--[[ WARNING: Heads up! This script has not been verified by ScriptBlox. Use at your own risk! ]] --[=[ d888b db db d888888b .d888b. db db db .d8b. 88' Y8b 88 88 `88' VP `8D 88 88 88 d8' `8b 88 88 88 88 odD' 88 88 88 88ooo88 88 ooo 88 88 88 .88' 88 88 88 88~~~88 88. ~8~ 88b d88 .88. j88. 88booo. 88b d88 88 88 Y888P ~Y8888P' Y888888P 888888D Y88888P ~Y8888P' YP YP CONVERTER ]=] -- Instances: 60 | Scripts: 20 | Modules: 0 local G2L = {}; -- StarterGui.F3XHUB G2L["1"] = Instance.new("ScreenGui", game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")); G2L["1"]["Name"] = [[F3XHUB]]; G2L["1"]["ZIndexBehavior"] = Enum.ZIndexBehavior.Sibling; G2L["1"]["ResetOnSpawn"] = false; -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar G2L["2"] = Instance.new("Frame", G2L["1"]); G2L["2"]["BorderSizePixel"] = 0; G2L["2"]["BackgroundColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 4); G2L["2"]["Size"] = UDim2.new(0.5647348761558533, 0, 0.11222444474697113, 0); G2L["2"]["BorderColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["2"]["Position"] = UDim2.new(0.21701602637767792, 0, 0.1402805596590042, 0); G2L["2"]["Name"] = [[Bar]]; -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main G2L["3"] = Instance.new("Frame", G2L["2"]); G2L["3"]["BorderSizePixel"] = 0; G2L["3"]["BackgroundColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255); G2L["3"]["Size"] = UDim2.new(1.0020790100097656, 0, 4.335403919219971, 0); G2L["3"]["BorderColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["3"]["Position"] = UDim2.new(-3.331613385171295e-08, 0, 0.9999999403953552, 0); G2L["3"]["Name"] = [[Main]]; -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.BigHead G2L["4"] = Instance.new("TextButton", G2L["3"]); G2L["4"]["TextWrapped"] = true; G2L["4"]["BorderSizePixel"] = 0; G2L["4"]["TextScaled"] = true; G2L["4"]["BackgroundColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["4"]["TextSize"] = 14; G2L["4"]["FontFace"] = Font.new([[rbxasset://fonts/families/GothamSSm.json]], Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal); G2L["4"]["TextColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255); G2L["4"]["Size"] = UDim2.new(0.2614651620388031, 0, 0.09473495930433273, 0); G2L["4"]["Name"] = [[BigHead]]; G2L["4"]["BorderColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["4"]["Text"] = [[Big Head]]; G2L["4"]["Position"] = UDim2.new(0.06100853905081749, 0, 0.03855844587087631, 0); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.BigHead.UICorner G2L["5"] = Instance.new("UICorner", G2L["4"]); G2L["5"]["CornerRadius"] = UDim.new(0, 4); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.BigHead.LocalScript G2L["6"] = Instance.new("LocalScript", G2L["4"]); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.BumAll G2L["7"] = Instance.new("TextButton", G2L["3"]); G2L["7"]["TextWrapped"] = true; G2L["7"]["BorderSizePixel"] = 0; G2L["7"]["TextScaled"] = true; G2L["7"]["BackgroundColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["7"]["TextSize"] = 14; G2L["7"]["FontFace"] = Font.new([[rbxasset://fonts/families/GothamSSm.json]], Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal); G2L["7"]["TextColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255); G2L["7"]["Size"] = UDim2.new(0.2614651620388031, 0, 0.09473495930433273, 0); G2L["7"]["Name"] = [[BumAll]]; G2L["7"]["BorderColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["7"]["Text"] = [[Bum All]]; G2L["7"]["Position"] = UDim2.new(0.36823010444641113, 0, 0.03855844587087631, 0); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.BumAll.UICorner G2L["8"] = Instance.new("UICorner", G2L["7"]); G2L["8"]["CornerRadius"] = UDim.new(0, 4); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.BumAll.LocalScript G2L["9"] = Instance.new("LocalScript", G2L["7"]); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.ColorAll G2L["a"] = Instance.new("TextButton", G2L["3"]); G2L["a"]["TextWrapped"] = true; G2L["a"]["BorderSizePixel"] = 0; G2L["a"]["TextScaled"] = true; G2L["a"]["BackgroundColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["a"]["TextSize"] = 14; G2L["a"]["FontFace"] = Font.new([[rbxasset://fonts/families/GothamSSm.json]], Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal); G2L["a"]["TextColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255); G2L["a"]["Size"] = UDim2.new(0.2636440396308899, 0, 0.09473495930433273, 0); G2L["a"]["Name"] = [[ColorAll]]; G2L["a"]["BorderColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["a"]["Text"] = [[Color All]]; G2L["a"]["Position"] = UDim2.new(0.6710939407348633, 0, 0.03855844587087631, 0); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.ColorAll.UICorner G2L["b"] = Instance.new("UICorner", G2L["a"]); G2L["b"]["CornerRadius"] = UDim.new(0, 4); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.ColorAll.LocalScript G2L["c"] = Instance.new("LocalScript", G2L["a"]); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.DecalSpam G2L["d"] = Instance.new("TextButton", G2L["3"]); G2L["d"]["TextWrapped"] = true; G2L["d"]["BorderSizePixel"] = 0; G2L["d"]["TextScaled"] = true; G2L["d"]["BackgroundColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["d"]["TextSize"] = 14; G2L["d"]["FontFace"] = Font.new([[rbxasset://fonts/families/GothamSSm.json]], Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal); G2L["d"]["TextColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255); G2L["d"]["Size"] = UDim2.new(0.2614651620388031, 0, 0.09473495930433273, 0); G2L["d"]["Name"] = [[DecalSpam]]; G2L["d"]["BorderColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["d"]["Text"] = [[Decal Spam]]; G2L["d"]["Position"] = UDim2.new(0.06100853905081749, 0, 0.216508150100708, 0); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.DecalSpam.UICorner G2L["e"] = Instance.new("UICorner", G2L["d"]); G2L["e"]["CornerRadius"] = UDim.new(0, 4); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.DecalSpam.LocalScript G2L["f"] = Instance.new("LocalScript", G2L["d"]); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.FireAll G2L["10"] = Instance.new("TextButton", G2L["3"]); G2L["10"]["TextWrapped"] = true; G2L["10"]["BorderSizePixel"] = 0; G2L["10"]["TextScaled"] = true; G2L["10"]["BackgroundColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["10"]["TextSize"] = 14; G2L["10"]["FontFace"] = Font.new([[rbxasset://fonts/families/GothamSSm.json]], Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal); G2L["10"]["TextColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255); G2L["10"]["Size"] = UDim2.new(0.2614651620388031, 0, 0.09473495930433273, 0); G2L["10"]["Name"] = [[FireAll]]; G2L["10"]["BorderColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["10"]["Text"] = [[Fire All]]; G2L["10"]["Position"] = UDim2.new(0.36823010444641113, 0, 0.216508150100708, 0); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.FireAll.UICorner G2L["11"] = Instance.new("UICorner", G2L["10"]); G2L["11"]["CornerRadius"] = UDim.new(0, 4); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.FireAll.LocalScript G2L["12"] = Instance.new("LocalScript", G2L["10"]); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.Rain Toad G2L["13"] = Instance.new("TextButton", G2L["3"]); G2L["13"]["TextWrapped"] = true; G2L["13"]["BorderSizePixel"] = 0; G2L["13"]["TextScaled"] = true; G2L["13"]["BackgroundColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["13"]["TextSize"] = 14; G2L["13"]["FontFace"] = Font.new([[rbxasset://fonts/families/GothamSSm.json]], Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal); G2L["13"]["TextColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255); G2L["13"]["Size"] = UDim2.new(0.2636440396308899, 0, 0.09473495930433273, 0); G2L["13"]["Name"] = [[Rain Toad]]; G2L["13"]["BorderColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["13"]["Text"] = [[Rain Toad]]; G2L["13"]["Position"] = UDim2.new(0.6710939407348633, 0, 0.216508150100708, 0); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.Rain Toad.UICorner G2L["14"] = Instance.new("UICorner", G2L["13"]); G2L["14"]["CornerRadius"] = UDim.new(0, 4); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.Rain Toad.LocalScript G2L["15"] = Instance.new("LocalScript", G2L["13"]); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.ThomasEngine G2L["16"] = Instance.new("TextButton", G2L["3"]); G2L["16"]["TextWrapped"] = true; G2L["16"]["BorderSizePixel"] = 0; G2L["16"]["TextScaled"] = true; G2L["16"]["BackgroundColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["16"]["TextSize"] = 14; G2L["16"]["FontFace"] = Font.new([[rbxasset://fonts/families/GothamSSm.json]], Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal); G2L["16"]["TextColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255); G2L["16"]["Size"] = UDim2.new(0.2614651620388031, 0, 0.09473495930433273, 0); G2L["16"]["Name"] = [[ThomasEngine]]; G2L["16"]["BorderColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["16"]["Text"] = [[Become Thomas]]; G2L["16"]["Position"] = UDim2.new(0.06100853905081749, 0, 0.39000919461250305, 0); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.ThomasEngine.UICorner G2L["17"] = Instance.new("UICorner", G2L["16"]); G2L["17"]["CornerRadius"] = UDim.new(0, 4); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.ThomasEngine.LocalScript G2L["18"] = Instance.new("LocalScript", G2L["16"]); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.Unanchor G2L["19"] = Instance.new("TextButton", G2L["3"]); G2L["19"]["TextWrapped"] = true; G2L["19"]["BorderSizePixel"] = 0; G2L["19"]["TextScaled"] = true; G2L["19"]["BackgroundColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["19"]["TextSize"] = 14; G2L["19"]["FontFace"] = Font.new([[rbxasset://fonts/families/GothamSSm.json]], Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal); G2L["19"]["TextColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255); G2L["19"]["Size"] = UDim2.new(0.2614651620388031, 0, 0.09473495930433273, 0); G2L["19"]["Name"] = [[Unanchor]]; G2L["19"]["BorderColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["19"]["Text"] = [[Unanchor]]; G2L["19"]["Position"] = UDim2.new(0.36823010444641113, 0, 0.39000919461250305, 0); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.Unanchor.UICorner G2L["1a"] = Instance.new("UICorner", G2L["19"]); G2L["1a"]["CornerRadius"] = UDim.new(0, 4); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.Unanchor.LocalScript G2L["1b"] = Instance.new("LocalScript", G2L["19"]); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.CreateBasePlate G2L["1c"] = Instance.new("TextButton", G2L["3"]); G2L["1c"]["TextWrapped"] = true; G2L["1c"]["BorderSizePixel"] = 0; G2L["1c"]["TextScaled"] = true; G2L["1c"]["BackgroundColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["1c"]["TextSize"] = 14; G2L["1c"]["FontFace"] = Font.new([[rbxasset://fonts/families/GothamSSm.json]], Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal); G2L["1c"]["TextColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255); G2L["1c"]["Size"] = UDim2.new(0.2636440396308899, 0, 0.09473495930433273, 0); G2L["1c"]["Name"] = [[CreateBasePlate]]; G2L["1c"]["BorderColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["1c"]["Text"] = [[Create Baseplate]]; G2L["1c"]["Position"] = UDim2.new(0.6710939407348633, 0, 0.39000919461250305, 0); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.CreateBasePlate.UICorner G2L["1d"] = Instance.new("UICorner", G2L["1c"]); G2L["1d"]["CornerRadius"] = UDim.new(0, 4); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.CreateBasePlate.LocalScript G2L["1e"] = Instance.new("LocalScript", G2L["1c"]); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.KillAll G2L["1f"] = Instance.new("TextButton", G2L["3"]); G2L["1f"]["TextWrapped"] = true; G2L["1f"]["BorderSizePixel"] = 0; G2L["1f"]["TextScaled"] = true; G2L["1f"]["BackgroundColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["1f"]["TextSize"] = 14; G2L["1f"]["FontFace"] = Font.new([[rbxasset://fonts/families/GothamSSm.json]], Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal); G2L["1f"]["TextColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255); G2L["1f"]["Size"] = UDim2.new(0.2614651620388031, 0, 0.09473495930433273, 0); G2L["1f"]["Name"] = [[KillAll]]; G2L["1f"]["BorderColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["1f"]["Text"] = [[Kill All]]; G2L["1f"]["Position"] = UDim2.new(0.06100853905081749, 0, 0.5768563747406006, 0); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.KillAll.UICorner G2L["20"] = Instance.new("UICorner", G2L["1f"]); G2L["20"]["CornerRadius"] = UDim.new(0, 4); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.KillAll.LocalScript G2L["21"] = Instance.new("LocalScript", G2L["1f"]); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.PersonalityAll G2L["22"] = Instance.new("TextButton", G2L["3"]); G2L["22"]["TextWrapped"] = true; G2L["22"]["BorderSizePixel"] = 0; G2L["22"]["TextScaled"] = true; G2L["22"]["BackgroundColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["22"]["TextSize"] = 14; G2L["22"]["FontFace"] = Font.new([[rbxasset://fonts/families/GothamSSm.json]], Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal); G2L["22"]["TextColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255); G2L["22"]["Size"] = UDim2.new(0.2614651918411255, 0, 0.09473495930433273, 0); G2L["22"]["Name"] = [[PersonalityAll]]; G2L["22"]["BorderColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["22"]["Text"] = [[Personality All]]; G2L["22"]["Position"] = UDim2.new(0.36823010444641113, 0, 0.5768563747406006, 0); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.PersonalityAll.UICorner G2L["23"] = Instance.new("UICorner", G2L["22"]); G2L["23"]["CornerRadius"] = UDim.new(0, 4); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.PersonalityAll.LocalScript G2L["24"] = Instance.new("LocalScript", G2L["22"]); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.Skybox G2L["25"] = Instance.new("TextButton", G2L["3"]); G2L["25"]["TextWrapped"] = true; G2L["25"]["BorderSizePixel"] = 0; G2L["25"]["TextScaled"] = true; G2L["25"]["BackgroundColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["25"]["TextSize"] = 14; G2L["25"]["FontFace"] = Font.new([[rbxasset://fonts/families/GothamSSm.json]], Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal); G2L["25"]["TextColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255); G2L["25"]["Size"] = UDim2.new(0.2636440396308899, 0, 0.09473495930433273, 0); G2L["25"]["Name"] = [[Skybox]]; G2L["25"]["BorderColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["25"]["Text"] = [[Skybox]]; G2L["25"]["Position"] = UDim2.new(0.6710939407348633, 0, 0.5768563747406006, 0); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.Skybox.UICorner G2L["26"] = Instance.new("UICorner", G2L["25"]); G2L["26"]["CornerRadius"] = UDim.new(0, 4); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.Skybox.LocalScript G2L["27"] = Instance.new("LocalScript", G2L["25"]); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.Peircer G2L["28"] = Instance.new("TextButton", G2L["3"]); G2L["28"]["TextWrapped"] = true; G2L["28"]["BorderSizePixel"] = 0; G2L["28"]["TextScaled"] = true; G2L["28"]["BackgroundColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["28"]["TextSize"] = 14; G2L["28"]["FontFace"] = Font.new([[rbxasset://fonts/families/GothamSSm.json]], Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal); G2L["28"]["TextColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255); G2L["28"]["Size"] = UDim2.new(0.2614651620388031, 0, 0.09473495930433273, 0); G2L["28"]["Name"] = [[Peircer]]; G2L["28"]["BorderColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["28"]["Text"] = [[Peircer]]; G2L["28"]["Position"] = UDim2.new(0.06100853905081749, 0, 0.7503573298454285, 0); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.Peircer.UICorner G2L["29"] = Instance.new("UICorner", G2L["28"]); G2L["29"]["CornerRadius"] = UDim.new(0, 4); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.Peircer.LocalScript G2L["2a"] = Instance.new("LocalScript", G2L["28"]); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.StickAll G2L["2b"] = Instance.new("TextButton", G2L["3"]); G2L["2b"]["TextWrapped"] = true; G2L["2b"]["BorderSizePixel"] = 0; G2L["2b"]["TextScaled"] = true; G2L["2b"]["BackgroundColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["2b"]["TextSize"] = 14; G2L["2b"]["FontFace"] = Font.new([[rbxasset://fonts/families/GothamSSm.json]], Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal); G2L["2b"]["TextColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255); G2L["2b"]["Size"] = UDim2.new(0.2614651620388031, 0, 0.09473495930433273, 0); G2L["2b"]["Name"] = [[StickAll]]; G2L["2b"]["BorderColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["2b"]["Text"] = [[StickAll]]; G2L["2b"]["Position"] = UDim2.new(0.36823010444641113, 0, 0.7503573298454285, 0); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.StickAll.UICorner G2L["2c"] = Instance.new("UICorner", G2L["2b"]); G2L["2c"]["CornerRadius"] = UDim.new(0, 4); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.StickAll.LocalScript G2L["2d"] = Instance.new("LocalScript", G2L["2b"]); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.TwigAll G2L["2e"] = Instance.new("TextButton", G2L["3"]); G2L["2e"]["TextWrapped"] = true; G2L["2e"]["BorderSizePixel"] = 0; G2L["2e"]["TextScaled"] = true; G2L["2e"]["BackgroundColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["2e"]["TextSize"] = 14; G2L["2e"]["FontFace"] = Font.new([[rbxasset://fonts/families/GothamSSm.json]], Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal); G2L["2e"]["TextColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255); G2L["2e"]["Size"] = UDim2.new(0.2636440396308899, 0, 0.09473495930433273, 0); G2L["2e"]["Name"] = [[TwigAll]]; G2L["2e"]["BorderColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["2e"]["Text"] = [[TwigAll]]; G2L["2e"]["Position"] = UDim2.new(0.6710939407348633, 0, 0.7503573298454285, 0); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.TwigAll.UICorner G2L["2f"] = Instance.new("UICorner", G2L["2e"]); G2L["2f"]["CornerRadius"] = UDim.new(0, 4); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.TwigAll.LocalScript G2L["30"] = Instance.new("LocalScript", G2L["2e"]); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.FireParts G2L["31"] = Instance.new("TextButton", G2L["3"]); G2L["31"]["TextWrapped"] = true; G2L["31"]["BorderSizePixel"] = 0; G2L["31"]["TextScaled"] = true; G2L["31"]["BackgroundColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["31"]["TextSize"] = 14; G2L["31"]["FontFace"] = Font.new([[rbxasset://fonts/families/GothamSSm.json]], Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal); G2L["31"]["TextColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255); G2L["31"]["Size"] = UDim2.new(0.2614651620388031, 0, 0.09061604738235474, 0); G2L["31"]["Name"] = [[FireParts]]; G2L["31"]["BorderColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["31"]["Text"] = [[Fire Parts]]; G2L["31"]["Position"] = UDim2.new(0.36823010444641113, 0, 0.8739246726036072, 0); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.FireParts.UICorner G2L["32"] = Instance.new("UICorner", G2L["31"]); G2L["32"]["CornerRadius"] = UDim.new(0, 4); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.FireParts.LocalScript G2L["33"] = Instance.new("LocalScript", G2L["31"]); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Title G2L["34"] = Instance.new("TextLabel", G2L["2"]); G2L["34"]["TextWrapped"] = true; G2L["34"]["BorderSizePixel"] = 0; G2L["34"]["TextScaled"] = true; G2L["34"]["BackgroundColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255); G2L["34"]["FontFace"] = Font.new([[rbxasset://fonts/families/GothamSSm.json]], Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal); G2L["34"]["TextSize"] = 14; G2L["34"]["TextColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["34"]["Size"] = UDim2.new(0.4410480558872223, 0, 0.785714328289032, 0); G2L["34"]["BorderColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["34"]["Text"] = [[1x3x5x6 gui f3x]]; G2L["34"]["Name"] = [[Title]]; G2L["34"]["BackgroundTransparency"] = 1; G2L["34"]["Position"] = UDim2.new(0.03711787238717079, 0, 0.1250000149011612, 0); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.OpenCloseKeybind G2L["35"] = Instance.new("LocalScript", G2L["2"]); G2L["35"]["Name"] = [[OpenCloseKeybind]]; -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.MinimizeButton G2L["36"] = Instance.new("TextButton", G2L["2"]); G2L["36"]["BorderSizePixel"] = 0; G2L["36"]["BackgroundColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["36"]["TextSize"] = 14; G2L["36"]["FontFace"] = Font.new([[rbxasset://fonts/families/SourceSansPro.json]], Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal); G2L["36"]["TextColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["36"]["Size"] = UDim2.new(0.19213974475860596, 0, 0.5714285969734192, 0); G2L["36"]["Name"] = [[MinimizeButton]]; G2L["36"]["BorderColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["36"]["Text"] = [[]]; G2L["36"]["Position"] = UDim2.new(0.6528384685516357, 0, 0.2321428656578064, 0); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.MinimizeButton.UICorner G2L["37"] = Instance.new("UICorner", G2L["36"]); G2L["37"]["CornerRadius"] = UDim.new(1, 9); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.MinimizeButton.LocalScript G2L["38"] = Instance.new("LocalScript", G2L["36"]); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.CloseButton G2L["39"] = Instance.new("TextButton", G2L["2"]); G2L["39"]["BorderSizePixel"] = 0; G2L["39"]["BackgroundColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["39"]["TextSize"] = 14; G2L["39"]["FontFace"] = Font.new([[rbxasset://fonts/families/SourceSansPro.json]], Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Normal); G2L["39"]["TextColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["39"]["Size"] = UDim2.new(0.0786026269197464, 0, 0.6071429252624512, 0); G2L["39"]["Name"] = [[CloseButton]]; G2L["39"]["BorderColor3"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0); G2L["39"]["Text"] = [[]]; G2L["39"]["Position"] = UDim2.new(0.85807865858078, 0, 0.1964285969734192, 0); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.CloseButton.UICorner G2L["3a"] = Instance.new("UICorner", G2L["39"]); G2L["3a"]["CornerRadius"] = UDim.new(1, 9); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.CloseButton.LocalScript G2L["3b"] = Instance.new("LocalScript", G2L["39"]); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.DraggableScript G2L["3c"] = Instance.new("LocalScript", G2L["2"]); G2L["3c"]["Name"] = [[DraggableScript]]; -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.BigHead.LocalScript local function C_6() local script = G2L["6"]; script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local char = player.Character local tool for i,v in player:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end for i,v in game.ReplicatedStorage:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end --craaa remote = tool.SyncAPI.ServerEndpoint function _(args) remote:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) end function SetCollision(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SyncCollision", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CanCollide"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function SetAnchor(boolean,part) local args = { [1] = "SyncAnchor", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Anchored"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function CreatePart(cf,parent) local args = { [1] = "CreatePart", [2] = "Normal", [3] = cf, [4] = parent } _(args) end function DestroyPart(part) local args = { [1] = "Remove", [2] = { [1] = part } } _(args) end function MovePart(part,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncMove", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf } } } _(args) end function Resize(part,size,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncResize", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf, ["Size"] = size } } } _(args) end function AddMesh(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateMeshes", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part } } } _(args) end function SetMesh(part,meshid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["MeshId"] = "rbxassetid://"..meshid } } } _(args) end function SetTexture(part, texid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["TextureId"] = "rbxassetid://"..texid } } } _(args) end function SetName(part, stringg) local args = { [1] = "SetName", [2] = { [1] = workspace.Part }, [3] = stringg } _(args) end function MeshResize(part,size) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Scale"] = size } } } _(args) end function Weld(part1, part2,lead) local args = { [1] = "CreateWelds", [2] = { [1] = part1, [2] = part2 }, [3] = lead } _(args) end function SetLocked(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SetLocked", [2] = { [1] = part }, [3] = boolean } _(args) end function SetTrans(part,int) local args = { [1] = "SyncMaterial", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Transparency"] = int } } } _(args) end function CreateSpotlight(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateLights", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight" } } } _(args) end function SyncLighting(part,brightness) local args = { [1] = "SyncLighting", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight", ["Brightness"] = brightness } } } _(args) end function BigHead(player) local chara = player.Character spawn(function() SetLocked(chara.Head,false) MeshResize(chara.Head,Vector3.new(10,10,10)) end) end for i,players in game.Players:GetPlayers() do BigHead(players) end end) end; task.spawn(C_6); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.BumAll.LocalScript local function C_9() local script = G2L["9"]; script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local char = player.Character local tool for i,v in player:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end for i,v in game.ReplicatedStorage:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end --craaa remote = tool.SyncAPI.ServerEndpoint function _(args) remote:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) end function SetCollision(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SyncCollision", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CanCollide"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function SetAnchor(boolean,part) local args = { [1] = "SyncAnchor", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Anchored"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function CreatePart(cf,parent) local args = { [1] = "CreatePart", [2] = "Normal", [3] = cf, [4] = parent } _(args) end function DestroyPart(part) local args = { [1] = "Remove", [2] = { [1] = part } } _(args) end function MovePart(part,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncMove", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf } } } _(args) end function Resize(part,size,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncResize", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf, ["Size"] = size } } } _(args) end function AddMesh(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateMeshes", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part } } } _(args) end function SetMesh(part,meshid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["MeshId"] = "rbxassetid://"..meshid } } } _(args) end function SetTexture(part, texid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["TextureId"] = "rbxassetid://"..texid } } } _(args) end function SetName(part, stringg) local args = { [1] = "SetName", [2] = { [1] = part }, [3] = stringg } _(args) end function MeshResize(part,size) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Scale"] = size } } } _(args) end function Weld(part1, part2,lead) local args = { [1] = "CreateWelds", [2] = { [1] = part1, [2] = part2 }, [3] = lead } _(args) end function SetLocked(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SetLocked", [2] = { [1] = part }, [3] = boolean } _(args) end function SetTrans(part,int) local args = { [1] = "SyncMaterial", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Transparency"] = int } } } _(args) end function CreateSpotlight(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateLights", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight" } } } _(args) end function SyncLighting(part,brightness) local args = { [1] = "SyncLighting", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight", ["Brightness"] = brightness } } } _(args) end function Color(part,color) local args = { [1] = "SyncColor", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Color"] = color --[[Color3]], ["UnionColoring"] = false } } } _(args) end function Bum(player) char = player.Character for i,v in char:GetChildren() do pcall(function() SetLocked(v,false) end) end if player.Character:FindFirstChild("Part1") then return else SetAnchor(true,player.Character.HumanoidRootPart) spawn(function() CreatePart(player.Character:WaitForChild("Right Leg").CFrame * CFrame.new(0,1,0.6),player.Character) SetName(player.Character.Part,"Part1") CreatePart(player.Character:WaitForChild("Left Leg").CFrame * CFrame.new(0,1,0.6),player.Character) SetName(player.Character.Part,"Part2") end) wait(0.2) repeat wait() until char:FindFirstChild("Part2") spawn(function() AddMesh(char.Part1) AddMesh(char.Part2) SetMesh(char.Part1,"5697933202") SetMesh(char.Part2,"5697933202") end) wait(0.2) repeat wait() until char.Part2:FindFirstChild("Mesh") spawn(function() MeshResize(char.Part1,Vector3.new(0.5,0.5,0.5)) MeshResize(char.Part2,Vector3.new(0.5,0.5,0.5)) end) wait(0.2) pcall(function() Color(char.Part1,char:WaitForChild("Right Leg").Color) Color(char.Part2,char:WaitForChild("Left Leg").Color) end) wait(0.2) spawn(function() SetCollision(player.Character.Part1,false) SetCollision(player.Character.Part2,false) Weld(char.Part1,char.HumanoidRootPart,char.Part1) Weld(char.Part2,char.Part1,char.Part2) end) repeat wait() until char.Part2:FindFirstChild("BTWeld") spawn(function() SetAnchor(false,char.HumanoidRootPart) SetAnchor(false,char.Part1) SetAnchor(false,char.Part2) end) repeat wait() SetAnchor(false,char.HumanoidRootPart) SetAnchor(false,char.Part1) SetAnchor(false,char.Part2) until char.Part2.Anchored == false end end for i,v in game.Players:GetPlayers() do --zzspawn(function() pcall(function() Bum(v) end) --end) end end) end; task.spawn(C_9); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.ColorAll.LocalScript local function C_c() local script = G2L["c"]; script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() --rgrg local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local char = player.Character local tool for i,v in player:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end for i,v in game.ReplicatedStorage:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end --craaa remote = tool.SyncAPI.ServerEndpoint function _(args) remote:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) end function SetCollision(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SyncCollision", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CanCollide"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function SetAnchor(boolean,part) local args = { [1] = "SyncAnchor", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Anchored"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function CreatePart(cf,parent) local args = { [1] = "CreatePart", [2] = "Normal", [3] = cf, [4] = parent } _(args) end function DestroyPart(part) local args = { [1] = "Remove", [2] = { [1] = part } } _(args) end function MovePart(part,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncMove", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf } } } _(args) end function Resize(part,size,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncResize", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf, ["Size"] = size } } } _(args) end function AddMesh(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateMeshes", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part } } } _(args) end function SetMesh(part,meshid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["MeshId"] = "rbxassetid://"..meshid } } } _(args) end function SetTexture(part, texid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["TextureId"] = "rbxassetid://"..texid } } } _(args) end function SetName(part, stringg) local args = { [1] = "SetName", [2] = { [1] = workspace.Part }, [3] = stringg } _(args) end function MeshResize(part,size) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Scale"] = size } } } _(args) end function Weld(part1, part2,lead) local args = { [1] = "CreateWelds", [2] = { [1] = part1, [2] = part2 }, [3] = lead } _(args) end function SetLocked(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SetLocked", [2] = { [1] = part }, [3] = boolean } _(args) end function SetTrans(part,int) local args = { [1] = "SyncMaterial", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Transparency"] = int } } } _(args) end function CreateSpotlight(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateLights", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight" } } } _(args) end function SyncLighting(part,brightness) local args = { [1] = "SyncLighting", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight", ["Brightness"] = brightness } } } _(args) end function Color(part,color) local args = { [1] = "SyncColor", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Color"] = color --[[Color3]], ["UnionColoring"] = false } } } _(args) end function randomise() for i,v in game.Workspace:GetDescendants() do if v:IsA("BasePart") then spawn(function() SetLocked(v,false) Color(v,Color3.new(math.random(0,255),math.random(0,255),math.random(0,255))) end) end end end while wait() do spawn(function() randomise() end) end end) end; task.spawn(C_c); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.DecalSpam.LocalScript local function C_f() local script = G2L["f"]; script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() --rgrg local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local char = player.Character local tool for i,v in player:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end for i,v in game.ReplicatedStorage:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end --craaa remote = tool.SyncAPI.ServerEndpoint function _(args) remote:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) end function SetCollision(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SyncCollision", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CanCollide"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function SetAnchor(boolean,part) local args = { [1] = "SyncAnchor", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Anchored"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function CreatePart(cf,parent) local args = { [1] = "CreatePart", [2] = "Normal", [3] = cf, [4] = parent } _(args) end function DestroyPart(part) local args = { [1] = "Remove", [2] = { [1] = part } } _(args) end function MovePart(part,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncMove", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf } } } _(args) end function Resize(part,size,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncResize", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf, ["Size"] = size } } } _(args) end function AddMesh(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateMeshes", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part } } } _(args) end function SetMesh(part,meshid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["MeshId"] = "rbxassetid://"..meshid } } } _(args) end function SetTexture(part, texid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["TextureId"] = "rbxassetid://"..texid } } } _(args) end function SetName(part, stringg) local args = { [1] = "SetName", [2] = { [1] = part }, [3] = stringg } _(args) end function MeshResize(part,size) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Scale"] = size } } } _(args) end function Weld(part1, part2,lead) local args = { [1] = "CreateWelds", [2] = { [1] = part1, [2] = part2 }, [3] = lead } _(args) end function SetLocked(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SetLocked", [2] = { [1] = part }, [3] = boolean } _(args) end function SetTrans(part,int) local args = { [1] = "SyncMaterial", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Transparency"] = int } } } _(args) end function CreateSpotlight(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateLights", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight" } } } _(args) end function SyncLighting(part,brightness) local args = { [1] = "SyncLighting", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight", ["Brightness"] = brightness } } } _(args) end function Color(part,color) local args = { [1] = "SyncColor", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Color"] = color --[[Color3]], ["UnionColoring"] = false } } } _(args) end function SpawnDecal(part,side) local args = { [1] = "CreateTextures", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Face"] = side, ["TextureType"] = "Decal" } } } _(args) end function AddDecal(part,asset,side) local args = { [1] = "SyncTexture", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Face"] = side, ["TextureType"] = "Decal", ["Texture"] = "rbxassetid://".. asset } } } _(args) end function spam(id) for i,v in game.workspace:GetDescendants() do if v:IsA("BasePart") then spawn(function() SetLocked(v,false) SpawnDecal(v,Enum.NormalId.Front) AddDecal(v,id,Enum.NormalId.Front) SpawnDecal(v,Enum.NormalId.Back) AddDecal(v,id,Enum.NormalId.Back) SpawnDecal(v,Enum.NormalId.Right) AddDecal(v,id,Enum.NormalId.Right) SpawnDecal(v,Enum.NormalId.Left) AddDecal(v,id,Enum.NormalId.Left) SpawnDecal(v,Enum.NormalId.Bottom) AddDecal(v,id,Enum.NormalId.Bottom) SpawnDecal(v,Enum.NormalId.Top) AddDecal(v,id,Enum.NormalId.Top) end) end end end spam("3342499434") end) coroutine.wrap(ZYJPOKE_fake_script)() local function IGAFG_fake_script() -- Duckify.LocalScript local script = Instance.new('LocalScript', Duckify) script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() --rgrg local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local chara = player.Character local tool for i,v in player:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end for i,v in game.ReplicatedStorage:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end --craaa remote = tool.SyncAPI.ServerEndpoint function _(args) remote:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) end function SetCollision(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SyncCollision", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CanCollide"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function SetAnchor(boolean,part) local args = { [1] = "SyncAnchor", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Anchored"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function CreatePart(cf,parent) local args = { [1] = "CreatePart", [2] = "Normal", [3] = cf, [4] = parent } _(args) end function DestroyPart(part) local args = { [1] = "Remove", [2] = { [1] = workspace.Part } } _(args) end function MovePart(part,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncMove", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf } } } _(args) end function Resize(part,size,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncResize", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf, ["Size"] = size } } } _(args) end function AddMesh(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateMeshes", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part } } } _(args) end function SetMesh(part,meshid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["MeshId"] = "rbxassetid://"..meshid } } } _(args) end function SetTexture(part, texid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["TextureId"] = "rbxassetid://"..texid } } } _(args) end function SetName(part, stringg) local args = { [1] = "SetName", [2] = { [1] = part, }, [3] = stringg } _(args) end function MeshResize(part,size) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Scale"] = size } } } _(args) end function Weld(part1, part2,lead) local args = { [1] = "CreateWelds", [2] = { [1] = part1, [2] = part2 }, [3] = lead } _(args) end function SetLocked(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SetLocked", [2] = { [1] = part }, [3] = boolean } _(args) end function SetTrans(part,int) local args = { [1] = "SyncMaterial", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Transparency"] = int } } } _(args) end function CreateSpotlight(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateLights", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = workspace.Part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight" } } } _(args) end function SyncLighting(part,brightness) local args = { [1] = "SyncLighting", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight", ["Brightness"] = brightness } } } _(args) end function Duckify(player) for i,v in player.Character:GetDescendants() do if v:IsA("BasePart") then pcall(function() SetLocked(v,false) SetTrans(v,1) end) end end char = player.Character --spawn(function() spawn(function() SetAnchor(true,char.HumanoidRootPart) CreatePart(char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame,char) SetCollision(char.Part,false) SetName(char.Part, "Duck") end) repeat wait() until char:FindFirstChild("Duck") spawn(function() SetLocked(char.Duck,false) SetLocked(char.HumanoidRootPart,false) Weld(char.Duck,char.HumanoidRootPart,char.Duck) SetAnchor(false,char.Duck) AddMesh(char.Duck) end) repeat wait() until char.Duck:FindFirstChild("Mesh") MeshResize(char.Duck,Vector3.new(8,8,8)) SetMesh(char.Duck,"10749878672") SetTexture(char.Duck,"10749878886") SetAnchor(false,char.HumanoidRootPart) --end) end for i,v in game.Players:GetPlayers() do --spawn(function() Duckify(v) --end) end end) end end; task.spawn(C_f); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.FireAll.LocalScript local function C_12() local script = G2L["12"]; script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() --rgrg local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local char = player.Character local tool for i,v in player:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end for i,v in game.ReplicatedStorage:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end --craaa remote = tool.SyncAPI.ServerEndpoint function _(args) remote:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) end function SetCollision(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SyncCollision", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CanCollide"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function SetAnchor(boolean,part) local args = { [1] = "SyncAnchor", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Anchored"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function CreatePart(cf,parent) local args = { [1] = "CreatePart", [2] = "Normal", [3] = cf, [4] = parent } _(args) end function DestroyPart(part) local args = { [1] = "Remove", [2] = { [1] = part } } _(args) end function MovePart(part,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncMove", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf } } } _(args) end function Resize(part,size,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncResize", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf, ["Size"] = size } } } _(args) end function AddMesh(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateMeshes", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part } } } _(args) end function SetMesh(part,meshid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["MeshId"] = "rbxassetid://"..meshid } } } _(args) end function SetTexture(part, texid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["TextureId"] = "rbxassetid://"..texid } } } _(args) end function SetName(part, stringg) local args = { [1] = "SetName", [2] = { [1] = workspace.Part }, [3] = stringg } _(args) end function MeshResize(part,size) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Scale"] = size } } } _(args) end function Weld(part1, part2,lead) local args = { [1] = "CreateWelds", [2] = { [1] = part1, [2] = part2 }, [3] = lead } _(args) end function SetLocked(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SetLocked", [2] = { [1] = part }, [3] = boolean } _(args) end function SetTrans(part,int) local args = { [1] = "SyncMaterial", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Transparency"] = int } } } _(args) end function CreateSpotlight(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateLights", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = workspace.Part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight" } } } _(args) end function SyncLighting(part,brightness) local args = { [1] = "SyncLighting", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight", ["Brightness"] = brightness } } } _(args) end function AddFire(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateDecorations", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["DecorationType"] = "Fire" } } } _(args) end function Fire(player) for i,v in player.Character:GetDescendants() do if v:IsA("BasePart") then AddFire(v) end end DestroyPart(player.Character.Head) end for i,v in game.Players:GetPlayers() do spawn(function() pcall(function() Fire(v) end) end) end end) coroutine.wrap(YTBL_fake_script)() local function YNEKD_fake_script() -- Luigirain.LocalScript local script = Instance.new('LocalScript', Luigirain) script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() --rgrg local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local char = player.Character local tool for i,v in player:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end for i,v in game.ReplicatedStorage:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end --craaa remote = tool.SyncAPI.ServerEndpoint function _(args) remote:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) end function SetCollision(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SyncCollision", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CanCollide"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function SetAnchor(boolean,part) local args = { [1] = "SyncAnchor", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Anchored"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function CreatePart(cf) local args = { [1] = "CreatePart", [2] = "Normal", [3] = cf, [4] = workspace } _(args) end function DestroyPart(part) local args = { [1] = "Remove", [2] = { [1] = workspace.Part } } _(args) end function MovePart(part,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncMove", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf } } } _(args) end function Resize(part,size,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncResize", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf, ["Size"] = size } } } _(args) end function AddMesh(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateMeshes", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part } } } _(args) end function SetMesh(part,meshid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["MeshId"] = "rbxassetid://"..meshid } } } _(args) end function SetTexture(part, texid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["TextureId"] = "rbxassetid://"..texid } } } _(args) end function SetName(part, stringg) local args = { [1] = "SetName", [2] = { [1] = workspace.Part }, [3] = stringg } _(args) end function MeshResize(part,size) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Scale"] = size } } } _(args) end hrpcf = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame while wait(0.5) do x = hrpcf.x z = hrpcf.z randint = math.random(-600,600) randint2 = math.random(-600,600) xloc = randint + x zloc = randint2 + z cf = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.y + 400 spawn(function() CreatePart(CFrame.new(math.floor(xloc), math.random(cf,cf+400), math.floor(zloc))) for i,v in game.Workspace:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "Part" and v.Parent == workspace and v.CFrame.x == math.floor(xloc) and v.CFrame.z == math.floor(zloc) then SetName(v,"b_1337") SetAnchor(false,v) AddMesh(v) Resize(v, Vector3.new(100,100,100),v.CFrame) MeshResize(v,Vector3.new(20,20,20)) SetMesh(v,"1618237875") SetTexture(v, "1618237897") SetCollision(v,false) else end end end) end end) end end; task.spawn(C_12); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.Rain Toad.LocalScript local function C_15() local script = G2L["15"]; script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() --rgrg local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local char = player.Character local tool for i,v in player:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end for i,v in game.ReplicatedStorage:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end --craaa remote = tool.SyncAPI.ServerEndpoint function _(args) remote:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) end function SetCollision(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SyncCollision", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CanCollide"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function SetAnchor(boolean,part) local args = { [1] = "SyncAnchor", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Anchored"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function CreatePart(cf) local args = { [1] = "CreatePart", [2] = "Normal", [3] = cf, [4] = workspace } _(args) end function DestroyPart(part) local args = { [1] = "Remove", [2] = { [1] = workspace.Part } } _(args) end function MovePart(part,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncMove", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf } } } _(args) end function Resize(part,size,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncResize", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf, ["Size"] = size } } } _(args) end function AddMesh(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateMeshes", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part } } } _(args) end function SetMesh(part,meshid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["MeshId"] = "rbxassetid://"..meshid } } } _(args) end function SetTexture(part, texid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["TextureId"] = "rbxassetid://"..texid } } } _(args) end function SetName(part, stringg) local args = { [1] = "SetName", [2] = { [1] = workspace.Part }, [3] = stringg } _(args) end function MeshResize(part,size) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Scale"] = size } } } _(args) end hrpcf = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame while wait(0.5) do x = hrpcf.x z = hrpcf.z randint = math.random(-600,600) randint2 = math.random(-600,600) xloc = randint + x zloc = randint2 + z cf = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.y + 400 spawn(function() CreatePart(CFrame.new(math.floor(xloc), math.random(cf,cf+400), math.floor(zloc))) for i,v in game.Workspace:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "Part" and v.Parent == workspace and v.CFrame.x == math.floor(xloc) and v.CFrame.z == math.floor(zloc) then SetName(v,"b_1337") SetAnchor(false,v) AddMesh(v) Resize(v, Vector3.new(100,100,100),v.CFrame) MeshResize(v,Vector3.new(3,3,3)) SetMesh(v,"614605299") SetTexture(v, "614605300") SetCollision(v,false) else end end end) end end) end; task.spawn(C_15); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.ThomasEngine.LocalScript local function C_18() local script = G2L["18"]; script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local char = player.Character local tool for i,v in player:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end for i,v in game.ReplicatedStorage:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end --craaa remote = tool.SyncAPI.ServerEndpoint function _(args) remote:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) end function SetCollision(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SyncCollision", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CanCollide"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function SetAnchor(boolean,part) local args = { [1] = "SyncAnchor", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Anchored"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function CreatePart(cf,parent) local args = { [1] = "CreatePart", [2] = "Normal", [3] = cf, [4] = parent } _(args) end function DestroyPart(part) local args = { [1] = "Remove", [2] = { [1] = part } } _(args) end function MovePart(part,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncMove", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf } } } _(args) end function Resize(part,size,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncResize", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf, ["Size"] = size } } } _(args) end function AddMesh(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateMeshes", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part } } } _(args) end function SetMesh(part,meshid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["MeshId"] = "rbxassetid://"..meshid } } } _(args) end function SetTexture(part, texid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["TextureId"] = "rbxassetid://"..texid } } } _(args) end function SetName(part, stringg) local args = { [1] = "SetName", [2] = { [1] = workspace.Part }, [3] = stringg } _(args) end function MeshResize(part,size) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Scale"] = size } } } _(args) end function Weld(part1, part2,lead) local args = { [1] = "CreateWelds", [2] = { [1] = part1, [2] = part2 }, [3] = lead } _(args) end function SetLocked(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SetLocked", [2] = { [1] = part }, [3] = boolean } _(args) end function SetTrans(part,int) local args = { [1] = "SyncMaterial", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Transparency"] = int } } } _(args) end function CreateSpotlight(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateLights", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight" } } } _(args) end function SyncLighting(part,brightness) local args = { [1] = "SyncLighting", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight", ["Brightness"] = brightness } } } _(args) end function Thomas(player) SetAnchor(true,char.HumanoidRootPart) CreatePart(char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame,char) SetCollision(char.Part,false) SetLocked(char.Part,false) CreateSpotlight(char.Part) SyncLighting(char.Part,100) SetLocked(char.HumanoidRootPart,false) Weld(char.Part,char.HumanoidRootPart,char.Part) SetAnchor(false,char.Part) AddMesh(char.Part) MeshResize(char.Part,Vector3.new(3,3,3)) SetMesh(char.Part,"4340968808") SetTexture(char.Part,"4340968918") SetAnchor(false,char.HumanoidRootPart) char.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 100 char.HumanoidRootPart.Touched:connect(function(obj) if obj.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then SetLocked(obj.Parent.Head,false) DestroyPart(obj.Parent.Head) end end) game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function() for i,v in char:GetDescendants() do if v:IsA("BasePart") then char.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 100 v.CanCollide = false end end end) end Thomas(player) end) end; task.spawn(C_18); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.Unanchor.LocalScript local function C_1b() local script = G2L["1b"]; script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local char = player.Character local tool for i,v in player:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end for i,v in game.ReplicatedStorage:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end --craaa remote = tool.SyncAPI.ServerEndpoint function _(args) remote:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) end function SetCollision(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SyncCollision", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CanCollide"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function SetAnchor(boolean,part) local args = { [1] = "SyncAnchor", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Anchored"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function CreatePart(cf,parent) local args = { [1] = "CreatePart", [2] = "Normal", [3] = cf, [4] = parent } _(args) end function DestroyPart(part) local args = { [1] = "Remove", [2] = { [1] = part } } _(args) end function MovePart(part,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncMove", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf } } } _(args) end function Resize(part,size,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncResize", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf, ["Size"] = size } } } _(args) end function AddMesh(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateMeshes", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part } } } _(args) end function SetMesh(part,meshid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["MeshId"] = "rbxassetid://"..meshid } } } _(args) end function SetTexture(part, texid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["TextureId"] = "rbxassetid://"..texid } } } _(args) end function SetName(part, stringg) local args = { [1] = "SetName", [2] = { [1] = workspace.Part }, [3] = stringg } _(args) end function MeshResize(part,size) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Scale"] = size } } } _(args) end function Weld(part1, part2,lead) local args = { [1] = "CreateWelds", [2] = { [1] = part1, [2] = part2 }, [3] = lead } _(args) end function SetLocked(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SetLocked", [2] = { [1] = part }, [3] = boolean } _(args) end function SetTrans(part,int) local args = { [1] = "SyncMaterial", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Transparency"] = int } } } _(args) end function CreateSpotlight(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateLights", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight" } } } _(args) end function SyncLighting(part,brightness) local args = { [1] = "SyncLighting", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight", ["Brightness"] = brightness } } } _(args) end function Unanchor() for i,v in game.Workspace:GetDescendants() do spawn(function() SetLocked(v,false) SetAnchor(false,v) end) end end Unanchor() end) end; task.spawn(C_1b); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.CreateBasePlate.LocalScript local function C_1e() local script = G2L["1e"]; script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local char = player.Character local tool for i,v in player:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end for i,v in game.ReplicatedStorage:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end --craaa remote = tool.SyncAPI.ServerEndpoint function _(args) remote:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) end function SetCollision(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SyncCollision", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CanCollide"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function SetAnchor(boolean,part) local args = { [1] = "SyncAnchor", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Anchored"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function CreatePart(cf,parent,types) local args = { [1] = "CreatePart", [2] = types, [3] = cf, [4] = parent } _(args) end function DestroyPart(part) local args = { [1] = "Remove", [2] = { [1] = part } } _(args) end function MovePart(part,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncMove", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf } } } _(args) end function Resize(part,size,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncResize", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf, ["Size"] = size } } } _(args) end function AddMesh(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateMeshes", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part } } } _(args) end function SetMesh(part,meshid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["MeshId"] = "rbxassetid://"..meshid } } } _(args) end function SetTexture(part, texid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["TextureId"] = "rbxassetid://"..texid } } } _(args) end function SetName(part, stringg) local args = { [1] = "SetName", [2] = { [1] = workspace.Part }, [3] = stringg } _(args) end function MeshResize(part,size) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Scale"] = size } } } _(args) end function Weld(part1, part2,lead) local args = { [1] = "CreateWelds", [2] = { [1] = part1, [2] = part2 }, [3] = lead } _(args) end function SetLocked(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SetLocked", [2] = { [1] = part }, [3] = boolean } _(args) end function SetTrans(part,int) local args = { [1] = "SyncMaterial", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Transparency"] = int } } } _(args) end function CreateSpotlight(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateLights", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight" } } } _(args) end function SyncLighting(part,brightness) local args = { [1] = "SyncLighting", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight", ["Brightness"] = brightness } } } _(args) end function Material(part,mate) local args = { [1] = "SyncMaterial", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Material"] = mate } } } _(args) end function Color(part,color) local args = { [1] = "SyncColor", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Color"] = color --[[Color3]], ["UnionColoring"] = false } } } _(args) end hrpx = math.floor(char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.x) hrpz = math.floor(char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.z) hrpy = math.floor(char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.y) function SpawnBasePlate() CreatePart(CFrame.new(hrpx,hrpy-20,hrpz),workspace,"Spawn") for i,v in game.Workspace:GetChildren() do if v:IsA("BasePart") and v.CFrame.y == hrpy - 20 and v.CFrame.x == hrpx then spawn(function() Resize(v,Vector3.new(1000,2,1000),CFrame.new(hrpx,hrpy-20,hrpz)) Material(v,Enum.Material.Grass) Color(v,Color3.fromRGB(25,100,25)) while wait(1) do pcall(function()SetLocked(v,true)end) end end) end end end SpawnBasePlate() end) end; task.spawn(C_1e); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.KillAll.LocalScript local function C_21() local script = G2L["21"]; script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local char = player.Character local tool for i,v in player:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end for i,v in game.ReplicatedStorage:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end --craaa remote = tool.SyncAPI.ServerEndpoint function _(args) remote:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) end function SetCollision(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SyncCollision", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CanCollide"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function SetAnchor(boolean,part) local args = { [1] = "SyncAnchor", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Anchored"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function CreatePart(cf,parent) local args = { [1] = "CreatePart", [2] = "Normal", [3] = cf, [4] = parent } _(args) end function DestroyPart(part) local args = { [1] = "Remove", [2] = { [1] = part } } _(args) end function MovePart(part,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncMove", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf } } } _(args) end function Resize(part,size,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncResize", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf, ["Size"] = size } } } _(args) end function AddMesh(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateMeshes", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part } } } _(args) end function SetMesh(part,meshid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["MeshId"] = "rbxassetid://"..meshid } } } _(args) end function SetTexture(part, texid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["TextureId"] = "rbxassetid://"..texid } } } _(args) end function SetName(part, stringg) local args = { [1] = "SetName", [2] = { [1] = workspace.Part }, [3] = stringg } _(args) end function MeshResize(part,size) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Scale"] = size } } } _(args) end function Weld(part1, part2,lead) local args = { [1] = "CreateWelds", [2] = { [1] = part1, [2] = part2 }, [3] = lead } _(args) end function SetLocked(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SetLocked", [2] = { [1] = part }, [3] = boolean } _(args) end function SetTrans(part,int) local args = { [1] = "SyncMaterial", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Transparency"] = int } } } _(args) end function CreateSpotlight(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateLights", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight" } } } _(args) end function SyncLighting(part,brightness) local args = { [1] = "SyncLighting", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight", ["Brightness"] = brightness } } } _(args) end function KillAll() for i,v in game.Players:GetPlayers() do spawn(function() SetLocked(v.Character.Head,false) DestroyPart(v.Character.Head) end) end end KillAll() end) end; task.spawn(C_21); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.PersonalityAll.LocalScript local function C_24() local script = G2L["24"]; script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local char = player.Character local tool for i,v in player:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end for i,v in game.ReplicatedStorage:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end --craaa remote = tool.SyncAPI.ServerEndpoint function _(args) remote:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) end function SetCollision(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SyncCollision", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CanCollide"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function SetAnchor(boolean,part) local args = { [1] = "SyncAnchor", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Anchored"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function CreatePart(cf,parent) local args = { [1] = "CreatePart", [2] = "Normal", [3] = cf, [4] = parent } _(args) end function DestroyPart(part) local args = { [1] = "Remove", [2] = { [1] = part } } _(args) end function MovePart(part,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncMove", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf } } } _(args) end function Resize(part,size,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncResize", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf, ["Size"] = size } } } _(args) end function AddMesh(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateMeshes", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part } } } _(args) end function SetMesh(part,meshid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["MeshId"] = "rbxassetid://"..meshid } } } _(args) end function SetTexture(part, texid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["TextureId"] = "rbxassetid://"..texid } } } _(args) end function SetName(part, stringg) local args = { [1] = "SetName", [2] = { [1] = part }, [3] = stringg } _(args) end function MeshResize(part,size) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Scale"] = size } } } _(args) end function Weld(part1, part2,lead) local args = { [1] = "CreateWelds", [2] = { [1] = part1, [2] = part2 }, [3] = lead } _(args) end function SetLocked(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SetLocked", [2] = { [1] = part }, [3] = boolean } _(args) end function SetTrans(part,int) local args = { [1] = "SyncMaterial", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Transparency"] = int } } } _(args) end function CreateSpotlight(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateLights", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight" } } } _(args) end function SyncLighting(part,brightness) local args = { [1] = "SyncLighting", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight", ["Brightness"] = brightness } } } _(args) end function Color(part,color) local args = { [1] = "SyncColor", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Color"] = color --[[Color3]], ["UnionColoring"] = false } } } _(args) end function Boob(player) char = player.Character for i,v in char:GetChildren() do pcall(function() SetLocked(v,false) end) end if player.Character:FindFirstChild("Boob2") then return else SetAnchor(true,player.Character.HumanoidRootPart) spawn(function() CreatePart(player.Character:WaitForChild("Right Leg").CFrame * CFrame.new(0,2,-0.6),player.Character) SetName(player.Character.Part,"Boob1") CreatePart(player.Character:WaitForChild("Left Leg").CFrame * CFrame.new(0,2,-0.6),player.Character) SetName(player.Character.Part,"Boob2") end) wait(0.2) repeat wait() until char:FindFirstChild("Boob2") spawn(function() AddMesh(char.Boob1) AddMesh(char.Boob2) SetMesh(char.Boob1,"5697933202") SetMesh(char.Boob2,"5697933202") end) wait(0.2) repeat wait() until char.Boob2:FindFirstChild("Mesh") MeshResize(char.Boob1,Vector3.new(0.4,0.4,0.4)) MeshResize(char.Boob2,Vector3.new(0.4,0.4,0.4)) pcall(function() Color(char.Boob1,char:WaitForChild("Torso").Color) Color(char.Boob2,char:WaitForChild("Torso").Color) end) wait(0.2) spawn(function() SetCollision(player.Character.Boob1,false) SetCollision(player.Character.Boob2,false) Weld(char.Boob1,char.HumanoidRootPart,char.Boob1) Weld(char.Boob2,char.Boob1,char.Boob2) end) repeat wait() until char.Boob2:FindFirstChild("BTWeld") for i,v in char:GetChildren() do pcall(function() SetLocked(v,false) end) end for i,v in char:GetChildren() do pcall(function() SetAnchor(false,v) end) end spawn(function() SetAnchor(false,char.HumanoidRootPart) SetAnchor(false,char.Boob1) SetAnchor(false,char.Boob2) end) end end for i,v in game.Players:GetPlayers() do --spawn(function() pcall(function() Boob(v) end) --end) end end) end; task.spawn(C_24); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.Skybox.LocalScript local function C_27() local script = G2L["27"]; script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() --rgrg local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local char = player.Character local tool for i,v in player:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end for i,v in game.ReplicatedStorage:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end --craaa remote = tool.SyncAPI.ServerEndpoint function _(args) remote:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) end function SetCollision(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SyncCollision", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CanCollide"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function SetAnchor(boolean,part) local args = { [1] = "SyncAnchor", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Anchored"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function CreatePart(cf,parent) local args = { [1] = "CreatePart", [2] = "Normal", [3] = cf, [4] = parent } _(args) end function DestroyPart(part) local args = { [1] = "Remove", [2] = { [1] = part } } _(args) end function MovePart(part,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncMove", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf } } } _(args) end function Resize(part,size,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncResize", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf, ["Size"] = size } } } _(args) end function AddMesh(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateMeshes", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part } } } _(args) end function SetMesh(part,meshid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["MeshId"] = "rbxassetid://"..meshid } } } _(args) end function SetTexture(part, texid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["TextureId"] = "rbxassetid://"..texid } } } _(args) end function SetName(part, stringg) local args = { [1] = "SetName", [2] = { [1] = part }, [3] = stringg } _(args) end function MeshResize(part,size) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Scale"] = size } } } _(args) end function Weld(part1, part2,lead) local args = { [1] = "CreateWelds", [2] = { [1] = part1, [2] = part2 }, [3] = lead } _(args) end function SetLocked(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SetLocked", [2] = { [1] = part }, [3] = boolean } _(args) end function SetTrans(part,int) local args = { [1] = "SyncMaterial", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Transparency"] = int } } } _(args) end function CreateSpotlight(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateLights", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight" } } } _(args) end function SyncLighting(part,brightness) local args = { [1] = "SyncLighting", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight", ["Brightness"] = brightness } } } _(args) end function Color(part,color) local args = { [1] = "SyncColor", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Color"] = color --[[Color3]], ["UnionColoring"] = false } } } _(args) end function SpawnDecal(part,side) local args = { [1] = "CreateTextures", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Face"] = side, ["TextureType"] = "Decal" } } } _(args) end function AddDecal(part,asset,side) local args = { [1] = "SyncTexture", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Face"] = side, ["TextureType"] = "Decal", ["Texture"] = "rbxassetid://".. asset } } } _(args) end function Sky(id) e = char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.x f = char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.y g = char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.z CreatePart(CFrame.new(math.floor(e),math.floor(f),math.floor(g)) + Vector3.new(0,6,0),workspace) for i,v in game.Workspace:GetDescendants() do if v:IsA("BasePart") and v.CFrame.x == math.floor(e) and v.CFrame.z == math.floor(g) then --spawn(function() SetName(v,"Sky") AddMesh(v) --end) --spawn(function() SetMesh(v,"8006679977") SetTexture(v,id) --end) MeshResize(v,Vector3.new(50,50,50)) SetLocked(v,true) end end end Sky("3342499434") end) end; task.spawn(C_27); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.Peircer.LocalScript local function C_2a() local script = G2L["2a"]; script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local char = player.Character local tool for i,v in player:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end for i,v in game.ReplicatedStorage:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end --craaa remote = tool.SyncAPI.ServerEndpoint function _(args) remote:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) end function SetCollision(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SyncCollision", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CanCollide"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function SetAnchor(boolean,part) local args = { [1] = "SyncAnchor", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Anchored"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function CreatePart(cf,parent) local args = { [1] = "CreatePart", [2] = "Normal", [3] = cf, [4] = parent } _(args) end function DestroyPart(part) local args = { [1] = "Remove", [2] = { [1] = part } } _(args) end function MovePart(part,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncMove", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf } } } _(args) end function Resize(part,size,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncResize", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf, ["Size"] = size } } } _(args) end function AddMesh(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateMeshes", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part } } } _(args) end function SetMesh(part,meshid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["MeshId"] = "rbxassetid://"..meshid } } } _(args) end function SetTexture(part, texid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["TextureId"] = "rbxassetid://"..texid } } } _(args) end function SetName(part, stringg) local args = { [1] = "SetName", [2] = { [1] = part }, [3] = stringg } _(args) end function MeshResize(part,size) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Scale"] = size } } } _(args) end function Weld(part1, part2,lead) local args = { [1] = "CreateWelds", [2] = { [1] = part1, [2] = part2 }, [3] = lead } _(args) end function SetLocked(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SetLocked", [2] = { [1] = part }, [3] = boolean } _(args) end function SetTrans(part,int) local args = { [1] = "SyncMaterial", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Transparency"] = int } } } _(args) end function CreateSpotlight(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateLights", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight" } } } _(args) end function SyncLighting(part,brightness) local args = { [1] = "SyncLighting", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight", ["Brightness"] = brightness } } } _(args) end function Color(part,color) local args = { [1] = "SyncColor", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Color"] = color --[[Color3]], ["UnionColoring"] = false } } } _(args) end function Penis(player) char = player.Character for i,v in char:GetChildren() do pcall(function() SetLocked(v,false) end) end if player.Character:FindFirstChild("Penis") then return else SetAnchor(true,player.Character.HumanoidRootPart) spawn(function() CreatePart(player.Character:WaitForChild("Right Leg").CFrame * CFrame.new(-0.8,1,-0.6),player.Character) SetName(player.Character.Part,"Balls1") CreatePart(player.Character:WaitForChild("Left Leg").CFrame * CFrame.new(0.8,1,-0.6),player.Character) SetName(player.Character.Part,"Balls2") end) wait(0.2) repeat wait() until char:FindFirstChild("Balls2") print("done") spawn(function() CreatePart(player.Character:WaitForChild("Torso").CFrame * CFrame.new(0,-1,-1.3),player.Character) SetName(player.Character.Part,"Penis") CreatePart(player.Character:WaitForChild("Torso").CFrame * CFrame.new(0,-1,-2.5),player.Character) SetName(player.Character.Part,"Head1") end) repeat wait() until char:FindFirstChild("Head1") spawn(function() AddMesh(char.Balls1) AddMesh(char.Balls2) AddMesh(char.Head1) AddMesh(char.Penis) end) repeat wait() until char.Penis:FindFirstChild("Mesh") spawn(function() SetMesh(char.Penis,"4743972117") SetMesh(char.Head1,"4743972117") MeshResize(char.Penis,Vector3.new(0.5,0.5,3)) MeshResize(char.Head1,Vector3.new(0.5,0.5,1)) end) spawn(function() Weld(char.Penis,char.HumanoidRootPart,char.Penis) SetMesh(char.Balls1,"5697933202") SetMesh(char.Balls2,"5697933202") MeshResize(char.Balls1,Vector3.new(0.2,0.2,0.2)) MeshResize(char.Balls2,Vector3.new(0.2,0.2,0.2)) end) wait(0.2) pcall(function() Color(char.Balls1,char:WaitForChild("Torso").Color) Color(char.Balls2,char:WaitForChild("Torso").Color) Color(char.Penis,char:WaitForChild("Torso").Color) Color(char.Head1, Color3.fromRGB(255,100,100)) end) wait(0.2) spawn(function() SetCollision(player.Character.Balls1,false) SetCollision(player.Character.Balls2,false) SetCollision(player.Character.Penis,false) SetCollision(player.Character.Head1,false) end) wait(0.2) spawn(function() Weld(char.Balls1,char.HumanoidRootPart,char.Balls1) Weld(char.Balls2,char.Balls1,char.Balls2) Weld(char.Head1,char.Penis,char.Head1) end) wait(0.2) spawn(function() SetAnchor(false,char.Balls1) SetAnchor(false,char.Balls2) SetAnchor(false,char.Penis) SetAnchor(false,char.Head1) SetAnchor(false,char.HumanoidRootPart) end) repeat wait() SetAnchor(false,char.HumanoidRootPart) SetAnchor(false,char.Balls1) SetAnchor(false,char.Balls2) SetAnchor(false,char.Penis) SetAnchor(false,char.Head1) until char.Head1.Anchored == false end end for i,v in game.Players:GetPlayers() do --spawn(function() --pcall(function() Penis(player) --end) --end) end end) end; task.spawn(C_2a); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.StickAll.LocalScript local function C_2d() local script = G2L["2d"]; script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local char = player.Character local tool for i,v in player:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end for i,v in game.ReplicatedStorage:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end --craaa remote = tool.SyncAPI.ServerEndpoint function _(args) remote:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) end function SetCollision(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SyncCollision", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CanCollide"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function SetAnchor(boolean,part) local args = { [1] = "SyncAnchor", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Anchored"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function CreatePart(cf,parent) local args = { [1] = "CreatePart", [2] = "Normal", [3] = cf, [4] = parent } _(args) end function DestroyPart(part) local args = { [1] = "Remove", [2] = { [1] = part } } _(args) end function MovePart(part,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncMove", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf } } } _(args) end function Resize(part,size,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncResize", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf, ["Size"] = size } } } _(args) end function AddMesh(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateMeshes", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part } } } _(args) end function SetMesh(part,meshid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["MeshId"] = "rbxassetid://"..meshid } } } _(args) end function SetTexture(part, texid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["TextureId"] = "rbxassetid://"..texid } } } _(args) end function SetName(part, stringg) local args = { [1] = "SetName", [2] = { [1] = part }, [3] = stringg } _(args) end function MeshResize(part,size) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Scale"] = size } } } _(args) end function Weld(part1, part2,lead) local args = { [1] = "CreateWelds", [2] = { [1] = part1, [2] = part2 }, [3] = lead } _(args) end function SetLocked(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SetLocked", [2] = { [1] = part }, [3] = boolean } _(args) end function SetTrans(part,int) local args = { [1] = "SyncMaterial", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Transparency"] = int } } } _(args) end function CreateSpotlight(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateLights", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight" } } } _(args) end function SyncLighting(part,brightness) local args = { [1] = "SyncLighting", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight", ["Brightness"] = brightness } } } _(args) end function Color(part,color) local args = { [1] = "SyncColor", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Color"] = color --[[Color3]], ["UnionColoring"] = false } } } _(args) end function Stickify() for i,v in game.Players:GetPlayers() do for i,x in v.Character:GetDescendants() do if x:IsA("BasePart") then SetLocked(x,false) end end Weld(v.Character.HumanoidRootPart,char.HumanoidRootPart,v.Character.HumanoidRootPart) end end Stickify() end) end; task.spawn(C_2d); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.TwigAll.LocalScript local function C_30() local script = G2L["30"]; script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local char = player.Character local tool for i,v in player:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end for i,v in game.ReplicatedStorage:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end --craaa remote = tool.SyncAPI.ServerEndpoint function _(args) remote:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) end function SetCollision(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SyncCollision", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CanCollide"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function SetAnchor(boolean,part) local args = { [1] = "SyncAnchor", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Anchored"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function CreatePart(cf,parent) local args = { [1] = "CreatePart", [2] = "Normal", [3] = cf, [4] = parent } _(args) end function DestroyPart(part) local args = { [1] = "Remove", [2] = { [1] = part } } _(args) end function MovePart(part,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncMove", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf } } } _(args) end function Resize(part,size,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncResize", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf, ["Size"] = size } } } _(args) end function AddMesh(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateMeshes", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part } } } _(args) end function SetMesh(part,meshid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["MeshId"] = "rbxassetid://"..meshid } } } _(args) end function SetTexture(part, texid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["TextureId"] = "rbxassetid://"..texid } } } _(args) end function SetName(part, stringg) local args = { [1] = "SetName", [2] = { [1] = part }, [3] = stringg } _(args) end function MeshResize(part,size) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Scale"] = size } } } _(args) end function Weld(part1, part2,lead) local args = { [1] = "CreateWelds", [2] = { [1] = part1, [2] = part2 }, [3] = lead } _(args) end function SetLocked(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SetLocked", [2] = { [1] = part }, [3] = boolean } _(args) end function SetTrans(part,int) local args = { [1] = "SyncMaterial", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Transparency"] = int } } } _(args) end function CreateSpotlight(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateLights", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight" } } } _(args) end function SyncLighting(part,brightness) local args = { [1] = "SyncLighting", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight", ["Brightness"] = brightness } } } _(args) end function Color(part,color) local args = { [1] = "SyncColor", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Color"] = color --[[Color3]], ["UnionColoring"] = false } } } _(args) end function Twig() for i,v in game.Players:GetPlayers() do for i,x in v.Character:GetDescendants() do if x:IsA("BasePart") then pcall(function() SetLocked(x,false) AddMesh(x) MeshResize(x,Vector3.new(1,2,0.1)) end) end end end end Twig() end) end; task.spawn(C_30); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.Main.FireParts.LocalScript local function C_33() local script = G2L["33"]; script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local char = player.Character local tool for i,v in player:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end for i,v in game.ReplicatedStorage:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "SyncAPI" then tool = v.Parent end end --craaa remote = tool.SyncAPI.ServerEndpoint function _(args) remote:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) end function SetCollision(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SyncCollision", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CanCollide"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function SetAnchor(boolean,part) local args = { [1] = "SyncAnchor", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Anchored"] = boolean } } } _(args) end function CreatePart(cf,parent) local args = { [1] = "CreatePart", [2] = "Normal", [3] = cf, [4] = parent } _(args) end function DestroyPart(part) local args = { [1] = "Remove", [2] = { [1] = part } } _(args) end function MovePart(part,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncMove", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf } } } _(args) end function Resize(part,size,cf) local args = { [1] = "SyncResize", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["CFrame"] = cf, ["Size"] = size } } } _(args) end function AddMesh(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateMeshes", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part } } } _(args) end function SetMesh(part,meshid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["MeshId"] = "rbxassetid://"..meshid } } } _(args) end function SetTexture(part, texid) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["TextureId"] = "rbxassetid://"..texid } } } _(args) end function SetName(part, stringg) local args = { [1] = "SetName", [2] = { [1] = workspace.Part }, [3] = stringg } _(args) end function MeshResize(part,size) local args = { [1] = "SyncMesh", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Scale"] = size } } } _(args) end function Weld(part1, part2,lead) local args = { [1] = "CreateWelds", [2] = { [1] = part1, [2] = part2 }, [3] = lead } _(args) end function SetLocked(part,boolean) local args = { [1] = "SetLocked", [2] = { [1] = part }, [3] = boolean } _(args) end function SetTrans(part,int) local args = { [1] = "SyncMaterial", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["Transparency"] = int } } } _(args) end function CreateSpotlight(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateLights", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight" } } } _(args) end function SyncLighting(part,brightness) local args = { [1] = "SyncLighting", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["LightType"] = "SpotLight", ["Brightness"] = brightness } } } _(args) end function AddFire(part) local args = { [1] = "CreateDecorations", [2] = { [1] = { ["Part"] = part, ["DecorationType"] = "Fire" } } } _(args) end function FireParts() for i,v in game.Workspace:GetDescendants() do spawn(function() SetLocked(v,false) AddFire(v) end) end end FireParts() end) end; task.spawn(C_33); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.OpenCloseKeybind local function C_35() local script = G2L["35"]; local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse() mouse.KeyDown:Connect(function(k) if k == "v" then script.Parent.Visible = not script.Parent.Visible end end) end; task.spawn(C_35); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.MinimizeButton.LocalScript local function C_38() local script = G2L["38"]; script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() script.Parent.Parent.Main.Visible = not script.Parent.Parent.Main.Visible end) end; task.spawn(C_38); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.CloseButton.LocalScript local function C_3b() local script = G2L["3b"]; script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Bar:Destroy() end) end; task.spawn(C_3b); -- StarterGui.F3XHUB.Bar.DraggableScript local function C_3c() local script = G2L["3c"]; script.Parent.Active = true script.Parent.Selectable = true script.Parent.Draggable = true end; task.spawn(C_3c); return G2L["1"], require;