--[[ ___ ___ ___ _ _ _ _ ( _ \ / ___)/ ___) (_ ) ( ) ( ) ( ) | (_) )_ _| (__ | (__ _ _ | | _ | |_| |_ _| |_ | _ (( ) ( ) __)| __) / _ )| | / _ \ | _ | ) ( ) _ \ | (_) ) (_) | | | | ( (_| || |( (_) ) | | | | (_) | |_) ) (____/ \___/(_) (_) \__ _)___)\___/ (_) (_)\___/(_ __/ \__ Buffalo Hub https://discord.gg/HUhgrny78k \__ Welcome to BUFFALO HUB. ]]-- getgenv().buffaloconfiggame01928409798125734895184067981 = { Parry = 10, -- Distance Ball Before Auto Parry ->Recomended 40-50<- **Remember!! This is not 100% Accuracy. It's Depend on Ball's Speed and The ball's Hitbox Not the same as Client's Hitbox** } local Players = game:GetService("Players") local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace") local a07127575175871248578421548616 = Players.LocalPlayer Workspace.Balls.ChildAdded:Connect(function(child) local b1234567890098765432123456789876543212345678765565e67653212345678 = task.spawn(function() local f5432123456789876543234 = child while task.wait() do if string.find(f5432123456789876543234.BrickColor.Name:lower(), "red") then while a07127575175871248578421548616:DistanceFromCharacter(f5432123456789876543234.CFrame.Position) > getgenv().buffaloconfiggame01928409798125734895184067981.Parry do task.wait() end local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local ParryButtonPress = ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.ParryButtonPress ParryButtonPress:Fire() end end end) child.Destroying:Connect(function() task.cancel(b1234567890098765432123456789876543212345678765565e67653212345678) end) end)