for i, v in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do if v.Parent.Name == "Up" and v.ClassName == "ClickDetector" then spawn(function() while true do wait() if v then fireclickdetector(v) else break; end end end) elseif v.Parent.Name == "On" and v.ClassName == "ClickDetector" then if v.Parent.BrickColor ~="Dark green") then fireclickdetector(v) end v.Parent:GetPropertyChangedSignal("BrickColor"):Connect(function() if v.Parent.BrickColor ~="Dark green") then fireclickdetector(v) end end) end end workspace.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(descendant) if descendant.Parent.Name == "Up" and descendant.ClassName == "ClickDetector" then spawn(function() while true do wait() if descendant then fireclickdetector(descendant) else break; end end end) elseif descendant.Parent.Name == "On" and descendant.ClassName == "ClickDetector" then if descendant.Parent.BrickColor ~="Dark green") then fireclickdetector(descendant) end descendant.Parent:GetPropertyChangedSignal("BrickColor"):Connect(function() if descendant.Parent.BrickColor ~="Dark green") then fireclickdetector(descendant) end end) end end)