparencyClone = Clone(CommandBar); ChatLogsTransparencyClone = Clone(ChatLogs); ConsoleTransparencyClone = Clone(Console); GlobalChatLogsTransparencyClone = Clone(GlobalChatLogs); HttpLogsTransparencyClone = Clone(HttpLogs); CommandsTransparencyClone = nil ConfigUIClone = Clone(ConfigUI); PredictionText = "" do local UIParent = CommandBar.Parent GlobalChatLogs.Parent = UIParent GlobalChatLogMessage.Parent = UIParent GlobalChatLogs.Name = "GlobalChatLogs" GlobalChatLogMessage.Name = "GlobalChatLogMessage" HttpLogs.Parent = UIParent HttpLogs.Name = "HttpLogs" HttpLogs.Size = UDim2.new(0, 421, 0, 260); HttpLogs.Search.PlaceholderText = "Search" end -- position CommandBar CommandBar.Position = UDim2.new(0.5, -100, 1, 5); local UITheme, Values; do local BaseBGColor = Color3.fromRGB(68, 124, 170); local BaseTransparency = 0 local BaseTextColor = Color3.fromRGB(220, 224, 234); local BaseValues = { BackgroundColor = BaseBGColor, Transparency = BaseTransparency, TextColor = BaseTextColor } Values = { Background = clone(BaseValues), CommandBar = clone(BaseValues), CommandList = clone(BaseValues), Notification = clone(BaseValues), ChatLogs = clone(BaseValues), Config = clone(BaseValues) } local Objects = keys(Values); local GetBaseMT = function(Object) return setmetatable({}, { __newindex = function(self, Index, Value) local type = typeof(Value); if (Index == "BackgroundColor") then if (Value == "Reset") then Value = BaseBGColor type = "Color3" end assert(type == 'Color3', format("invalid argument #3 (Color3 expected, got %s)", type)); if (Object == "Background") then CommandBar.BackgroundColor3 = Value Notification.BackgroundColor3 = Value Command.BackgroundColor3 = Value ChatLogs.BackgroundColor3 = Value ChatLogs.Frame.BackgroundColor3 = Value Console.BackgroundColor3 = Value Console.Frame.BackgroundColor3 = Value HttpLogs.BackgroundColor3 = Value HttpLogs.Frame.BackgroundColor3 = Value UI.ToolTip.BackgroundColor3 = Value ConfigUI.BackgroundColor3 = Value ConfigUI.Container.BackgroundColor3 = Value Commands.BackgroundColor3 = Value Commands.Frame.BackgroundColor3 = Value local Children = GetChildren(UI.NotificationBar); for i = 1, #Children do local Child = Children[i] if (IsA(Child, "GuiObject")) then Child.BackgroundColor3 = Value end end local Children = GetChildren(Commands.Frame.List); for i = 1, #Children do local Child = Children[i] if (IsA(Child, "GuiObject")) then Child.BackgroundColor3 = Value end end for i, v in next, Values do Values[i].BackgroundColor = Value end elseif (Object == "CommandBar") then CommandBar.BackgroundColor3 = Value elseif (Object == "Notification") then Notification.BackgroundColor3 = Value local Children = GetChildren(UI.NotificationBar); for i = 1, #Children do local Child = Children[i] if (IsA(Child, "GuiObject")) then Child.BackgroundColor3 = Value end end elseif (Object == "CommandList") then Commands.BackgroundColor3 = Value Commands.Frame.BackgroundColor3 = Value elseif (Object == "Command") then Command.BackgroundColor3 = Value elseif (Object == "ChatLogs") then ChatLogs.BackgroundColor3 = Value ChatLogs.Frame.BackgroundColor3 = Value HttpLogs.BackgroundColor3 = Value HttpLogs.Frame.BackgroundColor3 = Value elseif (Object == "Console") then Console.BackgroundColor3 = Value Console.Frame.BackgroundColor3 = Value elseif (Object == "Config") then ConfigUI.BackgroundColor3 = Value ConfigUI.Container.BackgroundColor3 = Value end Values[Object][Index] = Value elseif (Index == "TextColor") then if (Value == "Reset") then Value = BaseTextColor type = "Color3" end assert(type == 'Color3', format("invalid argument #3 (Color3 expected, got %s)", type)); if (Object == "Notification") then Notification.Title.TextColor3 = Value Notification.Message.TextColor3 = Value Notification.Close.TextColor3 = Value elseif (Object == "CommandBar") then CommandBar.Input.TextColor3 = Value CommandBar.Arrow.TextColor3 = Value elseif (Object == "CommandList") then Command.CommandText.TextColor3 = Value local Descendants = GetDescendants(Commands); for i = 1, #Descendants do local Descendant = Descendants[i] local IsText = IsA(Descendant, "TextBox") or IsA(Descendant, "TextLabel") or IsA(Descendant, "TextButton"); if (IsText) then Descendant.TextColor3 = Value end end elseif (Object == "ChatLogs") then UI.Message.TextColor3 = Value elseif (Object == "Config") then local Descendants = GetDescendants(ConfigUI); for i = 1, #Descendants do local Descendant = Descendants[i] local IsText = IsA(Descendant, "TextBox") or IsA(Descendant, "TextLabel") or IsA(Descendant, "TextButton"); if (IsText) then Descendant.TextColor3 = Value end end elseif (Object == "Background") then Notification.Title.TextColor3 = Value Notification.Message.TextColor3 = Value Notification.Close.TextColor3 = Value CommandBar.Input.TextColor3 = Value CommandBar.Arrow.TextColor3 = Value Command.CommandText.TextColor3 = Value UI.Message.TextColor3 = Value local Descendants = GetDescendants(ConfigUI); for i = 1, #Descendants do local Descendant = Descendants[i] local IsText = IsA(Descendant, "TextBox") or IsA(Descendant, "TextLabel") or IsA(Descendant, "TextButton"); if (IsText) then Descendant.TextColor3 = Value end end local Descendants = GetDescendants(Commands); for i = 1, #Descendants do local Descendant = Descendants[i] local IsText = IsA(Descendant, "TextBox") or IsA(Descendant, "TextLabel") or IsA(Descendant, "TextButton"); if (IsText) then Descendant.TextColor3 = Value end end for i, v in next, Values do Values[i].TextColor = Value end end Values[Object][Index] = Value elseif (Index == "Transparency") then if (Value == "Reset") then Value = BaseTransparency type = "number" end assert(type == 'number', format("invalid argument #3 (Color3 expected, got %s)", type)); if (Object == "Background") then CommandBar.Transparency = Value Notification.Transparency = Value Command.Transparency = Value + .5 ChatLogs.Transparency = Value ChatLogs.Frame.Transparency = Value HttpLogs.Transparency = Value HttpLogs.Frame.Transparency = Value UI.ToolTip.Transparency = Value ConfigUI.Transparency = Value ConfigUI.Container.Transparency = Value + .5 Commands.Transparency = Value Commands.Frame.Transparency = Value + .5 Values[Object][Index] = Value elseif (Object == "Notification") then Notification.Transparency = Value local Children = GetChildren(UI.NotificationBar); for i = 1, #Children do local Child = Children[i] if (IsA(Child, "GuiObject")) then Child.Transparency = Value end end end Values[Object][Index] = Value end end, __index = function(self, Index) return Values[Object][Index] end }) end UITheme = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(self, Index) if (Tfind(Objects, Index)) then local BaseMt = GetBaseMT(Index); self[Index] = BaseMt return BaseMt end end }) end local IsSupportedExploit = isfile and isfolder and writefile and readfile local GetThemeConfig local WriteThemeConfig = function(Conf) if (IsSupportedExploit and isfolder("Rogue-admin")) then local ToHSV = Color3.new().ToHSV local ValuesToEncode = deepsearchset(Values, function(i, v) return typeof(v) == 'Color3' end, function(i, v) local H, S, V = ToHSV(v); return {H, S, V, "Color3"} end) local Data = JSONEncode(Services.HttpService, ValuesToEncode); writefile("Rogue-admin/Theme.json", Data); end end GetThemeConfig = function() if (IsSupportedExploit and isfolder("Rogue-admin")) then if (isfile("Rogue-admin/Theme.json")) then local Success, Data = pcall(JSONDecode, Services.HttpService, readfile("Rogue-admin/Theme.json")); if (not Success or type(Data) ~= 'table') then WriteThemeConfig(); return Values end local DecodedData = deepsearchset(Data, function(i, v) return type(v) == 'table' and #v == 4 and v[4] == "Color3" end, function(i,v) return Color3.fromHSV(v[1], v[2], v[3]); end) return DecodedData else WriteThemeConfig(); return Values end else return Values end end local LoadTheme; do local Config = GetConfig(); CommandBarPrefix = isfolder and (Config.CommandBarPrefix and Enum.KeyCode[Config.CommandBarPrefix] or Enum.KeyCode.Semicolon) or Enum.KeyCode.Semicolon local Theme = GetThemeConfig(); LoadTheme = function(Theme) UITheme.Background.BackgroundColor = Theme.Background.BackgroundColor UITheme.Background.Transparency = Theme.Background.Transparency UITheme.ChatLogs.BackgroundColor = Theme.ChatLogs.BackgroundColor UITheme.CommandBar.BackgroundColor = Theme.CommandBar.BackgroundColor UITheme.Config.BackgroundColor = Theme.Config.BackgroundColor UITheme.Notification.BackgroundColor = Theme.Notification.BackgroundColor UITheme.CommandList.BackgroundColor = Theme.Notification.BackgroundColor UITheme.ChatLogs.TextColor = Theme.ChatLogs.TextColor UITheme.CommandBar.TextColor = Theme.CommandBar.TextColor UITheme.Config.TextColor = Theme.Config.TextColor UITheme.Notification.TextColor = Theme.Notification.TextColor UITheme.CommandList.TextColor = Theme.Notification.TextColor UITheme.ChatLogs.Transparency = Theme.ChatLogs.Transparency UITheme.CommandBar.Transparency = Theme.CommandBar.Transparency UITheme.Config.Transparency = Theme.Config.Transparency UITheme.Notification.Transparency = Theme.Notification.Transparency UITheme.CommandList.Transparency = Theme.Notification.Transparency end LoadTheme(Theme); end --END IMPORT [ui] --IMPORT [utils] Utils.Tween = function(Object, Style, Direction, Time, Goal) local TweenService = Services.TweenService local TInfo = TweenInfo.new(Time, Enum.EasingStyle[Style], Enum.EasingDirection[Direction]) local Tween = TweenService.Create(TweenService, Object, TInfo, Goal) Tween.Play(Tween) return Tween end Utils.MultColor3 = function(Color, Delta) local clamp = math.clamp return Color3.new(clamp(Color.R * Delta, 0, 1), clamp(Color.G * Delta, 0, 1), clamp(Color.B * Delta, 0, 1)); end Utils.Click = function(Object, Goal) -- Utils.Click(Object, "BackgroundColor3") local Hover = { [Goal] = Utils.MultColor3(Object[Goal], 0.9) } local Press = { [Goal] = Utils.MultColor3(Object[Goal], 1.2) } local Origin = { [Goal] = Object[Goal] } AddConnection(CConnect(Object.MouseEnter, function() Utils.Tween(Object, "Sine", "Out", .5, Hover); end)); AddConnection(CConnect(Object.MouseLeave, function() Utils.Tween(Object, "Sine", "Out", .5, Origin); end)); AddConnection(CConnect(Object.MouseButton1Down, function() Utils.Tween(Object, "Sine", "Out", .3, Press); end)); AddConnection(CConnect(Object.MouseButton1Up, function() Utils.Tween(Object, "Sine", "Out", .4, Hover); end)); end Utils.Blink = function(Object, Goal, Color1, Color2) -- Utils.Click(Object, "BackgroundColor3", NormalColor, OtherColor) local Normal = { [Goal] = Color1 } local Blink = { [Goal] = Color2 } local Tween = Utils.Tween(Object, "Sine", "Out", .5, Blink) CWait(Tween.Completed); Tween = Utils.Tween(Object, "Sine", "Out", .5, Normal) CWait(Tween.Completed); end Utils.Hover = function(Object, Goal) local Hover = { [Goal] = Utils.MultColor3(Object[Goal], 0.9) } local Origin = { [Goal] = Object[Goal] } AddConnection(CConnect(Object.MouseEnter, function() Utils.Tween(Object, "Sine", "Out", .5, Hover); end)); AddConnection(CConnect(Object.MouseLeave, function() Utils.Tween(Object, "Sine", "Out", .5, Origin); end)); end Utils.Draggable = function(Ui, DragUi) local DragSpeed = 0 local StartPos local DragToggle, DragInput, DragStart, DragPos DragUi = Dragui or Ui local TweenService = Services.TweenService local function UpdateInput(Input) local Delta = Input.Position - DragStart local Position = UDim2.new(StartPos.X.Scale, StartPos.X.Offset + Delta.X, StartPos.Y.Scale, StartPos.Y.Offset + Delta.Y) Utils.Tween(Ui, "Linear", "Out", .25, { Position = Position }); local Tween = TweenService.Create(TweenService, Ui, TweenInfo.new(0.25), {Position = Position}); Tween.Play(Tween); end AddConnection(CConnect(Ui.InputBegan, function(Input) if ((Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch) and Services.UserInputService.GetFocusedTextBox(Services.UserInputService) == nil) then DragToggle = true DragStart = Input.Position StartPos = Ui.Position AddConnection(CConnect(Input.Changed, function() if (Input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End) then DragToggle = false end end)); end end)); AddConnection(CConnect(Ui.InputChanged, function(Input) if (Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement or Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch) then DragInput = Input end end)); AddConnection(CConnect(Services.UserInputService.InputChanged, function(Input) if (Input == DragInput and DragToggle) then UpdateInput(Input) end end)); end Utils.SmoothScroll = function(content, SmoothingFactor) -- by Elttob -- get the 'content' scrolling frame, aka the scrolling frame with all the content inside -- if smoothing is enabled, disable scrolling content.ScrollingEnabled = false -- create the 'input' scrolling frame, aka the scrolling frame which receives user input -- if smoothing is enabled, enable scrolling local input = Clone(content) input.ClearAllChildren(input); input.BackgroundTransparency = 1 input.ScrollBarImageTransparency = 1 input.ZIndex = content.ZIndex + 1 input.Name = "_smoothinputframe" input.ScrollingEnabled = true input.Parent = content.Parent -- keep input frame in sync with content frame local function syncProperty(prop) AddConnection(CConnect(GetPropertyChangedSignal(content, prop), function() if prop == "ZIndex" then -- keep the input frame on top! input[prop] = content[prop] + 1 else input[prop] = content[prop] end end)); end syncProperty "CanvasSize" syncProperty "Position" syncProperty "Rotation" syncProperty "ScrollingDirection" syncProperty "ScrollBarThickness" syncProperty "BorderSizePixel" syncProperty "ElasticBehavior" syncProperty "SizeConstraint" syncProperty "ZIndex" syncProperty "BorderColor3" syncProperty "Size" syncProperty "AnchorPoint" syncProperty "Visible" -- create a render stepped connection to interpolate the content frame position to the input frame position local smoothConnection = AddConnection(CConnect(RenderStepped, function() local a = content.CanvasPosition local b = input.CanvasPosition local c = SmoothingFactor local d = (b - a) * c + a content.CanvasPosition = d end)); AddConnection(CConnect(content.AncestryChanged, function() if content.Parent == nil then Destroy(input); Disconnect(smoothConnection); end end)); end Utils.TweenAllTransToObject = function(Object, Time, BeforeObject) -- max transparency is max object transparency, swutched args bc easier command local Descendants = GetDescendants(Object); local OldDescentants = GetDescendants(BeforeObject); local Tween -- to use to wait Tween = Utils.Tween(Object, "Sine", "Out", Time, { BackgroundTransparency = BeforeObject.BackgroundTransparency }) for i = 1, #Descendants do local v = Descendants[i] local IsText = IsA(v, "TextBox") or IsA(v, "TextLabel") or IsA(v, "TextButton") local IsImage = IsA(v, "ImageLabel") or IsA(v, "ImageButton") local IsScrollingFrame = IsA(v, "ScrollingFrame") if (IsA(v, "GuiObject")) then if (IsText) then Utils.Tween(v, "Sine", "Out", Time, { TextTransparency = OldDescentants[i].TextTransparency, TextStrokeTransparency = OldDescentants[i].TextStrokeTransparency, BackgroundTransparency = OldDescentants[i].BackgroundTransparency }) elseif (IsImage) then Utils.Tween(v, "Sine", "Out", Time, { ImageTransparency = OldDescentants[i].ImageTransparency, BackgroundTransparency = OldDescentants[i].BackgroundTransparency }) elseif (IsScrollingFrame) then Utils.Tween(v, "Sine", "Out", Time, { ScrollBarImageTransparency = OldDescentants[i].ScrollBarImageTransparency, BackgroundTransparency = OldDescentants[i].BackgroundTransparency }) else Utils.Tween(v, "Sine", "Out", Time, { BackgroundTransparency = OldDescentants[i].BackgroundTransparency }) end end end return Tween end Utils.SetAllTrans = function(Object) Object.BackgroundTransparency = 1 local Descendants = GetDescendants(Object); for i = 1, #Descendants do local v = Descendants[i] local IsText = IsA(v, "TextBox") or IsA(v, "TextLabel") or IsA(v, "TextButton") local IsImage = IsA(v, "ImageLabel") or IsA(v, "ImageButton") local IsScrollingFrame = IsA(v, "ScrollingFrame") if (IsA(v, "GuiObject")) then v.BackgroundTransparency = 1 if (IsText) then v.TextTransparency = 1 elseif (IsImage) then v.ImageTransparency = 1 elseif (IsScrollingFrame) then v.ScrollBarImageTransparency = 1 end end end end Utils.TweenAllTrans = function(Object, Time) local Tween -- to use to wait Tween = Utils.Tween(Object, "Sine", "Out", Time, { BackgroundTransparency = 1 }) local Descendants = GetDescendants(Object); for i = 1, #Descendants do local v = Descendants[i] local IsText = IsA(v, "TextBox") or IsA(v, "TextLabel") or IsA(v, "TextButton") local IsImage = IsA(v, "ImageLabel") or IsA(v, "ImageButton") local IsScrollingFrame = IsA(v, "ScrollingFrame") if (IsA(v, "GuiObject")) then if (IsText) then Utils.Tween(v, "Sine", "Out", Time, { TextTransparency = 1, BackgroundTransparency = 1 }) elseif (IsImage) then Utils.Tween(v, "Sine", "Out", Time, { ImageTransparency = 1, BackgroundTransparency = 1 }) elseif (IsScrollingFrame) then Utils.Tween(v, "Sine", "Out", Time, { ScrollBarImageTransparency = 1, BackgroundTransparency = 1 }) else Utils.Tween(v, "Sine", "Out", Time, { BackgroundTransparency = 1 }) end end end return Tween end Utils.TextSize = function(Object) local TextService = Services.TextService return TextService.GetTextSize(TextService, Object.Text, Object.TextSize, Object.Font, Vector2.new(Object.AbsoluteSize.X, 1000)).Y end Utils.Notify = function(Caller, Title, Message, Time) if (not Caller or Caller == LocalPlayer) then local Notification = UI.Notification local NotificationBar = UI.NotificationBar local Clone = Clone(Notification) local function TweenDestroy() if (Utils and Clone) then local Tween = Utils.TweenAllTrans(Clone, .25) CWait(Tween.Completed) Destroy(Clone); end end Clone.Message.Text = Message Clone.Title.Text = Title or "Notification" Utils.SetAllTrans(Clone) Utils.Click(Clone.Close, "TextColor3") Clone.Visible = true Clone.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(Clone.Size.X.Offset, Utils.TextSize(Clone.Message) + Clone.Size.Y.Offset - Clone.Message.TextSize); Clone.Parent = NotificationBar coroutine.wrap(function() local Tween = Utils.TweenAllTransToObject(Clone, .5, Notification) CWait(Tween.Completed); wait(Time or 5); if (Clone) then TweenDestroy(); end end)() AddConnection(CConnect(Clone.Close.MouseButton1Click, TweenDestroy)); if (Title ~= "Warning" and Title ~= "Error") then Utils.Print(format("%s - %s", Title, Message), Caller, true); end return Clone else local ChatRemote = Services.ReplicatedStorage.DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest ChatRemote.FireServer(ChatRemote, format("/w %s [FA] %s: %s", Caller.Name, Title, Message), "All"); end end Utils.MatchSearch = function(String1, String2) return String1 == sub(String2, 1, #String1); end Utils.StringFind = function(Table, String) for _, v in ipairs(Table) do if (Utils.MatchSearch(String, v)) then return v end end end Utils.GetPlayerArgs = function(Arg) Arg = lower(Arg); local SpecialCases = {"all", "others", "random", "me", "nearest", "farthest", "npcs", "allies", "enemies"} if (Utils.StringFind(SpecialCases, Arg)) then return Utils.StringFind(SpecialCases, Arg); end local CurrentPlayers = GetPlayers(Players); for i, v in next, CurrentPlayers do local Name, DisplayName = v.Name, v.DisplayName if (Name ~= DisplayName and Utils.MatchSearch(Arg, lower(DisplayName))) then return lower(DisplayName); end if (Utils.MatchSearch(Arg, lower(Name))) then return lower(Name); end end end Utils.ToolTip = function(Object, Message) local CloneToolTip local TextService = Services.TextService AddConnection(CConnect(Object.MouseEnter, function() if (Object.BackgroundTransparency < 1 and not CloneToolTip) then local TextSize = TextService.GetTextSize(TextService, Message, 12, Enum.Font.Gotham, Vector2.new(200, math.huge)).Y > 24 CloneToolTip = Clone(UI.ToolTip) CloneToolTip.Text = Message CloneToolTip.TextScaled = TextSize CloneToolTip.Visible = true CloneToolTip.Parent = UI end end)) AddConnection(CConnect(Object.MouseLeave, function() if (CloneToolTip) then Destroy(CloneToolTip); CloneToolTip = nil end end)) if (LocalPlayer) then AddConnection(CConnect(Mouse.Move, function() if (CloneToolTip) then CloneToolTip.Position = UDim2.fromOffset(Mouse.X + 10, Mouse.Y + 10) end end)) else delay(3, function() LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer AddConnection(CConnect(Mouse.Move, function() if (CloneToolTip) then CloneToolTip.Position = UDim2.fromOffset(Mouse.X + 10, Mouse.Y + 10) end end)) end) end end Utils.ClearAllObjects = function(Object) local Children = GetChildren(Object); for i = 1, #Children do local Child = Children[i] if (IsA(Child, "GuiObject")) then Destroy(Child); end end end Utils.Rainbow = function(TextObject) local Text = TextObject.Text local Frequency = 1 -- determines how quickly it repeats local TotalCharacters = 0 local Strings = {} TextObject.RichText = true for Character in gmatch(Text, ".") do if match(Character, "%s") then Strings[#Strings + 1] = Character else TotalCharacters = TotalCharacters + 1 Strings[#Strings + 1] = {'' .. Character .. ''} end end local Connection = AddConnection(CConnect(Heartbeat, function() local String = "" local Counter = TotalCharacters for _, CharacterTable in ipairs(Strings) do local Concat = "" if (type(CharacterTable) == "table") then Counter = Counter - 1 local Color = Color3.fromHSV(-atan(math.tan((tick() + Counter/math.pi)/Frequency))/math.pi + 0.5, 1, 1) CharacterTable = format(CharacterTable[1], floor(Color.R * 255), floor(Color.G * 255), floor(Color.B * 255)) end String = String .. CharacterTable end TextObject.Text = String .. " " end)); delay(150, function() Disconnect(Connection); end) end Utils.Vector3toVector2 = function(Vector) local Tuple = WorldToViewportPoint(Camera, Vector); return Vector2New(Tuple.X, Tuple.Y); end Utils.AddTag = function(Tag) if (not Tag) then return end local PlrCharacter = GetCharacter(Tag.Player) if (not PlrCharacter) then return end local Billboard = InstanceNew("BillboardGui"); Billboard.Parent = UI Billboard.Name = GenerateGUID(Services.HttpService); Billboard.AlwaysOnTop = true Billboard.Adornee = FindFirstChild(PlrCharacter, "Head") or nil Billboard.Enabled = FindFirstChild(PlrCharacter, "Head") and true or false Billboard.Size = UDim2.new(0, 200, 0, 50) Billboard.StudsOffset = Vector3New(0, 4, 0); local TextLabel = InstanceNew("TextLabel", Billboard); TextLabel.Name = GenerateGUID(Services.HttpService); TextLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.6 TextLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 TextLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0, 255, 0); TextLabel.Size = UDim2.new(0, 200, 0, 50); TextLabel.TextScaled = false TextLabel.TextSize = 15 TextLabel.Text = format("%s (%s)", Tag.Name, Tag.Tag); if (Tag.Rainbow) then Utils.Rainbow(TextLabel) end if (Tag.Colour) then local TColour = Tag.Colour TextLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(TColour[1], TColour[2], TColour[3]); end local Added = AddConnection(CConnect(Tag.Player.CharacterAdded, function() Billboard.Adornee = WaitForChild(Tag.Player.Character, "Head"); end)); AddConnection(CConnect(Players.PlayerRemoving, function(plr) if (plr == Tag.Player) then Disconnect(Added); Destroy(Billboard); end end)) end Utils.TextFont = function(Text, RGB) RGB = concat(RGB, ",") local New = {} gsub(Text, ".", function(x) New[#New + 1] = x end) return concat(map(New, function(i, letter) return format('%s', RGB, letter) end)) .. " " end Utils.Thing = function(Object) local Container = InstanceNew("Frame"); local Hitbox = InstanceNew("ImageButton"); local UDim2fromOffset = UDim2.fromOffset Container.Name = "Container" Container.Parent = Object.Parent Container.BackgroundTransparency = 1.000 Container.BorderSizePixel = 0 Container.Position = Object.Position Container.ClipsDescendants = true Container.Size = UDim2fromOffset(Object.AbsoluteSize.X, Object.AbsoluteSize.Y); Container.ZIndex = Object Object.AutomaticSize = Enum.AutomaticSize.X Object.Size = UDim2.fromScale(1, 1) Object.Position = UDim2.fromScale(0, 0) Object.Parent = Container Object.TextTruncate = Enum.TextTruncate.None Object.ZIndex = Object.ZIndex + 2 Hitbox.Name = "Hitbox" Hitbox.Parent = Container.Parent Hitbox.BackgroundTransparency = 1.000 Hitbox.Size = Container.Size Hitbox.Position = Container.Position Hitbox.ZIndex = Object.ZIndex + 2 local MouseOut = true AddConnection(CConnect(Hitbox.MouseEnter, function() if Object.AbsoluteSize.X > Container.AbsoluteSize.X then MouseOut = false repeat local Tween1 = Utils.Tween(Object, "Quad", "Out", .5, { Position = UDim2fromOffset(Container.AbsoluteSize.X - Object.AbsoluteSize.X, 0); }) CWait(Tween1.Completed); wait(.5); local Tween2 = Utils.Tween(Object, "Quad", "Out", .5, { Position = UDim2fromOffset(0, 0); }) CWait(Tween2.Completed); wait(.5); until MouseOut end end)) AddConnection(CConnect(Hitbox.MouseLeave, function() MouseOut = true Utils.Tween(Object, "Quad", "Out", .25, { Position = UDim2fromOffset(0, 0); }); end)) return Object end function Utils.Intro(Object) local Frame = InstanceNew("Frame"); local UICorner = InstanceNew("UICorner"); local CornerRadius = FindFirstChild(Object, "UICorner") and Object.UICorner.CornerRadius or UDim.new(0, 0) local UDim2fromOffset = UDim2.fromOffset Frame.Name = "IntroFrame" Frame.ZIndex = 1000 Frame.Size = UDim2fromOffset(Object.AbsoluteSize.X, Object.AbsoluteSize.Y) Frame.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(.5, .5) Frame.Position = UDim2.new(Object.Position.X.Scale, Object.Position.X.Offset + (Object.AbsoluteSize.X / 2), Object.Position.Y.Scale, Object.Position.Y.Offset + (Object.AbsoluteSize.Y / 2)) Frame.BackgroundColor3 = Object.BackgroundColor3 Frame.BorderSizePixel = 0 UICorner.CornerRadius = CornerRadius UICorner.Parent = Frame Frame.Parent = Object.Parent if (Object.Visible) then Frame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 local Tween = Utils.Tween(Frame, "Quad", "Out", .25, { BackgroundTransparency = 0 }); CWait(Tween.Completed); Object.Visible = false local Tween = Utils.Tween(Frame, "Quad", "Out", .25, { Size = UDim2fromOffset(0, 0); }); Utils.Tween(UICorner, "Quad", "Out", .25, { CornerRadius = UDim.new(1, 0) }); CWait(Tween.Completed); Destroy(Frame); else Frame.Visible = true Frame.Size = UDim2fromOffset(0, 0) UICorner.CornerRadius = UDim.new(1, 0) local Tween = Utils.Tween(Frame, "Quad", "Out", .25, { Size = UDim2fromOffset(Object.AbsoluteSize.X, Object.AbsoluteSize.Y) }); Utils.Tween(UICorner, "Quad", "Out", .25, { CornerRadius = CornerRadius }); CWait(Tween.Completed); Object.Visible = true local Tween = Utils.Tween(Frame, "Quad", "Out", .25, { BackgroundTransparency = 1 }) CWait(Tween.Completed); Destroy(Frame); end end Utils.MakeGradient = function(ColorTable) local Table = {} local ColorSequenceKeypointNew = ColorSequenceKeypoint.new for Time, Color in next, ColorTable do Table[#Table + 1] = ColorSequenceKeypointNew(Time - 1, Color); end return ColorSequence.new(Table) end Utils.Debounce = function(Func) local Debounce = false return function(...) if (not Debounce) then Debounce = true Func(...); Debounce = false end end end Utils.ToggleFunction = function(Container, Enabled, Callback) -- fpr color picker local Switch = Container.Switch local Hitbox = Container.Hitbox local Color3fromRGB = Color3.fromRGB local UDim2fromOffset = UDim2.fromOffset Container.BackgroundColor3 = Color3fromRGB(255, 79, 87); if not Enabled then Switch.Position = UDim2fromOffset(2, 2) Container.BackgroundColor3 = Color3fromRGB(25, 25, 25); end AddConnection(CConnect(Hitbox.MouseButton1Click, function() Enabled = not Enabled Utils.Tween(Switch, "Quad", "Out", .25, { Position = Enabled and UDim2.new(1, -18, 0, 2) or UDim2fromOffset(2, 2) }); Utils.Tween(Container, "Quad", "Out", .25, { BackgroundColor3 = Enabled and Color3fromRGB(255, 79, 87) or Color3fromRGB(25, 25, 25); }); Callback(Enabled); end)); end do local AmountPrint, AmountWarn, AmountError = 0, 0, 0; Utils.Warn = function(Text, Plr) local TimeOutputted = os.date("%X"); local Clone = Clone(UI.MessageOut); Clone.Name = "W" .. tostring(AmountWarn + 1); Clone.Text = format("%s -- %s", TimeOutputted, Text); Clone.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 218, 68); Clone.Visible = true Clone.TextTransparency = 1 Clone.Parent = Console.Frame.List Utils.Tween(Clone, "Sine", "Out", .25, { TextTransparency = 0 }) Console.Frame.List.CanvasSize = UDim2.fromOffset(0, Console.Frame.List.UIListLayout.AbsoluteContentSize.Y); AmountWarn = AmountWarn + 1 Utils.Notify(Plr, "Warning", Text); end Utils.Error = function(Text, Caller, FromNotif) local TimeOutputted = os.date("%X"); local Clone = Clone(UI.MessageOut); Clone.Name = "E" .. tostring(AmountError + 1); Clone.Text = format("%s -- %s", TimeOutputted, Text); Clone.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(215, 90, 74); Clone.Visible = true Clone.TextTransparency = 1 Clone.Parent = Console.Frame.List Utils.Tween(Clone, "Sine", "Out", .25, { TextTransparency = 0 }) Console.Frame.List.CanvasSize = UDim2.fromOffset(0, Console.Frame.List.UIListLayout.AbsoluteContentSize.Y); AmountError = AmountError + 1 end Utils.Print = function(Text, Caller, FromNotif) local TimeOutputted = os.date("%X"); local Clone = Clone(UI.MessageOut); Clone.Name = "P" .. tostring(AmountPrint + 1); Clone.Text = format("%s -- %s", TimeOutputted, Text); Clone.Visible = true Clone.TextTransparency = 1 Clone.Parent = Console.Frame.List Utils.Tween(Clone, "Sine", "Out", .25, { TextTransparency = 0 }) Console.Frame.List.CanvasSize = UDim2.fromOffset(0, Console.Frame.List.UIListLayout.AbsoluteContentSize.Y); AmountPrint = AmountPrint + 1 if (len(Text) <= 35 and not FromNotif) then Utils.Notify(Caller, "Output", Text); end end end --END IMPORT [utils] -- commands table local CommandsTable = {} local RespawnTimes = {} local HasTool = function(plr) plr = plr or LocalPlayer local CharChildren, BackpackChildren = GetChildren(GetCharacter(plr)), GetChildren(plr.Backpack); local ToolFound = false local tbl = tbl_concat(CharChildren, BackpackChildren); for i = 1, #tbl do local v = tbl[i] if (IsA(v, "Tool")) then ToolFound = true break; end end return ToolFound end local isR6 = function(plr) plr = plr or LocalPlayer local Humanoid = GetHumanoid(plr); if (Humanoid) then return Humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6 end return false end local isSat = function(plr) plr = plr or LocalPlayer local Humanoid = GetHumanoid(plr) if (Humanoid) then return Humanoid.Sit end end local DisableAnimate = function() local Animate = GetCharacter().Animate Animate = IsA(Animate, "LocalScript") and Animate or nil if (Animate) then SpoofProperty(Animate, "Disabled"); Animate.Disabled = true end end local GetCorrectToolWithHandle = function() local Tools = filter(tbl_concat(GetChildren(LocalPlayer.Backpack), GetChildren(LocalPlayer.Character)), function(i, Tool) local Correct = IsA(Tool, "Tool"); if (Correct and (Tool.RequiresHandle or FindFirstChild(Tool, "Handle"))) then local Descendants = GetDescendants(Tool); for i = 1, #Descendants do local Descendant = Descendants[i] if (IsA(Descendant, "Sound") or IsA(Descendant, "Camera") or IsA(Descendant, "LocalScript")) then Destroy(Descendant); end end return true end return false end) return Tools[1] end local CommandRequirements = { [1] = { Func = HasTool, Message = "You need a tool for this command" }, [2] = { Func = isR6, Message = "You need to be R6 for this command" }, [3] = { Func = function() return GetCharacter() ~= nil end, Message = "You need to be spawned for this command" } } local AddCommand = function(name, aliases, description, options, func, isplugin) local Cmd = { Name = name, Aliases = aliases, Description = description, Options = options, Function = function() for i, v in next, options do if (type(v) == 'function' and v() == false) then Utils.Warn("You are missing something that is needed for this command", LocalPlayer); return nil elseif (type(v) == 'number' and CommandRequirements[v].Func() == false) then Utils.Warn(CommandRequirements[v].Message, LocalPlayer); return nil end end return func end, ArgsNeeded = tonumber(filter(options, function(i,v) return type(v) == "string" end)[1]) or 0, Args = filter(options, function(i, v) return type(v) == "table" end)[1] or {}, CmdEnv = {}, IsPlugin = isplugin == true } CommandsTable[name] = Cmd if (type(aliases) == 'table') then for i, v in next, aliases do CommandsTable[v] = Cmd end end return Success end local RemoveCommand = function(Name) local Command = LoadCommand(Name); if (Command) then CommandsTable[Name] = nil local CommandsList = Commands.Frame.List local CommandLabel = FindFirstChild(CommandsList, Name); if (CommandLabel) then Destroy(CommandLabel); end return true end return false end local LoadCommand = function(Name) return rawget(CommandsTable, Name); end local PluginConf; local ExecuteCommand = function(Name, Args, Caller) local Command = LoadCommand(Name); if (Command) then if (Command.ArgsNeeded > #Args) then return Utils.Warn(format("Insuficient Args (you need %d)", Command.ArgsNeeded), LocalPlayer); end local Context; local sett, gett = syn and syn_context_set or setidentity, syn and syn_context_get or getidentity if (Command.IsPlugin and sett and gett and PluginConf.SafePlugins) then Context = gett(); sett(2); end local Success, Ret = xpcall(function() local Func = Command.Function(); if (Func) then local Executed = Func(Caller, Args, Command.CmdEnv); if (Executed) then Utils.Notify(Caller, "Command", Executed); end if (Command.Name ~= "lastcommand") then if (#LastCommand == 3) then LastCommand = shift(LastCommand); end LastCommand[#LastCommand + 1] = {Command.Name, Args, Caller, Command.CmdEnv} end end Success = true end, function(Err) if (Debug) then Utils.Error(format("[FA CMD Error]: Command = '%s' Traceback = '%s'", Name, debug.traceback(Err)), Caller); Utils.Notify(Caller, "Error", format("error in the '%s' command, more info shown in console", Name)); end end); if (Command.IsPlugin and sett and PluginConf.SafePlugins and Context) then sett(Context); end else GUI:Notification{ Title = "Warning", Text = "Couldn't find the command " .. Name, Caller, Duration = 3, Callback = function() end }; end end local ReplaceHumanoid = function(Hum, R) local Humanoid = Hum or GetHumanoid(); local NewHumanoid = Clone(Humanoid); if (R) then NewHumanoid.Name = "1" end NewHumanoid.Parent = Humanoid.Parent NewHumanoid.Name = Humanoid.Name Services.Workspace.Camera.CameraSubject = NewHumanoid Destroy(Humanoid); SpoofInstance(NewHumanoid); return NewHumanoid end local ReplaceCharacter = function() local Char = LocalPlayer.Character local Model = InstanceNew("Model"); LocalPlayer.Character = Model LocalPlayer.Character = Char Destroy(Model); return Char end local CFrameTool = function(tool, pos) local RightArm = FindFirstChild(GetCharacter(), "RightLowerArm") or FindFirstChild(GetCharacter(), "Right Arm"); local Arm = RightArm.CFrame * CFrameNew(0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0); local Frame = Inverse(toObjectSpace(Arm, pos)); tool.Grip = Frame end local Sanitize = function(value) if typeof(value) == 'CFrame' then local components = {components(value)} for i,v in pairs(components) do components[i] = floor(v * 10000 + .5) / 10000 end return 'CFrame.new('..concat(components, ', ')..')' end end local AddPlayerConnection = function(Player, Connection, CEnv) if (CEnv) then CEnv[#CEnv + 1] = Connection else Connections.Players[Player.Name].Connections[#Connections.Players[Player.Name].Connections + 1] = Connection end return Connection end local DisableAllCmdConnections = function(Cmd) local Command = LoadCommand(Cmd) if (Command and Command.CmdEnv) then for i, v in next, flat(Command.CmdEnv) do if (type(v) == 'userdata' and v.Disconnect) then Disconnect(v); end end end return Command end local Keys = {} do local UserInputService = Services.UserInputService local IsKeyDown = UserInputService.IsKeyDown local WindowFocused = true AddConnection(CConnect(UserInputService.WindowFocusReleased, function() WindowFocused = false end)); AddConnection(CConnect(UserInputService.WindowFocused, function() WindowFocused = true end)); local GetFocusedTextBox = UserInputService.GetFocusedTextBox AddConnection(CConnect(UserInputService.InputBegan, function(Input, GameProcessed) Keys["GameProcessed"] = GameProcessed and WindowFocused and not (not GetFocusedTextBox(UserInputService)); Keys["LastEntered"] = Input.KeyCode if (GameProcessed) then return end local KeyCode = split(tostring(Input.KeyCode), ".")[3] Keys[KeyCode] = true for i = 1, #Macros do local Macro = Macros[i] if (Tfind(Macro.Keys, Input.KeyCode)) then if (#Macro.Keys == 2) then if (IsKeyDown(UserInputService, Macro.Keys[1]) and IsKeyDown(UserInputService, Macro.Keys[2]) --[[and Macro.Keys[1] == Input.KeyCode]]) then ExecuteCommand(Macro.Command, Macro.Args); end else ExecuteCommand(Macro.Command, Macro.Args); end end end if (Input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.F8) then if (Console.Visible) then local Tween = Utils.TweenAllTrans(Console, .25) CWait(Tween.Completed); Console.Visible = false else local MessageClone = Clone(Console.Frame.List); Utils.ClearAllObjects(Console.Frame.List) Console.Visible = true local Tween = Utils.TweenAllTransToObject(Console, .25, ConsoleTransparencyClone) Destroy(Console.Frame.List) MessageClone.Parent = Console.Frame for i, v in next, GetChildren(Console.Frame.List) do if (not IsA(v, "UIListLayout")) then Utils.Tween(v, "Sine", "Out", .25, { TextTransparency = 0 }) end end local ConsoleListLayout = Console.Frame.List.UIListLayout CConnect(GetPropertyChangedSignal(ConsoleListLayout, "AbsoluteContentSize"), function() local CanvasPosition = Console.Frame.List.CanvasPosition local CanvasSize = Console.Frame.List.CanvasSize local AbsoluteSize = Console.Frame.List.AbsoluteSize if (CanvasSize.Y.Offset - AbsoluteSize.Y - CanvasPosition.Y < 20) then wait(); Console.Frame.List.CanvasPosition = Vector2.new(0, CanvasSize.Y.Offset + 1000); end end) Utils.Tween(Console.Frame.List, "Sine", "Out", .25, { ScrollBarImageTransparency = 0 }) end end end)); AddConnection(CConnect(UserInputService.InputEnded, function(Input, GameProcessed) if (GameProcessed) then return end local KeyCode = split(tostring(Input.KeyCode), ".")[3] if (Keys[KeyCode] or Keys[Input.KeyCode]) then Keys[KeyCode] = false end end)); end AddCommand("noclip", {}, "noclips your character", {3}, function(Caller, Args, CEnv) local Char = GetCharacter() local Noclipping = AddConnection(CConnect(Stepped, function() for i, v in next, GetChildren(Char) do if (IsA(v, "BasePart") and v.CanCollide) then SpoofProperty(v, "CanCollide"); v.CanCollide = false end end end), CEnv); local Torso = isR6() and Char.Torso or Char.UpperTorso local Noclipping2 = AddConnection(CConnect(Torso.Touched, function(Part) if (Part and Part.CanCollide and not FindFirstChildWhichIsA(Part.Parent, "Humanoid")) then local OldTransparency = Part.Transparency Part.CanCollide = false Part.Transparency = Part.Transparency <= 0.5 and 0.6 or Part.Transparency wait(2); Part.CanCollide = true Part.Transparency = OldTransparency end end), CEnv); Utils.Notify(Caller, "Command", "noclip enabled"); CWait(GetHumanoid().Died); DisableAllCmdConnections("noclip"); GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Noclip disabled.", Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } end) AddCommand("clip", {"unnoclip"}, "disables noclip", {}, function(Caller, Args) if (not next(LoadCommand("noclip").CmdEnv)) then GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "You aren't in noclip.", Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } else DisableAllCmdConnections("noclip"); GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Noclipped disabled.", Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } end end) local CommandsLoaded = false AddCommand("commands", {"cmds"}, "shows you all the commands listed in Goign Rogue admin", {}, function() if (not CommandsLoaded) then local CommandsList = Commands.Frame.List Utils.SmoothScroll(CommandsList, .14); for _, v in next, CommandsTable do if (not FindFirstChild(CommandsList, v.Name)) then local Clone = Clone(Command) Utils.Hover(Clone, "BackgroundColor3"); Utils.ToolTip(Clone, v.Name .. "\n" .. v.Description); Clone.CommandText.Text = v.Name .. (#v.Aliases > 0 and " (" ..concat(v.Aliases, ", ") .. ")" or ""); Clone.Name = v.Name Clone.Visible = true Clone.Parent = CommandsList end end Commands.Frame.List.CanvasSize = UDim2.fromOffset(0, Commands.Frame.List.UIListLayout.AbsoluteContentSize.Y); CommandsTransparencyClone = Clone(Commands); Utils.SetAllTrans(Commands) CommandsLoaded = true end Commands.Visible = true Utils.TweenAllTransToObject(Commands, .25, CommandsTransparencyClone); GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Commands loaded.", Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } end) AddCommand("walkspeed", {"speed"}, "changes your walkspeed to the second argument", {}, function(Caller, Args, CEnv) local Humanoid = GetHumanoid(); CEnv[1] = Humanoid.WalkSpeed SpoofProperty(Humanoid, "WalkSpeed"); Humanoid.WalkSpeed = tonumber(Args[1]) or 16 GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Your walkspeed is now " .. Humanoid.WalkSpeed, Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } end) AddCommand("jumppower", {}, "changes your jumpower to the second argument", {}, function(Caller, Args, CEnv) local Humanoid = GetHumanoid(); CEnv[1] = Humanoid.JumpPower SpoofProperty(Humanoid, "JumpPower"); SpoofProperty(Humanoid, "UseJumpPower"); Humanoid.UseJumpPower = true Humanoid.JumpPower = tonumber(Args[1]) or 50 GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Your jumppower is now " .. Humanoid.JumpPower .. ".", Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } end) AddCommand("fly", {}, "fly your character", {3}, function(Caller, Args, CEnv) LoadCommand("fly").CmdEnv[1] = tonumber(Args[1]) or GetConfig().FlySpeed or 3 local Speed = LoadCommand("fly").CmdEnv[1] for i, v in next, GetChildren(GetRoot()) do if (IsA(v, "BodyPosition") or IsA(v, "BodyGyro")) then Destroy(v); end end local BodyPos = InstanceNew("BodyPosition"); local BodyGyro = InstanceNew("BodyGyro"); ProtectInstance(BodyPos); ProtectInstance(BodyGyro); SpoofProperty(GetHumanoid(), "FloorMaterial"); SpoofProperty(GetHumanoid(), "PlatformStand"); BodyPos.Parent = GetRoot(); BodyGyro.Parent = GetRoot(); BodyGyro.maxTorque = Vector3New(1, 1, 1) * 9e9 BodyGyro.CFrame = GetRoot().CFrame BodyPos.maxForce = Vector3New(1, 1, 1) * math.huge GetHumanoid().PlatformStand = true CThread(function() BodyPos.Position = GetRoot().Position while (next(LoadCommand("fly").CmdEnv) and wait()) do Speed = LoadCommand("fly").CmdEnv[1] local NewPos = (BodyGyro.CFrame - (BodyGyro.CFrame).Position) + BodyPos.Position local CoordinateFrame = Camera.CoordinateFrame if (Keys["W"]) then NewPos = NewPos + CoordinateFrame.lookVector * Speed BodyPos.Position = (GetRoot().CFrame * CFrameNew(0, 0, -Speed)).Position; BodyGyro.CFrame = CoordinateFrame * CFrame.Angles(-rad(Speed * 15), 0, 0); end if (Keys["A"]) then NewPos = NewPos * CFrameNew(-Speed, 0, 0); end if (Keys["S"]) then NewPos = NewPos - CoordinateFrame.lookVector * Speed BodyPos.Position = (GetRoot().CFrame * CFrameNew(0, 0, Speed)).Position; BodyGyro.CFrame = CoordinateFrame * CFrame.Angles(-rad(Speed * 15), 0, 0); end if (Keys["D"]) then NewPos = NewPos * CFrameNew(Speed, 0, 0); end BodyPos.Position = NewPos.Position BodyGyro.CFrame = CoordinateFrame end GetHumanoid().PlatformStand = false end)(); end) AddCommand("flyspeed", {"fs"}, "changes the fly speed", {3, "1"}, function(Caller, Args) local Speed = tonumber(Args[1]); LoadCommand("fly").CmdEnv[1] = Speed or LoadCommand("fly").CmdEnv[1] if (Speed) then SetConfig({FlySpeed=Speed}); GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Your fly speed is now " .. Speed .. ".", Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } else GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Flyspeed must be a number.", Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } end end) AddCommand("unfly", {}, "unflies your character", {3}, function() local FlyCEnv = LoadCommand("fly").CmdEnv if (FlyCEnv.Animate) then FlyCEnv.Animate.Disabled = false FlyCEnv.Animate = nil end DisableAllCmdConnections("fly"); table.clear(FlyCEnv); LoadCommand("fly").CmdEnv = {} local Root = GetRoot(); local Instances = { ["BodyPosition"] = true, ["BodyGyro"] = true, ["BodyVelocity"] = true } for i, v in next, GetChildren(Root) do if (Instances[v.ClassName]) then Destroy(v); end end UnSpoofInstance(Root); GetHumanoid().PlatformStand = false end) AddCommand("unfly", {}, "unflies your character", {3}, function() local FlyCEnv = LoadCommand("fly").CmdEnv if (FlyCEnv.Animate) then FlyCEnv.Animate.Disabled = false FlyCEnv.Animate = nil end DisableAllCmdConnections("fly"); table.clear(FlyCEnv); LoadCommand("fly").CmdEnv = {} local Root = GetRoot(); local Instances = { ["BodyPosition"] = true, ["BodyGyro"] = true, ["BodyVelocity"] = true } for i, v in next, GetChildren(Root) do if (Instances[v.ClassName]) then Destroy(v); end end UnSpoofInstance(Root); GetHumanoid().PlatformStand = false end) AddCommand("float", {}, "floats your character", {}, function(Caller, Args, CEnv) if (not CEnv[1]) then local Part = InstanceNew("Part"); Part.CFrame = CFrameNew(0, -10000, 0); Part.Size = Vector3New(2, .2, 1.5); Part.Material = "Grass" Part.Anchored = true Part.Transparency = 1 ProtectInstance(Part); Part.Parent = Services.Workspace CEnv[2] = Part local R6 = isR6(); local Root = GetRoot(); AddConnection(CConnect(RenderStepped, function() if (CEnv[1] and Root) then Part.CFrame = Root.CFrame * CFrameNew(0, -3.1, 0); else Part.CFrame = CFrameNew(0, -10000, 0); Root = GetRoot(); end if (Keys["Q"]) then Root.CFrame = Root.CFrame * CFrameNew(0, -1.5, 0); elseif (Keys["E"]) then Root.CFrame = Root.CFrame * CFrameNew(0, 1.5, 0); end end), CEnv) GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Now floating.", Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } end end) AddCommand("unfloat", {"nofloat"}, "stops float", {}, function(Caller, Args, CEnv) local Floating = LoadCommand("float").CmdEnv if (Floating[1]) then Disconnect(Floating[1]); Destroy(Floating[2]); LoadCommand("float").CmdEnv = {} GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Stopped floating.", Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } end GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Floating is not on.", Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } end) AddCommand("fov", {}, "sets your fov", {}, function(Caller, Args) local Amount = tonumber(Args[1]) or 70 SpoofProperty(Camera, "FieldOfView"); Camera.FieldOfView = Amount end) AddCommand("view", {}, "views a user", {3,"1"}, function(Caller, Args, CEnv) local Target = GetPlayer(Args[1]); if (#Target ~= 1) then GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "You can only view 1 person.", Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } end Target = Target[1] Camera.CameraSubject = GetCharacter(Target) or GetCharacter(); AddConnection(CConnect(Target.CharacterAdded, function() CWait(Heartbeat); Camera.CameraSubject = Target.Character end), CEnv); AddConnection(CConnect(LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded, function() WaitForChild(LocalPlayer.Character, "Humanoid"); CWait(Camera.CameraSubject.Changed); CWait(Heartbeat); Camera.CameraSubject = Target.Character end), CEnv); GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Viewing" .. Target.Name, Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } end) AddCommand("unview", {"rv"}, "unviews a user", {3}, function(Caller, Args) DisableAllCmdConnections("view"); Camera.CameraSubject = GetCharacter(); GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Unviewing...", Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } end) AddCommand("rejoin", {"rj"}, "rejoins the game you're currently in", {}, function(Caller) if (Caller == LocalPlayer) then local TeleportService = Services.TeleportService if (#GetPlayers(Players) == 1) then LocalPlayer:Kick(); TeleportService.Teleport(TeleportService, game.PlaceId); else TeleportService.TeleportToPlaceInstance(TeleportService, game.PlaceId, game.JobId) end GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Rejoining...", Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } end end) AddCommand("serverhop", {"shop"}, "switches servers (optional: min, max (default: max))", {{"min", "max"}}, function(Caller, Args) if (Caller == LocalPlayer) then Utils.Notify(Caller or LocalPlayer, "Command", "Looking for servers..."); local order = "" local Option, Server = lower(Args[1] or "max"); if Option == "min" then order = "Asc" elseif Option == "max" then order = "Desc" end; local Servers = {}; local url = format("https://games.roblox.com/v1/games/%s/servers/Public?sortOrder=%s&limit=100", game.PlaceId, order); local starting = tick(); repeat local good, result = pcall(function() return game:HttpGet(url); end); if (not good) then wait(2); continue; end local decoded = Services.HttpService:JSONDecode(result); if (#decoded.data ~= 0) then Servers = decoded.data for i, v in pairs(Servers) do if (v.maxPlayers and v.playing and v.maxPlayers > v.playing and v.id ~= game.JobId) then Server = v break; end end if (Server) then break; end end url = format("https://games.roblox.com/v1/games/%s/servers/Public?sortOrder=%s&limit=100&cursor=%s", game.PlaceId, order, decoded.nextPageCursor); until tick() - starting >= 600; if (not Server or #Servers == 0) then return "no servers found"; end local queue_on_teleport = syn and syn.queue_on_teleport or queue_on_teleport if (queue_on_teleport and not Args[2]) then queue_on_teleport("loadstring(game.HttpGet(game, \"https://raw.githubusercontent.com\"))()"); end; Services.TeleportService:TeleportToPlaceInstance(game.PlaceId, Server.id); return format("joining server (%d/%d players)", Server.playing, Server.maxPlayers); end end); AddCommand("freecam", {"fc"}, "enables/disables freecam", {}, function(Caller, Args, CEnv) if (not CEnv.Activated) then -- roblox freecam modifed by fate local Spring = {} Spring.__index = Spring function Spring:Update(dt) local t, k, d, x0, v0 = self.t, self.k, self.d, self.x, self.v local a0 = k * (t - x0) + v0 * d local v1 = v0 + a0 * (dt / 2); local a1 = k * (t - (x0 + v0 * (dt / 2))) + v1 * d local v2 = v0 + a1 * (dt / 2); local a2 = k * (t - (x0 + v1 * (dt / 2))) + v2 * d local v3 = v0 + a2 * dt local x4 = x0 + (v0 + 2 * (v1 + v2) + v3) * (dt / 6); self.x, self.v = x4, v0 + (a0 + 2 * (a1 + a2) + k * (t - (x0 + v2 * dt)) + v3 * d) * (dt / 6); return x4 end function Spring.new(stiffness, dampingCoeff, dampingRatio, initialPos) local self = setmetatable({}, Spring); dampingRatio = dampingRatio or 1 local m = dampingCoeff * dampingCoeff / (4 * stiffness * dampingRatio * dampingRatio); self.k = stiffness / m self.d = -dampingCoeff / m self.x = initialPos self.t = initialPos self.v = initialPos * 0 return self end local StarterGui = Services.StarterGui local UserInputService = Services.UserInputService local RunService = Services.RunService local WasGuiVisible = {} local GetCore, GetCoreGuiEnabled, SetCore, SetCoreGuiEnabled = StarterGui.GetCore, StarterGui.GetCoreGuiEnabled, StarterGui.SetCore, StarterGui.SetCoreGuiEnabled local CoreGuiType = Enum.CoreGuiType function ToggleGui(on) if not on then WasGuiVisible["PointsNotificationsActive"] = GetCore(StarterGui, "PointsNotificationsActive"); WasGuiVisible["BadgesNotificationsActive"] = GetCore(StarterGui, "BadgesNotificationsActive"); WasGuiVisible["Health"] = GetCoreGuiEnabled(StarterGui, CoreGuiType.Health); WasGuiVisible["Backpack"] = GetCoreGuiEnabled(StarterGui, CoreGuiType.Backpack); WasGuiVisible["PlayerList"] = GetCoreGuiEnabled(StarterGui, CoreGuiType.PlayerList); WasGuiVisible["Chat"] = GetCoreGuiEnabled(StarterGui, CoreGuiType.Chat); end local function GuiOn(name) if on == false then return false end if WasGuiVisible[name] ~= nil then return WasGuiVisible[name] end return true end SetCore(StarterGui, "PointsNotificationsActive", GuiOn("PointsNotificationsActive")); SetCore(StarterGui, "BadgesNotificationsActive", GuiOn("BadgesNotificationsActive")); SetCoreGuiEnabled(StarterGui, CoreGuiType.Health, GuiOn("Health")); SetCoreGuiEnabled(StarterGui, CoreGuiType.Backpack, GuiOn("Backpack")); SetCoreGuiEnabled(StarterGui, CoreGuiType.PlayerList, GuiOn("PlayerList")); SetCoreGuiEnabled(StarterGui, CoreGuiType.Chat, GuiOn("Chat")); end local Vector2New = Vector2.new local DEF_FOV = 70 local NM_ZOOM = math.tan(DEF_FOV * math.pi/360); local LVEL_GAIN = Vector3New(1, 0.75, 1); local RVEL_GAIN = Vector2New(0.85, 1) / 128 local FVEL_GAIN = -330 local DEADZONE = 0.125 local FOCUS_OFFSET = CFrameNew(0, 0, -16); local DIRECTION_LEFT = 1 local DIRECTION_RIGHT = 2 local DIRECTION_FORWARD = 3 local DIRECTION_BACKWARD = 4 local DIRECTION_UP = 5 local DIRECTION_DOWN = 6 local KEY_MAPPINGS = { [DIRECTION_LEFT] = {Enum.KeyCode.A, Enum.KeyCode.H}, [DIRECTION_RIGHT] = {Enum.KeyCode.D, Enum.KeyCode.K}, [DIRECTION_FORWARD] = {Enum.KeyCode.W, Enum.KeyCode.U}, [DIRECTION_BACKWARD] = {Enum.KeyCode.S, Enum.KeyCode.J}, [DIRECTION_UP] = {Enum.KeyCode.E, Enum.KeyCode.I}, [DIRECTION_DOWN] = {Enum.KeyCode.Q, Enum.KeyCode.Y}, } local screenGuis = {} local freeCamEnabled = false local V3, V2 = Vector3New(), Vector2New(); local stateRot = V2 local panDeltaGamepad = V2 local panDeltaMouse = V2 local velSpring = Spring.new(7 / 9, 1 / 3, 1, V3); local rotSpring = Spring.new(7 / 9, 1 / 3, 1, V2); local fovSpring = Spring.new(2, 1 / 3, 1, 0); local gp_x = 0 local gp_z = 0 local gp_l1 = 0 local gp_r1 = 0 local rate_fov = 0 local SpeedModifier = 1 local function Clamp(x, min, max) return x < min and min or x > max and max or x end local function GetChar() local Char = GetCharacter(); if Char then return FindFirstChildOfClass(Char, "Humanoid"), FindFirstChild(Char, "HumanoidRootPart"); end end local function InputCurve(x) local s = abs(x); if s > DEADZONE then s = 0.255000975 * (2 ^ (2.299113817 * s) - 1); return x > 0 and (s > 1 and 1 or s) or (s > 1 and -1 or -s); end return 0 end local function ProcessInput(input, processed) local userInputType = input.UserInputType Processed = processed if userInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1 then local keycode = input.KeyCode if keycode == Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick2 then local pos = input.Position panDeltaGamepad = Vector2.new(InputCurve(pos.y), InputCurve(-pos.x)) * 7 elseif keycode == Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick1 then local pos = input.Position gp_x = InputCurve(pos.x) gp_z = InputCurve(-pos.y) elseif keycode == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL2 then gp_l1 = input.Position.z elseif keycode == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR2 then gp_r1 = input.Position.z end rate_fov = input.Position.Z end end CEnv.Connections = {} AddConnection(CConnect(UserInputService.InputChanged, ProcessInput)); AddConnection(CConnect(UserInputService.InputEnded, ProcessInput)); AddConnection(CConnect(UserInputService.InputBegan, ProcessInput)); local IsKeyDown = UserInputService.IsKeyDown local function IsDirectionDown(direction) for i = 1, #KEY_MAPPINGS[direction] do if (IsKeyDown(UserInputService, KEY_MAPPINGS[direction][i]) and not Processed) then return true end end return false end local UpdateFreecam do local dt = 1/60 AddConnection(CConnect(RenderStepped, function(_dt) dt = _dt end)); function UpdateFreecam() local camCFrame = Camera.CFrame local kx = (IsDirectionDown(DIRECTION_RIGHT) and 1 or 0) - (IsDirectionDown(DIRECTION_LEFT) and 1 or 0); local ky = (IsDirectionDown(DIRECTION_UP) and 1 or 0) - (IsDirectionDown(DIRECTION_DOWN) and 1 or 0); local kz = (IsDirectionDown(DIRECTION_BACKWARD) and 1 or 0) - (IsDirectionDown(DIRECTION_FORWARD) and 1 or 0); local km = (kx * kx) + (ky * ky) + (kz * kz) if km > 1e-15 then km = ((IsKeyDown(UserInputService, Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift) or IsKeyDown(UserInputService, Enum.KeyCode.RightShift)) and 1 / 4 or 1) / math.sqrt(km); kx = kx * km ky = ky * km kz = kz * km end local dx = kx + gp_x local dy = ky + gp_r1 - gp_l1 local dz = kz + gp_z velSpring.t = Vector3New(dx, dy, dz) * SpeedModifier rotSpring.t = panDeltaMouse + panDeltaGamepad fovSpring.t = Clamp(fovSpring.t + dt * rate_fov*FVEL_GAIN, 5, 120); local fov = fovSpring:Update(dt); local dPos = velSpring:Update(dt) * LVEL_GAIN local dRot = rotSpring:Update(dt) * (RVEL_GAIN * math.tan(fov * math.pi / 360) * NM_ZOOM); rate_fov = 0 panDeltaMouse = V2 stateRot = stateRot + dRot stateRot = Vector2New(Clamp(stateRot.x, -3 / 2, 3 / 2), stateRot.y); local c = CFrameNew(camCFrame.p) * CFrame.Angles(0, stateRot.y, 0) * CFrame.Angles(stateRot.x, 0, 0) * CFrameNew(dPos); Camera.CFrame = c Camera.Focus = c * FOCUS_OFFSET Camera.FieldOfView = fov end end local function Panned(input, processed) if not processed and input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then local delta = input.Delta panDeltaMouse = Vector2New(-delta.y, -delta.x); end end local function EnterFreecam() ToggleGui(false); UserInputService.MouseIconEnabled = false AddConnection(CConnect(UserInputService.InputBegan, function(input, processed) if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 then UserInputService.MouseBehavior = Enum.MouseBehavior.LockCurrentPosition local conn = CConnect(UserInputService.InputChanged, Panned) repeat input = CWait(UserInputService.InputEnded); until input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 or not freeCamEnabled panDeltaMouse = V2 panDeltaGamepad = V2 Disconnect(conn); if freeCamEnabled then UserInputService.MouseBehavior = Enum.MouseBehavior.Default end elseif input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift or input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.RightShift then SpeedModifier = 0.5 end end), CEnv.Connections); AddConnection(CConnect(UserInputService.InputEnded, function(input, processed) if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift or input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.RightShift then SpeedModifier = 1 end end), CEnv.Connections); Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable local hum, hrp = GetChar() if hrp then hrp.Anchored = true end if hum then hum.WalkSpeed = 0 AddConnection(CConnect(hum.Jumping, function(active) if active then hum.Jumping = false end end), CEnv.Connections); end velSpring.t, velSpring.v, velSpring.x = V3, V3, V3 rotSpring.t, rotSpring.v, rotSpring.x = V2, V2, V2 fovSpring.t, fovSpring.v, fovSpring.x = Camera.FieldOfView, 0, Camera.FieldOfView local camCFrame = Camera.CFrame local lookVector = camCFrame.lookVector.unit stateRot = Vector2.new( math.asin(lookVector.y), math.atan2(-lookVector.z, lookVector.x) - math.pi/2 ) panDeltaMouse = Vector2New(); for _, obj in next, GetChildren(PlayerGui) do if IsA(obj, "ScreenGui") and obj.Enabled then obj.Enabled = false screenGuis[obj] = true end end AddConnection(CConnect(LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded, function() local Hrp = WaitForChild(LocalPlayer.Character, "HumanoidRootPart"); Hrp.Anchored = true end), CEnv.Connections); RunService.BindToRenderStep(RunService, "Freecam", Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value, UpdateFreecam); CEnv.Enabled = true end local function ExitFreecam() CEnv.Enabled = false UserInputService.MouseIconEnabled = true UserInputService.MouseBehavior = Enum.MouseBehavior.Default RunService.UnbindFromRenderStep(RunService, "Freecam") local hum, hrp = GetChar() if hum then hum.WalkSpeed = 16 end if hrp then hrp.Anchored = false end Camera.FieldOfView = DEF_FOV Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom for i, Connection in next, CEnv.Connections do Disconnect(Connection); end for obj in next, screenGuis do obj.Enabled = true end screenGuis = {} ToggleGui(true) end EnterFreecam() CEnv.Activated = true CEnv.Enabled = true CEnv.EnterFreecam = EnterFreecam CEnv.ExitFreecam = ExitFreecam GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Freecam enabled!", Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } end if (CEnv.Enabled) then CEnv.ExitFreecam(); GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Freecam disabled.", Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } else CEnv.EnterFreecam(); GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Freecam enabled!", Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } end end) AddCommand("respawn", {"undetain", "re"}, "Respawns you", {}, function(Caller, Args) game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Packages"):WaitForChild("Knit"):WaitForChild("Services"):WaitForChild("PlayerHandler"):WaitForChild("RF"):WaitForChild("Reset"):InvokeServer() game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Packages"):WaitForChild("Knit"):WaitForChild("Services"):WaitForChild("SkydivingService"):WaitForChild("RF"):WaitForChild("FallDamage"):InvokeServer(10) game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Packages"):WaitForChild("Knit"):WaitForChild("Services"):WaitForChild("PlayerHandler"):WaitForChild("RF"):WaitForChild("RequestDeploy"):InvokeServer() game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Packages"):WaitForChild("Knit"):WaitForChild("Services"):WaitForChild("PlayerHandler"):WaitForChild("RF"):WaitForChild("Respawn"):InvokeServer() GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Respawned.", Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } end) AddCommand("kill", {"username"}, "Kills personnel", {}, function(Caller, Args) local targetUsername = Args[1] if targetUsername then local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait() local backpack = player.Backpack local firstTool = backpack:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool") if firstTool then firstTool.Parent = character firstTool.Parent = character end local function killPlayer(player) local args = { [1] = workspace[player.Name].Head, [2] = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool").Main, [3] = workspace[player.Name].Head.Position, [4] = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool").Handle.FireSound, [5] = Vector3.new(0, 0, -1) } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Stratarches.RepRayEvent:FireServer(unpack(args)) end local targetPlayer = nil for _, player in ipairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if string.find(player.Name:lower(), targetUsername:lower(), 1, true) then targetPlayer = player break end end if targetPlayer then repeat killPlayer(targetPlayer) wait(1) -- Adjust the delay as needed until targetPlayer.Character and targetPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and targetPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Health <= 0 local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait() local equippedTool = character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool") if equippedTool then equippedTool.Parent = player.Backpack wait() end GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Killed " .. targetPlayer.Name .. "!", Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } else GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "No player matching the provided username found.", Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } end else GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Please enter a valid username in the text box.", Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } end end) AddCommand("goto", {"to"}, "teleports yourself to the other character", {3, "1"}, function(Caller, Args) local Target = GetPlayer(Args[1]); local Delay = tonumber(Args[2]); for i, v in next, Target do if (Delay) then wait(Delay); end if (Caller ~= LocalPlayer) then ExecuteCommand("bring", {Caller.Name, v.Name}, LocalPlayer) else GetRoot().CFrame = GetRoot(v).CFrame * CFrameNew(-5, 0, 0); end end end) AddCommand("loopgoto", {"loopto"}, "loop teleports yourself to the other character", {3, "1"}, function(Caller, Args, CEnv) local Target = GetPlayer(Args[1])[1] local Connection = CConnect(Heartbeat, function() GetRoot().CFrame = GetRoot(Target).CFrame * CFrameNew(0, 0, 2); end) CEnv[Target.Name] = Connection AddPlayerConnection(LocalPlayer, Connection); AddConnection(Connection); GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Now looping to" .. Target.name .. ".", Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } end) AddCommand("unloopgoto", {"unloopto"}, "removes loop teleportation to the other character", {}, function(Caller) local Looping = LoadCommand("loopgoto").CmdEnv; if (not next(Looping)) then GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "You aren't loop teleporting to anyone.", Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } end DisableAllCmdConnections("loopgoto"); GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Loopgoto disabled.", Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } end) AddCommand("freecamgoto", {"fcgoto"}, "takes your freecam to t hem", {"1"}, function(Caller, Args) local Target = GetPlayer(Args[1]); local Delay = tonumber(Args[2]); for i, v in next, Target do if (Delay) then wait(Delay); end Camera.CFrame = GetRoot(v).CFrame * CFrameNew(0, 10, 10); end end) AddCommand("inviscam", {"inviscamera"}, "makes you see through walls more better", {}, function(Caller, Args, CEnv) CEnv.OldCameraMaxZoomDistance = LocalPlayer.CameraMaxZoomDistance CEnv.OldDevCameraOcclusionMode = LocalPlayer.DevCameraOcclusionMode LocalPlayer.CameraMaxZoomDistance = 600 LocalPlayer.DevCameraOcclusionMode = "Invisicam" GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Inviscam enabled.", Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } end) AddCommand("uninviscam", {"uninviscamera"}, "disables inviscam", {}, function() local CmdEnv = LoadCommand("inviscam").CmdEnv LocalPlayer.CameraMaxZoomDistance = CmdEnv.OldCameraMaxZoomDistance LocalPlayer.DevCameraOcclusionMode = CmdEnv.OldDevCameraOcclusionMode GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Inviscam disabled.", Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } end) AddCommand("loop", {"loopcommand"}, "loops a command", {"1"}, function(Caller, Args, CEnv) local Command = Args[1] local LoadedCommand = LoadCommand(Command); if (not LoadedCommand) then return format("command %s not found", Command); end Args = shift(Args); CEnv.Looping = true CEnv.LoopedCommands = CEnv.LoopedCommands or {} CEnv.LoopedCommands[Command] = true CThread(function() while (CEnv.Looping and CEnv.LoopedCommands[Command]) do ExecuteCommand(Command, Args, Caller); wait(tonumber(Args[#Args]) or 1); end end)(); return format("now looping the %s command", Command); end) AddCommand("unloop", {"unloopcommand"}, "unloops a command", {}, function(Caller, Args) local Looped = LoadCommand("loop").CmdEnv if (Args[1]) then if (Looped.LoopedCommands[Args[1]]) then Looped.LoopedCommands[Args[1]] = nil return format("unlooped command %s", Args[1]); end GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Command isn't looped.", Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } else Looped.Looping = false GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Unlooped all commands that were looped.", Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } end end) task.spawn(function() local chatted = function(plr, raw) local message = raw if (_L.ChatLogsEnabled) then local time = os.date("%X"); local Text = format("%s - [%s]: %s", time, plr.Name, raw); local Clone = Clone(ChatLogMessage); Clone.Text = Text Clone.Visible = true Clone.TextTransparency = 1 Clone.Parent = ChatLogs.Frame.List Utils.Tween(Clone, "Sine", "Out", .25, { TextTransparency = 0 }) ChatLogs.Frame.List.CanvasSize = UDim2.fromOffset(0, ChatLogs.Frame.List.UIListLayout.AbsoluteContentSize.Y); end if (startsWith(raw, "/e")) then raw = sub(raw, 4); elseif (startsWith(raw, "/w")) then raw = shift(shift(split(message, " "))); elseif (startsWith(raw, Prefix)) then raw = sub(raw, #Prefix + 1); else return end message = trim(raw); if (Tfind(AdminUsers, plr) or plr == LocalPlayer) then local CommandArgs = split(message, " "); local Command = CommandArgs[1] local Args = shift(CommandArgs); ExecuteCommand(Command, Args, plr); end end CConnect(LocalPlayer.Chatted, function(raw) chatted(LocalPlayer, raw); end); if (Services.TextChatService.ChatVersion == Enum.ChatVersion.TextChatService) then Services.TextChatService.OnIncomingMessage = function(message) chatted(Services.Players:FindFirstChild(message.TextSource.Name), message.Text); end return; end local DefaultChatSystemChatEvents = Services.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("DefaultChatSystemChatEvents"); if (not DefaultChatSystemChatEvents) then return; end local OnMessageDoneFiltering = DefaultChatSystemChatEvents:WaitForChild("OnMessageDoneFiltering", 5); if (not OnMessageDoneFiltering) then return; end if (typeof(OnMessageDoneFiltering) ~= "Instance" or OnMessageDoneFiltering.ClassName ~= "RemoteEvent") then return; end CConnect(OnMessageDoneFiltering.OnClientEvent, function(messageData) if (type(messageData) ~= "table") then return; end local plr = Services.Players:FindFirstChild(messageData.FromSpeaker); local raw = messageData.Message if (not plr or not raw or plr == LocalPlayer) then return; end if (messageData.OriginalChannel == "Team") then raw = "/team " .. raw else local whisper = string.match(messageData.OriginalChannel, "To (.+)"); if (whisper) then raw = string.format("/w %s %s", whisper, raw); end end chatted(plr, raw); end); end); --IMPORT [uimore] Notification.Visible = false Utils.SetAllTrans(CommandBar); Utils.SetAllTrans(ChatLogs); Utils.SetAllTrans(GlobalChatLogs); Utils.SetAllTrans(HttpLogs); Utils.SetAllTrans(Console); Commands.Visible = false ChatLogs.Visible = false Console.Visible = false GlobalChatLogs.Visible = false HttpLogs.Visible = false Utils.Draggable(Commands); Utils.Draggable(ChatLogs); Utils.Draggable(Console); Utils.Draggable(GlobalChatLogs); Utils.Draggable(HttpLogs); Utils.Draggable(ConfigUI); ParentGui(UI); Connections.UI = {} local Times = #LastCommand AddConnection(CConnect(Services.UserInputService.InputBegan, function(Input, GameProccesed) if (Input.KeyCode == CommandBarPrefix and (not GameProccesed)) then CommandBarOpen = not CommandBarOpen local TransparencyTween = CommandBarOpen and Utils.TweenAllTransToObject or Utils.TweenAllTrans local Tween = TransparencyTween(CommandBar, .5, CommandBarTransparencyClone); local UserInputService = Services.UserInputService if (CommandBarOpen) then if (not Draggable) then Utils.Tween(CommandBar, "Quint", "Out", .5, { Position = UDim2.new(0.5, WideBar and -200 or -100, 1, -110) }) end CommandBar.Input.CaptureFocus(CommandBar.Input); CThread(function() wait() CommandBar.Input.Text = "" FocusedTextBox = UserInputService.GetFocusedTextBox(UserInputService); local TextBox = CommandBar.Input while (FocusedTextBox ~= TextBox) do FocusedTextBox.ReleaseFocus(FocusedTextBox); CommandBar.Input.CaptureFocus(TextBox); FocusedTextBox = UserInputService.GetFocusedTextBox(UserInputService); CWait(Heartbeat); end end)() else if (not Draggable) then Utils.Tween(CommandBar, "Quint", "Out", .5, { Position = UDim2.new(0.5, WideBar and -200 or -100, 1, 5) }) end end elseif (not GameProccesed and ChooseNewPrefix) then CommandBarPrefix = Input.KeyCode Utils.Notify(LocalPlayer, "New Prefix", "Your new prefix is: " .. split(tostring(Input.KeyCode), ".")[3]); ChooseNewPrefix = false if (writefile) then Utils.Notify(LocalPlayer, nil, "use command saveprefix to save your prefix"); end elseif (GameProccesed and CommandBarOpen) then if (Input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Up) then Times = Times >= 3 and Times or Times + 1 CommandBar.Input.Text = LastCommand[Times][1] .. " " CommandBar.Input.CursorPosition = #CommandBar.Input.Text + 2 end if (Input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Down) then Times = Times <= 1 and 1 or Times - 1 CommandBar.Input.Text = LastCommand[Times][1] .. " " CommandBar.Input.CursorPosition = #CommandBar.Input.Text + 2 end end end), Connections.UI, true); Utils.Click(Commands.Close, "TextColor3") Utils.Click(ChatLogs.Clear, "BackgroundColor3") Utils.Click(ChatLogs.Save, "BackgroundColor3") Utils.Click(ChatLogs.Toggle, "BackgroundColor3") Utils.Click(ChatLogs.Close, "TextColor3") Utils.Click(Console.Clear, "BackgroundColor3"); Utils.Click(Console.Save, "BackgroundColor3"); Utils.Click(Console.Close, "TextColor3"); Utils.Click(GlobalChatLogs.Clear, "BackgroundColor3") Utils.Click(GlobalChatLogs.Save, "BackgroundColor3") Utils.Click(GlobalChatLogs.Toggle, "BackgroundColor3") Utils.Click(GlobalChatLogs.Close, "TextColor3") Utils.Click(HttpLogs.Clear, "BackgroundColor3") Utils.Click(HttpLogs.Save, "BackgroundColor3") Utils.Click(HttpLogs.Toggle, "BackgroundColor3") Utils.Click(HttpLogs.Close, "TextColor3") AddConnection(CConnect(Commands.Close.MouseButton1Click, function() local Tween = Utils.TweenAllTrans(Commands, .25) CWait(Tween.Completed); Commands.Visible = false end), Connections.UI, true); AddConnection(CConnect(GetPropertyChangedSignal(Commands.Search, "Text"), function() local Text = Commands.Search.Text local Children = GetChildren(Commands.Frame.List); for i = 1, #Children do local v = Children[i] if (IsA(v, "Frame")) then local Command = v.CommandText.Text v.Visible = Sfind(lower(Command), Text, 1, true) end end Commands.Frame.List.CanvasSize = UDim2.fromOffset(0, Commands.Frame.List.UIListLayout.AbsoluteContentSize.Y) end), Connections.UI, true); AddConnection(CConnect(ChatLogs.Close.MouseButton1Click, function() local Tween = Utils.TweenAllTrans(ChatLogs, .25) CWait(Tween.Completed); ChatLogs.Visible = false end), Connections.UI, true); AddConnection(CConnect(GlobalChatLogs.Close.MouseButton1Click, function() local Tween = Utils.TweenAllTrans(GlobalChatLogs, .25) CWait(Tween.Completed); GlobalChatLogs.Visible = false end), Connections.UI, true); AddConnection(CConnect(HttpLogs.Close.MouseButton1Click, function() local Tween = Utils.TweenAllTrans(HttpLogs, .25) CWait(Tween.Completed); HttpLogs.Visible = false end), Connections.UI, true); AddConnection(CConnect(Console.Close.MouseButton1Click, function() local Tween = Utils.TweenAllTrans(Console, .25) CWait(Tween.Completed); Console.Visible = false end), Connections.UI, true); ChatLogs.Toggle.Text = _L.ChatLogsEnabled and "Enabled" or "Disabled" GlobalChatLogs.Toggle.Text = _L.ChatLogsEnabled and "Enabled" or "Disabled" HttpLogs.Toggle.Text = _L.HttpLogsEnabled and "Enabled" or "Disabled" AddConnection(CConnect(ChatLogs.Toggle.MouseButton1Click, function() _L.ChatLogsEnabled = not _L.ChatLogsEnabled ChatLogs.Toggle.Text = _L.ChatLogsEnabled and "Enabled" or "Disabled" end), Connections.UI, true); AddConnection(CConnect(GlobalChatLogs.Toggle.MouseButton1Click, function() _L.GlobalChatLogsEnabled = not _L.GlobalChatLogsEnabled GlobalChatLogs.Toggle.Text = _L.GlobalChatLogsEnabled and "Enabled" or "Disabled" end), Connections.UI, true); AddConnection(CConnect(HttpLogs.Toggle.MouseButton1Click, function() _L.HttpLogsEnabled = not _L.HttpLogsEnabled HttpLogs.Toggle.Text = _L.HttpLogsEnabled and "Enabled" or "Disabled" end), Connections.UI, true); AddConnection(CConnect(ChatLogs.Clear.MouseButton1Click, function() Utils.ClearAllObjects(ChatLogs.Frame.List) ChatLogs.Frame.List.CanvasSize = UDim2.fromOffset(0, 0) end), Connections.UI, true); AddConnection(CConnect(GlobalChatLogs.Clear.MouseButton1Click, function() Utils.ClearAllObjects(GlobalChatLogs.Frame.List) GlobalChatLogs.Frame.List.CanvasSize = UDim2.fromOffset(0, 0) end), Connections.UI, true); AddConnection(CConnect(HttpLogs.Clear.MouseButton1Click, function() Utils.ClearAllObjects(HttpLogs.Frame.List) HttpLogs.Frame.List.CanvasSize = UDim2.fromOffset(0, 0) end), Connections.UI, true); AddConnection(CConnect(Console.Clear.MouseButton1Click, function() Utils.ClearAllObjects(Console.Frame.List); Console.Frame.List.CanvasSize = UDim2.fromOffset(0, 0); end), Connections.UI, true); do local ShowWarns, ShowErrors, ShowOutput = true, true, true AddConnection(CConnect(Console.Warns.MouseButton1Click, function() ShowWarns = not ShowWarns local Children = GetChildren(Console.Frame.List); for i = 1, #Children do local v = Children[i] if (not IsA(v, "UIListLayout") and sub(v.Name, 1, 1) == "W") then v.Visible = ShowWarns end end Console.Frame.List.CanvasSize = UDim2.fromOffset(0, Console.Frame.List.UIListLayout.AbsoluteContentSize.Y); Console.Warns.Text = ShowWarns and "Hide Warns" or "Show Warns" end), Connections.UI, true); AddConnection(CConnect(Console.Errors.MouseButton1Click, function() ShowErrors = not ShowErrors local Children = GetChildren(Console.Frame.List); for i = 1, #Children do local v = Children[i] if (not IsA(v, "UIListLayout") and sub(v.Name, 1, 1) == "E") then v.Visible = ShowErrors end end Console.Frame.List.CanvasSize = UDim2.fromOffset(0, Console.Frame.List.UIListLayout.AbsoluteContentSize.Y); Console.Errors.Text = ShowErrors and "Hide Errors" or "Show Errors" end), Connections.UI, true); AddConnection(CConnect(Console.Output.MouseButton1Click, function() ShowOutput = not ShowOutput local Children = GetChildren(Console.Frame.List); for i = 1, #Children do local v = Children[i] if (not IsA(v, "UIListLayout") and sub(v.Name, 1, 1) == "P") then v.Visible = ShowOutput end end Console.Frame.List.CanvasSize = UDim2.fromOffset(0, Console.Frame.List.UIListLayout.AbsoluteContentSize.Y); Console.Output.Text = ShowOutput and "Hide Output" or "Show Output" end), Connections.UI, true); end AddConnection(CConnect(GetPropertyChangedSignal(ChatLogs.Search, "Text"), function() local Text = ChatLogs.Search.Text local Children = GetChildren(ChatLogs.Frame.List); for i = 1, #Children do local v = Children[i] if (not IsA(v, "UIListLayout")) then local Message = v.Text v.Visible = Sfind(lower(Message), Text, 1, true); end end ChatLogs.Frame.List.CanvasSize = UDim2.fromOffset(0, ChatLogs.Frame.List.UIListLayout.AbsoluteContentSize.Y); end), Connections.UI, true); AddConnection(CConnect(GetPropertyChangedSignal(GlobalChatLogs.Search, "Text"), function() local Text = GlobalChatLogs.Search.Text local Children = GetChildren(GlobalChatLogs.Frame.List); for i = 1, #Children do local v = Children[i] if (not IsA(v, "UIListLayout")) then local Message = v.Text v.Visible = Sfind(lower(Message), Text, 1, true) end end end), Connections.UI, true); AddConnection(CConnect(GetPropertyChangedSignal(HttpLogs.Search, "Text"), function() local Text = HttpLogs.Search.Text local Children = GetChildren(HttpLogs.Frame.List); for i = 1, #Children do local v = Children[i] if (not IsA(v, "UIListLayout")) then local Message = v.Text v.Visible = Sfind(lower(Message), Text, 1, true) end end end), Connections.UI, true); AddConnection(CConnect(GetPropertyChangedSignal(Console.Search, "Text"), function() local Text = Console.Search.Text local Children = GetChildren(Console.Frame.List); for i = 1, #Children do local v = Children[i] if (not IsA(v, "UIListLayout")) then local Message = v.Text v.Visible = Sfind(lower(Message), Text, 1, true) end end Console.Frame.List.CanvasSize = UDim2.fromOffset(0, Console.Frame.List.UIListLayout.AbsoluteContentSize.Y) end), Connections.UI, true); -- auto correct AddConnection(CConnect(GetPropertyChangedSignal(CommandBar.Input, "Text"), function() -- make it so that every space a players name will appear CommandBar.Input.Text = CommandBar.Input.Text local Text = CommandBar.Input.Text local Prediction = CommandBar.Input.Predict local PredictionText = Prediction.Text local Args = split(Text, " ") Prediction.Text = "" if (Text == "") then return end local FoundCommand = false local FoundAlias = false CommandArgs = CommandArgs or {} if (not CommandsTable[Args[1]]) then for _, v in next, CommandsTable do local CommandName = v.Name local Aliases = v.Aliases local FoundAlias if (Utils.MatchSearch(Args[1], CommandName)) then -- better search Prediction.Text = CommandName CommandArgs = v.Args or {} break end for _, v2 in next, Aliases do if (Utils.MatchSearch(Args[1], v2)) then FoundAlias = true Prediction.Text = v2 CommandArgs = v2.Args or {} break end if (FoundAlias) then break end end end end for i, v in next, Args do -- make it get more players after i space out if (i > 1 and v ~= "") then local Predict = "" if (#CommandArgs >= 1) then for i2, v2 in next, CommandArgs do if (lower(v2) == "player") then Predict = Utils.GetPlayerArgs(v) or Predict; else Predict = Utils.MatchSearch(v, v2) and v2 or Predict end end else Predict = Utils.GetPlayerArgs(v) or Predict; end Prediction.Text = sub(Text, 1, #Text - #Args[#Args]) .. Predict local split = split(v, ","); if (next(split)) then for i2, v2 in next, split do if (i2 > 1 and v2 ~= "") then local PlayerName = Utils.GetPlayerArgs(v2) Prediction.Text = sub(Text, 1, #Text - #split[#split]) .. (PlayerName or "") end end end end end if (Sfind(Text, "\t")) then -- remove tab from preditction text also CommandBar.Input.Text = PredictionText CommandBar.Input.CursorPosition = #CommandBar.Input.Text + 1 end end)) do local Enabled = false local Connection; local Predict; ToggleChatPrediction = function() if (_L.Frame2) then return end if (not Enabled) then local RobloxChat = LocalPlayer.PlayerGui and FindFirstChild(LocalPlayer.PlayerGui, "Chat"); local RobloxChatBarFrame; if (RobloxChat) then local RobloxChatFrame = FindFirstChild(RobloxChat, "Frame"); if (RobloxChatFrame) then RobloxChatBarFrame = FindFirstChild(RobloxChatFrame, "ChatBarParentFrame"); end end local PredictionClone, ChatBar if (RobloxChatBarFrame) then local Frame1 = FindFirstChild(RobloxChatBarFrame, 'Frame'); if Frame1 then local BoxFrame = FindFirstChild(Frame1, 'BoxFrame'); if BoxFrame then _L.Frame2 = FindFirstChild(BoxFrame, 'Frame'); if _L.Frame2 then local TextLabel = FindFirstChild(_L.Frame2, 'TextLabel'); ChatBar = FindFirstChild(_L.Frame2, 'ChatBar'); if TextLabel and ChatBar then PredictionClone = InstanceNew('TextLabel'); PredictionClone.Font = TextLabel.Font PredictionClone.LineHeight = TextLabel.LineHeight PredictionClone.MaxVisibleGraphemes = TextLabel.MaxVisibleGraphemes PredictionClone.RichText = TextLabel.RichText PredictionClone.Text = '' PredictionClone.TextColor3 = TextLabel.TextColor3 PredictionClone.TextScaled = TextLabel.TextScaled PredictionClone.TextSize = TextLabel.TextSize PredictionClone.TextStrokeColor3 = TextLabel.TextStrokeColor3 PredictionClone.TextStrokeTransparency = TextLabel.TextStrokeTransparency PredictionClone.TextTransparency = 0.3 PredictionClone.TextTruncate = TextLabel.TextTruncate PredictionClone.TextWrapped = TextLabel.TextWrapped PredictionClone.TextXAlignment = TextLabel.TextXAlignment PredictionClone.TextYAlignment = TextLabel.TextYAlignment PredictionClone.Name = "Predict" PredictionClone.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 1, 0); PredictionClone.BackgroundTransparency = 1 end end end end end ParentGui(PredictionClone, _L.Frame2); Predict = PredictionClone Connection = AddConnection(CConnect(GetPropertyChangedSignal(ChatBar, "Text"), function() -- todo: add detection for /e local Text = ChatBar.Text local Prediction = PredictionClone local PredictionText = PredictionClone.Text local Args = split(concat(shift(split(Text, ""))), " "); Prediction.Text = "" if (not startsWith(Text, Prefix)) then return end local FoundCommand = false local FoundAlias = false CommandArgs = CommandArgs or {} if (not rawget(CommandsTable, Args[1])) then for _, v in next, CommandsTable do local CommandName = v.Name local Aliases = v.Aliases local FoundAlias if (Utils.MatchSearch(Args[1], CommandName)) then -- better search Prediction.Text = Prefix .. CommandName FoundCommand = true CommandArgs = v.Args or {} break end for _, v2 in next, Aliases do if (Utils.MatchSearch(Args[1], v2)) then FoundAlias = true Prediction.Text = v2 CommandArgs = v.Args or {} break end if (FoundAlias) then break end end end end for i, v in next, Args do -- make it get more players after i space out if (i > 1 and v ~= "") then local Predict = "" if (#CommandArgs >= 1) then for i2, v2 in next, CommandArgs do if (lower(v2) == "player") then Predict = Utils.GetPlayerArgs(v) or Predict; else Predict = Utils.MatchSearch(v, v2) and v2 or Predict end end else Predict = Utils.GetPlayerArgs(v) or Predict; end Prediction.Text = sub(Text, 1, #Text - #Args[#Args]) .. Predict local split = split(v, ","); if (next(split)) then for i2, v2 in next, split do if (i2 > 1 and v2 ~= "") then local PlayerName = Utils.GetPlayerArgs(v2) Prediction.Text = sub(Text, 1, #Text - #split[#split]) .. (PlayerName or "") end end end end end if (Sfind(Text, "\t")) then -- remove tab from preditction text also ChatBar.Text = PredictionText ChatBar.CursorPosition = #ChatBar.Text + 2 end end)) Enabled = true return ChatBar else Disconnect(Connection); Destroy(Predict); Enabled = false end return _L.Frame2 end if (CurrentConfig.ChatPrediction) then delay(2, ToggleChatPrediction); end end local ConfigUILib = {} do local GuiObjects = ConfigElements local PageCount = 0 local SelectedPage local UserInputService = Services.UserInputService local Colors = { ToggleEnabled = Color3.fromRGB(5, 5, 6); Background = Color3.fromRGB(68, 124, 170); ToggleDisabled = Color3.fromRGB(68, 124, 170); } local ColorElements = ConfigElements.Elements.ColorElements local Overlay = ColorElements.Overlay local OverlayMain = Overlay.Main local ColorPicker = OverlayMain.ColorPicker local Settings = OverlayMain.Settings local ClosePicker = OverlayMain.Close local ColorCanvas = ColorPicker.ColorCanvas local ColorSlider = ColorPicker.ColorSlider local ColorGradient = ColorCanvas.ColorGradient local DarkGradient = ColorGradient.DarkGradient local CanvasBar = ColorGradient.Bar local RainbowGradient = ColorSlider.RainbowGradient local SliderBar = RainbowGradient.Bar local CanvasHitbox = ColorCanvas.Hitbox local SliderHitbox = ColorSlider.Hitbox local ColorPreview = Settings.ColorPreview local ColorOptions = Settings.Options local RedTextBox = ColorOptions.Red.TextBox local BlueTextBox = ColorOptions.Blue.TextBox local GreenTextBox = ColorOptions.Green.TextBox local RainbowToggle = ColorOptions.Rainbow local function UpdateClone() ConfigUIClone = Clone(ConfigUI); end function ConfigUILib.NewPage(Title) local Page = Clone(GuiObjects.Page.Container); local TextButton = Clone(GuiObjects.Page.TextButton); Page.Visible = true TextButton.Visible = true Utils.Click(TextButton, "BackgroundColor3") if PageCount == 0 then SelectedPage = Page end AddConnection(CConnect(TextButton.MouseButton1Click, function() if SelectedPage.Name ~= TextButton.Name then SelectedPage = Page ConfigUI.Container.UIPageLayout:JumpTo(SelectedPage) end end)) Page.Name = Title TextButton.Name = Title TextButton.Text = Title Page.Parent = ConfigUI.Container TextButton.Parent = ConfigUI.Selection PageCount = PageCount + 1 UpdateClone() local function GetKeyName(KeyCode) local _, Stringed = pcall(UserInputService.GetStringForKeyCode, UserInputService, KeyCode); local IsEnum = Stringed == "" return (not IsEnum and _) and Stringed or split(tostring(KeyCode), ".")[3], (IsEnum and not _); end local PageLibrary = {} function PageLibrary.CreateMacroSection(MacrosToAdd, Callback) local Macro = Clone(GuiObjects.Elements.Macro); local MacroPage = Macro.MacroPage local Selection = Page.Selection Selection.ClearAllChildren(Selection); for i,v in next, GetChildren(MacroPage) do v.Parent = Selection end Selection.Container.Visible = true local CommandsList = Selection.Container.Commands.Frame.List local CurrentMacros = Selection.Container.CurrentMacros local AddMacro = Selection.AddMacro local BindA, CommandA, ArgsA = AddMacro.Bind, AddMacro.Command, AddMacro["z Args"] local Add = AddMacro.AddMacro local Keybind = {}; local Enabled = false local Connection local OnClick = function() Enabled = not Enabled if Enabled then BindA.Text = "..." local OldShiftLock = LocalPlayer.DevEnableMouseLock LocalPlayer.DevEnableMouseLock = false Keybind = {} Connection = AddConnection(CConnect(UserInputService.InputBegan, function(Input, Processed) if not Processed and Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then local Input2, Proccessed2; CThread(function() Input2, Proccessed2 = CWait(UserInputService.InputBegan); end)() CWait(UserInputService.InputEnded); if (Input2 and not Processed) then local KeyName, IsEnum = GetKeyName(Input.KeyCode); local KeyName2, IsEnum2 = GetKeyName(Input2.KeyCode); BindA.Text = format("%s + %s", IsEnum2 and KeyName2 or KeyName, IsEnum2 and KeyName2 or KeyName2); Keybind[1] = Input.KeyCode Keybind[2] = Input2.KeyCode else local KeyName = GetKeyName(Input.KeyCode); BindA.Text = KeyName Keybind[1] = Input.KeyCode Keybind[2] = nil end LocalPlayer.DevEnableMouseLock = OldShiftLock else BindA.Text = "Bind" end Enabled = false Disconnect(Connection); end)); else BindA.Text = "Bind" Disconnect(Connection); end end AddConnection(CConnect(BindA.MouseButton1Click, OnClick)); AddConnection(CConnect(Add.MouseButton1Click, function() if (BindA.Text == "Bind") then Utils.Notify(nil, nil, "You must assign a keybind"); return end if (not CommandsTable[CommandA.Text]) then Utils.Notify(nil, nil, "You must add a command"); return end Callback(Keybind, CommandA.Text, ArgsA.Text); end)); local Focused = false local MacroSection = { CommandsList = CommandsList, AddCmd = function(Name) local Command = Clone(Macro.Command); Command.Name = Name Command.Text = Name Command.Parent = CommandsList Command.Visible = true AddConnection(CConnect(Command.MouseButton1Click, function() CommandA.Text = Name ArgsA.CaptureFocus(ArgsA); Focused = true CWait(ArgsA.FocusLost); CWait(UserInputService.InputBegan); Focused = false wait(.2); if (not Focused) then OnClick(); end end)) end, AddMacro = function(MacroName, Bind) local NewMacro = Clone(Macro.EditMacro); NewMacro.Bind.Text = Bind NewMacro.Macro.Text = MacroName NewMacro.Parent = CurrentMacros NewMacro.Visible = true Utils.Thing(NewMacro.Bind); Utils.Thing(NewMacro.Macro); FindFirstChild(NewMacro, "Remove").Name = "Delete" AddConnection(CConnect(NewMacro.Delete.MouseButton1Click, function() CWait(Utils.TweenAllTrans(NewMacro, .25).Completed); Destroy(NewMacro); for i = 1, #Macros do if (Macros[i].Command == split(MacroName, " ")[1]) then Macros[i] = nil end end local TempMacros = clone(Macros); for i, v in next, TempMacros do for i2, v2 in next, v.Keys do TempMacros[i]["Keys"][i2] = split(tostring(v2), ".")[3] end end SetConfig({Macros=TempMacros}); end)) end } for i, v in next, MacrosToAdd do local Suc, Err = pcall(concat, v.Args, " "); if (not Suc) then SetConfig({Macros={}}); Utils.Notify(LocalPlayer, "Error", "Macros were reset due to corrupted data") break; end local KeyName, IsEnum = GetKeyName(v.Keys[1]); local Formatted; if (v.Keys[2]) then local KeyName2, IsEnum2 = GetKeyName(v.Keys[2]); Formatted = format("%s + %s", IsEnum2 and KeyName2 or KeyName, IsEnum2 and KeyName2 or KeyName2); else Formatted = KeyName end MacroSection.AddMacro(v.Command .. " " .. concat(v.Args, " "), Formatted); end return MacroSection end function PageLibrary.NewSection(Title) local Section = Clone(GuiObjects.Section.Container); local SectionOptions = Section.Options local SectionUIListLayout = SectionOptions.UIListLayout Section.Visible = true Utils.SmoothScroll(Section.Options, .14) Section.Title.Text = Title Section.Parent = Page.Selection SectionOptions.CanvasSize = UDim2.fromOffset(0,0) --// change AddConnection(CConnect(GetPropertyChangedSignal(SectionUIListLayout, "AbsoluteContentSize"), function() SectionOptions.CanvasSize = UDim2.fromOffset(0, SectionUIListLayout.AbsoluteContentSize.Y + 5); end)); UpdateClone(); local ElementLibrary = {} function ElementLibrary.Toggle(Title, Enabled, Callback) local Toggle = Clone(GuiObjects.Elements.Toggle); local Container = Toggle.Container local Switch = Container.Switch local Hitbox = Container.Hitbox if not Enabled then Switch.Position = UDim2.fromOffset(2, 2) Container.BackgroundColor3 = Colors.ToggleDisabled end local NoCallback = false local OnClick = function() Enabled = not Enabled Utils.Tween(Switch, "Quad", "Out", .25, { Position = Enabled and UDim2.new(1, -18, 0, 2) or UDim2.fromOffset(2, 2) }) Utils.Tween(Container, "Quad", "Out", .25, { BackgroundColor3 = Enabled and Colors.ToggleEnabled or Colors.ToggleDisabled }) if (not NoCallback) then Callback(Enabled); end end AddConnection(CConnect(Hitbox.MouseButton1Click, OnClick)); Toggle.Visible = true Toggle.Title.Text = Title Toggle.Parent = Section.Options Utils.Thing(Toggle.Title); UpdateClone() return function() NoCallback = true OnClick(); NoCallback = false end end function ElementLibrary.ScrollingFrame(Title, Callback, Elements, Toggles) local ScrollingFrame = Clone(GuiObjects.Elements.ScrollingFrame); local Frame = ScrollingFrame.Frame local Toggle = ScrollingFrame.Toggle for ElementTitle, Enabled in next, Elements do local NewToggle = Clone(Toggle); NewToggle.Visible = true NewToggle.Title.Text = ElementTitle NewToggle.Plugins.Text = Enabled and (Toggles and Toggles[1] or "Enabled") or (Toggles and Toggles[2] or "Disabled"); Utils.Click(NewToggle.Plugins, "BackgroundColor3") AddConnection(CConnect(NewToggle.Plugins.MouseButton1Click, function() Enabled = not Enabled NewToggle.Plugins.Text = Enabled and (Toggles and Toggles[1] or "Enabled") or (Toggles and Toggles[2] or "Disabled"); Callback(ElementTitle, Enabled); end)); NewToggle.Parent = Frame.Container end Frame.Visible = true Frame.Title.Text = Title Frame.Parent = Section.Options for _, NewToggle in next, GetChildren(Frame.Container) do if (IsA(NewToggle, "GuiObject")) then Utils.Thing(NewToggle.Title); end end UpdateClone() end function ElementLibrary.Keybind(Title, Bind, Callback) local Keybind = Clone(GuiObjects.Elements.Keybind); local Enabled = false local Connection Keybind.Container.Text = Bind Keybind.Title.Text = Title local Container = Keybind.Container AddConnection(CConnect(Container.MouseButton1Click, function() Enabled = not Enabled if Enabled then Container.Text = "..." local OldShiftLock = LocalPlayer.DevEnableMouseLock -- disable shift lock so it doesn't interfere with keybind LocalPlayer.DevEnableMouseLock = false Connection = AddConnection(CConnect(UserInputService.InputBegan, function(Input, Processed) if not Processed and Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then local Input2, Proccessed2; CThread(function() Input2, Proccessed2 = CWait(UserInputService.InputBegan); end)() CWait(UserInputService.InputEnded); if (Input2 and not Processed) then local KeyName, IsEnum = GetKeyName(Input.KeyCode); local KeyName2, IsEnum2 = GetKeyName(Input2.KeyCode); -- Order by if it's an enum first, example 'Shift + K' and not 'K + Shift' Container.Text = format("%s + %s", IsEnum2 and KeyName2 or KeyName, IsEnum2 and KeyName2 or KeyName2); Callback(Input.KeyCode, Input2.KeyCode); else local KeyName = GetKeyName(Input.KeyCode); Container.Text = KeyName Callback(Input.KeyCode); end LocalPlayer.DevEnableMouseLock = OldShiftLock else Container.Text = "press" end Enabled = false Disconnect(Connection); end)); else Container.Text = "press" Disconnect(Connection); end end)); Utils.Click(Container, "BackgroundColor3"); Keybind.Visible = true Keybind.Parent = Section.Options UpdateClone(); end function ElementLibrary.TextboxKeybind(Title, Bind, Callback) local Keybind = Clone(GuiObjects.Elements.TextboxKeybind); Keybind.Container.Text = Bind Keybind.Title.Text = Title local Container = Keybind.Container AddConnection(CConnect(GetPropertyChangedSignal(Container, "Text"), function(Key) if (#Container.Text >= 1) then Container.Text = sub(Container.Text, 1, 1); Callback(Container.Text); Container.ReleaseFocus(Container); end end)) Keybind.Visible = true Keybind.Parent = Section.Options UpdateClone(); end function ElementLibrary.ColorPicker(Title, DefaultColor, Callback) local SelectColor = Clone(ColorElements.SelectColor); local CurrentColor = DefaultColor local Button = SelectColor.Button local ToHSV = DefaultColor.ToHSV local Color3New = Color3.new local Color3fromHSV = Color3.fromHSV local UDim2New = UDim2.new local clamp = math.clamp local H, S, V = ToHSV(DefaultColor); local Opened = false local Rainbow = false local function UpdateText() RedTextBox.PlaceholderText = tostring(math.floor(CurrentColor.R * 255)) GreenTextBox.PlaceholderText = tostring(math.floor(CurrentColor.G * 255)) BlueTextBox.PlaceholderText = tostring(math.floor(CurrentColor.B * 255)) end local function UpdateColor() H, S, V = ToHSV(CurrentColor); SliderBar.Position = UDim2New(0, 0, H, 2); CanvasBar.Position = UDim2New(S, 2, 1 - V, 2); ColorGradient.UIGradient.Color = Utils.MakeGradient({ [1] = Color3New(1, 1, 1); [2] = Color3fromHSV(H, 1, 1); }) ColorPreview.BackgroundColor3 = CurrentColor UpdateText(); end local function UpdateHue(Hue) SliderBar.Position = UDim2New(0, 0, Hue, 2); ColorGradient.UIGradient.Color = Utils.MakeGradient({ [1] = Color3New(1, 1, 1); [2] = Color3fromHSV(Hue, 1, 1); }); ColorPreview.BackgroundColor3 = CurrentColor UpdateText(); end local function ColorSliderInit() local Moving = false local function Update() if Opened and not Rainbow then local LowerBound = SliderHitbox.AbsoluteSize.Y local Position = clamp(Mouse.Y - SliderHitbox.AbsolutePosition.Y, 0, LowerBound); local Value = Position / LowerBound H = Value CurrentColor = Color3fromHSV(H, S, V); ColorPreview.BackgroundColor3 = CurrentColor ColorGradient.UIGradient.Color = Utils.MakeGradient({ [1] = Color3New(1, 1, 1); [2] = Color3fromHSV(H, 1, 1); }); UpdateText(); local Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, Value, 2) local Tween = Utils.Tween(SliderBar, "Linear", "Out", .05, { Position = Position }); Callback(CurrentColor); CWait(Tween.Completed); end end AddConnection(CConnect(SliderHitbox.MouseButton1Down, function() Moving = true Update() end)) AddConnection(CConnect(UserInputService.InputEnded, function(Input) if Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 and Moving then Moving = false end end)) AddConnection(CConnect(Mouse.Move, Utils.Debounce(function() if Moving then Update() end end))) end local function ColorCanvasInit() local Moving = false local function Update() if Opened then local LowerBound = CanvasHitbox.AbsoluteSize.Y local YPosition = clamp(Mouse.Y - CanvasHitbox.AbsolutePosition.Y, 0, LowerBound) local YValue = YPosition / LowerBound local RightBound = CanvasHitbox.AbsoluteSize.X local XPosition = clamp(Mouse.X - CanvasHitbox.AbsolutePosition.X, 0, RightBound) local XValue = XPosition / RightBound S = XValue V = 1 - YValue CurrentColor = Color3fromHSV(H, S, V); ColorPreview.BackgroundColor3 = CurrentColor UpdateText() local Position = UDim2New(XValue, 2, YValue, 2); local Tween = Utils.Tween(CanvasBar, "Linear", "Out", .05, { Position = Position }); Callback(CurrentColor); CWait(Tween.Completed); end end AddConnection(CConnect(CanvasHitbox.MouseButton1Down, function() Moving = true Update() end)) AddConnection(CConnect(UserInputService.InputEnded, function(Input) if Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 and Moving then Moving = false end end)) AddConnection(CConnect(Mouse.Move, Utils.Debounce(function() if Moving then Update() end end))) end ColorSliderInit() ColorCanvasInit() AddConnection(CConnect(Button.MouseButton1Click, function() if not Opened then Opened = true UpdateColor() RainbowToggle.Container.Switch.Position = Rainbow and UDim2New(1, -18, 0, 2) or UDim2.fromOffset(2, 2) RainbowToggle.Container.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(25, 25, 25); Overlay.Visible = true OverlayMain.Visible = false Utils.Intro(OverlayMain) end end)) AddConnection(CConnect(ClosePicker.MouseButton1Click, Utils.Debounce(function() Button.BackgroundColor3 = CurrentColor Utils.Intro(OverlayMain) Overlay.Visible = false Opened = false end))) AddConnection(CConnect(RedTextBox.FocusLost, function() if Opened then local Number = tonumber(RedTextBox.Text) if Number then Number = clamp(floor(Number), 0, 255) CurrentColor = Color3New(Number / 255, CurrentColor.G, CurrentColor.B) UpdateColor() RedTextBox.PlaceholderText = tostring(Number) Callback(CurrentColor) end RedTextBox.Text = "" end end)) AddConnection(CConnect(GreenTextBox.FocusLost, function() if Opened then local Number = tonumber(GreenTextBox.Text) if Number then Number = clamp(floor(Number), 0, 255) CurrentColor = Color3New(CurrentColor.R, Number / 255, CurrentColor.B) UpdateColor() GreenTextBox.PlaceholderText = tostring(Number) Callback(CurrentColor) end GreenTextBox.Text = "" end end)) AddConnection(CConnect(BlueTextBox.FocusLost, function() if Opened then local Number = tonumber(BlueTextBox.Text) if Number then Number = clamp(floor(Number), 0, 255) CurrentColor = Color3New(CurrentColor.R, CurrentColor.G, Number / 255) UpdateColor() BlueTextBox.PlaceholderText = tostring(Number) Callback(CurrentColor) end BlueTextBox.Text = "" end end)) Utils.ToggleFunction(RainbowToggle.Container, false, function(Callback) if Opened then Rainbow = Callback end end) AddConnection(CConnect(RenderStepped, function() if Rainbow then local Hue = (tick() / 5) % 1 CurrentColor = Color3.fromHSV(Hue, S, V) if Opened then UpdateHue(Hue) end Button.BackgroundColor3 = CurrentColor Callback(CurrentColor, true); end end)) Button.BackgroundColor3 = DefaultColor SelectColor.Title.Text = Title SelectColor.Visible = true SelectColor.Parent = Section.Options Utils.Thing(SelectColor.Title); end return ElementLibrary end return PageLibrary end end Utils.Click(ConfigUI.Close, "TextColor3") AddConnection(CConnect(ConfigUI.Close.MouseButton1Click, function() ConfigLoaded = false CWait(Utils.TweenAllTrans(ConfigUI, .25).Completed); ConfigUI.Visible = false end)) --END IMPORT [uimore] --IMPORT [plugin] PluginConf = IsSupportedExploit and GetPluginConfig(); local Plugins; PluginLibrary = { LocalPlayer = LocalPlayer, Services = Services, GetCharacter = GetCharacter, ProtectInstance = ProtectInstance, SpoofInstance = SpoofInstance, SpoofProperty = SpoofProperty, UnSpoofInstance = UnSpoofInstance, ReplaceCharacter = ReplaceCharacter, ReplaceHumanoid = ReplaceHumanoid, GetCorrectToolWithHandle = GetCorrectToolWithHandle, DisableAnimate = DisableAnimate, GetPlayer = GetPlayer, GetHumanoid = GetHumanoid, GetRoot = GetRoot, GetMagnitude = GetMagnitude, GetCommandEnv = function(Name) local Command = LoadCommand(Name); if (Command.CmdEnv) then return Command.CmdEnv end end, isR6 = isR6, ExecuteCommand = ExecuteCommand, Notify = Utils.Notify, HasTool = HasTool, isSat = isSat, Request = syn and syn.request or request or game.HttpGet, CThread = CThread, AddConnection = AddConnection, filter = filter, map = map, clone = clone, firetouchinterest = firetouchinterest, fireproximityprompt = fireproximityprompt, decompile = decompile, getnilinstances = getnilinstances, getinstances = getinstances, Drawing = Drawing } do local IsDebug = IsSupportedExploit and PluginConf.PluginDebug Plugins = IsSupportedExploit and map(filter(listfiles("Rogue-admin/plugins"), function(i, v) return lower(split(v, ".")[#split(v, ".")]) == "lua" end), function(i, v) local splitted = split(v, "\\"); return {splitted[#splitted], loadfile(v)} end) or {} if (SafePlugins) then local Renv = clone(getrenv(), true); for i, v in next, Renv do PluginLibrary[i] = v end end PluginLibrary.debug = nil PluginLibrary.getfenv = nil PluginLibrary.loadstring = loadstring if (PluginConf.SafePlugins) then local Funcs = {} for i, v in next, PluginLibrary do if (type(v) == 'function') then Funcs[#Funcs + 1] = v end end local RogueEnv = getfenv(1); PluginLibrary.getfenv = newcclosure(function(...) local f = ({...})[1] local Env = getfenv(...); if (type(f) == 'function' and Tfind(Funcs, f) or Env == RogueEnv and checkcaller()) then return PluginLibrary end return Env end) end if (PluginConf.PluginsEnabled) then local LoadPlugin = function(Plugin) if (not IsSupportedExploit) then return end if (Plugin and PluginConf.DisabledPlugins[Plugin.Name]) then Utils.Notify(LocalPlayer, "Plugin not loaded.", format("Plugin %s was not loaded as it is on the disabled list.", Plugin.Name)); GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Disabled.", Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } end if (#keys(Plugin) < 3) then return Utils.Notify(LocalPlayer, "Plugin Fail", "One of your plugins is missing information."); end if (IsDebug) then Utils.Notify(LocalPlayer, "Plugin loading", format("Plugin %s is being loaded.", Plugin.Name)); end local Context; local sett, gett = setthreadidentity, getthreadidentity if (sett and PluginConf.SafePlugins) then Context = gett(); sett(5); end local Ran, Return = pcall(Plugin.Init); if (sett and Context) then sett(Context); end if (not Ran and Return and IsDebug) then return Utils.Notify(LocalPlayer, "Plugin Fail", format("there is an error in plugin Init %s: %s", Plugin.Name, Return)); end for i, command in next, Plugin.Commands or {} do -- adding the "or" because some people might have outdated plugins in the dir if (#keys(command) < 3) then Utils.Notify(LocalPlayer, "Plugin Command Fail", format("Command %s is missing information", command.Name)); continue end AddCommand(command.Name, command.Aliases or {}, command.Description .. " - " .. Plugin.Author, command.Requirements or {}, command.Func, true); if (FindFirstChild(Commands.Frame.List, command.Name)) then Destroy(FindFirstChild(Commands.Frame.List, command.Name)); end local Clone = Clone(Command); Utils.Hover(Clone, "BackgroundColor3"); Utils.ToolTip(Clone, format("%s\n%s - %s", command.Name, command.Description, Plugin.Author)); Clone.CommandText.RichText = true Clone.CommandText.Text = format("%s %s %s", command.Name, next(command.Aliases or {}) and format("(%s)", concat(command.Aliases, ", ")) or "", Utils.TextFont("[PLUGIN]", {77, 255, 255})); Clone.Name = command.Name Clone.Visible = true Clone.Parent = Commands.Frame.List if (IsDebug) then Utils.Notify(LocalPlayer, "Plugin Command Loaded", format("Command %s loaded successfully", command.Name)); end end end if (IsSupportedExploit) then if (not isfolder("Rogue-admin") and not isfolder("Rogue-admin/plugins") and not isfolder("Rogue-admin/plugin-conf.json") or not isfolder("Rogue-admin/chatlogs")) then WriteConfig(); end end for i, Plugin in next, Plugins do local PluginFunc = Plugin[2] if (PluginConf.SafePlugins) then setfenv(PluginFunc, PluginLibrary); else local CurrentEnv = getfenv(PluginFunc); for i2, v2 in next, PluginLibrary do CurrentEnv[i2] = v2 end end local Success, Ret = pcall(PluginFunc); if (Success) then LoadPlugin(Ret); elseif (PluginConf.PluginDebug) then Utils.Notify(LocalPlayer, "Fail", "There was an error Loading plugin (console for more information)"); warn("[FA Plugin Error]: " .. debug.traceback(Ret)); end end end end --END IMPORT [plugin] WideBar = false Draggable = false --IMPORT [config] do local UserInputService = Services.UserInputService local GetStringForKeyCode = UserInputService.GetStringForKeyCode local function GetKeyName(KeyCode) local _, Stringed = pcall(GetStringForKeyCode, UserInputService, KeyCode); local IsEnum = Stringed == "" return (not IsEnum and _) and Stringed or split(tostring(KeyCode), ".")[3], (IsEnum and not _); end local SortKeys = function(Key1, Key2) local KeyName, IsEnum = GetKeyName(Key1); if (Key2) then local KeyName2, IsEnum2 = GetKeyName(Key2); return format("%s + %s", IsEnum2 and KeyName2 or KeyName, IsEnum2 and KeyName2 or KeyName2); end return KeyName end LoadConfig = function() local Script = ConfigUILib.NewPage("Script"); local Settings = Script.NewSection("Settings"); local CurrentConf = GetConfig(); Settings.TextboxKeybind("Chat Prefix", Prefix, function(Key) if (not match(Key, "%A") or match(Key, "%d") or #Key > 1) then Utils.Notify(nil, "Prefix", "Prefix must be a 1 character symbol."); return end Prefix = Key Utils.Notify(nil, "Prefix", "Prefix is now " .. Key); end) Settings.Keybind("CMDBar Prefix", GetKeyName(CommandBarPrefix), function(KeyCode1, KeyCode2) CommandBarPrefix = KeyCode1 Utils.Notify(nil, "Prefix", "CommandBar Prefix is now " .. GetKeyName(KeyCode1)); end) local ToggleSave; ToggleSave = Settings.Toggle("Save Prefix's", false, function(Callback) SetConfig({["Prefix"]=Prefix,["CommandBarPrefix"]=split(tostring(CommandBarPrefix), ".")[3]}); wait(.5); ToggleSave(); Utils.Notify(nil, "Prefix", "saved prefix's"); end) local Misc = Script.NewSection("Misc"); Misc.Toggle("Chat Prediction", CurrentConf.ChatPrediction or false, function(Callback) local ChatBar = ToggleChatPrediction(); if (Callback) then ChatBar.CaptureFocus(ChatBar); wait(); ChatBar.Text = Prefix end SetConfig({ChatPrediction=Callback}); Utils.Notify(nil, nil, format("ChatPrediction %s", Callback and "enabled" or "disabled")); end) Misc.Toggle("Anti Kick", Hooks.AntiKick, function(Callback) Hooks.AntiKick = Callback Utils.Notify(nil, nil, format("AntiKick %s", Hooks.AntiKick and "enabled" or "disabled")); end) Misc.Toggle("Anti Teleport", Hooks.AntiTeleport, function(Callback) Hooks.AntiTeleport = Callback Utils.Notify(nil, nil, format("AntiTeleport %s", Hooks.AntiTeleport and "enabled" or "disabled")); end) Misc.Toggle("wide cmdbar", WideBar, function(Callback) WideBar = Callback if (not Draggable) then Utils.Tween(CommandBar, "Quint", "Out", .5, { Position = UDim2.new(0.5, WideBar and -200 or -100, 1, 5) -- tween -110 }) end Utils.Tween(CommandBar, "Quint", "Out", .5, { Size = UDim2.new(0, WideBar and 400 or 200, 0, 35) -- tween -110 }) SetConfig({WideBar=Callback}); Utils.Notify(nil, nil, format("widebar %s", WideBar and "enabled" or "disabled")); end) Misc.Toggle("draggable cmdbar", Draggable, function(Callback) Draggable = Callback CommandBarOpen = true Utils.Tween(CommandBar, "Quint", "Out", .5, { Position = UDim2.new(0, Mouse.X, 0, Mouse.Y + 36); }) Utils.Draggable(CommandBar); local TransparencyTween = CommandBarOpen and Utils.TweenAllTransToObject or Utils.TweenAllTrans local Tween = TransparencyTween(CommandBar, .5, CommandBarTransparencyClone); CommandBar.Input.Text = "" if (not Callback) then Utils.Tween(CommandBar, "Quint", "Out", .5, { Position = UDim2.new(0.5, WideBar and -200 or -100, 1, 5) -- tween 5 }) end Utils.Notify(nil, nil, format("draggable command bar %s", Draggable and "enabled" or "disabled")); end) Misc.Toggle("KillCam when killing", CurrentConf.KillCam, function(Callback) SetConfig({KillCam=Callback}); _L.KillCam = Callback end) local OldFireTouchInterest = firetouchinterest Misc.Toggle("cframe touchinterest", firetouchinterest == nil, function(Callback) firetouchinterest = Callback and function(part1, part2, toggle) if (part1 and part2) then if (toggle == 0) then touched[1] = part1.CFrame part1.CFrame = part2.CFrame else part1.CFrame = touched[1] touched[1] = nil end end end or OldFireTouchInterest end) local MacrosPage = ConfigUILib.NewPage("Macros"); local MacroSection; MacroSection = MacrosPage.CreateMacroSection(Macros, function(Bind, Command, Args) local AlreadyAdded = false for i = 1, #Macros do if (Macros[i].Command == Command) then AlreadyAdded = true end end if (CommandsTable[Command] and not AlreadyAdded) then MacroSection.AddMacro(Command .. " " .. Args, SortKeys(Bind[1], Bind[2])); Args = split(Args, " "); if (sub(Command, 1, 2) == "un" or CommandsTable["un" .. Command]) then local Shifted = {Command, unpack(Args)} Macros[#Macros + 1] = { Command = "toggle", Args = Shifted, Keys = Bind } else Macros[#Macros + 1] = { Command = Command, Args = Args, Keys = Bind } end local TempMacros = clone(Macros); for i, v in next, TempMacros do for i2, v2 in next, v.Keys do TempMacros[i]["Keys"][i2] = split(tostring(v2), ".")[3] end end SetConfig({Macros=TempMacros}); end end) local UIListLayout = MacroSection.CommandsList.UIListLayout for i, v in next, CommandsTable do if (not FindFirstChild(MacroSection.CommandsList, v.Name)) then MacroSection.AddCmd(v.Name); end end MacroSection.CommandsList.CanvasSize = UDim2.fromOffset(0, UIListLayout.AbsoluteContentSize.Y); local Search = FindFirstChild(MacroSection.CommandsList.Parent.Parent, "Search"); AddConnection(CConnect(GetPropertyChangedSignal(Search, "Text"), function() local Text = Search.Text for _, v in next, GetChildren(MacroSection.CommandsList) do if (IsA(v, "TextButton")) then local Command = v.Text v.Visible = Sfind(lower(Command), Text, 1, true) end end MacroSection.CommandsList.CanvasSize = UDim2.fromOffset(0, UIListLayout.AbsoluteContentSize.Y); end), Connections.UI, true); local PluginsPage = ConfigUILib.NewPage("Plugins"); local CurrentPlugins = PluginsPage.NewSection("Current Plugins"); local PluginSettings = PluginsPage.NewSection("Plugin Settings"); local CurrentPluginConf = GetPluginConfig(); CurrentPlugins.ScrollingFrame("plugins", function(Option, Enabled) CurrentPluginConf = GetPluginConfig(); for i = 1, #Plugins do local Plugin = Plugins[i] if (Plugin[1] == Option) then local DisabledPlugins = CurrentPluginConf.DisabledPlugins local PluginName = Plugin[2]().Name if (Enabled) then DisabledPlugins[PluginName] = nil SetPluginConfig({DisabledPlugins=DisabledPlugins}); Utils.Notify(nil, "Plugin Enabled", format("plugin %s successfully enabled", PluginName)); else DisabledPlugins[PluginName] = true SetPluginConfig({DisabledPlugins=DisabledPlugins}); Utils.Notify(nil, "Plugin Disabled", format("plugin %s successfully disabled", PluginName)); end end end end, map(Plugins, function(Key, Plugin) return not PluginConf.DisabledPlugins[Plugin[2]().Name], Plugin[1] end)); PluginSettings.Toggle("Plugins Enabled", CurrentPluginConf.PluginsEnabled, function(Callback) SetPluginConfig({PluginsEnabled = Callback}); end) PluginSettings.Toggle("Plugins Debug", CurrentPluginConf.PluginDebug, function(Callback) SetPluginConfig({PluginDebug = Callback}); end) PluginSettings.Toggle("Safe Plugins", CurrentPluginConf.SafePlugins, function(Callback) SetPluginConfig({SafePlugins = Callback}); end) local Themes = ConfigUILib.NewPage("Themes"); local Color = Themes.NewSection("Colors"); local Options = Themes.NewSection("Options"); local RainbowEnabled = false Color.ColorPicker("All Background", UITheme.Background.BackgroundColor, function(Callback, IsRainbow) UITheme.Background.BackgroundColor = Callback RainbowEnabled = IsRainbow end) Color.ColorPicker("CommandBar", UITheme.CommandBar.BackgroundColor, function(Callback) if (not RainbowEnabled) then UITheme.CommandBar.BackgroundColor = Callback end end) Color.ColorPicker("Notification", UITheme.Notification.BackgroundColor, function(Callback) if (not RainbowEnabled) then UITheme.Notification.BackgroundColor = Callback end end) Color.ColorPicker("ChatLogs", UITheme.ChatLogs.BackgroundColor, function(Callback) if (not RainbowEnabled) then UITheme.ChatLogs.BackgroundColor = Callback end end) Color.ColorPicker("CommandList", UITheme.CommandList.BackgroundColor, function(Callback) if (not RainbowEnabled) then UITheme.CommandList.BackgroundColor = Callback end end) Color.ColorPicker("Config", UITheme.Config.BackgroundColor, function(Callback) if (not RainbowEnabled) then UITheme.Config.BackgroundColor = Callback end end) Color.ColorPicker("All Text", UITheme.Background.TextColor, function(Callback) UITheme.Background.TextColor = Callback end) local ToggleSave; ToggleSave = Options.Toggle("Save Theme", false, function(Callback) WriteThemeConfig(); wait(.5); ToggleSave(); Utils.Notify(nil, "Theme", "saved theme"); end) local ToggleLoad; ToggleLoad = Options.Toggle("Load Theme", false, function(Callback) LoadTheme(GetThemeConfig()); wait(.5); ToggleLoad(); Utils.Notify(nil, "Theme", "Loaded theme"); end) local ToggleReset; ToggleReset = Options.Toggle("Reset Theme", false, function(Callback) UITheme.Background.BackgroundColor = "Reset" UITheme.Notification.TextColor = "Reset" UITheme.CommandBar.TextColor = "Reset" UITheme.CommandList.TextColor = "Reset" UITheme.ChatLogs.TextColor = "Reset" UITheme.Config.TextColor = "Reset" UITheme.Notification.Transparency = "Reset" UITheme.CommandBar.Transparency = "Reset" UITheme.CommandList.Transparency = "Reset" UITheme.ChatLogs.Transparency = "Reset" UITheme.Config.Transparency = "Reset" wait(.5); ToggleReset(); Utils.Notify(nil, "Theme", "reset theme"); end) end delay(1, function() for i = 1, #Macros do local Macro = Macros[i] for i2 = 1, #Macro.Keys do Macros[i].Keys[i2] = Enum.KeyCode[Macros[i].Keys[i2]] end end if (CurrentConfig.WideBar) then WideBar = true Utils.Tween(CommandBar, "Quint", "Out", .5, { Size = UDim2.new(0, WideBar and 400 or 200, 0, 35) -- tween -110 }) end KillCam = CurrentConfig.KillCam local Aliases = CurrentConfig.Aliases if (Aliases) then for i, v in next, Aliases do if (CommandsTable[i]) then for i2 = 1, #v do local Alias = v[i2] local Add = CommandsTable[i] Add.Name = Alias CommandsTable[Alias] = Add end end end end end) end --END IMPORT [config] AddConnection(CConnect(CommandBar.Input.FocusLost, function() local Text = trim(CommandBar.Input.Text); local CommandArgs = split(Text, " "); CommandBarOpen = false if (not Draggable) then Utils.TweenAllTrans(CommandBar, .5) Utils.Tween(CommandBar, "Quint", "Out", .5, { Position = UDim2.new(0.5, WideBar and -200 or -100, 1, 5); -- tween 5 }) end local Command = CommandArgs[1] local Args = shift(CommandArgs); if (Command ~= "") then ExecuteCommand(Command, Args, LocalPlayer); end end), Connections.UI, true); local PlayerAdded = function(plr) RespawnTimes[plr.Name] = tick(); AddConnection(CConnect(plr.CharacterAdded, function() RespawnTimes[plr.Name] = tick(); end)); end forEach(GetPlayers(Players), function(i,v) PlayerAdded(v); end); AddConnection(CConnect(Players.PlayerAdded, function(plr) PlayerAdded(plr); end)) AddConnection(CConnect(Players.PlayerRemoving, function(plr) if (Connections.Players[plr.Name]) then if (Connections.Players[plr.Name].ChatCon) then Disconnect(Connections.Players[plr.Name].ChatCon); end Connections.Players[plr.Name] = nil end if (RespawnTimes[plr.Name]) then RespawnTimes[plr.Name] = nil end end)) getgenv().F_A = { Utils = Utils, PluginLibrary = PluginLibrary, GetConfig = GetConfig } local Tab = GUI:Tab{ Name = "Miscellaneous", Icon = "rbxassetid://14161961667" } local MPCUndetainToggle = false -- Default toggle state local loopEnabled = false -- Variable to control the loop local function MPCUndetainScript() local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer while loopEnabled do if player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("DetainWarning") then prev = LP.Character:WaitForChild('HumanoidRootPart').CFrame game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Packages.Knit.Services.SkydivingService.RF.FallDamage:InvokeServer(1) end -- Check if Death.Visible is true while player.PlayerGui.InteractableMenus.Death.Visible do -- Your code here -- Call RequestDeploy to respawn game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Packages.Knit.Services.PlayerHandler.RF.RequestDeploy:InvokeServer() -- Script generated by SimpleSpy - credits to exx#9394 game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Packages.Knit.Services.PlayerHandler.RF.Respawn:InvokeServer() player.Character.Torso.Anchored = false player.Character.Head.Anchored = false player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = false -- Wait for a short duration before checking Death.Visible again wait() end wait(0.01) -- Faster iteration, adjust the delay as needed end end local toggle = Tab:Toggle{ Name = "MPC undetain", Description = "Removes MPC detainment. Must be detained to work.", Callback = function(state) MPCUndetainToggle = state if MPCUndetainToggle then if not loopEnabled then loopEnabled = true -- Start the loop if it's not already running MPCUndetainScript() end else loopEnabled = false -- Stop the loop end end } toggle:SetState(MPCUndetainToggle) local toggle = Tab:Toggle{ Name = "Infinite Stamina", StartingState = false, Description = "Give you unlimited running/stamina speed.", Callback = function(state) local loopEnabled = true -- Variable to control the loop while loopEnabled do if state then local aux = loadstring(game:HttpGetAsync("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Upbolt/Hydroxide/revision/ohaux.lua"))() local scriptPath = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Client.Controller.ClientController.Sprint local closureName = "Unnamed function" local upvalueIndex = 1 local closureConstants = { [1] = "rig", [2] = "Humanoid", [3] = "FindFirstChild", [4] = "actions", [5] = "Disconnect", [6] = "Deplete" } local closure = aux.searchClosure(scriptPath, closureName, upvalueIndex, closureConstants) local value = 100 local elementIndex = "stamina" debug.getupvalue(closure, upvalueIndex)[elementIndex] = value wait(0.3) -- Delay before the next iteration else break -- Break the loop if the toggle is set to false end end end } local loopActive = false Tab:Toggle{ Name = "Bad God Mode", StartingState = false, Description = "This god mode isn't really good but it works.", Callback = function(state) loopActive = state while loopActive do local success = pcall(function() if game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("InteractableMenus"):WaitForChild("Death").Visible then local LP = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer local prev = LP.Character:WaitForChild('HumanoidRootPart').CFrame game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Packages"):WaitForChild("Knit"):WaitForChild("Services"):WaitForChild("PlayerHandler"):WaitForChild("RF"):WaitForChild("RequestDeploy"):InvokeServer() game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Packages"):WaitForChild("Knit"):WaitForChild("Services"):WaitForChild("PlayerHandler"):WaitForChild("RF"):WaitForChild("Respawn"):InvokeServer() game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Packages"):WaitForChild("Knit"):WaitForChild("Services"):WaitForChild("RadioService"):WaitForChild("RF"):WaitForChild("CanUseRadio"):InvokeServer() LP.Character:WaitForChild('HumanoidRootPart').CFrame = prev end end) wait(0.1) -- Adjust the delay as per your preference end end } Tab:button({ Name = "Remove Anti", Description = "Allows you to bypass out of bounds zones and anti-barriers for raiders.", Callback = function() Tab:prompt{ Title = "Warning", Text = "Enabling 'Remove Anti' will remove barriers, and you will have to rejoin to get them back.", Buttons = { ENABLE = function() local raiderRestricted = workspace.Regions:FindFirstChild("RaiderRestricted") local pavilions = workspace.Regions:FindFirstChild("Pavilions") local prison = workspace.Regions:FindFirstChild("Prison") if raiderRestricted and pavilions and prison then raiderRestricted:Destroy() pavilions:Destroy() prison:Destroy() else wait() end end, EXIT = function() wait() end } } end, }) Tab:button({ Name = "Allow Reset", Description = "Allowing reset even when detained.", Callback = function() Tab:prompt{ Title = "Warning", Text = "Enabling 'Allow Reset' will allow you to reset, and you will have to rejoin to unenable it.", Buttons = { ENABLE = function() while wait() do game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("ResetButtonCallback", true) end while wait() do game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Packages.Knit.Services.PrisonService.RF.DetainReleaseCheck:InvokeServer() end end, EXIT = function() wait() end } } end, }) AddCommand("chatlogs", {"clogs"}, "enables chatlogs", {}, function() local MessageClone = Clone(ChatLogs.Frame.List); Utils.ClearAllObjects(ChatLogs.Frame.List) ChatLogs.Visible = true local Tween = Utils.TweenAllTransToObject(ChatLogs, .25, ChatLogsTransparencyClone) Destroy(ChatLogs.Frame.List) MessageClone.Parent = ChatLogs.Frame for i, v in next, GetChildren(ChatLogs.Frame.List) do if (not IsA(v, "UIListLayout")) then Utils.Tween(v, "Sine", "Out", .25, { TextTransparency = 0 }) end end local ChatLogsListLayout = ChatLogs.Frame.List.UIListLayout CConnect(GetPropertyChangedSignal(ChatLogsListLayout, "AbsoluteContentSize"), function() local CanvasPosition = ChatLogs.Frame.List.CanvasPosition local CanvasSize = ChatLogs.Frame.List.CanvasSize local AbsoluteSize = ChatLogs.Frame.List.AbsoluteSize if (CanvasSize.Y.Offset - AbsoluteSize.Y - CanvasPosition.Y < 20) then wait() -- chatlogs updates absolutecontentsize before sizing frame ChatLogs.Frame.List.CanvasPosition = Vector2.new(0, CanvasSize.Y.Offset + 1000) --ChatLogsListLayout.AbsoluteContentSize.Y + 100) end end) Utils.Tween(ChatLogs.Frame.List, "Sine", "Out", .25, { ScrollBarImageTransparency = 0 }) end) Tab:Button{ Name = "Refresh Character", Description = "Refreshes you character and brings you back to the place you were at.", Callback = function() local LP = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer local prev = LP.Character:WaitForChild('HumanoidRootPart').CFrame game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Packages"):WaitForChild("Knit"):WaitForChild("Services"):WaitForChild("PlayerHandler"):WaitForChild("RF"):WaitForChild("Reset"):InvokeServer() game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Packages"):WaitForChild("Knit"):WaitForChild("Services"):WaitForChild("PlayerHandler"):WaitForChild("RF"):WaitForChild("RequestDeploy"):InvokeServer() game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Packages"):WaitForChild("Knit"):WaitForChild("Services"):WaitForChild("PlayerHandler"):WaitForChild("RF"):WaitForChild("Respawn"):InvokeServer() LP.Character:WaitForChild('HumanoidRootPart').CFrame = prev end} Tab:Button{ Name = "Fix Character / Fast respawn", Description = "Respawns your character which fixes bugs. (You might need to execute x3)", Callback = function() game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Packages"):WaitForChild("Knit"):WaitForChild("Services"):WaitForChild("PlayerHandler"):WaitForChild("RF"):WaitForChild("Reset"):InvokeServer() game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Packages"):WaitForChild("Knit"):WaitForChild("Services"):WaitForChild("PlayerHandler"):WaitForChild("RF"):WaitForChild("RequestDeploy"):InvokeServer() game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Packages"):WaitForChild("Knit"):WaitForChild("Services"):WaitForChild("PlayerHandler"):WaitForChild("RF"):WaitForChild("Respawn"):InvokeServer() end} local Tab = GUI:Tab{ Name = "TP-places", Icon = "rbxassetid://14161869209" } Tab:Button{ Name = "ASOC pavs/helipads/parachutes", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(-502.314758, 11.1710091, 828.320496, 0.999988198, -4.81881443e-06, 0.00486741215, -1.28890351e-05, 0.999993384, 0.00364383636, -0.00486739771, -0.00364385615, 0.999981582) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "MPC HQ", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(86.9417114, 9.73274612, 600.078186, -0.00775325531, -5.18449683e-09, 0.999969959, 2.86729041e-08, 1, 5.40696776e-09, -0.999969959, 2.87139628e-08, -0.00775325531) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "MPC Jail", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(86.9367905, -5.68009472, 582.540588, -0.999667168, -4.01923606e-10, -0.0257991701, -9.49855472e-11, 1, -1.18984325e-08, 0.0257991701, -1.18920216e-08, -0.999667168) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "MPC helipads", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(88.2854691, 44.2849922, 544.887329, -0.999979973, 8.76001138e-08, 0.0063287681, 8.75278161e-08, 1, -1.17001431e-08, -0.0063287681, -1.1145965e-08, -0.999979973) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "Main Pavs", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(6.65618134, 10.7407579, 1350.91467, 0.999997377, -6.17675866e-08, 0.00229073549, 6.1614351e-08, 1, 6.69644464e-08, -0.00229073549, -6.68231337e-08, 0.999997377) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "BCT spawn", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(988.299927, 11.8485556, 934.527527, 0.999945402, 4.30277645e-08, -0.0104473019, -4.31641389e-08, 1, -1.28279103e-08, 0.0104473019, 1.3278159e-08, 0.999945402) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "BCT middle", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(1083.1134, 12.2083025, 689.882996, -0.999296308, -5.34490973e-05, -0.0375103839, -4.1442334e-07, 0.999998987, -0.00141386897, 0.0375104211, -0.00141285849, -0.999295294) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "BCT gates", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(837.339111, 11.0584269, 969.930359, 0.999859989, 6.13850375e-08, -0.0167334024, -6.15545517e-08, 1, -9.61499325e-09, 0.0167334024, 1.06436637e-08, 0.999859989) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "BCT back entrence", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(843.585205, 10.3485556, 709.132996, 0.0233228076, -6.05396906e-08, -0.999727964, 1.46258134e-08, 1, -6.02149584e-08, 0.999727964, -1.32174529e-08, 0.0233228076) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "BCT obstacle course", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(1421.87317, 8.97494888, 873.78479, 0.999670088, 5.95610601e-08, -0.0256855972, -5.97199517e-08, 1, -5.41883916e-09, 0.0256855972, 6.950994e-09, 0.999670088) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "BCT classroom 1", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(1213.36328, 12.0569696, 1053.1792, -0.01886978, -2.428194e-08, 0.999821961, -4.97723356e-08, 1, 2.33469031e-08, -0.999821961, -4.93229244e-08, -0.01886978) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "BCT classroom 2", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(1443.5238, 11.9319658, 339.510925, 0.752191424, -4.12809387e-09, -0.658944607, 9.99932492e-09, 1, 5.14961762e-09, 0.658944607, -1.04625002e-08, 0.752191424) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "TRADOC spawn/pavs", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(1370.94263, 11.8253345, 923.979492, -0.999791086, 7.08361476e-05, -0.0204392616, -1.61742446e-05, 0.99999094, 0.00425661588, 0.0204393771, 0.00425605709, -0.999782026) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "Parachute area", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(-371.571716, 11.4136524, 1257.21594, -0.999861836, 1.23129196e-08, -0.0166229904, 1.13961782e-08, 1, 5.52437172e-08, 0.0166229904, 5.50466446e-08, -0.999861836) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "Civilian parachute area", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(624.714233, 36.2230988, -776.079468, 0.868700683, -0.00357898255, -0.495324433, -1.04035398e-05, 0.999973774, -0.00724359136, 0.495337367, 0.00629766658, 0.868677914) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "Eagle-1, C-17", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(-727.325439, 10053.4375, 2551.65161, 1.37240555e-22, 1.96370351e-12, -1, 5.09596618e-12, 1, 1.96370351e-12, 1, -5.09596618e-12, 1.27233596e-22) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "Eagle-2, C-17", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(1218.95276, 2181.74048, 2687.65991, 0.62458998, -0.0012935485, 0.780951798, -1.56878752e-06, 0.999998629, 0.00165763672, -0.780952871, -0.00103657809, 0.624589145) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "Civilian plane", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(-671.884277, 3331.55176, -1295.37415, 0.711412668, -3.79786513e-08, -0.702774525, 1.91926519e-09, 1, -5.20981622e-08, 0.702774525, 3.5714482e-08, 0.711412668) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "Main lockers", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(-79.4713516, 11.8364649, 937.480957, 0.016474437, 0.00772784511, 0.999834418, -1.39475969e-05, 0.999970138, -0.0077286642, -0.99986428, 0.000113380396, 0.0164740514) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "MIC spawn", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(590.387085, -13.2860994, 758.748291, 0.0130349547, -1.00658234e-07, 0.999915063, 1.63013887e-08, 1, 1.0045428e-07, -0.999915063, 1.49905865e-08, 0.0130349547) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "BCT Graduation/Inspection arena", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(944.054504, 9.64926529, 1150.47632, -0.999684632, 8.47997441e-08, 0.0251116548, 8.29876896e-08, 1, -7.32021661e-08, -0.0251116548, -7.10951227e-08, -0.999684632) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "Inspection Arena", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(63.2768707, 3.97309732, 1563.76892, -0.99989301, -2.33780924e-08, 0.0146266464, -2.29739658e-08, 1, 2.77974372e-08, -0.0146266464, 2.7458432e-08, -0.99989301) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "HQ offices", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(566.007996, 9.80166626, 675.131958, -0.745923996, -1.14779326e-07, 0.666031063, -5.92766156e-08, 1, 1.05946221e-07, -0.666031063, 3.95477606e-08, -0.745923996) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "HQ helipad", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(613.711548, 33.08741, 512.916138, -0.999864519, 7.24428375e-08, -0.0164586939, 7.14111508e-08, 1, 6.32709529e-08, 0.0164586939, 6.20870537e-08, -0.999864519) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "Combat Arena", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(959.810669, 37.1636963, 1583.86548, 0.0611626282, 0.00419920497, -0.998118937, -1.58698767e-05, 0.999991179, 0.00420610886, 0.998127759, -0.000241416725, 0.0611621514) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "Obstacle course 1", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(339.775726, 8.9776516, 1602.72485, -0.0115794567, 6.29152765e-08, -0.999932945, 6.84197516e-08, 1, 6.21271781e-08, 0.999932945, -6.76957654e-08, -0.0115794567) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "Obstacle course 2", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(205.194489, 6.9181633, 2113.85645, -0.0174634513, -0.00746318977, -0.999819636, -1.20515087e-05, 0.999972165, -0.00746411784, 0.999847472, -0.000118296361, -0.0174630564) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "Top of tower", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(89.5629501, 86.732605, 2283.823, 0.999928355, -3.19849933e-05, 0.0119636878, -1.38731939e-05, 0.999992669, 0.00383119867, -0.0119637232, -0.00383108994, 0.999921024) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "Gas station", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(100.288239, 9.55741215, 989.492249, 0.999849319, -2.01223731e-08, -0.0173591096, 2.01457784e-08, 1, 1.17339594e-09, 0.0173591096, -1.52293189e-09, 0.999849319) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "Civilian spawn", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(259.106445, 9.53177071, -15.8817606, -0.999200523, 1.37413778e-08, 0.03997913, 8.84676155e-09, 1, -1.2260621e-07, -0.03997913, -1.22154503e-07, -0.999200523) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "Raiders spawn", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(10.246089, 20.9324799, -491.017151, -0.893917918, -2.69051732e-08, 0.448230743, -2.60664272e-08, 1, 8.04034084e-09, -0.448230743, -4.49636905e-09, -0.893917918) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "Civilian gate", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(257.801727, 9.91553211, 389.690826, 0.999987543, 2.52958241e-08, 0.00498700375, -2.54312535e-08, 1, 2.70930105e-08, -0.00498700375, -2.72194995e-08, 0.999987543) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "Raiders roof 1", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(213.052414, 76.2043839, 1450.51355, 0.999924183, 4.59646726e-05, -0.0123136044, -6.3619209e-06, 0.999994814, 0.00321683846, 0.0123136882, -0.00321651623, 0.999918997) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "Raiders roof 2", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(213.052414, 76.2043839, 1450.51355, 0.999924183, 4.59646726e-05, -0.0123136044, -6.3619209e-06, 0.999994814, 0.00321683846, 0.0123136882, -0.00321651623, 0.999918997) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "Classroom 1", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(-48.0594864, 31.5873032, 912.532471, 0.999863863, -0.000112432761, -0.0165009648, -1.37737488e-05, 0.999970734, -0.00764817325, 0.0165013429, 0.00764735881, 0.999834597) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "Classroom 2", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(-51.2224731, 11.4481373, 898.298767, 0.999739528, -8.89821094e-05, -0.0228216425, -3.01393766e-06, 0.999991894, -0.00403091032, 0.0228218138, 0.00402992871, 0.999731421) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "Classroom 3", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(-84.3731613, 24.9674625, 1047.09753, 0.874340236, -5.97644734e-09, 0.485313475, -7.91967469e-09, 1, 2.65826898e-08, -0.485313475, -2.70858393e-08, 0.874340236) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "Undergrown tunnel civlian", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Teleporting...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(172.857773, -8.10354042, 214.540146, 0.00442328211, 5.67852831e-09, -0.999990225, 1.05739257e-08, 1, 5.72535575e-09, 0.999990225, -1.05991473e-08, 0.00442328211) end} local Tab = GUI:Tab{ Name = "Utility/Player", Icon = "rbxassetid://14161842527" } Tab:Slider{ Name = "Walk Speed Slider", Default = 16, Min = 1, Max = 500, Callback = function(value) local Players = game:GetService("Players") local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer -- Set the player's walk speed based on the slider value LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = value end } Tab:Slider{ Name = "Jump Power Slider", Default = 50, Min = 1, Max = 500, Callback = function(value) local Players = game:GetService("Players") local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer -- Set the player's jump power based on the slider value LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = value end } Tab:Slider{ Name = "Field of View Slider", Default = 70, Min = 1, Max = 500, Callback = function(value) local amount = value game:GetService('Workspace').Camera.FieldOfView = amount end } Tab:Button{ Name = "Cammra Noclip", Description = "Allows your cammra to go through the walls.", Callback = function() for useless, garbage in next,getgc() do if getfenv(garbage).script == game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts.PlayerModule.CameraModule.ZoomController.Popper and typeof(garbage) == "function" then for number, value in next, getconstants(garbage) do if tonumber(value) == 0.25 then setconstant(garbage,number,0) elseif tonumber(value) == 0 then setconstant(garbage,number,0.25) end end end end end} local toggle = Tab:Toggle{ Name = "Noclip Toggle", Description = "Enable or disable noclip functionality.", Callback = function(state) _G.noclip = state local Loop game:GetService('RunService').Stepped:connect(function() if _G.noclip then for i, v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") then if v.CanCollide ~= not _G.noclip then v.CanCollide = not _G.noclip end end end end end) end } local Tab = GUI:Tab{ Name = "ESP", Icon = "rbxassetid://14161801436" } Tab:Toggle{ Name = "ASOC ESP", StartingState = false, Description = "It will show the location of all ASOC members.", Callback = function(state) getgenv().ESPASOC = true getgenv().ESPASOC = state local ESPASOC_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 2 local function updateESPASOC() for _, player in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do if player.Team and player.Team.Name == "ASOC" then local existingBillboardGui = player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("ESPASOC") if not existingBillboardGui then local billboardGui = Instance.new("BillboardGui") billboardGui.Name = "ESPASOC" billboardGui.Size = UDim2.new(0, 100, 0, 100) billboardGui.AlwaysOnTop = true billboardGui.LightInfluence = 0 billboardGui.MaxDistance = math.huge billboardGui.Parent = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait() local nameLabel = Instance.new("TextLabel") nameLabel.Name = "NameLabel" nameLabel.Parent = billboardGui nameLabel.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 0.5, 0) nameLabel.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, 0) nameLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 nameLabel.Text = player.Name .. " (" .. tostring(math.floor((player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and (player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude or 0) + 0.5)) .. " studs)" nameLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1 , 1 , 1) nameLabel.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18 nameLabel.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold else existingBillboardGui.Enabled = true existingBillboardGui.NameLabel.Text = player.Name .. " (" .. tostring(math.floor((player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and (player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude or 0) + 0.5)) .. " studs)" end end end end if getgenv().ESPASOC == true then while true do if getgenv().ESPASOC then updateESPASOC() end wait(ESPASOC_UPDATE_INTERVAL) end else for _, player in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do local existingBillboardGui = player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("ESPASOC") if existingBillboardGui then existingBillboardGui.Enabled = false end end end local holder = game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild("ESPASOCHolder") or Instance.new("Folder") if ESPASOC == false then holder:Destroy() end if holder.Name == "Folder" then holder.Name = "ESPASOCHolder" holder.Parent = game.CoreGui end if uselocalplayer == false and holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name) then holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name):Destroy() end if getgenv().ESPASOC == true then getgenv().ESPASOC = false getgenv().ESPASOC = true end while getgenv().ESPASOC do task.wait() for _, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if v.Team ~= nil and v.Team.Name == "ASOC" then local chr = v.Character if chr ~= nil then local ESPASOC = holder:FindFirstChild(v.Name) or Instance.new("Highlight") ESPASOC.Name = v.Name if uselocalplayer == false and ESPASOC.Name == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then else ESPASOC.Parent = holder if filluseteamcolor then ESPASOC.FillColor = v.TeamColor.Color else ESPASOC.FillColor = fillcolor end if outlineuseteamcolor then ESPASOC.OutlineColor = v.TeamColor.Color else ESPASOC.OutlineColor = outlinecolor end ESPASOC.FillTransparency = filltrans ESPASOC.OutlineTransparency = outlinetrans ESPASOC.Adornee = chr ESPASOC.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop end end end end end getgenv().ESPASOC = true == state end } Tab:Toggle{ Name = "ASOC HIGHLIGHT ESP", StartingState = false, Description = "Highlights all ASOC members. Note: This does not work at far distance.", Callback = function(state) getgenv().ESP = true getgenv().ESP = state getgenv().uselocalplayer = false getgenv().filluseteamcolor = true getgenv().outlineuseteamcolor = false getgenv().fillcolor = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) getgenv().outlinecolor = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) getgenv().filltrans = 0.5 getgenv().outlinetrans = 0 local holder = game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild("ESPHolder") or Instance.new("Folder") if not getgenv().ESP then holder:Destroy() else if holder.Name == "Folder" then holder.Name = "ESPHolder" holder.Parent = game.CoreGui end if not getgenv().uselocalplayer and holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name) then holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name):Destroy() end end game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) if player.Team ~= nil and player.Team.Name == "ASOC" then local chr = player.Character if chr ~= nil then local esp = holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name) or Instance.new("Highlight") esp.Name = player.Name if not getgenv().uselocalplayer or esp.Name ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then esp.Parent = holder if getgenv().filluseteamcolor then esp.FillColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.FillColor = getgenv().fillcolor end if getgenv().outlineuseteamcolor then esp.OutlineColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.OutlineColor = getgenv().outlinecolor end esp.FillTransparency = getgenv().filltrans esp.OutlineTransparency = getgenv().outlinetrans esp.Adornee = chr esp.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop end end end end) game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player) if holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name) then holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name):Destroy() end end) while getgenv().ESP do task.wait() for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if player.Team ~= nil and player.Team.Name == "ASOC" then local chr = player.Character if chr ~= nil then local esp = holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name) or Instance.new("Highlight") esp.Name = player.Name if not getgenv().uselocalplayer or esp.Name ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then esp.Parent = holder if getgenv().filluseteamcolor then esp.FillColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.FillColor = getgenv().fillcolor end if getgenv().outlineuseteamcolor then esp.OutlineColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.OutlineColor = getgenv().outlinecolor end esp.FillTransparency = getgenv().filltrans esp.OutlineTransparency = getgenv().outlinetrans esp.Adornee = chr esp.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop end end end end end getgenv().ESP = true == state end } Tab:Toggle{ Name = "US Personnel ESP", StartingState = false, Description = "It will show the location of all US Personnel members.", Callback = function(state) getgenv().ESPUSPersonnel = true getgenv().ESPUSPersonnel = state local ESPUSPersonnel_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 2 local function updateESPUSPersonnel() for _, player in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do if player.Team and player.Team.Name == "US Personnel" then local existingBillboardGui = player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("ESPUSPersonnel") if not existingBillboardGui then local billboardGui = Instance.new("BillboardGui") billboardGui.Name = "ESPUSPersonnel" billboardGui.Size = UDim2.new(0, 100, 0, 100) billboardGui.AlwaysOnTop = true billboardGui.LightInfluence = 0 billboardGui.MaxDistance = math.huge billboardGui.Parent = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait() local nameLabel = Instance.new("TextLabel") nameLabel.Name = "NameLabel" nameLabel.Parent = billboardGui nameLabel.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 0.5, 0) nameLabel.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, 0) nameLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 nameLabel.Text = player.Name .. " (" .. tostring(math.floor((player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and (player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude or 0) + 0.5)) .. " studs)" nameLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) nameLabel.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18 nameLabel.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold else existingBillboardGui.Enabled = true existingBillboardGui.NameLabel.Text = player.Name .. " (" .. tostring(math.floor((player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and (player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude or 0) + 0.5)) .. " studs)" end end end end if getgenv().ESPUSPersonnel == true then while true do if getgenv().ESPUSPersonnel then updateESPUSPersonnel() end wait(ESPUSPersonnel_UPDATE_INTERVAL) end else for _, player in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do local existingBillboardGui = player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("ESPUSPersonnel") if existingBillboardGui then existingBillboardGui.Enabled = false end end end local holder = game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild("ESPUSPersonnelHolder") or Instance.new("Folder") if ESPUSPersonnel == false then holder:Destroy() end if holder.Name == "Folder" then holder.Name = "ESPUSPersonnelHolder" holder.Parent = game.CoreGui end if uselocalplayer == false and holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name) then holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name):Destroy() end if getgenv().ESPUSPersonnel == true then getgenv().ESPUSPersonnel = false getgenv().ESPUSPersonnel = true end while getgenv().ESPUSPersonnel do task.wait() for _, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if v.Team ~= nil and v.Team.Name == "US Personnel" then local chr = v.Character if chr ~= nil then local ESPUSPersonnel = holder:FindFirstChild(v.Name) or Instance.new("Highlight") ESPUSPersonnel.Name = v.Name if uselocalplayer == false and ESPUSPersonnel.Name == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then else ESPUSPersonnel.Parent = holder if filluseteamcolor then ESPUSPersonnel.FillColor = v.TeamColor.Color else ESPUSPersonnel.FillColor = fillcolor end if outlineuseteamcolor then ESPUSPersonnel.OutlineColor = v.TeamColor.Color else ESPUSPersonnel.OutlineColor = outlinecolor end ESPUSPersonnel.FillTransparency = filltrans ESPUSPersonnel.OutlineTransparency = outlinetrans ESPUSPersonnel.Adornee = chr ESPUSPersonnel.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop end end end end end getgenv().ESPUSPersonnel = true == state end } Tab:Toggle{ Name = "US Personnel HIGHLIGHT ESP", StartingState = false, Description = "Highlights all US Personnel members. Note: This does not work at far distance.", Callback = function(state) getgenv().ESP = true getgenv().ESP = state getgenv().uselocalplayer = false getgenv().filluseteamcolor = true getgenv().outlineuseteamcolor = false getgenv().fillcolor = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) getgenv().outlinecolor = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) getgenv().filltrans = 0.5 getgenv().outlinetrans = 0 local holder = game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild("ESPHolder") or Instance.new("Folder") if not getgenv().ESP then holder:Destroy() else if holder.Name == "Folder" then holder.Name = "ESPHolder" holder.Parent = game.CoreGui end if not getgenv().uselocalplayer and holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name) then holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name):Destroy() end end game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) if player.Team ~= nil and player.Team.Name == "US Personnel" then local chr = player.Character if chr ~= nil then local esp = holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name) or Instance.new("Highlight") esp.Name = player.Name if not getgenv().uselocalplayer or esp.Name ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then esp.Parent = holder if getgenv().filluseteamcolor then esp.FillColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.FillColor = getgenv().fillcolor end if getgenv().outlineuseteamcolor then esp.OutlineColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.OutlineColor = getgenv().outlinecolor end esp.FillTransparency = getgenv().filltrans esp.OutlineTransparency = getgenv().outlinetrans esp.Adornee = chr esp.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop end end end end) game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player) if holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name) then holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name):Destroy() end end) while getgenv().ESP do task.wait() for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if player.Team ~= nil and player.Team.Name == "US Personnel" then local chr = player.Character if chr ~= nil then local esp = holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name) or Instance.new("Highlight") esp.Name = player.Name if not getgenv().uselocalplayer or esp.Name ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then esp.Parent = holder if getgenv().filluseteamcolor then esp.FillColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.FillColor = getgenv().fillcolor end if getgenv().outlineuseteamcolor then esp.OutlineColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.OutlineColor = getgenv().outlinecolor end esp.FillTransparency = getgenv().filltrans esp.OutlineTransparency = getgenv().outlinetrans esp.Adornee = chr esp.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop end end end end end getgenv().ESP = true == state end } Tab:Toggle{ Name = "Forces Command ESP", StartingState = false, Description = "It will show the location of all Forces Command members.", Callback = function(state) getgenv().ESPForcesCommand = true getgenv().ESPForcesCommand = state local ESPForcesCommand_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 2 local function updateESPForcesCommand() for _, player in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do if player.Team and player.Team.Name == "Forces Command" then local existingBillboardGui = player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("ESPForcesCommand") if not existingBillboardGui then local billboardGui = Instance.new("BillboardGui") billboardGui.Name = "ESPForcesCommand" billboardGui.Size = UDim2.new(0, 100, 0, 100) billboardGui.AlwaysOnTop = true billboardGui.LightInfluence = 0 billboardGui.MaxDistance = math.huge billboardGui.Parent = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait() local nameLabel = Instance.new("TextLabel") nameLabel.Name = "NameLabel" nameLabel.Parent = billboardGui nameLabel.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 0.5, 0) nameLabel.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, 0) nameLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 nameLabel.Text = player.Name .. " (" .. tostring(math.floor((player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and (player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude or 0) + 0.5)) .. " studs)" nameLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) nameLabel.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18 nameLabel.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold else existingBillboardGui.Enabled = true existingBillboardGui.NameLabel.Text = player.Name .. " (" .. tostring(math.floor((player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and (player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude or 0) + 0.5)) .. " studs)" end end end end if getgenv().ESPForcesCommand == true then while true do if getgenv().ESPForcesCommand then updateESPForcesCommand() end wait(ESPForcesCommand_UPDATE_INTERVAL) end else for _, player in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do local existingBillboardGui = player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("ESPForcesCommand") if existingBillboardGui then existingBillboardGui.Enabled = false end end end local holder = game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild("ESPForcesCommandHolder") or Instance.new("Folder") if ESPForcesCommand == false then holder:Destroy() end if holder.Name == "Folder" then holder.Name = "ESPForcesCommandHolder" holder.Parent = game.CoreGui end if uselocalplayer == false and holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name) then holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name):Destroy() end if getgenv().ESPForcesCommand == true then getgenv().ESPForcesCommand = false getgenv().ESPForcesCommand = true end while getgenv().ESPForcesCommand do task.wait() for _, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if v.Team ~= nil and v.Team.Name == "Forces Command" then local chr = v.Character if chr ~= nil then local ESPForcesCommand = holder:FindFirstChild(v.Name) or Instance.new("Highlight") ESPForcesCommand.Name = v.Name if uselocalplayer == false and ESPForcesCommand.Name == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then else ESPForcesCommand.Parent = holder if filluseteamcolor then ESPForcesCommand.FillColor = v.TeamColor.Color else ESPForcesCommand.FillColor = fillcolor end if outlineuseteamcolor then ESPForcesCommand.OutlineColor = v.TeamColor.Color else ESPForcesCommand.OutlineColor = outlinecolor end ESPForcesCommand.FillTransparency = filltrans ESPForcesCommand.OutlineTransparency = outlinetrans ESPForcesCommand.Adornee = chr ESPForcesCommand.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop end end end end end getgenv().ESPForcesCommand = true == state end } Tab:Toggle{ Name = "Forces Command HIGHLIGHT ESP", StartingState = false, Description = "Highlights all Forces Command members. Note: This does not work at far distance.", Callback = function(state) getgenv().ESP = true getgenv().ESP = state getgenv().uselocalplayer = false getgenv().filluseteamcolor = true getgenv().outlineuseteamcolor = false getgenv().fillcolor = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) getgenv().outlinecolor = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) getgenv().filltrans = 0.5 getgenv().outlinetrans = 0 local holder = game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild("ESPHolder") or Instance.new("Folder") if not getgenv().ESP then holder:Destroy() else if holder.Name == "Folder" then holder.Name = "ESPHolder" holder.Parent = game.CoreGui end if not getgenv().uselocalplayer and holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name) then holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name):Destroy() end end game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) if player.Team ~= nil and player.Team.Name == "Forces Command" then local chr = player.Character if chr ~= nil then local esp = holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name) or Instance.new("Highlight") esp.Name = player.Name if not getgenv().uselocalplayer or esp.Name ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then esp.Parent = holder if getgenv().filluseteamcolor then esp.FillColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.FillColor = getgenv().fillcolor end if getgenv().outlineuseteamcolor then esp.OutlineColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.OutlineColor = getgenv().outlinecolor end esp.FillTransparency = getgenv().filltrans esp.OutlineTransparency = getgenv().outlinetrans esp.Adornee = chr esp.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop end end end end) game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player) if holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name) then holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name):Destroy() end end) while getgenv().ESP do task.wait() for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if player.Team ~= nil and player.Team.Name == "Forces Command" then local chr = player.Character if chr ~= nil then local esp = holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name) or Instance.new("Highlight") esp.Name = player.Name if not getgenv().uselocalplayer or esp.Name ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then esp.Parent = holder if getgenv().filluseteamcolor then esp.FillColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.FillColor = getgenv().fillcolor end if getgenv().outlineuseteamcolor then esp.OutlineColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.OutlineColor = getgenv().outlinecolor end esp.FillTransparency = getgenv().filltrans esp.OutlineTransparency = getgenv().outlinetrans esp.Adornee = chr esp.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop end end end end end getgenv().ESP = true == state end } Tab:Toggle{ Name = "MPC ESP", StartingState = false, Description = "It will show the location of all MPC members.", Callback = function(state) getgenv().ESPMPC = true getgenv().ESPMPC = state local ESPMPC_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 2 local function updateESPMPC() for _, player in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do if player.Team and player.Team.Name == "MPC" then local existingBillboardGui = player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("ESPMPC") if not existingBillboardGui then local billboardGui = Instance.new("BillboardGui") billboardGui.Name = "ESPMPC" billboardGui.Size = UDim2.new(0, 100, 0, 100) billboardGui.AlwaysOnTop = true billboardGui.LightInfluence = 0 billboardGui.MaxDistance = math.huge billboardGui.Parent = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait() local nameLabel = Instance.new("TextLabel") nameLabel.Name = "NameLabel" nameLabel.Parent = billboardGui nameLabel.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 0.5, 0) nameLabel.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, 0) nameLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 nameLabel.Text = player.Name .. " (" .. tostring(math.floor((player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and (player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude or 0) + 0.5)) .. " studs)" nameLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) nameLabel.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18 nameLabel.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold else existingBillboardGui.Enabled = true existingBillboardGui.NameLabel.Text = player.Name .. " (" .. tostring(math.floor((player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and (player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude or 0) + 0.5)) .. " studs)" end end end end if getgenv().ESPMPC == true then while true do if getgenv().ESPMPC then updateESPMPC() end wait(ESPMPC_UPDATE_INTERVAL) end else for _, player in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do local existingBillboardGui = player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("ESPMPC") if existingBillboardGui then existingBillboardGui.Enabled = false end end end local holder = game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild("ESPMPCHolder") or Instance.new("Folder") if ESPMPC == false then holder:Destroy() end if holder.Name == "Folder" then holder.Name = "ESPMPCHolder" holder.Parent = game.CoreGui end if uselocalplayer == false and holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name) then holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name):Destroy() end if getgenv().ESPMPC == true then getgenv().ESPMPC = false getgenv().ESPMPC = true end end } Tab:Toggle{ Name = "MPC HIGHLIGHT ESP", StartingState = false, Description = "Highlights all MPC members. Note: This does not work at far distance.", Callback = function(state) getgenv().ESP = true getgenv().ESP = state getgenv().uselocalplayer = false getgenv().filluseteamcolor = true getgenv().outlineuseteamcolor = false getgenv().fillcolor = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) getgenv().outlinecolor = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) getgenv().filltrans = 0.5 getgenv().outlinetrans = 0 local holder = game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild("ESPHolder") or Instance.new("Folder") if not getgenv().ESP then holder:Destroy() else if holder.Name == "Folder" then holder.Name = "ESPHolder" holder.Parent = game.CoreGui end if not getgenv().uselocalplayer and holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name) then holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name):Destroy() end end game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) if player.Team ~= nil and player.Team.Name == "MPC" then local chr = player.Character if chr ~= nil then local esp = holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name) or Instance.new("Highlight") esp.Name = player.Name if not getgenv().uselocalplayer or esp.Name ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then esp.Parent = holder if getgenv().filluseteamcolor then esp.FillColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.FillColor = getgenv().fillcolor end if getgenv().outlineuseteamcolor then esp.OutlineColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.OutlineColor = getgenv().outlinecolor end esp.FillTransparency = getgenv().filltrans esp.OutlineTransparency = getgenv().outlinetrans esp.Adornee = chr esp.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop end end end end) game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player) if holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name) then holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name):Destroy() end end) while getgenv().ESP do task.wait() for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if player.Team ~= nil and player.Team.Name == "MPC" then local chr = player.Character if chr ~= nil then local esp = holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name) or Instance.new("Highlight") esp.Name = player.Name if not getgenv().uselocalplayer or esp.Name ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then esp.Parent = holder if getgenv().filluseteamcolor then esp.FillColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.FillColor = getgenv().fillcolor end if getgenv().outlineuseteamcolor then esp.OutlineColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.OutlineColor = getgenv().outlinecolor end esp.FillTransparency = getgenv().filltrans esp.OutlineTransparency = getgenv().outlinetrans esp.Adornee = chr esp.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop end end end end end getgenv().ESP = true == state end } Tab:Toggle{ Name = "TRADOC ESP", StartingState = false, Description = "It will show the location of all TRADOC members.", Callback = function(state) getgenv().ESPTRADOC = true getgenv().ESPTRADOC = state local ESPRADOC_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 2 local function updateESPRADOC() for _, player in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do if player.Team and player.Team.Name == "TRADOC" then local existingBillboardGui = player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("ESPRADOC") if not existingBillboardGui then local billboardGui = Instance.new("BillboardGui") billboardGui.Name = "ESPRADOC" billboardGui.Size = UDim2.new(0, 100, 0, 100) billboardGui.AlwaysOnTop = true billboardGui.LightInfluence = 0 billboardGui.MaxDistance = math.huge billboardGui.Parent = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait() local nameLabel = Instance.new("TextLabel") nameLabel.Name = "NameLabel" nameLabel.Parent = billboardGui nameLabel.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 0.5, 0) nameLabel.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, 0) nameLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 nameLabel.Text = player.Name .. " (" .. tostring(math.floor((player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and (player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude or 0) + 0.5)) .. " studs)" nameLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) nameLabel.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18 nameLabel.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold else existingBillboardGui.Enabled = true existingBillboardGui.NameLabel.Text = player.Name .. " (" .. tostring(math.floor((player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and (player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude or 0) + 0.5)) .. " studs)" end end end end if getgenv().ESPTRADOC == true then while true do if getgenv().ESPTRADOC then updateESPRADOC() end wait(ESPRADOC_UPDATE_INTERVAL) end else for _, player in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do local existingBillboardGui = player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("ESPRADOC") if existingBillboardGui then existingBillboardGui.Enabled = false end end end local holder = game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild("ESPRADOCHolder") or Instance.new("Folder") if ESPRADOC == false then holder:Destroy() end if holder.Name == "Folder" then holder.Name = "ESPRADOCHolder" holder.Parent = game.CoreGui end if uselocalplayer == false and holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name) then holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name):Destroy() end if getgenv().ESPTRADOC == true then getgenv().ESPTRADOC = false getgenv().ESPTRADOC = true end while getgenv().ESPTRADOC do task.wait() for _, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if v.Team ~= nil and v.Team.Name == "TRADOC" then local chr = v.Character if chr ~= nil then local ESPRADOC = holder:FindFirstChild(v.Name) or Instance.new("Highlight") ESPRADOC.Name = v.Name if uselocalplayer == false and ESPRADOC.Name == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then else ESPRADOC.Parent = holder if filluseteamcolor then ESPRADOC.FillColor = v.TeamColor.Color else ESPRADOC.FillColor = fillcolor end if outlineuseteamcolor then ESPRADOC.OutlineColor = v.TeamColor.Color else ESPRADOC.OutlineColor = outlinecolor end ESPRADOC.FillTransparency = filltrans ESPRADOC.OutlineTransparency = outlinetrans ESPRADOC.Adornee = chr ESPRADOC.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop end end end end end getgenv().ESPTRADOC = true == state end } Tab:Toggle{ Name = "TRADOC HIGHLIGHT ESP", StartingState = false, Description = "Highlights all TRADOC members. Note: This does not work at far distance.", Callback = function(state) getgenv().ESP = true getgenv().ESP = state getgenv().uselocalplayer = false getgenv().filluseteamcolor = true getgenv().outlineuseteamcolor = false getgenv().fillcolor = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) getgenv().outlinecolor = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) getgenv().filltrans = 0.5 getgenv().outlinetrans = 0 local holder = game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild("ESPHolder") or Instance.new("Folder") if not getgenv().ESP then holder:Destroy() else if holder.Name == "Folder" then holder.Name = "ESPHolder" holder.Parent = game.CoreGui end if not getgenv().uselocalplayer and holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name) then holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name):Destroy() end end game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) if player.Team ~= nil and player.Team.Name == "TRADOC" then local chr = player.Character if chr ~= nil then local esp = holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name) or Instance.new("Highlight") esp.Name = player.Name if not getgenv().uselocalplayer or esp.Name ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then esp.Parent = holder if getgenv().filluseteamcolor then esp.FillColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.FillColor = getgenv().fillcolor end if getgenv().outlineuseteamcolor then esp.OutlineColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.OutlineColor = getgenv().outlinecolor end esp.FillTransparency = getgenv().filltrans esp.OutlineTransparency = getgenv().outlinetrans esp.Adornee = chr esp.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop end end end end) game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player) if holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name) then holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name):Destroy() end end) while getgenv().ESP do task.wait() for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if player.Team ~= nil and player.Team.Name == "TRADOC" then local chr = player.Character if chr ~= nil then local esp = holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name) or Instance.new("Highlight") esp.Name = player.Name if not getgenv().uselocalplayer or esp.Name ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then esp.Parent = holder if getgenv().filluseteamcolor then esp.FillColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.FillColor = getgenv().fillcolor end if getgenv().outlineuseteamcolor then esp.OutlineColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.OutlineColor = getgenv().outlinecolor end esp.FillTransparency = getgenv().filltrans esp.OutlineTransparency = getgenv().outlinetrans esp.Adornee = chr esp.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop end end end end end getgenv().ESP = true == state end } Tab:Toggle{ Name = "MIC ESP", StartingState = false, Description = "It will show the location of all MIC members.", Callback = function(state) getgenv().ESPMIC = true getgenv().ESPMIC = state local ESPMIC_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 2 local function updateESPMIC() for _, player in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do if player.Team and player.Team.Name == "MIC" then local existingBillboardGui = player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("ESPMIC") if not existingBillboardGui then local billboardGui = Instance.new("BillboardGui") billboardGui.Name = "ESPMIC" billboardGui.Size = UDim2.new(0, 100, 0, 100) billboardGui.AlwaysOnTop = true billboardGui.LightInfluence = 0 billboardGui.MaxDistance = math.huge billboardGui.Parent = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait() local nameLabel = Instance.new("TextLabel") nameLabel.Name = "NameLabel" nameLabel.Parent = billboardGui nameLabel.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 0.5, 0) nameLabel.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, 0) nameLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 nameLabel.Text = player.Name .. " (" .. tostring(math.floor((player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and (player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude or 0) + 0.5)) .. " studs)" nameLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) nameLabel.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18 nameLabel.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold else existingBillboardGui.Enabled = true existingBillboardGui.NameLabel.Text = player.Name .. " (" .. tostring(math.floor((player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and (player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude or 0) + 0.5)) .. " studs)" end end end end if getgenv().ESPMIC == true then while true do if getgenv().ESPMIC then updateESPMIC() end wait(ESPMIC_UPDATE_INTERVAL) end else for _, player in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do local existingBillboardGui = player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("ESPMIC") if existingBillboardGui then existingBillboardGui.Enabled = false end end end local holder = game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild("ESPMICHolder") or Instance.new("Folder") if ESPMIC == false then holder:Destroy() end if holder.Name == "Folder" then holder.Name = "ESPMICHolder" holder.Parent = game.CoreGui end if uselocalplayer == false and holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name) then holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name):Destroy() end if getgenv().ESPMIC == true then getgenv().ESPMIC = false getgenv().ESPMIC = true end while getgenv().ESPMIC do task.wait() for _, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if v.Team ~= nil and v.Team.Name == "MIC" then local chr = v.Character if chr ~= nil then local ESPMIC = holder:FindFirstChild(v.Name) or Instance.new("Highlight") ESPMIC.Name = v.Name if uselocalplayer == false and ESPMIC.Name == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then else ESPMIC.Parent = holder if filluseteamcolor then ESPMIC.FillColor = v.TeamColor.Color else ESPMIC.FillColor = fillcolor end if outlineuseteamcolor then ESPMIC.OutlineColor = v.TeamColor.Color else ESPMIC.OutlineColor = outlinecolor end ESPMIC.FillTransparency = filltrans ESPMIC.OutlineTransparency = outlinetrans ESPMIC.Adornee = chr ESPMIC.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop end end end end end getgenv().ESPMIC = true == state end } Tab:Toggle{ Name = "MIC HIGHLIGHT ESP", StartingState = false, Description = "Highlights all MIC members. Note: This does not work at far distance.", Callback = function(state) getgenv().ESP = true getgenv().ESP = state getgenv().uselocalplayer = false getgenv().filluseteamcolor = true getgenv().outlineuseteamcolor = false getgenv().fillcolor = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) getgenv().outlinecolor = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) getgenv().filltrans = 0.5 getgenv().outlinetrans = 0 local holder = game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild("ESPHolder") or Instance.new("Folder") if not getgenv().ESP then holder:Destroy() else if holder.Name == "Folder" then holder.Name = "ESPHolder" holder.Parent = game.CoreGui end if not getgenv().uselocalplayer and holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name) then holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name):Destroy() end end game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) if player.Team ~= nil and player.Team.Name == "MIC" then local chr = player.Character if chr ~= nil then local esp = holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name) or Instance.new("Highlight") esp.Name = player.Name if not getgenv().uselocalplayer or esp.Name ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then esp.Parent = holder if getgenv().filluseteamcolor then esp.FillColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.FillColor = getgenv().fillcolor end if getgenv().outlineuseteamcolor then esp.OutlineColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.OutlineColor = getgenv().outlinecolor end esp.FillTransparency = getgenv().filltrans esp.OutlineTransparency = getgenv().outlinetrans esp.Adornee = chr esp.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop end end end end) game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player) if holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name) then holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name):Destroy() end end) while getgenv().ESP do task.wait() for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if player.Team ~= nil and player.Team.Name == "MIC" then local chr = player.Character if chr ~= nil then local esp = holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name) or Instance.new("Highlight") esp.Name = player.Name if not getgenv().uselocalplayer or esp.Name ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then esp.Parent = holder if getgenv().filluseteamcolor then esp.FillColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.FillColor = getgenv().fillcolor end if getgenv().outlineuseteamcolor then esp.OutlineColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.OutlineColor = getgenv().outlinecolor end esp.FillTransparency = getgenv().filltrans esp.OutlineTransparency = getgenv().outlinetrans esp.Adornee = chr esp.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop end end end end end getgenv().ESP = true == state end } Tab:Toggle{ Name = "Raiders ESP", StartingState = false, Description = "It will show the location of all Raider members.", Callback = function(state) getgenv().ESPRaiders = true getgenv().ESPRaiders = state local ESPRaiders_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 2 local function updateESPRaiders() for _, player in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do if player.Team and player.Team.Name == "Raiders" then local existingBillboardGui = player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("ESPRaider") if not existingBillboardGui then local billboardGui = Instance.new("BillboardGui") billboardGui.Name = "ESPRaider" billboardGui.Size = UDim2.new(0, 100, 0, 100) billboardGui.AlwaysOnTop = true billboardGui.LightInfluence = 0 billboardGui.MaxDistance = math.huge billboardGui.Parent = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait() local nameLabel = Instance.new("TextLabel") nameLabel.Name = "NameLabel" nameLabel.Parent = billboardGui nameLabel.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 0.5, 0) nameLabel.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, 0) nameLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 nameLabel.Text = player.Name .. " (" .. tostring(math.floor((player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and (player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude or 0) + 0.5)) .. " studs)" nameLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) nameLabel.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18 nameLabel.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold else existingBillboardGui.Enabled = true existingBillboardGui.NameLabel.Text = player.Name .. " (" .. tostring(math.floor((player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and (player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude or 0) + 0.5)) .. " studs)" end end end end if getgenv().ESPRaiders == true then while true do if getgenv().ESPRaiders then updateESPRaiders() end wait(ESPRaiders_UPDATE_INTERVAL) end else for _, player in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do local existingBillboardGui = player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("ESPRaider") if existingBillboardGui then existingBillboardGui.Enabled = false end end end local holder = game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild("ESPRaiderHolder") or Instance.new("Folder") if ESPRaiders == false then holder:Destroy() end if holder.Name == "Folder" then holder.Name = "ESPRaiderHolder" holder.Parent = game.CoreGui end if uselocalplayer == false and holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name) then holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name):Destroy() end if getgenv().ESPRaiders == true then getgenv().ESPRaiders = false getgenv().ESPRaiders = true end while getgenv().ESPRaiders do task.wait() for _, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if v.Team ~= nil and v.Team.Name == "Raiders" then local chr = v.Character if chr ~= nil then local ESPRaider = holder:FindFirstChild(v.Name) or Instance.new("Highlight") ESPRaider.Name = v.Name if uselocalplayer == false and ESPRaider.Name == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then else ESPRaider.Parent = holder if filluseteamcolor then ESPRaider.FillColor = v.TeamColor.Color else ESPRaider.FillColor = fillcolor end if outlineuseteamcolor then ESPRaider.OutlineColor = v.TeamColor.Color else ESPRaider.OutlineColor = outlinecolor end ESPRaider.FillTransparency = filltrans ESPRaider.OutlineTransparency = outlinetrans ESPRaider.Adornee = chr ESPRaider.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop end end end end end getgenv().ESPRaiders = true == state end } Tab:Toggle{ Name = "Raiders HIGHLIGHT ESP", StartingState = false, Description = "Highlights all Raider members. Note: This does not work at far distance.", Callback = function(state) getgenv().ESP = true getgenv().ESP = state getgenv().uselocalplayer = false getgenv().filluseteamcolor = true getgenv().outlineuseteamcolor = false getgenv().fillcolor = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) getgenv().outlinecolor = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) getgenv().filltrans = 0.5 getgenv().outlinetrans = 0 local holder = game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild("ESPHolder") or Instance.new("Folder") if not getgenv().ESP then holder:Destroy() else if holder.Name == "Folder" then holder.Name = "ESPHolder" holder.Parent = game.CoreGui end if not getgenv().uselocalplayer and holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name) then holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name):Destroy() end end game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) if player.Team ~= nil and player.Team.Name == "Raiders" then local chr = player.Character if chr ~= nil then local esp = holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name) or Instance.new("Highlight") esp.Name = player.Name if not getgenv().uselocalplayer or esp.Name ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then esp.Parent = holder if getgenv().filluseteamcolor then esp.FillColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.FillColor = getgenv().fillcolor end if getgenv().outlineuseteamcolor then esp.OutlineColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.OutlineColor = getgenv().outlinecolor end esp.FillTransparency = getgenv().filltrans esp.OutlineTransparency = getgenv().outlinetrans esp.Adornee = chr esp.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop end end end end) game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player) if holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name) then holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name):Destroy() end end) while getgenv().ESP do task.wait() for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if player.Team ~= nil and player.Team.Name == "Raiders" then local chr = player.Character if chr ~= nil then local esp = holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name) or Instance.new("Highlight") esp.Name = player.Name if not getgenv().uselocalplayer or esp.Name ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then esp.Parent = holder if getgenv().filluseteamcolor then esp.FillColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.FillColor = getgenv().fillcolor end if getgenv().outlineuseteamcolor then esp.OutlineColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.OutlineColor = getgenv().outlinecolor end esp.FillTransparency = getgenv().filltrans esp.OutlineTransparency = getgenv().outlinetrans esp.Adornee = chr esp.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop end end end end end getgenv().ESP = true == state end } Tab:Toggle{ Name = "Civilians ESP", StartingState = false, Description = "It will show the location of all Civilian members.", Callback = function(state) getgenv().ESPCivilians = true getgenv().ESPCivilians = state local ESPCivilian_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 2 local function updateESPCivilian() for _, player in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do if player.Team and player.Team.Name == "Civilians" then local existingBillboardGui = player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("ESPCivilian") if not existingBillboardGui then local billboardGui = Instance.new("BillboardGui") billboardGui.Name = "ESPCivilian" billboardGui.Size = UDim2.new(0, 100, 0, 100) billboardGui.AlwaysOnTop = true billboardGui.LightInfluence = 0 billboardGui.MaxDistance = math.huge billboardGui.Parent = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait() local nameLabel = Instance.new("TextLabel") nameLabel.Name = "NameLabel" nameLabel.Parent = billboardGui nameLabel.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 0.5, 0) nameLabel.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, 0) nameLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 nameLabel.Text = player.Name .. " (" .. tostring(math.floor((player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and (player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude or 0) + 0.5)) .. " studs)" nameLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) nameLabel.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18 nameLabel.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold else existingBillboardGui.Enabled = true existingBillboardGui.NameLabel.Text = player.Name .. " (" .. tostring(math.floor((player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and (player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude or 0) + 0.5)) .. " studs)" end end end end if getgenv().ESPCivilians == true then while true do if getgenv().ESPCivilians then updateESPCivilian() end wait(ESPCivilian_UPDATE_INTERVAL) end else for _, player in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do local existingBillboardGui = player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("ESPCivilian") if existingBillboardGui then existingBillboardGui.Enabled = false end end end local holder = game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild("ESPCivilianHolder") or Instance.new("Folder") if ESPCivilian == false then holder:Destroy() end if holder.Name == "Folder" then holder.Name = "ESPCivilianHolder" holder.Parent = game.CoreGui end if uselocalplayer == false and holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name) then holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name):Destroy() end if getgenv().ESPCivilian == true then getgenv().ESPCivilian = false getgenv().ESPCivilian = true end while getgenv().ESPCivilian do task.wait() for _, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if v.Team ~= nil and v.Team.Name == "Civilians" then local chr = v.Character if chr ~= nil then local ESPCivilian = holder:FindFirstChild(v.Name) or Instance.new("Highlight") ESPCivilian.Name = v.Name if uselocalplayer == false and ESPCivilian.Name == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then else ESPCivilian.Parent = holder if filluseteamcolor then ESPCivilian.FillColor = v.TeamColor.Color else ESPCivilian.FillColor = fillcolor end if outlineuseteamcolor then ESPCivilian.OutlineColor = v.TeamColor.Color else ESPCivilian.OutlineColor = outlinecolor end ESPCivilian.FillTransparency = filltrans ESPCivilian.OutlineTransparency = outlinetrans ESPCivilian.Adornee = chr ESPCivilian.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop end end end end end getgenv().ESPCivilian = true == state end } Tab:Toggle{ Name = "Civilians HIGHLIGHT ESP", StartingState = false, Description = "Highlights all Civilian members. Note: This does not work at far distance.", Callback = function(state) getgenv().ESP = true getgenv().ESP = state getgenv().uselocalplayer = false getgenv().filluseteamcolor = true getgenv().outlineuseteamcolor = false getgenv().fillcolor = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) getgenv().outlinecolor = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) getgenv().filltrans = 0.5 getgenv().outlinetrans = 0 local holder = game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild("ESPHolder") or Instance.new("Folder") if not getgenv().ESP then holder:Destroy() else if holder.Name == "Folder" then holder.Name = "ESPHolder" holder.Parent = game.CoreGui end if not getgenv().uselocalplayer and holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name) then holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name):Destroy() end end game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) if player.Team ~= nil and player.Team.Name == "Civilians" then local chr = player.Character if chr ~= nil then local esp = holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name) or Instance.new("Highlight") esp.Name = player.Name if not getgenv().uselocalplayer or esp.Name ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then esp.Parent = holder if getgenv().filluseteamcolor then esp.FillColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.FillColor = getgenv().fillcolor end if getgenv().outlineuseteamcolor then esp.OutlineColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.OutlineColor = getgenv().outlinecolor end esp.FillTransparency = getgenv().filltrans esp.OutlineTransparency = getgenv().outlinetrans esp.Adornee = chr esp.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop end end end end) game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player) if holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name) then holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name):Destroy() end end) while getgenv().ESP do task.wait() for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if player.Team ~= nil and player.Team.Name == "Civilians" then local chr = player.Character if chr ~= nil then local esp = holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name) or Instance.new("Highlight") esp.Name = player.Name if not getgenv().uselocalplayer or esp.Name ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then esp.Parent = holder if getgenv().filluseteamcolor then esp.FillColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.FillColor = getgenv().fillcolor end if getgenv().outlineuseteamcolor then esp.OutlineColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.OutlineColor = getgenv().outlinecolor end esp.FillTransparency = getgenv().filltrans esp.OutlineTransparency = getgenv().outlinetrans esp.Adornee = chr esp.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop end end end end end getgenv().ESP = true == state end } Tab:Toggle{ Name = "BCT ESP", StartingState = false, Description = "It will show the location of all BCT members.", Callback = function(state) getgenv().ESPBCT = true getgenv().ESPBCT = state local ESPBCT_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 2 local function updateESPBCT() for _, player in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do if player.Team and player.Team.Name == "BCT" then local existingBillboardGui = player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("ESPBCT") if not existingBillboardGui then local billboardGui = Instance.new("BillboardGui") billboardGui.Name = "ESPBCT" billboardGui.Size = UDim2.new(0, 100, 0, 100) billboardGui.AlwaysOnTop = true billboardGui.LightInfluence = 0 billboardGui.MaxDistance = math.huge billboardGui.Parent = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait() local nameLabel = Instance.new("TextLabel") nameLabel.Name = "NameLabel" nameLabel.Parent = billboardGui nameLabel.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 0.5, 0) nameLabel.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, 0) nameLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 nameLabel.Text = player.Name .. " (" .. tostring(math.floor((player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and (player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude or 0) + 0.5)) .. " studs)" nameLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) nameLabel.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18 nameLabel.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold else existingBillboardGui.Enabled = true existingBillboardGui.NameLabel.Text = player.Name .. " (" .. tostring(math.floor((player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and (player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude or 0) + 0.5)) .. " studs)" end end end end if getgenv().ESPBCT == true then while true do if getgenv().ESPBCT then updateESPBCT() end wait(ESPBCT_UPDATE_INTERVAL) end else for _, player in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do local existingBillboardGui = player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("ESPBCT") if existingBillboardGui then existingBillboardGui.Enabled = false end end end local holder = game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild("ESPBCTHolder") or Instance.new("Folder") if ESPBCT == false then holder:Destroy() end if holder.Name == "Folder" then holder.Name = "ESPBCTHolder" holder.Parent = game.CoreGui end if uselocalplayer == false and holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name) then holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name):Destroy() end if getgenv().ESPBCT == true then getgenv().ESPBCT = false getgenv().ESPBCT = true end while getgenv().ESPBCT do task.wait() for _, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if v.Team ~= nil and v.Team.Name == "BCT" then local chr = v.Character if chr ~= nil then local ESPBCT = holder:FindFirstChild(v.Name) or Instance.new("Highlight") ESPBCT.Name = v.Name if uselocalplayer == false and ESPBCT.Name == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then else ESPBCT.Parent = holder if filluseteamcolor then ESPBCT.FillColor = v.TeamColor.Color else ESPBCT.FillColor = fillcolor end if outlineuseteamcolor then ESPBCT.OutlineColor = v.TeamColor.Color else ESPBCT.OutlineColor = outlinecolor end ESPBCT.FillTransparency = filltrans ESPBCT.OutlineTransparency = outlinetrans ESPBCT.Adornee = chr ESPBCT.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop end end end end end getgenv().ESPBCT = true == state end } Tab:Toggle{ Name = "BCT HIGHLIGHT ESP", StartingState = false, Description = "Highlights all BCT members. Note: This does not work at far distance.", Callback = function(state) getgenv().ESP = true getgenv().ESP = state getgenv().uselocalplayer = false getgenv().filluseteamcolor = true getgenv().outlineuseteamcolor = false getgenv().fillcolor = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) getgenv().outlinecolor = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) getgenv().filltrans = 0.5 getgenv().outlinetrans = 0 local holder = game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild("ESPHolder") or Instance.new("Folder") if not getgenv().ESP then holder:Destroy() else if holder.Name == "Folder" then holder.Name = "ESPHolder" holder.Parent = game.CoreGui end if not getgenv().uselocalplayer and holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name) then holder:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name):Destroy() end end game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) if player.Team ~= nil and player.Team.Name == "BCT" then local chr = player.Character if chr ~= nil then local esp = holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name) or Instance.new("Highlight") esp.Name = player.Name if not getgenv().uselocalplayer or esp.Name ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then esp.Parent = holder if getgenv().filluseteamcolor then esp.FillColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.FillColor = getgenv().fillcolor end if getgenv().outlineuseteamcolor then esp.OutlineColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.OutlineColor = getgenv().outlinecolor end esp.FillTransparency = getgenv().filltrans esp.OutlineTransparency = getgenv().outlinetrans esp.Adornee = chr esp.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop end end end end) game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player) if holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name) then holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name):Destroy() end end) while getgenv().ESP do task.wait() for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if player.Team ~= nil and player.Team.Name == "BCT" then local chr = player.Character if chr ~= nil then local esp = holder:FindFirstChild(player.Name) or Instance.new("Highlight") esp.Name = player.Name if not getgenv().uselocalplayer or esp.Name ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then esp.Parent = holder if getgenv().filluseteamcolor then esp.FillColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.FillColor = getgenv().fillcolor end if getgenv().outlineuseteamcolor then esp.OutlineColor = player.TeamColor.Color else esp.OutlineColor = getgenv().outlinecolor end esp.FillTransparency = getgenv().filltrans esp.OutlineTransparency = getgenv().outlinetrans esp.Adornee = chr esp.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop end end end end end getgenv().ESP = true == state end } local Tab = GUI:Tab{ Name = "Trolling", Icon = "rbxassetid://14161931343", } Tab:Button{ Name = "Take Damage", Description = "If at full health you can click the *Take damage* 6 times without dying.", Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Damaging...", Duration = 8, Callback = function() end } local args = { [1] = 0.2 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Packages.Knit.Services.SkydivingService.RF.FallDamage:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "Icon Mobile", Description = "This is FE, everyone can see your icon on your name as Mobile.", Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "You are now Mobile.", Duration = 8, Callback = function() end } local args = { [1] = "Mobile" } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Packages.Knit.Services.PlayerHandler.RF.SetPlatform:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "Icon Desktop/PC", Description = "This is FE, everyone can see your icon on your name as Desktop/PC.", Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "You are now Desktop/PC.", Duration = 8, Callback = function() end } local args = { [1] = "PC" } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Packages.Knit.Services.PlayerHandler.RF.SetPlatform:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "Normal outfit", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Changing...", Duration = 8, Callback = function() end } local args = { [1] = { ["Headgear"] = "C982750C-74A9-4730-8AB2-8181EF24FD64", ["Accessory"] = "377F6631-CD34-4970-AC7A-99A7DED948B0", ["Shirt"] = "426584EE-4444-4487-97A9-4858AAE5C236", ["Pants"] = "8BFFA37F-D026-4A04-A422-DCD5367A1C31", } } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Packages.Knit.Services.CharacterService.RF.ApplyData:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "Chef", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Changing...", Duration = 8, Callback = function() end } local args = { [1] = { ["Headgear"] = "2C3FDC19-B38F-44AB-AA57-CD0235543107", ["Accessory"] = "377F6631-CD34-4970-AC7A-99A7DED948B0", ["Shirt"] = "A4691125-2102-4F8A-BBF2-1C409EC0D4B7", ["Pants"] = "8784806C-838D-4DE4-9730-405B7833B0D0", ["Body Gear"] = false } } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Packages.Knit.Services.CharacterService.RF.ApplyData:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "Hot day out", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Changing...", Duration = 8, Callback = function() end } local args = { [1] = { ["Headgear"] = "A7E98E4D-2355-47A0-9C41-7B85B563883F", ["Accessory"] = "516CFA51-746E-4983-8C52-5822F0134DE5", ["Shirt"] = "CE964BCE-321D-43B3-867F-FE21B296BBF4", ["Pants"] = "86EAD503-8C7D-4370-9F83-73B8E9B61811", ["Body Gear"] = "16E6DAC8-2721-4504-90E6-FEC891BF3A7D" } } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Packages.Knit.Services.CharacterService.RF.ApplyData:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) end} Tab:Button{ Name = "BCT outfit", Description = nil, Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Changing...", Duration = 8, Callback = function() end } local args = { [1] = { ["Headgear"] = "C982750C-74A9-4730-8AB2-8181EF24FD64", ["Accessory"] = false, ["Shirt"] = "45259522-246A-4ED6-8426-641080A1E9C6", ["Pants"] = "8BFFA37F-D026-4A04-A422-DCD5367A1C31", ["Body Gear"] = "Apply" } } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Packages.Knit.Services.CharacterService.RF.ApplyData:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) end} local Tab = GUI:Tab{ Name = "Script hub", Icon = "rbxassetid://14161946892" } Tab:Button{ Name = "Infinite Yield", Description = "Credits: Edge, Moon, Zwolf, Toon.", Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Loading...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EdgeIY/infiniteyield/master/source",true))() end} Tab:Button{ Name = "CMD-X", Description = "Credits: pigeon#8951, fini#7057, Curvn#2002.", Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Loading...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CMD-X/CMD-X/master/Source",true))() end} Tab:Button{ Name = "Fates-Admin", Description = "Credits: fate#5647, Iaying#6564, misrepresenting#4917, Shawn#2000, dsf#2711.", Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Loading...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fatesc/fates-admin/main/main.lua"))(); end} Tab:Button{ Name = "Owl-Hub", Description = "Credits: Google Chrome and CriShoux.", Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Loading...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CriShoux/OwlHub/master/OwlHub.txt"))(); end} local Tab = GUI:Tab{ Name = "Other fetures", Icon = "rbxassetid://14161623694" } Tab:_theme_selector() Tab:credit{Name = "Support Server", Description = "Click the Discord button to copy the discord server to get support.", Discord = "http://discord.gg/wUbAAhypTH", V3rmillion = "http://discord.gg/wUbAAhypTH"} Tab:Button{ Name = "Serverhop", Description = "Join's a diffrent server.", Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Serverhoping...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } local m = {} for _, v in ipairs(game:GetService("\72\116\116\112\83\101\114\118\105\99\101"):JSONDecode(game:HttpGetAsync("\104\116\116\112\115\58\47\47\103\97\109\101\115\46\114\111\98\108\111\120\46\99\111\109\47\118\49\47\103\97\109\101\115\47" .. game.PlaceId .. "\47\115\101\114\118\101\114\115\47\80\117\98\108\105\99\63\115\111\114\116\79\114\100\101\114\61\65\115\99\38\108\105\109\105\116\61\49\48\48")).data) do if type(v) == "\116\97\98\108\101" and v.maxPlayers > v.playing and v.id ~= game.JobId then m[#m + 1] = v.id end end if #m > 0 then game:GetService("\84\101\108\101\112\111\114\116\83\101\114\118\105\99\101"):TeleportToPlaceInstance(game.PlaceId, m[math.random(1, #m)]) else return notify("\83\101\114\118\101\114\104\111\112","\67\111\117\108\100\110\39\116\32\102\105\110\100\32\97\32\115\101\114\118\101\114\46") end end} Tab:Button{ Name = "Rejoin", Description = "It will rejoin the game in the current server you are in.", Callback = function() local CoreGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Rejoing...", Duration = 2, Callback = function() end } local m = game:GetService("\84\101\108\101\112\111\114\116\83\101\114\118\105\99\101") local n = game:GetService("\80\108\97\121\101\114\115").LocalPlayer m:Teleport(game.PlaceId, n) end} if _G == "2J7rttPAgtYqC0PZi1kRCf9BUFj2en6uNRZQc0ywCAZq0WqNH4V5AbWY0wjk75tWJ3yH9DiMkGy7Aibb3Reo6M6cGUzoxdGo5nKE" or _G == "im4e2x9LQDUXFV20UmNen4r9dhuppo55aGUyYjHsdjkTZ9nag2qrcihKojePGGDXVZmDBmKyvbd9ybCHQJgEc403J6zRMjzFa35p" then local Tab = GUI:Tab{ Name = "Admin stuff", Icon = "rbxassetid://6031075938" } local username = "" -- Function to find the player with a matching partial username local function findPlayerByUsername(partialUsername) for _, player in ipairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if player.Name:lower():find(partialUsername:lower()) then return player end end return nil end Tab:Textbox{ Name = "Kill Personnel Username", Callback = function(text) username = text -- Update the 'username' variable with the entered text end } Tab:Button{ Name = "Kill Personnel Button", Description = "This works only on non-team members and BCT (TRADOC exempt).", Callback = function() if username ~= "" then local targetPlayer = findPlayerByUsername(username) if targetPlayer then local args = { [1] = targetPlayer.Character.Head, [2] = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool").Main, [3] = targetPlayer.Character.Head.Position, [4] = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool").Handle.FireSound, [5] = Vector3.new(0, 0, -1) } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Stratarches.RepRayEvent:FireServer(unpack(args)) else GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Player with the provided username not found.", Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } end else GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Please enter a valid username in the text box.", Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } end end } end GUI:Notification{ Title = "Alert", Text = "Script fully loaded!", Duration = 3, Callback = function() end } end