local OrionLib = loadstring(game:HttpGet(('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shlexware/Orion/main/source')))() local Window = OrionLib:MakeWindow({Name = "Chat Bypasser", HidePremium = false, IntroText = "Chat Bypasser", SaveConfig = false}) loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vqmpjayZ/More-Scripts/main/Anti-Chat-Logger'))() -- anti chat logger (not by me) function chat(msg) if game:GetService("TextChatService").ChatVersion == Enum.ChatVersion.TextChatService then game:GetService("TextChatService").TextChannels.RBXGeneral:SendAsync(msg) else game.ReplicatedStorage.DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer(msg, "All") end end local chatTab = Window:MakeTab({ Name = "Chat Stuff", Icon = "rbxassetid://4483345998", PremiumOnly = false }) chatTab:AddLabel(" CHAT BYPASS") local method = nil chatTab:AddDropdown({ Name = "Method", Options = {"ěx́ǎḿṕĺě", "éxạmṕĺe", "ẹ̲х̲ạ̲ṃ̲р̲ḷ̲ẹ̲", "e>x>a>m>p>l>e", "￵example"}, Callback = function(val) method = val end }) function bypasstext(text, method) if method == 1 then local function addAccents(word) local accents = { a = "ǎ", b = "ḃ", c = "ć", d = "d́", e = "ě", f = "ḟ", g = "ġ", h = "ḣ", i = "í", j = "j́", k = "ḱ", l = "ĺ", m = "ḿ", n = "n̋", o = "ō", p = "ṕ", q = "q́", r = "ŕ", s = "ś", t = "t̋", u = "ū", v = "v̇", w = "ẃ", x = "x́", y = "ý", z = "ź", A = "Ǎ", B = "Ḃ", C = "Ć", D = "D́", E = "Ě", F = "Ḟ", G = "Ġ", H = "Ḣ", I = "Í", J = "J́", K = "Ḱ", L = "Ĺ", M = "Ḿ", N = "N̋", O = "Ō", P = "Ṕ", Q = "Q́", R = "Ŕ", S = "Ś", T = "T̋", U = "Ū", V = "V̇", W = "Ẃ", X = "X́", Y = "Ý", Z = "Ź" } local bypassedWord = "" for i = 1, #word do local letter = word:sub(i, i) if accents[letter] then bypassedWord = bypassedWord .. accents[letter] else bypassedWord = bypassedWord .. letter end end return bypassedWord end local function bypassString(input) local words = {} for word in string.gmatch(input, "%S+") do table.insert(words, addAccents(word)) end return table.concat(words, " ") end return bypassString(text) elseif method == 2 then local function addAccents2(word) local accents2 = { a = "ạ", b = "ḃ", c = "c", d = "d́", e = "e", f = "ḟ", g = "ġ", h = "ḣ", i = "i", j = "j́", k = "ḳ", l = "ĺ", m = "m", n = "n̋", o = "o", p = "ṕ", q = "q́", r = "ŕ", s = "ṣ", t = "t", u = "ụ", v = "v̇", w = "ẃ", x = "x́", y = "y", z = "z", A = "Ạ", B = "Ḃ", C = "C", D = "D́", E = "E", F = "Ḟ", G = "Ġ", H = "Ḣ", I = "I", J = "J́", K = "Ḱ", L = "Ĺ", M = "M", N = "N", O = "O", P = "Ṕ", Q = "Q́", R = "Ŕ", S = "Ṣ", T = "T", U = "Ụ", V = "V̇", W = "Ẃ", X = "X́", Y = "Y", Z = "Z" } local bypassedWord = "" for i = 1, #word do local letter = word:sub(i, i) if accents2[letter] then bypassedWord = bypassedWord .. accents2[letter] else bypassedWord = bypassedWord .. letter end end return bypassedWord end local function bypassString(input) local words = {} for word in string.gmatch(input, "%S+") do table.insert(words, addAccents2(word)) end return table.concat(words, " ") end return bypassString(text) elseif method == 3 then local function addAccents3(word) local accents3 = { a = "ạ̲", b = "ḅ̲", c = "с̲", d = "ḍ̲", e = "ẹ̲", f = "f̲", g = "ɡ̲", h = "ḥ̲", i = "ị̲", j = "ј̲", k = "ḳ̲", l = "ḷ̲", m = "ṃ̲", n = "ṇ̲", o = "ọ̲", p = "р̲", q = "q̲", r = "ṛ̲", s = "ṣ̲", t = "ṭ̲", u = "ụ̲", v = "ṿ̲", w = "ẉ̲", x = "х̲", y = "ỵ̲", z = "ẓ̲", A = "Ạ̲", B = "Ḅ̲", C = "С̲", D = "Ḍ̲", E = "Ẹ̲", F = "F̲", G = "Ɡ̲", H = "Ḥ̲", I = "Ị̲", J = "Ј̲", K = "Ḳ̲", L = "Ḷ̲", M = "Ṃ̲", N = "Ṇ̲", O = "Ọ̲", P = "Р̲", Q = "Q̲", R = "Ṛ̲", S = "Ṣ̲", T = "Ṭ̲", U = "Ụ̲", V = "Ṿ̲", W = "Ẉ̲", X = "Х̲", Y = "Ỵ̲", Z = "Ẓ̲" } local bypassedWord = "" for i = 1, #word do local letter = word:sub(i, i) if accents3[letter] then bypassedWord = bypassedWord .. accents3[letter] else bypassedWord = bypassedWord .. letter end end return bypassedWord end local function bypassString(input) local words = {} for word in string.gmatch(input, "%S+") do table.insert(words, addAccents3(word)) end return table.concat(words, " ") end return bypassString(text) elseif method == 4 then local function modifyText(input) local modifiedText = "" for i = 1, #input do modifiedText = modifiedText .. string.sub(input, i, i) .. ">" end return modifiedText end return modifyText(text) elseif method == 5 then local function addAccents5(word) local accents5 = { a = "a", b = "b￵￵", c = "c￵￵", d = "d", e = "￵￵e", f = "￵￵󠀕f￵￵", g = "g", h = "h￵￵", i = "￵￵i", j = "￵￵j￵￵", k = "k", l = "l￵￵", m = "m", n = "n", o = "o￵￵", p = "p", q = "q￵￵", r = "￵￵r￵￵", s = "￵￵s", t = "￵￵t￵￵", u = "u", v = "v", w = "w", x = "x", y = "y", z = "￵￵z￵￵󠀕", A = "A￵￵󠀕", B = "B", C = "C", D = "￵￵D", E = "￵￵E￵￵󠀕", F = "F￵￵", G = "￵￵G", H = "H", I = "￵￵I", J = "￵￵J", K = "K", L = "￵￵L", M = "M￵￵", N = "N￵￵", O = "O", P = "P￵￵", Q = "Q", R = "￵￵R", S = "S", T = "T", U = "￵￵U", V = "V", W = "W￵￵", X = "￵￵X", Y = "￵￵Y", Z = "Z￵￵󠀕" } local bypassedWord = "" for i = 1, #word do local letter = word:sub(i, i) if accents5[letter] then bypassedWord = bypassedWord .. accents5[letter] else bypassedWord = bypassedWord .. letter end end return bypassedWord end local function bypassString(input) local words = {} for word in string.gmatch(input, "%S+") do table.insert(words, addAccents5(word)) end return table.concat(words, "") end return bypassString(text) end end chatTab:AddTextbox({ Name = "Chat", TextDisappear = true, Callback = function(val) if val ~= "" then if method == "ěx́ǎḿṕĺě" then chat(bypasstext(val, 1)) elseif method == "éxạmṕĺe" then chat(bypasstext(val, 2)) elseif method == "ẹ̲х̲ạ̲ṃ̲р̲ḷ̲ẹ̲" then chat(bypasstext(val, 3)) elseif method == "e>x>a>m>p>l>e" then chat(bypasstext(val, 4)) elseif method == "￵example" then chat(bypasstext(val, 5)) else OrionLib:MakeNotification({ Name = "Ops.", Content = "Looks like you didn't select a method!", Image = "rbxassetid://4483345998", Time = 5 }) end else OrionLib:MakeNotification({ Name = "Ops.", Content = "Looks like you didn't enter any text!", Image = "rbxassetid://4483345998", Time = 5 }) end end }) chatTab:AddLabel(" CHAT LOG") local logging = false local webhook = "" function sendToWebhook(msg, username) local data = { content = msg, username = username } local requestData = { Url = webhook, Method = "POST", Headers = { ["Content-Type"] = "application/json", }, Body = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode(data) } request(requestData) end chatTab:AddTextbox({ Name = "Webhook", TextDisappear = false, Callback = function(val) webhook = val end }) chatTab:AddToggle({ Name = "Log", Default = false, Callback = function(val) if webhook == "" then OrionLib:MakeNotification({ Name = "Ops.", Content = "Looks like you didn't enter any webhook url!", Image = "rbxassetid://4483345998", Time = 5 }) return else logging = val if val == true then OrionLib:MakeNotification({ Name = "Started logging", Content = "Started logging messages at the given webhook!", Image = "rbxassetid://4483345998", Time = 5 }) else OrionLib:MakeNotification({ Name = "Stopped logging", Content = "Stopped logging messages at the given webhook!", Image = "rbxassetid://4483345998", Time = 5 }) end end end }) chatTab:AddLabel(" CHAT SPAM") local spamMessage = "" local spamInterval = 1 local spaming = false chatTab:AddTextbox({ Name = "Message", TextDisappear = false, Callback = function(val) spamMessage = val end }) chatTab:AddSlider({ Name = "Interval", Min = spamInterval, Max = 100, Default = spamInterval, Increasmemt = 1, ValueName = "seconds", Callback = function(val) spamInterval = val end }) chatTab:AddToggle({ Name = "Spam", Default = false, Callback = function(val) if spamMessage == "" then OrionLib:MakeNotification({ Name = "Ops.", Content = "Looks like you didn't enter any text!", Image = "rbxassetid://4483345998", Time = 5 }) else spaming = val if spaming then repeat wait(spamInterval) chat(spamMessage) until spaming == false end end end }) chatTab:AddLabel(" OTHER") chatTab:AddButton({ Name = "Tall Message", Callback = function() chat(".".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. "\u{000D}" .. " ".. 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".") end }) chatTab:AddButton({ Name = "Fix Filter", Callback = function() chat("abcdefg()!") end }) chatTab:AddButton({ Name = "Destroy UI", Callback = function() OrionLib:Destroy() end }) OrionLib:Init() for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do player.Chatted:Connect(function(message) if logging then sendToWebhook("```" .. message .. "```", player.Name) end end) end game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) player.Chatted:Connect(function(message) if logging then sendToWebhook("```" .. message .. "```", player.Name) end end) end)