--Original source by HeartAsians --[[infinity's chat ► Zubquance : INFINITYS, CHAT TAGS, NOTIFICATIONS ► suno/headlined/hello-n-bye : MORE INFINITIES, HOST SCRIPT https://discord.com/invite/Nuh uh bro no discord invites ]] repeat task.wait() until game:IsLoaded() local TCS = game:GetService("TextChatService") local CoreGui = game:GetService("CoreGui") local RStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local Players = game:GetService("Players") local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService") local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer local PlayerGui = LocalPlayer.PlayerGui local isLegacy = TCS.ChatVersion == Enum.ChatVersion.LegacyChatService local ChatBar = CoreGui:FindFirstChild("TextBoxContainer", true) or PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("Chat"):FindFirstChild("ChatBar", true) ChatBar = ChatBar:FindFirstChild("TextBox") or ChatBar local Keywords = { --phrases {"i", "і"}, {"e", "е"}, {"g", "g"}, {"c", "с"}, {"o", "о"}, {"p", "р"}, {"s", "ѕ"}, {"u", "u"}, {"I", "Ӏ"}, {"E", "Е"}, {"G", "ꓖ"}, {"C", "С"}, {"O", "О"}, {"P", "Р"}, {"S", "Ѕ"}, {"U", "𐓎"}, {"a", "а"}, {"x", "х"}, {"y", "у"}, {"A", "А"}, {"H", "Н"}, {"K", "К"}, {"T", "Т"}, {"X", "Х"}, {"I", "Ι"}, {"h", "һ"}, --dont delete {" ", " "}, } --[[ need to fix: lmao, lmfao, discord need to add: damn, slave ]] local Gen = function(Message) for _, info in Keywords do local real = info[1] local bypass = info[2] Message = Message:gsub(real, bypass) end return Message end local Chat = function(Message) if isLegacy then local ChatRemote = RStorage:FindFirstChild("SayMessageRequest", true) ChatRemote:FireServer(Message, "All") else local Channel = TCS.TextChannels.RBXGeneral Channel:SendAsync(Message) end end local Fake = function(Message) if isLegacy then Players:Chat(Message) else local Channel = TCS.TextChannels.RBXGeneral Channel:SendAsync(("/e Hey how are you doing?"):format(Message)) -- ^^^ its too annoying end end local chars = {} for i=97,122 do chars[#chars+1]=string.char(i) end for i=65,90 do chars[#chars+1]=string.char(i) end local RNG = function(length) local str = "" for i = 1, length do str = str .. chars[math.random(#chars)] end return str end local ResetFilter = function() end local Connection = Instance.new("BindableFunction") for _, c in getconnections(ChatBar.FocusLost) do c:Disconnect() end ChatBar.FocusLost:Connect(function(enterPressed) if enterPressed then Connection:Invoke(ChatBar.Text) ChatBar.Text = "" end end) Connection.OnInvoke = function(Message) Message = Gen(Message) Chat("Infinity · "..Message) end local NotifyModule = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeaPattern/notif-lib/main/main.lua"))() UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(Input, GPE) if GPE or Input.KeyCode ~= Enum.KeyCode.Zero then return end NotifyModule:Notify("copied invite link to clipboard", 1) setclipboard("https://discord.com/invite/FRsmP9knVc") end) NotifyModule:Notify("dr_flamepop's bypass powered by iheartasian's bypass! press 0 to join their discord!", 5) local notifs = loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CF-Trail/random/main/FE2Notifs.lua'))() notifs.alert('ChatTags loaded') task.wait(0) notifs.alert('Your welcome!',Loaded,Loaded,'')