-- Created By Nosss Supports mostly, all hood games! -- I UPDATED THIS TO ADD ANTI-AIM RESOLVER AND SOME FIXES TO QUALITY OF LIFE STUFF! getgenv().ToggleKey = ( "e" ) -- [ Toggle On And Off | Stop asking re-tarded questions ] getgenv().Prediction = ( 0.18 ) -- [ Lower Prediction: Lower Ping | Higher Prediction: Higher Ping ] getgenv().FOV = ( 350 ) -- [ Increases Or Decreases FOV Radius ] getgenv().FOV_Visible = false -- [ True or False, same for below ] getgenv().TargetAim_Visible = true -- [ Shows The Dot Or Disables It ] getgenv().FIXCrossHair = true -- [ Attempts to Fix the crosshair-placement when you toggle silent-aim, you will want to leave this on true ] getgenv().AntiAimResolver = false -- [ True or False | Bypasses anti-lock what else would it do :V ] getgenv().DontShootMyFriends = true -- [ True or False ] getgenv().DontShootThesePeople = { -- [ List Of Who Not To Shoot like this. "Quotations with their name and then a comma afterwards for each line"; ] "Player1"; "Player2"; }; task.wait(1) --- ysyncload loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Nosssa/NossLock/main/ReZero", true))();