loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/synnyyy/synergy/additional/betterbypasser", true))({ Method = 1, -- Method 1 is the main method. Method two is emojis. Method 3 is full transparency, no special symbols. Method 3 has been improved! Keybind = "F", -- Usually defaulted to F. You can change this keybind by replacing the string with a letter. Works for uppercase and lowercase. ShowMethodDictionary = true -- Shows you the full list of words that you can say with the method. Press FN + F9 to see this dictionary. }) -- https://discord.gg/RXUwZHjNKm -- This page will be always updated no matter what. -- BetterBypasser does not log anything. -- If you want the new update or the new invis method, please change "Method" to 3 -- Want to see the words for Method 1? Please view the console to do so. We are planning to change this to a UI where it shows you the words instead