local UILib = loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StepBroFurious/Script/main/HydraHubUi.lua'))() local Window = UILib.new("Blade Ball", game.Players.LocalPlayer.UserId, "NXT. Member") local Category1 = Window:Category("Main", "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=8395621517") local SubButton1 = Category1:Button("Combat", "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=8395747586") local Section1 = SubButton1:Section("Section", "Left") Section1:Button({ Title = "Circle Parry", ButtonName = "Start", Description = "X to stop", }, function(value) getgenv().visualizer = true loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/1f0yt/community/main/RedCircleBlock"))() end) Section1:Button({ Title = "AI Parry", ButtonName = "Start", Description = "AI", }, function(value) getgenv().Mode = "AI" -- "AimOnly","Rage", "AI" getgenv().ForceWin = false --100% Win Need Telekenis getgenv().AutoUseSkill = true getgenv().BaseVelocity = 0 --Base On The Server, IDK Where To Get it It Should Be 4-6 Or 0 (Old Server) getgenv().BasePredictVelocity = 3.4 -- Should be From 3-3.5 Work Good With 3 If Old Server getgenv().VisualizePath = true -- false // getgenv().AutoSpamClickDetect = true -- Spam Click If Near Other Player getgenv().CloseRangeAttack = true -- Just Move Forward To The Last Character getgenv().AutoGetVelocity = false -- Need The Ball To Be Stopped getgenv().AutoClickKeyBind = "X" -- Need The Ball To Be Stopped loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://api.luarmor.net/files/v3/loaders/fd07660d92cb26891e9acfab9f0c6ba4.lua"))() end)