-- Gui to Lua -- Version: 3.2 -- Instances: local ScreenGui = Instance.new("ScreenGui") local Frame = Instance.new("Frame") local name = Instance.new("TextLabel") local _666 = Instance.new("TextButton") local HardStyleSong = Instance.new("TextButton") local Shedletskyify = Instance.new("TextButton") local Shedletskylaugh = Instance.new("TextButton") local RainningMens = Instance.new("TextButton") local c00lkidd15skybox = Instance.new("TextButton") local c00lkidd15skybox_15 = Instance.new("TextButton") local DiscoFog = Instance.new("TextButton") local Flood = Instance.new("TextButton") local k00pkidddecalspam = Instance.new("TextButton") local CK15Logospam = Instance.new("TextButton") local c00lkiddmessage = Instance.new("TextButton") local Hint = Instance.new("TextButton") local IlluminatiParticels = Instance.new("TextButton") local k00pkiddParticels = Instance.new("TextButton") local c00lkiddParticels = Instance.new("TextButton") local GrabKnifeV2 = Instance.new("TextButton") local RektGui = Instance.new("TextButton") --Properties: ScreenGui.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerGui") ScreenGui.ResetOnSpawn = false Frame.Parent = ScreenGui Frame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) Frame.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(244, 41, 6) Frame.BorderSizePixel = 2 Frame.Position = UDim2.new(0.0907643288, 0, 0.199724525, 0) Frame.Size = UDim2.new(0, 296, 0, 449) name.Name = "name" name.Parent = Frame name.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) name.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(244, 41, 6) name.Size = UDim2.new(0, 300, 0, 42) name.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans name.Text = "c00lkidd 15 script hub" name.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) name.TextSize = 17.000 _666.Name = "666" _666.Parent = Frame _666.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) _666.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(241, 41, 6) _666.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0.116666667, 0) _666.Size = UDim2.new(0, 86, 0, 65) _666.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans _666.Text = "666" _666.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) _666.TextSize = 20.000 HardStyleSong.Name = "HardStyleSong" HardStyleSong.Parent = Frame HardStyleSong.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) HardStyleSong.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(241, 41, 6) HardStyleSong.Position = UDim2.new(0.286666662, 0, 0.116666667, 0) HardStyleSong.Size = UDim2.new(0, 117, 0, 40) HardStyleSong.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans HardStyleSong.Text = "HARDSTYLE SONG" HardStyleSong.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) HardStyleSong.TextSize = 18.000 Shedletskyify.Name = "Shedletskyify" Shedletskyify.Parent = Frame Shedletskyify.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) Shedletskyify.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(241, 41, 6) Shedletskyify.Position = UDim2.new(0.286666662, 0, 0.227777779, 0) Shedletskyify.Size = UDim2.new(0, 97, 0, 50) Shedletskyify.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans Shedletskyify.Text = "Shedletskyify" Shedletskyify.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) Shedletskyify.TextSize = 18.000 Shedletskylaugh.Name = "Shedletsky laugh" Shedletskylaugh.Parent = Frame Shedletskylaugh.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) Shedletskylaugh.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(241, 41, 6) Shedletskylaugh.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0.297222227, 0) Shedletskylaugh.Size = UDim2.new(0, 86, 0, 50) Shedletskylaugh.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans Shedletskylaugh.Text = "Shedletsky laugh" Shedletskylaugh.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) Shedletskylaugh.TextSize = 15.000 RainningMens.Name = "Rainning Mens" RainningMens.Parent = Frame RainningMens.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) RainningMens.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(241, 41, 6) RainningMens.Position = UDim2.new(0.290011138, 0, 0.368699193, 0) RainningMens.Size = UDim2.new(0, 80, 0, 55) RainningMens.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans RainningMens.Text = "Rainning mens" RainningMens.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) RainningMens.TextSize = 17.000 c00lkidd2skybox.Name = "c00lkidd15 skybox" c00lkidd2skybox.Parent = Frame c00lkidd2skybox.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) c00lkidd2skybox.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(241, 41, 6) c00lkidd2skybox.Position = UDim2.new(0.0199999996, 0, 0.424187005, 0) c00lkidd2skybox.Size = UDim2.new(0, 64, 0, 61) c00lkidd2skybox.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans c00lkidd2skybox.Text = "c00lkidd15 sky" c00lkidd2skybox.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) c00lkidd2skybox.TextSize = 15.000 c00lkidd15skybox_2.Name = "c00lkidd15 skybox" c00lkidd15skybox_2.Parent = Frame c00lkidd15skybox_2.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) c00lkidd15skybox_2.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(241, 41, 6) c00lkidd15skybox_2.Position = UDim2.new(0.0233444814, 0, 0.586314321, 0) c00lkidd2skybox_2.Size = UDim2.new(0, 72, 0, 61) c00lkidd15skybox_2.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans c00lkidd15skybox_2.Text = "14anz sky" c00lkidd15skybox_2.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) c00lkidd2skybox_2.TextSize = 15.000 DiscoFog.Name = "Disco Fog" DiscoFog.Parent = Frame DiscoFog.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) DiscoFog.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(241, 41, 6) DiscoFog.Position = UDim2.new(0.286666662, 0, 0.513888896, 0) DiscoFog.Size = UDim2.new(0, 89, 0, 80) DiscoFog.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans DiscoFog.Text = "Disco Fog" DiscoFog.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) DiscoFog.TextSize = 17.000 Flood.Name = "Flood" Flood.Parent = Frame Flood.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) Flood.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(241, 41, 6) Flood.Position = UDim2.new(0.676666677, 0, 0.144444451, 0) Flood.Size = UDim2.new(0, 97, 0, 86) Flood.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans Flood.Text = "Flood" Flood.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) Flood.TextSize = 21.000 k00pkidddecalspam.Name = "k00pkidd decal spam" k00pkidddecalspam.Parent = Frame k00pkidddecalspam.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) k00pkidddecalspam.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(241, 41, 6) k00pkidddecalspam.Position = UDim2.new(0.610000014, 0, 0.3794038, 0) k00pkidddecalspam.Size = UDim2.new(0, 106, 0, 45) k00pkidddecalspam.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans k00pkidddecalspam.Text = "k00pkidd decalspam" k00pkidddecalspam.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) k00pkidddecalspam.TextSize = 15.000 CK2Logospam.Name = "CK15 Logo spam" CK15Logospam.Parent = Frame CK15Logospam.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) CK15Logospam.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(241, 41, 6) CK15Logospam.Position = UDim2.new(0.626599789, 0, 0.511720896, 0) CK2Logospam.Size = UDim2.new(0, 95, 0, 48) CK15Logospam.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans CK15Logospam.Text = "ck2 logo spam" CK15Logospam.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) CK15Logospam.TextSize = 17.000 c00lkiddmessage.Name = "c00lkidd message" c00lkiddmessage.Parent = Frame c00lkiddmessage.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) c00lkiddmessage.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(241, 41, 6) c00lkiddmessage.Position = UDim2.new(0.610000014, 0, 0.640176177, 0) c00lkiddmessage.Size = UDim2.new(0, 95, 0, 38) c00lkiddmessage.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans c00lkiddmessage.Text = "c00lkidd message" c00lkiddmessage.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) c00lkiddmessage.TextSize = 15.000 Hint.Name = "Hint" Hint.Parent = Frame Hint.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) Hint.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(241, 41, 6) Hint.Position = UDim2.new(0.293264806, 0, 0.695035696, 0) Hint.Size = UDim2.new(0, 78, 0, 30) Hint.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans Hint.Text = "Hint" Hint.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) Hint.TextSize = 15.000 IlluminatiParticels.Name = "Illuminati Particels" IlluminatiParticels.Parent = Frame IlluminatiParticels.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) IlluminatiParticels.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(241, 41, 6) IlluminatiParticels.Position = UDim2.new(-0.00163342431, 0, 0.7782951, 0) IlluminatiParticels.Size = UDim2.new(0, 96, 0, 40) IlluminatiParticels.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans IlluminatiParticels.Text = "Illuminati Particels" IlluminatiParticels.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) IlluminatiParticels.TextSize = 15.000 k00pkiddParticels.Name = "k00pkidd Particels" k00pkiddParticels.Parent = Frame k00pkiddParticels.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) k00pkiddParticels.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(241, 41, 6) k00pkiddParticels.Position = UDim2.new(0.346639574, 0, 0.780567825, 0) k00pkiddParticels.Size = UDim2.new(0, 96, 0, 40) k00pkiddParticels.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans k00pkiddParticels.Text = "k00pkidd Particels" k00pkiddParticels.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) k00pkiddParticels.TextSize = 15.000 c00lkiddParticels.Name = "c00lkidd Particels" c00lkiddParticels.Parent = Frame c00lkiddParticels.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) c00lkiddParticels.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(241, 41, 6) c00lkiddParticels.Position = UDim2.new(0.678017199, 0, 0.733228624, 0) c00lkiddParticels.Size = UDim2.new(0, 86, 0, 49) c00lkiddParticels.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans c00lkiddParticels.Text = "c00lkidd Particels" c00lkiddParticels.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) c00lkiddParticels.TextSize = 15.000 GrabKnifeV2.Name = "Grab Knife V2" GrabKnifeV2.Parent = Frame GrabKnifeV2.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) GrabKnifeV2.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(241, 41, 6) GrabKnifeV2.Position = UDim2.new(0.0602697432, 0, 0.869592369, 0) GrabKnifeV2.Size = UDim2.new(0, 184, 0, 45) GrabKnifeV2.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans GrabKnifeV2.Text = "Grab Knife V2" GrabKnifeV2.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) GrabKnifeV2.TextSize = 15.000 RektGui.Name = "Rekt Gui" RektGui.Parent = Frame RektGui.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) RektGui.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(241, 41, 6) RektGui.Position = UDim2.new(0.722431898, 0, 0.840639114, 0) RektGui.Size = UDim2.new(0, 68, 0, 58) RektGui.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans RektGui.Text = "Rekt Gui" RektGui.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) RektGui.TextSize = 19.000 -- Scripts: local function UJYA_fake_script() -- _666.LocalScript local script = Instance.new('LocalScript', _666) script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() for i,v in next,workspace:children''do if(v:IsA'BasePart')then me=v; bbg=Instance.new('BillboardGui',me); bbg.Name='stuf'; bbg.Adornee=me; bbg.Size=UDim2.new(2.5,0,2.5,0) --bbg.StudsOffset=Vector3.new(0,2,0) tlb=Instance.new'TextLabel'; tlb.Text='666 666 666 666 666 666'; tlb.Font='SourceSansBold'; tlb.FontSize='Size48'; tlb.TextColor3=Color3.new(1,0,0); tlb.Size=UDim2.new(1.25,0,1.25,0); tlb.Position=UDim2.new(-0.125,-22,-1.1,0); tlb.BackgroundTransparency=1; tlb.Parent=bbg; end;end; function xds(dd) for i,v in next,dd:children''do if(v:IsA'BasePart')then v.BrickColor=BrickColor.new'Really black'; v.TopSurface='Smooth'; v.BottomSurface='Smooth'; s=Instance.new('SelectionBox',v); s.Adornee=v; s.Color=BrickColor.new'Really red'; a=Instance.new('PointLight',v); a.Color=Color3.new(1,0,0); a.Range=15; a.Brightness=5; f=Instance.new('Fire',v); f.Size=11; f.Heat=12; end; game.Lighting.TimeOfDay=0; game.Lighting.Brightness=0; game.Lighting.ShadowColor=Color3.new(0,0,0); game.Lighting.Ambient=Color3.new(1,0,0); game.Lighting.FogEnd=200; game.Lighting.FogColor=Color3.new(0,0,0); local dec = 'http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=19399245'; local fac = {'Front', 'Back', 'Left', 'Right', 'Top', 'Bottom'} --coroutine.wrap(function() --for _,__ in pairs(fac) do --local ddec = Instance.new("Decal", v) --ddec.Face = __ --ddec.Texture = dec --end end)() if #(v:GetChildren())>0 then xds(v) end end end xds(game.Workspace) end) end coroutine.wrap(UJYA_fake_script)() local function CUDSYD_fake_script() -- HardStyleSong.LocalScript local script = Instance.new('LocalScript', HardStyleSong) script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() local s = Instance.new("Sound") s.Name = "Sound" s.SoundId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=8680587619" s.Volume = 100 s.Looped = true s.archivable = false s.Parent = game.Workspace wait(3) s:play() end) end coroutine.wrap(CUDSYD_fake_script)() local function QIWDYZW_fake_script() -- Shedletskyify.LocalScript local script = Instance.new('LocalScript', Shedletskyify) script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() for Get,Players in ipairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do for Get,Workspace in ipairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren()) do if (Workspace.Name == Players.Name) then ParticleEmitter = Instance.new("ParticleEmitter"); ParticleEmitter.Texture = ("rbxassetid://187109143"); ParticleEmitter.Parent = Workspace.Head; end end end for Get,Workspace in ipairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren()) do ParticleEmitter = Instance.new("ParticleEmitter"); ParticleEmitter.Texture = ("rbxassetid://11741345802"); ParticleEmitter.Parent = Workspace; end a=Instance.new("Sky",game.Lighting) b={"Bk","Dn","Ft","Lf","Rt","Up"} for i,v in pairs(b) do a["Skybox"..v]="rbxassetid://172423468 " end print("Music executed!") s = Instance.new("Sound") s.Name = "Music" s.SoundId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=130759239" --Put the id into there. s.Looped = true s.Pitch = 1 --You can edit these settings. s.Volume = 2000 --You can edit these settings. s.archivable = false s.Parent = game.Workspace wait(1) s:play() for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do isis = Instance.new("Message",workspace) isis.Text = "OH FUCK, SHEDLETSKY'S RAP IS STARTING!" wait(1) isis:Destroy() bomb = Instance.new("Explosion") bomb.Parent = v.Character.Torso bomb.Position = v.Character.Torso.Position bomb.BlastPressure = 1000 bomb.BlastRadius = 1000 end print("Music executed!") s = Instance.new("Sound") s.Name = "Music" s.SoundId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=1839527331" --Put the id into there. s.Looped = true s.Pitch = 1 --You can edit these settings. s.Volume = 2000 --You can edit these settings. s.archivable = false s.Parent = game.Workspace wait(1 ) s:play() for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do isis = Instance.new("Message",workspace) isis.Text = "OH FUCK, SHEDLETSKY'S RAP IS STARTING!" wait(1) isis:Destroy() bomb = Instance.new("Explosion") bomb.Parent = v.Character.Torso bomb.Position = v.Character.Torso.Position bomb.BlastPressure = 1000 bomb.BlastRadius = 1000 end end) end coroutine.wrap(QIWDYZW_fake_script)() local function KMPXD_fake_script() -- Shedletskylaugh.LocalScript local script = Instance.new('LocalScript', Shedletskylaugh) script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() local s = Instance.new("Sound") s.Name = "Sound" s.SoundId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=130759239" s.Volume = 100 s.Looped = true s.archivable = false s.Parent = game.Workspace wait(3) s:play() end) end) end coroutine.wrap(KMPXD_fake_script)() local function IUBCDON_fake_script() -- RainningMens.LocalScript local script = Instance.new('LocalScript', RainningMens) script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() wait(1) math.randomseed(tick() % 1 * 1e6) sky = coroutine.create(function() while wait(0.3) do s = Instance.new("Sky",game.Lighting) s.SkyboxBk,s.SkyboxDn,s.SkyboxFt,s.SkyboxLf,s.SkyboxRt,s.SkyboxUp = "rbxassetid://201208408","rbxassetid://201208408","rbxassetid://201208408","rbxassetid://201208408","rbxassetid://201208408","rbxassetid://201208408" s.CelestialBodiesShown = false end end) del = coroutine.create(function() while wait(0.3) do for i,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Model") then v:Destroy() end end end end) for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do v.Character.Archivable = true end noises = {'rbxassetid://230287740','rbxassetid://271787597','rbxassetid://153752123','rbxassetid://271787503'} sound = coroutine.create(function() a = Instance.new("Sound",workspace) a.SoundId = "rbxassetid://141509625" a.Name = "RAINING MEN" a.Volume = 58359 a.Looped = true a:Play() while wait(0.2) do rainin = workspace:FindFirstChild("RAINING MEN") if not rainin then a = Instance.new("Sound",workspace) a.SoundId = "rbxassetid://141509625" a.Name = "RAINING MEN" a.Volume = 58359 a.Looped = true a:Play() end end end) msg = coroutine.create(function() while wait(0.4) do msg = Instance.new("Message",workspace) msg.Text = "Get toadroasted you bitches bozos" wait(0.4) msg:Destroy() end end) rain = coroutine.create(function() while wait(10 % 1 * 1e2) do part = Instance.new("Part",workspace) part.Name = "Toad" mesh = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",part) sound = Instance.new("Sound",workspace) part.CanCollide = false part.Size = Vector3.new(440,530,380) part.Position = Vector3.new(math.random(-3000,1000),math.random(1,3000),math.random(-3000,3000)) sound.SoundId = noises[math.random(1,#noises)] sound:Play() sound.Ended:connect(function() sound:Destroy() end) mesh.MeshType = "FileMesh" mesh.MeshId = "rbxassetid://430210147" mesh.TextureId = "rbxassetid://430210159" end end) coroutine.resume(sky) coroutine.resume(del) coroutine.resume(sound) coroutine.resume(msg) coroutine.resume(rain) end) end coroutine.wrap(IUBCDON_fake_script)() local function YJNHSS_fake_script() -- c00lkidd2skybox.LocalScript local script = Instance.new('LocalScript', c00lkidd2skybox) script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() imageOne = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=11873265575" imageTwo = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=11873267381" imageThree = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=11873265575" imageFour = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=11873267381" imageFive = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=11873265575" imageSix = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=11873267381" imageSeven = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=11873265575" imageEight = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=11873267381" Spooky = Instance.new("Sound", game.Workspace) Spooky.Name = "Spooky" Spooky.SoundId = "rbxassetid://4808613510" Spooky.Volume = 1500 Spooky.Looped = true Spooky:Play() Sky = Instance.new("Sky", game.Lighting) Sky.SkyboxBk = imageOne Sky.SkyboxDn = imageOne Sky.SkyboxFt = imageOne Sky.SkyboxLf = imageOne Sky.SkyboxRt = imageOne Sky.SkyboxUp = imageOne while true do Sky.SkyboxBk = imageOne Sky.SkyboxDn = imageOne Sky.SkyboxFt = imageOne Sky.SkyboxLf = imageOne Sky.SkyboxRt = imageOne Sky.SkyboxUp = imageOne wait(0.25) Sky.SkyboxBk = imageTwo Sky.SkyboxDn = imageTwo Sky.SkyboxFt = imageTwo Sky.SkyboxLf = imageTwo Sky.SkyboxRt = imageTwo Sky.SkyboxUp = imageTwo wait(0.25) Sky.SkyboxBk = imageThree Sky.SkyboxDn = imageThree Sky.SkyboxFt = imageThree Sky.SkyboxLf = imageThree Sky.SkyboxRt = imageThree Sky.SkyboxUp = imageThree wait(0.25) Sky.SkyboxBk = imageFour Sky.SkyboxDn = imageFour Sky.SkyboxFt = imageFour Sky.SkyboxLf = imageFour Sky.SkyboxRt = imageFour Sky.SkyboxUp = imageFour wait(0.25) Sky.SkyboxBk = imageFive Sky.SkyboxDn = imageFive Sky.SkyboxFt = imageFive Sky.SkyboxLf = imageFive Sky.SkyboxRt = imageFive Sky.SkyboxUp = imageFive wait(0.25) Sky.SkyboxBk = imageSix Sky.SkyboxDn = imageSix Sky.SkyboxFt = imageSix Sky.SkyboxLf = imageSix Sky.SkyboxRt = imageSix Sky.SkyboxUp = imageSix wait(0.25) Sky.SkyboxBk = imageSeven Sky.SkyboxDn = imageSeven Sky.SkyboxFt = imageSeven Sky.SkyboxLf = imageSeven Sky.SkyboxRt = imageSeven Sky.SkyboxUp = imageSeven wait(0.25) Sky.SkyboxBk = imageEight Sky.SkyboxDn = imageEight Sky.SkyboxFt = imageEight Sky.SkyboxLf = imageEight Sky.SkyboxRt = imageEight Sky.SkyboxUp = imageEight wait(0.25) end end) end coroutine.wrap(YJNHSS_fake_script)() local function TFPA_fake_script() -- c00lkidd2skybox_2.LocalScript local script = Instance.new('LocalScript', c00lkidd2skybox_2) script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() imageOne = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=11778792388" imageTwo = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=11778792388" imageThree = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=11778792388" imageFour = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=11778792388" imageFive = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=11778792388" imageSix = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=11778792388" imageSeven = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=11778792388" imageEight = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=11778792388" Spooky = Instance.new("Sound", game.Workspace) Spooky.Name = "Spooky" Spooky.SoundId = "rbxassetid://4808613510" Spooky.Volume = 1500 Spooky.Looped = true Spooky:Play() Sky = Instance.new("Sky", game.Lighting) Sky.SkyboxBk = imageOne Sky.SkyboxDn = imageOne Sky.SkyboxFt = imageOne Sky.SkyboxLf = imageOne Sky.SkyboxRt = imageOne Sky.SkyboxUp = imageOne while true do Sky.SkyboxBk = imageOne Sky.SkyboxDn = imageOne Sky.SkyboxFt = imageOne Sky.SkyboxLf = imageOne Sky.SkyboxRt = imageOne Sky.SkyboxUp = imageOne wait(0.25) Sky.SkyboxBk = imageTwo Sky.SkyboxDn = imageTwo Sky.SkyboxFt = imageTwo Sky.SkyboxLf = imageTwo Sky.SkyboxRt = imageTwo Sky.SkyboxUp = imageTwo wait(0.25) Sky.SkyboxBk = imageThree Sky.SkyboxDn = imageThree Sky.SkyboxFt = imageThree Sky.SkyboxLf = imageThree Sky.SkyboxRt = imageThree Sky.SkyboxUp = imageThree wait(0.25) Sky.SkyboxBk = imageFour Sky.SkyboxDn = imageFour Sky.SkyboxFt = imageFour Sky.SkyboxLf = imageFour Sky.SkyboxRt = imageFour Sky.SkyboxUp = imageFour wait(0.25) Sky.SkyboxBk = imageFive Sky.SkyboxDn = imageFive Sky.SkyboxFt = imageFive Sky.SkyboxLf = imageFive Sky.SkyboxRt = imageFive Sky.SkyboxUp = imageFive wait(0.25) Sky.SkyboxBk = imageSix Sky.SkyboxDn = imageSix Sky.SkyboxFt = imageSix Sky.SkyboxLf = imageSix Sky.SkyboxRt = imageSix Sky.SkyboxUp = imageSix wait(0.25) Sky.SkyboxBk = imageSeven Sky.SkyboxDn = imageSeven Sky.SkyboxFt = imageSeven Sky.SkyboxLf = imageSeven Sky.SkyboxRt = imageSeven Sky.SkyboxUp = imageSeven wait(0.25) Sky.SkyboxBk = imageEight Sky.SkyboxDn = imageEight Sky.SkyboxFt = imageEight Sky.SkyboxLf = imageEight Sky.SkyboxRt = imageEight Sky.SkyboxUp = imageEight wait(0.25) end end) end coroutine.wrap(TFPA_fake_script)() local function RIXZEZH_fake_script() -- DiscoFog.LocalScript local script = Instance.new('LocalScript', DiscoFog) script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() while true do game.Lighting.Ambient = Color3.new(math.random() , math.random() , math.random()) wait(0.2) game.Lighting.ShadowColor = Color3.new(math.random() , math.random() , math.random()) wait(0.2) end end) end coroutine.wrap(RIXZEZH_fake_script)() local function HFCHLEL_fake_script() -- Flood.LocalScript local script = Instance.new('LocalScript', Flood) script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() local region = Region3.new(Vector3.new(-1250,0,-1250), Vector3.new(1250,18,1250)) region = region:ExpandToGrid(4) game.Workspace.Terrain:FillRegion(region, 4, Enum.Material.Water) end) end coroutine.wrap(HFCHLEL_fake_script)() local function DSCTENR_fake_script() -- k00pkidddecalspam.LocalScript local script = Instance.new('LocalScript', k00pkidddecalspam) script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() local msg = Instance.new("Message",workspace) msg.Text = "TEAM K00Pkidd Is Destroying!!!" wait(5.8) msg:Destroy() s = Instance.new("Sky") s.Name = "SKY" s.SkyboxBk = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=11588317701" s.SkyboxDn = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=11588317701" s.SkyboxFt = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=11588317701" s.SkyboxLf = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=11588317701" s.SkyboxRt = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=11588317701" s.SkyboxUp = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=11588317701" s.Parent = game.Lighting Spooky = Instance.new("Sound", game.Workspace) Spooky.Name = "Spooky" Spooky.SoundId = "rbxassetid://152745539" Spooky.Volume = 20 Spooky.Looped = true Spooky:Play() local ID =11588317701 --id here function spamDecal(v) if v:IsA("Part") then for i=0, 5 do D = Instance.new("Decal") D.Name = "K00PHACK" D.Face = i D.Parent = v D.Texture = ("http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id="..Id) end else if v:IsA("Model") then for a,b in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do spamDecal(b) end end end end function decalspam(id) --use this function, not the one on top Id = id for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Part") then for i=0, 5 do D = Instance.new("Decal") D.Name = "MYDECALHUE" D.Face = i D.Parent = v D.Texture = ("http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id="..id) end else if v:IsA("Model") then for a,b in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do spamDecal(b) end end end end end decalspam(ID) end) end coroutine.wrap(DSCTENR_fake_script)() local function JRKI_fake_script() -- CK15Logospam.LocalScript local script = Instance.new('LocalScript', CK15Logospam) script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() -- You need to do this in a serverside executor for it to be fe!!! local msg = Instance.new("Message",workspace) msg.Text = "Team c00lkidd 15 join today!!" wait(5.8) msg:Destroy() s = Instance.new("Sky") s.Name = "SKY" s.SkyboxBk = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=11873267381" s.SkyboxDn = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=11873267381" s.SkyboxFt = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=11873267381" s.SkyboxLf = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=11873267381" s.SkyboxRt = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=11873267381" s.SkyboxUp = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=11873267381" s.Parent = game.Lighting Spooky = Instance.new("Sound", game.Workspace) Spooky.Name = "Spooky" Spooky.SoundId = "rbxassetid://152745539" Spooky.Volume = 20 Spooky.Looped = true Spooky:Play() local ID =11873267381 --id here function spamDecal(v) if v:IsA("Part") then for i=0, 5 do D = Instance.new("Decal") D.Name = "MYDECALHUE" D.Face = i D.Parent = v D.Texture = ("http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id="..Id) end else if v:IsA("Model") then for a,b in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do spamDecal(b) end end end end function decalspam(id) --use this function, not the one on top Id = id for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Part") then for i=0, 5 do D = Instance.new("Decal") D.Name = "MYDECALHUE" D.Face = i D.Parent = v D.Texture = ("http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id="..id) end else if v:IsA("Model") then for a,b in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do spamDecal(b) end end end end end decalspam(ID) end) end coroutine.wrap(JRKI_fake_script)() local function RKRS_fake_script() -- c00lkiddmessage.LocalScript local script = Instance.new('LocalScript', c00lkiddmessage) script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() message1 = ("c00lkidd:This game is fucking destroyed by me!!") message2 = ("c00lkidd:This game is fucking destroyed by me!") message3 = ("c00lkidd:Loll xddd") waittime = 7 -------------------------- msg = Instance.new("Hint") msg.Parent = script.Parent while true do msg.Text = message1 wait(waittime) msg.Text = message2 wait(waittime) msg.Text = message3 wait(waittime) end end) end coroutine.wrap(RKRS_fake_script)() local function OFUSQA_fake_script() -- Hint.LocalScript local script = Instance.new('LocalScript', Hint) script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() message1 = ("Team c00lkidd 15 fucked up this game!!") message2 = ("MOTHERFUCKERSSS LOLLL") message3 = ("Server is destroyed fuckers") waittime = 4 -------------------------- msg = Instance.new("Hint") msg.Parent = script.Parent while true do msg.Text = message1 wait(waittime) msg.Text = message2 wait(waittime) msg.Text = message3 wait(waittime) end end) end coroutine.wrap(OFUSQA_fake_script)() local function BNCR_fake_script() -- IlluminatiParticels.LocalScript local script = Instance.new('LocalScript', IlluminatiParticels) script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() local playerLeaderstats = {} for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do table.insert(playerLeaderstats, v) end for i, v in pairs(playerLeaderstats) do pe = Instance.new("ParticleEmitter",v.Character.Torso) pe.Texture = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=11744660552" pe.VelocitySpread = 100 end end) end coroutine.wrap(BNCR_fake_script)() local function DLVTHSG_fake_script() -- k00pkiddParticels.LocalScript local script = Instance.new('LocalScript', k00pkiddParticels) script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() local playerLeaderstats = {} for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do table.insert(playerLeaderstats, v) end for i, v in pairs(playerLeaderstats) do pe = Instance.new("ParticleEmitter",v.Character.Torso) pe.Texture = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=11588317701" pe.VelocitySpread = 100 end end) end coroutine.wrap(DLVTHSG_fake_script)() local function MUZEJC_fake_script() -- c00lkiddParticels.LocalScript local script = Instance.new('LocalScript', c00lkiddParticels) script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() local playerLeaderstats = {} for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do table.insert(playerLeaderstats, v) end for i, v in pairs(playerLeaderstats) do pe = Instance.new("ParticleEmitter",v.Character.Torso) pe.Texture = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=179832363" pe.VelocitySpread = 100 end end) end) end coroutine.wrap(MUZEJC_fake_script)() local function FLER_fake_script() -- GrabKnifeV2.LocalScript local script = Instance.new('LocalScript', GrabKnifeV2) script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() me = game.Players.LocalPlayer char = me.Character selected = false attacking = false hurt = false grabbed = nil mode = "kill" bloodcolors = {"Bright red", "Really red", "Crimson"} enabled = true enabled2 = true local breaksound = Instance.new("Sound") breaksound.SoundId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=2801263" breaksound.Parent = game.Workspace breaksound.Volume = 0.8 local killsound = Instance.new("Sound") killsound.SoundId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset?id=16950449" killsound.Pitch = 0.65 killsound.Parent = game.Workspace local drainsound = Instance.new("Sound") drainsound.SoundId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=2785493" drainsound.Pitch = 0.7 function prop(part, parent, collide, tran, ref, x, y, z, color, anchor, form) part.Parent = parent part.formFactor = form part.CanCollide = collide part.Transparency = tran part.Reflectance = ref part.Size = Vector3.new(x,y,z) part.BrickColor = BrickColor.new(color) part.TopSurface = 0 part.BottomSurface = 0 part.Anchored = anchor part.Locked = true part:BreakJoints() end function weld(w, p, p1, a, b, c, x, y, z) w.Parent = p w.Part0 = p w.Part1 = p1 w.C1 = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(a,b,c) * CFrame.new(x,y,z) end function mesh(mesh, parent, x, y, z, type) mesh.Parent = parent mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(x, y, z) mesh.MeshType = type end function remgui() for _,v in pairs(me.PlayerGui:GetChildren()) do if v.Name == "Modeshow" then v:remove() end end end function inform(text,delay) remgui() local sc = Instance.new("ScreenGui") sc.Parent = me.PlayerGui sc.Name = "Modeshow" local bak = Instance.new("Frame",sc) bak.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1,1,1) bak.Size = UDim2.new(0.94,0,0.1,0) bak.Position = UDim2.new(0.03,0,0.037,0) bak.BorderSizePixel = 0 local gi = Instance.new("TextLabel",sc) gi.Size = UDim2.new(0.92,0,0.09,0) gi.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0,0,0) gi.Position = UDim2.new(0.04,0,0.042,0) gi.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1,1,1) gi.FontSize = "Size14" gi.Text = text coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() wait(delay) sc:remove() end)) end if char:findFirstChild("Bricks",true) then char:findFirstChild("Bricks",true):remove() end bricks = Instance.new("Model",me.Character) bricks.Name = "Bricks" --Parts-------------------------Parts-------------------------Parts-------------------------Parts---------------------- rarm = char:findFirstChild("Right Arm") larm = char:findFirstChild("Left Arm") lleg = char:findFirstChild("Left Leg") torso = char:findFirstChild("Torso") hum = char:findFirstChild("Humanoid") rleg = char:findFirstChild("Right Leg") righthold = Instance.new("Part") prop(righthold, bricks, false, 1, 0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, "Mid gray", false, "Custom") w11 = Instance.new("Weld") weld(w11, rarm, righthold, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) lefthold = Instance.new("Part") prop(lefthold, bricks, false, 1, 0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, "Mid gray", false, "Custom") w12 = Instance.new("Weld") weld(w12, larm, lefthold, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) hold = Instance.new("Part") prop(hold, bricks, false, 0, 0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.3, "Black", false, "Custom") oh = Instance.new("Weld") weld(oh, torso, hold, -math.pi/-0.86, 1.5, math.rad(0), -0.35, -0.4, -0.5) knife = Instance.new("Part") knife.Material = "Wood" prop(knife, bricks, false, 0, 0, 0.25, 1.1, 0.3, "Pine Cone", false, "Custom") orr = Instance.new("Weld") weld(orr, hold, knife, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.7, 0) ar = Instance.new("Weld") weld(ar, lefthold, nil, math.pi/2, 0, math.pi, 0, 0, 0) blade = Instance.new("Part") blade.Material = "Neon" prop(blade, bricks, false, 0, 0, 0.1, 2.5, 0.25, "Mid gray", false, "Custom") Instance.new("BlockMesh",blade).Scale = Vector3.new(0.3,1,1) w2 = Instance.new("Weld") weld(w2, knife, blade, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.65, 0) blade2 = Instance.new("Part") blade2.Material = "Neon" prop(blade2, bricks, false, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.4, 0.25, "Mid gray", false, "Custom") local mew = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",blade2) mew.MeshType = "Wedge" mew.Scale = Vector3.new(0.3,1,1) w3 = Instance.new("Weld") weld(w3, blade, blade2, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.45, 0) rb = Instance.new("Part") prop(rb, bricks, false, 1, 0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, "Bright red", false, "Custom") w13 = Instance.new("Weld") weld(w13, torso, rb, 0, 0, 0, -1.5, -0.5, 0) lb = Instance.new("Part") prop(lb, bricks, false, 1, 0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, "Bright red", false, "Custom") w14 = Instance.new("Weld") weld(w14, torso, lb, 0, 0, 0, 1.5, -0.5, 0) rw = Instance.new("Weld") weld(rw, rb, nil, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0) lw = Instance.new("Weld") weld(lw, lb, nil, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0) grabweld = nil platlol = nil lolhum = nil function touch(h) if hurt then if grabbed == nil then local hu = h.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") local head = h.Parent:findFirstChild("Head") local torz = h.Parent:findFirstChild("Torso") if hu ~= nil and head ~= nil and torz ~= nil and h.Parent.Name ~= name then if hu.Health > 0 then grabbed = torz hu.PlatformStand = true local w = Instance.new("Weld") weld(w,righthold,grabbed,math.pi/2,0.2,0,0.7,-0.9,-0.6) grabweld = w lolhum = hu local lolxd = true platlol = lolxd hu.Changed:connect(function(prop) if prop == "PlatformStand" and platlol then hu.PlatformStand = true end end) end end end end end righthold.Touched:connect(touch) lefthold.Touched:connect(touch) function bleed(part,po) local lol1 = math.random(5,30)/100 local lol2 = math.random(5,30)/100 local lol3 = math.random(5,30)/100 local lol4 = math.random(1,#bloodcolors) local p = Instance.new("Part") prop(p,part.Parent,false,0,0,lol1,lol2,lol3,bloodcolors[lol4],false,"Custom") p.CFrame = part.CFrame * CFrame.new(math.random(-5,5)/10,po,math.random(-5,5)/10) p.Velocity = Vector3.new(math.random(-25,25),math.random(-25,25),math.random(-25,25)) p.RotVelocity = Vector3.new(math.random(-400,400)/10,math.random(-400,400)/10,math.random(-400,400)/10) p.CanCollide = true coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() wait(3) p:remove() end)) end h = Instance.new("HopperBin",me.Backpack) h.Name = "Knife" script.Parent = h bin = h function select(mouse) orr.Part1 = nil ar.Part1 = knife mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() if attacking == false then attacking = true lw.Part1 = larm rw.Part1 = rarm hurt = true for i=1, 8 do rw.C0 = rw.C0 * CFrame.new(-0.03,0,-0.08) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0.18,0.04,0) lw.C0 = lw.C0 * CFrame.new(0.06,0,-0.06) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0.15,-0.11,-0.05) wait() end wait(1) hurt = false if grabbed == nil then for i=1, 4 do rw.C0 = rw.C0 * CFrame.new(0.06,0,0.16) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-0.36,-0.08,0) lw.C0 = lw.C0 * CFrame.new(-0.12,0,0.12) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-0.3,0.22,0.05) wait() end lw.C0 = CFrame.new(0,0,0) rw.C0 = CFrame.new(0,0,0) lw.Part1 = nil rw.Part1 = nil attacking = false end elseif hurt == false and grabbed ~= nil and mode == "drop" then enabled2 = true grabweld:remove() grabweld = nil platlol = false grabbed = nil lolhum.PlatformStand = false lolhum = nil for i=1, 4 do rw.C0 = rw.C0 * CFrame.new(0.06,0,0.16) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-0.36,-0.08,0) lw.C0 = lw.C0 * CFrame.new(-0.12,0,0.16) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-0.3,0.2,0) wait() end lw.C0 = CFrame.new(0,0,0) rw.C0 = CFrame.new(0,0,0) lw.Part1 = nil rw.Part1 = nil attacking = false platlol = nil elseif hurt == false and grabbed ~= nil and grabweld ~= nil and mode == "para" and enabled2 == true then enabled2 = false enabled = false breaksound.Parent = grabbed breaksound:Play() for i=1, 5 do lw.C0 = lw.C0 * CFrame.new(0.02,0.15,-0.02) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-0.05,0,-0.03) wait() end local duh = grabbed bleed(duh,1) bleed(duh,1) bleed(duh,1) bleed(duh,1) bleed(duh,1) bleed(duh,1) bleed(duh,1) bleed(duh,1) bleed(duh,1) bleed(duh,1) wait(0.12) for i=1, 5 do lw.C0 = lw.C0 * CFrame.new(-0.02,-0.15,0.02) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0.05,-0,0.03) wait() end if grabbed.Parent:findFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart",true) then grabbed.Parent.HumanoidRootPart:Remove() end grabbed.Parent.Humanoid.Health = grabbed.Parent.Humanoid.Health / 1.5 elseif hurt == false and grabbed ~= nil and grabweld ~= nil and mode == "drain" and enabled == true then enabled = false enabled2 = true for i=1, 2 do lw.C0 = lw.C0 * CFrame.new(0.06,0,-0.06) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0.15,-0.11,-0.05) wait() end while char.Humanoid.Health == char.Humanoid.MaxHealth do bleed(grabbed, 1) char.Humanoid.Health = char.Humanoid.Health + 1 grabbed.Parent.Humanoid.Health = grabbed.Parent.Humanoid.Health - 1 wait(0.0335) end for i=1, 1 do lw.C0 = lw.C0 * CFrame.new(-0.12,0,0.12) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-0.3,0.22,0.05) wait() end enabled = true elseif hurt == false and grabbed ~= nil and grabweld ~= nil and mode == "throw" then enabled2 = true grabweld:remove() grabweld = nil local bf = Instance.new("BodyForce",grabbed) bf.force = torso.CFrame.lookVector * 4000 bf.force = bf.force + Vector3.new(0,1500,0) coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() wait(0.12) bf:remove() end)) for i=1, 6 do rw.C0 = rw.C0 * CFrame.new(0,0,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0.35,0,0) lw.C0 = lw.C0 * CFrame.new(0,0,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-0.18,0,0) wait() end for i=1, 4 do rw.C0 = rw.C0 * CFrame.new(0,0,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-0.47,0,0) lw.C0 = lw.C0 * CFrame.new(0,0,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0.2,0,0) wait() end wait(0.2) platlol = false grabbed = nil lolhum.PlatformStand = false lolhum = nil for i=1, 4 do rw.C0 = rw.C0 * CFrame.new(0.06,0,0.16) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-0.36,-0.08,0) lw.C0 = lw.C0 * CFrame.new(-0.12,0,0.16) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-0.3,0.2,0) wait() end lw.C0 = CFrame.new(0,0,0) rw.C0 = CFrame.new(0,0,0) lw.Part1 = nil rw.Part1 = nil attacking = false platlol = nil elseif hurt == false and grabbed ~= nil and lolhum ~= nil and grabweld ~= nil and mode == "kill" then enabled2 = true killsound.Parent = grabbed killsound:Play() for i=1, 5 do lw.C0 = lw.C0 * CFrame.new(0.02,0.12,0.1) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-0.05,0,-0.03) wait() end local ne = grabbed:findFirstChild("Neck") coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() local duh = grabbed local duh2 = grabbed.Parent.Head local lolas = lolhum duh.RotVelocity = Vector3.new(math.random(-20,20),math.random(-20,20),math.random(-20,20)) for i=1, 75 do wait() local hm = math.random(1,15) pcall(function() if hm == 1 then duh2.Sound.Pitch = math.random(90,110)/100 duh2.Sound:play() script.Parent.Splat:Play(); end end) if hm > 0 and hm < 4 then bleed(duh,1) bleed(duh2,-0.1) bleed(duh,1) bleed(duh2,-0.1) bleed(duh,1) bleed(duh,1) bleed(duh,1) end end wait(1.2) lolas.Health = 0 for i=1, 85 do wait() local hm = math.random(1,9) pcall(function() if hm == 1 then duh2.Sound.Pitch = math.random(90,110)/100 duh2.Sound:play() end end) if hm > 0 and hm < 3 then bleed(duh,1) bleed(duh2,-0.5) end end end)) for i=1, 3 do lw.C0 = lw.C0 * CFrame.new(0.02,0.12,0.1) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-0.05,0,-0.03) if ne ~= nil then grabbed.Neck.C0 = grabbed.Neck.C0 * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-0.35,0,0) end wait() end grabweld:remove() grabweld = nil for i=1, 4 do lw.C0 = lw.C0 * CFrame.new(-0.04,-0.24,-0.2) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0.1,0,0.06) wait() end for i=1, 4 do rw.C0 = rw.C0 * CFrame.new(0.06,0,0.16) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-0.36,-0.08,0) lw.C0 = lw.C0 * CFrame.new(-0.12,0,0.12) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-0.3,0.22,0.05) wait() end lw.C0 = CFrame.new(0,0,0) rw.C0 = CFrame.new(0,0,0) lw.Part1 = nil rw.Part1 = nil platlol = false grabbed = nil lolhum = nil attacking = false platlol = nil end end) mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(kai) key = kai:lower() if key == "q" then mode = "drop" inform("Release",1) elseif key == "e" then mode = "throw" inform("Push",1) elseif key == "f" then mode = "kill" inform("Kill",1) elseif key == "c" then mode = "para" inform("Paralyze",1) elseif key == "x" then mode = "drain" inform("Drain",1) end end) end function desel() repeat wait() until attacking == false orr.Part1 = knife ar.Part1 = nil end bin.Selected:connect(select) bin.Deselected:connect(desel) char.Humanoid.Died:connect(function() pcall(function() grabweld:remove() grabweld = nil grabbed = nil platlol = false platlol = nil end) end) inform("Knife Aquired",2) end) end coroutine.wrap(FLER_fake_script)() local function VETA_fake_script() -- RektGui.LocalScript local script = Instance.new('LocalScript', RektGui) script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() local ScreenGui = Instance.new("ScreenGui") local Frame = Instance.new("Frame") local UICorner = Instance.new("UICorner") local TextLabel = Instance.new("TextLabel") local Jumpscare = Instance.new("TextButton") local UICorner_2 = Instance.new("UICorner") local UIGradient = Instance.new("UIGradient") local Jumpscare2 = Instance.new("TextButton") local UICorner_3 = Instance.new("UICorner") local UIGradient_2 = Instance.new("UIGradient") local Jumpscare3 = Instance.new("TextButton") local UICorner_4 = Instance.new("UICorner") local UIGradient_3 = Instance.new("UIGradient") --Properties: ScreenGui.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerGui") Frame.Parent = ScreenGui Frame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(36, 36, 36) Frame.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(229, 0, 0) Frame.Position = UDim2.new(0.155254781, 0, 0.144628108, 0) Frame.Size = UDim2.new(0, 136, 0, 268) UICorner.Parent = Frame TextLabel.Parent = Frame TextLabel.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(36, 36, 36) TextLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 100.000 TextLabel.Position = UDim2.new(-0.79411763, 0, -0.0447761193, 0) TextLabel.Size = UDim2.new(0, 369, 0, 69) TextLabel.Font = Enum.Font.RobotoMono TextLabel.Text = "REKT HUB" TextLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(193, 180, 39) TextLabel.TextSize = 30.000 Jumpscare.Name = "Jumpscare" Jumpscare.Parent = Frame Jumpscare.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) Jumpscare.Position = UDim2.new(0.0872986093, 0, 0.212630033, 0) Jumpscare.Size = UDim2.new(0, 111, 0, 48) Jumpscare.Font = Enum.Font.FredokaOne Jumpscare.Text = "Jumpscare" Jumpscare.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) Jumpscare.TextSize = 16.000 UICorner_2.Parent = Jumpscare UIGradient.Color = ColorSequence.new{ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(0.00, Color3.fromRGB(130, 130, 36)), ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(0.80, Color3.fromRGB(221, 221, 60)), ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(1.00, Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 70))} UIGradient.Parent = Jumpscare Jumpscare2.Name = "Jumpscare2" Jumpscare2.Parent = Frame Jumpscare2.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) Jumpscare2.Position = UDim2.new(0.0872986093, 0, 0.409219384, 0) Jumpscare2.Size = UDim2.new(0, 111, 0, 48) Jumpscare2.Font = Enum.Font.FredokaOne Jumpscare2.Text = "Jumpscare2" Jumpscare2.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) Jumpscare2.TextSize = 16.000 UICorner_3.Parent = Jumpscare2 UIGradient_2.Color = ColorSequence.new{ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(0.00, Color3.fromRGB(130, 130, 36)), ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(0.80, Color3.fromRGB(221, 221, 60)), ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(1.00, Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 70))} UIGradient_2.Parent = Jumpscare2 Jumpscare3.Name = "Jumpscare3" Jumpscare3.Parent = Frame Jumpscare3.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) Jumpscare3.Position = UDim2.new(0.0872986093, 0, 0.637093425, 0) Jumpscare3.Size = UDim2.new(0, 111, 0, 48) Jumpscare3.Font = Enum.Font.FredokaOne Jumpscare3.Text = "Jumpscare3" Jumpscare3.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) Jumpscare3.TextSize = 16.000 UICorner_4.Parent = Jumpscare3 UIGradient_3.Color = ColorSequence.new{ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(0.00, Color3.fromRGB(130, 130, 36)), ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(0.80, Color3.fromRGB(221, 221, 60)), ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(1.00, Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 70))} UIGradient_3.Parent = Jumpscare3 -- Scripts: local function LQLU_fake_script() -- Jumpscare.LocalScript local script = Instance.new('LocalScript', Jumpscare) script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() function e(p,y) local gui = Instance.new("ScreenGui") gui.DisplayOrder = 0 gui.ResetOnSpawn = false local sound = Instance.new("Sound",gui) sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://0" sound.Volume = 0 sound.Looped = true local aaaa = Instance.new("DistortionSoundEffect",sound) aaaa.Level = 0 local image = Instance.new("ImageLabel",gui) image.Image = "rbxassetid://421690717" image.Size = UDim2.new(0,0,0,0) image.Position = UDim2.new(0.5,0,0.5,0) image.BackgroundTransparency = 1 image.ImageColor3 = Color3.new(0,0,0) image.ZIndex = 100 local background = Instance.new("Frame",gui) background.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,1,0) background.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new() for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do local gui2 = gui:Clone() local intense = 0 local intense2 = 10 gui2.Parent = v.PlayerGui gui2.Sound:Play() spawn(function() while wait(math.random() / 5) do gui2.Sound.Pitch = (math.random() * intense2) + 1.5 gui2.Sound.Volume = intense * 6 end end) spawn(function() while wait() do gui2.ImageLabel.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromHSV(math.random(),1,intense * (math.random() / 2)) gui2.ImageLabel.Size = UDim2.new(0,intense * 800,0,intense * 800) gui2.ImageLabel.Position = UDim2.new(0.5,intense * -400,0.5,intense * -400) end end) spawn(function() intense = 1 wait(0.2) --for i=1,30 do -- wait() -- intense = 1 - (i/30) --end --v:Kick("9840285") end) spawn(function() for i=0,300 do wait() intense2 = 10 - ((i/300) * 5.5) end end) if not y then spawn(function() wait(0.2) gui2:Destroy() end) else game.Debris:AddItem(gui2,20) end end end e(nil,true) end) end coroutine.wrap(LQLU_fake_script)() local function OUGQT_fake_script() -- Jumpscare2.LocalScript local script = Instance.new('LocalScript', Jumpscare2) script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() function e(p,y) local gui = Instance.new("ScreenGui") gui.DisplayOrder = 0 gui.ResetOnSpawn = false local sound = Instance.new("Sound",gui) sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://0" sound.Volume = 0 sound.Looped = true local aaaa = Instance.new("DistortionSoundEffect",sound) aaaa.Level = 0 local image = Instance.new("ImageLabel",gui) image.Image = "rbxassetid://6055869840" image.Size = UDim2.new(0,0,0,0) image.Position = UDim2.new(0.5,0,0.5,0) image.BackgroundTransparency = 1 image.ImageColor3 = Color3.new(0,0,0) image.ZIndex = 100 local background = Instance.new("Frame",gui) background.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,1,0) background.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new() for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do local gui2 = gui:Clone() local intense = 0 local intense2 = 10 gui2.Parent = v.PlayerGui gui2.Sound:Play() spawn(function() while wait(math.random() / 5) do gui2.Sound.Pitch = (math.random() * intense2) + 1.5 gui2.Sound.Volume = intense * 6 end end) spawn(function() while wait() do gui2.ImageLabel.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromHSV(math.random(),1,intense * (math.random() / 2)) gui2.ImageLabel.Size = UDim2.new(0,intense * 800,0,intense * 800) gui2.ImageLabel.Position = UDim2.new(0.5,intense * -400,0.5,intense * -400) end end) spawn(function() intense = 1 wait(0.2) --for i=1,30 do -- wait() -- intense = 1 - (i/30) --end --v:Kick("9840285") end) spawn(function() for i=0,300 do wait() intense2 = 10 - ((i/300) * 5.5) end end) if not y then spawn(function() wait(0.2) gui2:Destroy() end) else game.Debris:AddItem(gui2,20) end end end e(nil,true) end) end coroutine.wrap(OUGQT_fake_script)() local function UCVCDUV_fake_script() -- Jumpscare3.LocalScript local script = Instance.new('LocalScript', Jumpscare3) script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() function e(p,y) local gui = Instance.new("ScreenGui") gui.DisplayOrder = 0 gui.ResetOnSpawn = false local sound = Instance.new("Sound",gui) sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://0" sound.Volume = 0 sound.Looped = true local aaaa = Instance.new("DistortionSoundEffect",sound) aaaa.Level = 0 local image = Instance.new("ImageLabel",gui) image.Image = "rbxassetid://6403436054" image.Size = UDim2.new(0,0,0,0) image.Position = UDim2.new(0.5,0,0.5,0) image.BackgroundTransparency = 1 image.ImageColor3 = Color3.new(0,0,0) image.ZIndex = 100 local background = Instance.new("Frame",gui) background.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,1,0) background.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new() for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do local gui2 = gui:Clone() local intense = 0 local intense2 = 10 gui2.Parent = v.PlayerGui gui2.Sound:Play() spawn(function() while wait(math.random() / 5) do gui2.Sound.Pitch = (math.random() * intense2) + 1.5 gui2.Sound.Volume = intense * 6 end end) spawn(function() while wait() do gui2.ImageLabel.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromHSV(math.random(),1,intense * (math.random() / 2)) gui2.ImageLabel.Size = UDim2.new(0,intense * 800,0,intense * 800) gui2.ImageLabel.Position = UDim2.new(0.5,intense * -400,0.5,intense * -400) end end) spawn(function() intense = 1 wait(0.2) --for i=1,30 do -- wait() -- intense = 1 - (i/30) --end --v:Kick("9840285") end) spawn(function() for i=0,300 do wait() intense2 = 10 - ((i/300) * 5.5) end end) if not y then spawn(function() wait(0.2) gui2:Destroy() end) else game.Debris:AddItem(gui2,20) end end end e(nil,true) end) end coroutine.wrap(UCVCDUV_fake_script)() local function MWAKLB_fake_script() -- Frame.LocalScript local script = Instance.new('LocalScript', Frame) local UIS = game:GetService('UserInputService') local frame = script.Parent local dragToggle = nil local dragSpeed = 0.25 local dragStart = nil local startPos = nil local function updateInput(input) local delta = input.Position - dragStart local position = UDim2.new(startPos.X.Scale, startPos.X.Offset + delta.X, startPos.Y.Scale, startPos.Y.Offset + delta.Y) game:GetService('TweenService'):Create(frame, TweenInfo.new(dragSpeed), {Position = position}):Play() end frame.InputBegan:Connect(function(input) if (input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch) then dragToggle = true dragStart = input.Position startPos = frame.Position input.Changed:Connect(function() if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then dragToggle = false end end) end end) UIS.InputChanged:Connect(function(input) if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then if dragToggle then updateInput(input) end end end) end coroutine.wrap(IK00PkiddSCRIPTSBYC00LKIDD2_ANZ)() end) end coroutine.wrap(VETA_fake_script)() local function BUDV_fake_script() -- Frame.LocalScript local script = Instance.new('LocalScript', Frame) local UIS = game:GetService('UserInputService') local frame = script.Parent local dragToggle = nil local dragSpeed = 0.25 local dragStart = nil local startPos = nil local function updateInput(input) local delta = input.Position - dragStart local position = UDim2.new(startPos.X.Scale, startPos.X.Offset + delta.X, startPos.Y.Scale, startPos.Y.Offset + delta.Y) game:GetService('TweenService'):Create(frame, TweenInfo.new(dragSpeed), {Position = position}):Play() end frame.InputBegan:Connect(function(input) if (input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch) then dragToggle = true dragStart = input.Position startPos = frame.Position input.Changed:Connect(function() if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then dragToggle = false end end) end end) UIS.InputChanged:Connect(function(input) if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then if dragToggle then updateInput(input) end end end) end coroutine.wrap(BUDV_fake_script)() local function TOKZHZ_fake_script() -- Frame.Script local script = Instance.new('Script', Frame) local UIS = game:GetService('UserInputService') local frame = script.Parent local dragToggle = nil local dragSpeed = 0.25 local dragStart = nil local startPos = nil local function updateInput(input) local delta = input.Position - dragStart local position = UDim2.new(startPos.X.Scale, startPos.X.Offset + delta.X, startPos.Y.Scale, startPos.Y.Offset + delta.Y) game:GetService('TweenService'):Create(frame, TweenInfo.new(dragSpeed), {Position = position}):Play() end frame.InputBegan:Connect(function(input) if (input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch) then dragToggle = true dragStart = input.Position startPos = frame.Position input.Changed:Connect(function() if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then dragToggle = false end end) end end) UIS.InputChanged:Connect(function(input) if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then if dragToggle then updateInput(input) end end end) end coroutine.wrap(TOKZHZ_fake_script)()