--[[ Credits goes to REDz. And you can find more here! [This is v5 version] https://github.com/REDzHUB/RedzLibV5 And maybe some things may not work correctly (doesn't to me) ]]-- local redzlib = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/REDzHUB/RedzLibV5/main/Source.Lua"))() local Window = redzlib:MakeWindow({ Title = "Test", SubTitle = "hello", SaveFolder = "Redz Config" }) --Tabs local Tab1 = Window:MakeTab({"Tab 1", "cool"}) --Buttons Tab1:AddButton({"Print", function() print("Hello World!") end}) local Toggle1 = Tab1:AddToggle({ Name = "Speed", Description = "Idk", Default = false }) Tab1:AddSlider({ Name = "Speed", Min = 1, Max = 100, Increase = 1, Default = 16, Callback = function(Value) game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = Value end })