local v0 = tonumber; local v1 = string.byte; local v2 = string.char; local v3 = string.sub; local v4 = string.gsub; local v5 = string.rep; local v6 = table.concat; local v7 = table.insert; local v8 = math.ldexp; local v9 = getfenv or function() return _ENV; end; local v10 = setmetatable; local v11 = pcall; local v12 = select; local v13 = unpack or table.unpack; local v14 = tonumber; local function v15(v16, v17, ...) local v18 = 1; local v19; v16 = v4(v3(v16, 5), "..", function(v30) if (v1(v30, 2) == 79) then v19 = v0(v3(v30, 1, 1)); return ""; else local v67 = v2(v0(v30, 16)); if v19 then local v75 = v5(v67, v19); v19 = nil; return v75; else return v67; end end end); local function v20(v31, v32, v33) if v33 then local v68 = (v31 / ((1 + 1 + 0) ^ (v32 - (1 + 0)))) % ((5 - 3) ^ (((v33 - (2 - 1)) - (v32 - (1 - (0 + 0)))) + 1 + 0)); return v68 - (v68 % (2 - (958 - (892 + 65)))); else local v69 = 0; local v70; while true do if (v69 == 0) then v70 = (621 - (555 + 64)) ^ (v32 - (932 - (857 + 74))); return (((v31 % (v70 + v70)) >= v70) and (569 - (367 + 201))) or (927 - (214 + 713)); end end end end local function v21() local v34 = v1(v16, v18, v18); v18 = v18 + 1; return v34; end local function v22() local v35, v36 = v1(v16, v18, v18 + (4 - 2)); v18 = v18 + 2; return (v36 * (472 - 216)) + v35; end local function v23() local v37, v38, v39, v40 = v1(v16, v18, v18 + 3); v18 = v18 + (7 - 3); return (v40 * (12302277 + 4474939)) + (v39 * (65886 - (87 + 263))) + (v38 * ((751 - 562) + 67)) + v37; end local function v24() local v41 = v23(); local v42 = v23(); local v43 = 953 - (802 + 150); local v44 = (v20(v42, 1 - 0, (491 - (145 + 293)) - 33) * ((3 - 1) ^ (24 + 8))) + v41; local v45 = v20(v42, 1018 - (915 + 82), 31); local v46 = ((v20(v42, 32) == (2 - 1)) and -((431 - (44 + 386)) + 0)) or (1 - 0); if (v45 == (1187 - (1069 + 118))) then if (v44 == (0 - (1486 - (998 + 488)))) then return v46 * (0 - 0); else local v76 = 0 + 0; while true do if (v76 == ((0 + 0) - 0)) then v45 = 1 + 0; v43 = 791 - (368 + 423); break; end end end elseif (v45 == (1677 + 370)) then return ((v44 == (0 - 0)) and (v46 * (((791 - (201 + 571)) - (10 + 8)) / (0 - 0)))) or (v46 * NaN); end return v8(v46, v45 - (1465 - (416 + (1164 - (116 + 1022))))) * (v43 + (v44 / ((6 - 4) ^ (23 + 29)))); end local function v25(v47) local v48; if not v47 then local v71 = 0 - 0; while true do if (v71 == ((859 - (814 + 45)) + 0)) then v47 = v23(); if (v47 == (0 - 0)) then return ""; end break; end end end v48 = v3(v16, v18, (v18 + v47) - (3 - 2)); v18 = v18 + v47; local v49 = {}; for v65 = 1, #v48 do v49[v65] = v2(v1(v3(v48, v65, v65))); end return v6(v49); end local v26 = v23; local function v27(...) return {...}, v12("#", ...); end local function v28() local v50 = 0 - 0; local v51; local v52; local v53; local v54; local v55; local v56; local v57; while true do if (v50 ~= 0) then else v51 = 0 - 0; v52 = nil; v50 = 1785 - (599 + 1185); end if (v50 ~= (1 + 1)) then else v55 = nil; v56 = nil; v50 = 3 + 0; end if (v50 ~= (575 - (507 + 67))) then else v53 = nil; v54 = nil; v50 = 1751 - (1013 + 736); end if (v50 == (3 + 0)) then v57 = nil; while true do local v77 = 0; while true do if ((0 - 0) == v77) then if (v51 == 3) then local v99 = 0 - 0; while true do if (v99 == (867 - (550 + 317))) then for v114 = 1 - 0, v23() do v53[v114 - (1 - 0)] = v28(); end return v55; end end end if (v51 == (0 - 0)) then local v100 = 285 - (134 + 151); while true do if ((1666 - (970 + 695)) ~= v100) then else v54 = {}; v51 = 1 - 0; break; end if (v100 == (1990 - (582 + 1408))) then local v113 = 0 - 0; while true do if (v113 == 1) then v100 = 1; break; end if (0 ~= v113) then else v52 = {}; v53 = {}; v113 = 1 - 0; end end end end end v77 = 3 - 2; end if (1 ~= v77) then else if (v51 == 2) then for v104 = 1825 - (1195 + 629), v56 do local v105 = 0; local v106; local v107; local v108; while true do if (v105 == (0 - 0)) then v106 = 241 - (187 + 54); v107 = nil; v105 = 1; end if (v105 ~= 1) then else v108 = nil; while true do if (v106 == 1) then if (v107 == (781 - (162 + 618))) then v108 = v21() ~= (0 + 0); elseif (v107 == 2) then v108 = v24(); elseif (v107 ~= (2 + 1)) then else v108 = v25(); end v57[v104] = v108; break; end if (v106 == 0) then local v160 = 0 - 0; local v161; while true do if (v160 == 0) then v161 = 0 - 0; while true do if ((0 + 0) == v161) then local v191 = 0; local v192; while true do if (v191 == (1636 - (1373 + 263))) then v192 = 0; while true do if (v192 == (1001 - (451 + 549))) then v161 = 1; break; end if (v192 == 0) then local v196 = 0; while true do if (v196 == 0) then v107 = v21(); v108 = nil; v196 = 1 + 0; end if (v196 ~= 1) then else v192 = 1 - 0; break; end end end end break; end end end if ((1 - 0) ~= v161) then else v106 = 1; break; end end break; end end end end break; end end end v55[1387 - (746 + 638)] = v21(); for v109 = 1 + 0, v23() do local v110 = 0; local v111; local v112; while true do if (v110 ~= (1 - 0)) then else while true do if (v111 ~= 0) then else v112 = v21(); if (v20(v112, 342 - (218 + 123), 1582 - (1535 + 46)) == 0) then local v178 = 0; local v179; local v180; local v181; local v182; local v183; while true do if (v178 ~= 1) then else v181 = nil; v182 = nil; v178 = 2 + 0; end if ((1 + 1) == v178) then v183 = nil; while true do if (v179 == (560 - (306 + 254))) then v180 = 0 + 0; v181 = nil; v179 = 1; end if (v179 ~= (1 - 0)) then else v182 = nil; v183 = nil; v179 = 2; end if (v179 == (1469 - (899 + 568))) then while true do if (v180 ~= (2 + 1)) then else if (v20(v182, 7 - 4, 3) == 1) then v183[607 - (268 + 335)] = v57[v183[294 - (60 + 230)]]; end v52[v109] = v183; break; end if (v180 == 0) then local v194 = 572 - (426 + 146); while true do if (v194 == (0 + 0)) then local v200 = 0; while true do if (0 == v200) then v181 = v20(v112, 1458 - (282 + 1174), 3); v182 = v20(v112, 815 - (569 + 242), 6); v200 = 2 - 1; end if (v200 ~= (1 + 0)) then else v194 = 1025 - (706 + 318); break; end end end if (v194 ~= (1252 - (721 + 530))) then else v180 = 1272 - (945 + 326); break; end end end if (v180 ~= (2 - 1)) then else v183 = {v22(),v22(),nil,nil}; if (v181 == (0 + 0)) then local v199 = 700 - (271 + 429); while true do if (v199 == (0 + 0)) then v183[1503 - (1408 + 92)] = v22(); v183[4] = v22(); break; end end elseif (v181 == 1) then v183[3] = v23(); elseif (v181 == (1088 - (461 + 625))) then v183[1291 - (993 + 295)] = v23() - (2 ^ 16); elseif (v181 == (1 + 2)) then local v209 = 0; local v210; local v211; while true do if (v209 ~= (1172 - (418 + 753))) then else while true do if (v210 ~= 0) then else v211 = 0 + 0; while true do if (v211 == (0 + 0)) then v183[1 + 2] = v23() - (2 ^ 16); v183[2 + 2] = v22(); break; end end break; end end break; end if (v209 ~= (529 - (406 + 123))) then else local v212 = 0; while true do if (v212 == (1769 - (1749 + 20))) then v210 = 0 + 0; v211 = nil; v212 = 1323 - (1249 + 73); end if (v212 == (1 + 0)) then v209 = 1; break; end end end end end v180 = 1147 - (466 + 679); end if (v180 == (4 - 2)) then local v195 = 0; while true do if (v195 ~= (0 - 0)) then else if (v20(v182, 1901 - (106 + 1794), 1) == (1 + 0)) then v183[1 + 1] = v57[v183[2]]; end if (v20(v182, 2, 2) ~= 1) then else v183[3] = v57[v183[3]]; end v195 = 2 - 1; end if (v195 ~= 1) then else v180 = 7 - 4; break; end end end end break; end end break; end if (v178 == 0) then v179 = 114 - (4 + 110); v180 = nil; v178 = 585 - (57 + 527); end end end break; end end break; end if (v110 == (1427 - (41 + 1386))) then local v116 = 0; while true do if (v116 == 1) then v110 = 104 - (17 + 86); break; end if (v116 ~= (0 + 0)) then else local v162 = 0 - 0; while true do if (v162 == (0 - 0)) then v111 = 166 - (122 + 44); v112 = nil; v162 = 1; end if (v162 ~= 1) then else v116 = 1 - 0; break; end end end end end end end v51 = 9 - 6; end if (v51 ~= 1) then else local v102 = 0; local v103; while true do if (v102 ~= (0 + 0)) then else v103 = 0 + 0; while true do if (v103 ~= 1) then else v57 = {}; v51 = 3 - 1; break; end if (v103 == 0) then local v117 = 65 - (30 + 35); while true do if (v117 ~= (0 + 0)) then else v55 = {v52,v53,nil,v54}; v56 = v23(); v117 = 1; end if (1 ~= v117) then else v103 = 1; break; end end end end break; end end end break; end end end break; end end end local function v29(v58, v59, v60) local v61 = 0; local v62; local v63; local v64; while true do if (1 == v61) then v64 = v58[3]; return function(...) local v78 = v62; local v79 = v63; local v80 = v64; local v81 = v27; local v82 = 1; local v83 = -1; local v84 = {}; local v85 = {...}; local v86 = v12("#", ...) - 1; local v87 = {}; local v88 = {}; for v92 = 0, v86 do if (v92 >= v80) then v84[v92 - v80] = v85[v92 + 1]; else v88[v92] = v85[v92 + 1]; end end local v89 = (v86 - v80) + 1; local v90; local v91; while true do v90 = v78[v82]; v91 = v90[1]; if (v91 <= 16) then if (v91 <= 7) then if (v91 <= 3) then if (v91 <= 1) then if (v91 > 0) then v82 = v90[3]; else local v119 = 0; local v120; while true do if (v119 == 0) then v120 = v90[2]; v88[v120] = v88[v120](v13(v88, v120 + 1, v90[3])); break; end end end elseif (v91 == 2) then v88[v90[2]] = {}; else local v122 = v90[2]; v88[v122] = v88[v122](v88[v122 + 1]); end elseif (v91 <= 5) then if (v91 == 4) then if (v90[2] == v88[v90[4]]) then v82 = v82 + 1; else v82 = v90[3]; end else local v124 = v90[2]; v88[v124] = v88[v124](v88[v124 + 1]); end elseif (v91 == 6) then v88[v90[2]][v90[3]] = v90[4]; else local v128 = v90[2]; v88[v128](v13(v88, v128 + 1, v90[3])); end elseif (v91 <= 11) then if (v91 <= 9) then if (v91 == 8) then v88[v90[2]] = {}; else v88[v90[2]] = v88[v90[3]][v90[4]]; end elseif (v91 == 10) then for v163 = v90[2], v90[3] do v88[v163] = nil; end elseif (v88[v90[2]] == v90[4]) then v82 = v82 + 1; else v82 = v90[3]; end elseif (v91 <= 13) then if (v91 > 12) then local v132 = v90[2]; local v133 = v88[v90[3]]; v88[v132 + 1] = v133; v88[v132] = v133[v90[4]]; else v60[v90[3]] = v88[v90[2]]; end elseif (v91 <= 14) then v60[v90[3]] = v88[v90[2]]; elseif (v91 == 15) then v88[v90[2]] = v60[v90[3]]; else v82 = v90[3]; end elseif (v91 <= 24) then if (v91 <= 20) then if (v91 <= 18) then if (v91 == 17) then v88[v90[2]] = v88[v90[3]][v90[4]]; else local v143 = v90[2]; v88[v143](v88[v143 + 1]); end elseif (v91 == 19) then if (v90[2] == v88[v90[4]]) then v82 = v82 + 1; else v82 = v90[3]; end else local v144 = 0; local v145; local v146; while true do if (v144 == 1) then v88[v145 + 1] = v146; v88[v145] = v146[v90[4]]; break; end if (v144 == 0) then v145 = v90[2]; v146 = v88[v90[3]]; v144 = 1; end end end elseif (v91 <= 22) then if (v91 == 21) then if (v88[v90[2]] == v90[4]) then v82 = v82 + 1; else v82 = v90[3]; end else do return; end end elseif (v91 > 23) then local v147 = v90[2]; v88[v147](v88[v147 + 1]); else v88[v90[2]][v90[3]] = v88[v90[4]]; end elseif (v91 <= 28) then if (v91 <= 26) then if (v91 == 25) then do return; end else v88[v90[2]] = v90[3]; end elseif (v91 == 27) then for v165 = v90[2], v90[3] do v88[v165] = nil; end else v88[v90[2]] = v60[v90[3]]; end elseif (v91 <= 30) then if (v91 > 29) then local v154 = v90[2]; v88[v154] = v88[v154](v13(v88, v154 + 1, v90[3])); else local v156 = v90[2]; v88[v156](v13(v88, v156 + 1, v90[3])); end elseif (v91 <= 31) then v88[v90[2]][v90[3]] = v90[4]; elseif (v91 == 32) then v88[v90[2]][v90[3]] = v88[v90[4]]; else v88[v90[2]] = v90[3]; end v82 = v82 + 1; end end; end if (v61 == 0) then v62 = v58[1]; v63 = v58[2]; v61 = 1; end end end return v29(v28(), {}, v17)(...); end v15("LOL!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