--[[ $$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ \__| $$ | $$ | $$ __$$\ $$ | $$ | $$ __$$\ $$ | $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$ | $$\ $$ / $$ | $$$$$$$ | $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$ / \__|$$\ $$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$ __$$\ \____$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ |$$ _____|$$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ | $$ |\$$$$$$$ | $$ __$$ |$$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$$$\ $$ | $$ |$$ _____|$$ _____|\____$$\\_$$ _| $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ / $$ | $$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ |$$ / $$ | $$ |$$ / $$ |$$ / $$ |$$$$$$ / \____$$ | $$ / $$ |$$$$$$$$ |$$ / $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ _| $$ | $$ |\$$$$$$\ $$ / $$$$$$$ | $$ | $$ / $$ |$$ | \__| $$ | $$ |$$ __$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ _$$< $$\ $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ ____|$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | \____$$\ $$ | $$ __$$ | $$ |$$\ $$ | $$ |$$ | $$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ |\$$$$$$$\ $$ | $$ |\$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$ |$$ | \$$\ \$$$$$$ | \$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$\ \$$$$$$ |$$$$$$$ |$$ | \$$$$$$ |$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$\\$$$$$$$ | \$$$$ |\$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ ____/ \_______|\__| \__|\__| \_______|\__| \__| \______/ \______/ \__| \__| \______/ \_______| \_______| \______/ \_______/ \__| \______/ \_______/ \_______|\_______| \____/ \______/ \__| $$ | $$ | \__| ]] if not LPH_OBFUSCATED then LPH_JIT = function(...) return ... end LPH_JIT_MAX = function(...) return ... end LPH_JIT_ULTRA = function(...) return ... end LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE = function(...) return ... end LPH_NO_UPVALUES = function(f) return function(...) return f(...) end end LPH_ENCSTR = function(...) return ... end LPH_STRENC = function(...) return ... end LPH_HOOK_FIX = function(...) return ... end LPH_CRASH = function() return print(debug.traceback()) end end local wrap = LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function(f) coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(f)) end) -- BYPASS 2 local antihitbox antihitbox = hookmetamethod( game, "__index", newcclosure(function(...) local self, k = ... if not checkcaller() and k == "Size" and self.Name == "Head" then return Vector3.new(1.67225, 0.835624, 0.835624) end return antihitbox(...) end) ) warn("[ASTRAL DEV] Full-Hitbox Bypass Loaded Success") -- Full Server Side Bypass local index index = hookmetamethod( game, "__index", newcclosure(LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function(obj, idx) if index(obj, "Name") == "Leaves" and idx == "Transparency" then return 0.4 end if index(obj, "Name") == "Terrain" and idx == "Decoration" then return true end if index(obj, "Name") == "PlayerHitHeadshot" and idx == "SoundId" then return "rbxassetid://9119561046" end if index(obj, "Name") == "PlayerHitHeadshot" and idx == "Volume" then return 2 end if index(obj, "Name") == "PlayerHit" and idx == "SoundId" then return "rbxassetid://9114487369" end if index(obj, "Name") == "PlayerHit" and idx == "Volume" then return 2 end return index(obj, idx) end)) ) local config = Instance.new("Folder") config.Name = "Monkey" config.Parent = workspace local OreESPAdornee = Instance.new("Folder") OreESPAdornee.Name = "OreESPAdornee" OreESPAdornee.Parent = workspace:WaitForChild("Monkey") local PlayerESPAdornee = Instance.new("Folder") PlayerESPAdornee.Name = "PlayerESPAdornee" PlayerESPAdornee.Parent = workspace:WaitForChild("Monkey") local TotemESPAdornee = Instance.new("Folder") TotemESPAdornee.Name = "TotemESPAdornee" TotemESPAdornee.Parent = workspace:WaitForChild("Monkey") local StorageESPAdornee = Instance.new("Folder") StorageESPAdornee.Name = "StorageESPAdornee" StorageESPAdornee.Parent = workspace:WaitForChild("Monkey") local oldTick = tick() local Camera = game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera local CharcaterMiddle = game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.LocalCharacter.Middle local Mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse() local Sky = game:GetService("Lighting"):FindFirstChildOfClass("Sky") if not Sky then Sky = Instance.new("Sky", Lighting) end -- Globals local _Network = getrenv()._G.modules.Network local _Player = getrenv()._G.modules.Player local _Character = getrenv()._G.modules.Character local _Camera = getrenv()._G.modules.Camera -- BAR local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") local function RUN() local scriptConns = {} local scriptObjects = {} local barBackground = Drawing.new("Square") barBackground.Size = Vector2.new(160, 10) -- Adjust the size of the background barBackground.Color = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) barBackground.Filled = true barBackground.Visible = true scriptObjects.background = barBackground local barInside = Drawing.new("Square") barInside.Size = Vector2.new(0, 6) -- Adjust the size of the inside bar barInside.Color = Color3.fromHSV(0.5, 1, 1) barInside.Filled = true barInside.Visible = true scriptObjects.inside = barInside local runService = game:GetService("RunService") local guiService = game:GetService("GuiService") local timeCounter = 0 scriptConns.Update = runService.Heartbeat:Connect(function(deltaTime) timeCounter = timeCounter + deltaTime * 2 local barWidth = barBackground.Size.X local screenCenter = guiService:GetScreenResolution() / 2 local barCenter = screenCenter + Vector2.new(-barWidth / 2, 80) barBackground.Position = barCenter if timeCounter >= 0.98 then game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.LocalCharacter.Middle.Anchored = false if game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("Airwalk") then game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("Airwalk"):Destroy() end barBackground:Remove() barInside:Remove() scriptConns.Update:Disconnect() return end local insideWidth = timeCounter * barWidth barInside.Position = barCenter - Vector2.new(insideWidth / 2, 0) + Vector2.new(barWidth / 2, 2) barInside.Size = Vector2.new(insideWidth, 6) -- Adjust the size of the inside bar barInside.Color = Color3.fromHSV(0.25 - (timeCounter / 4), 1, 1) end) end --Tables local Functions = {} local Esp = { Settings = { Boxes = false, BoxesOutline = true, BoxesColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), BoxesOutlineColor = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0), Sleeping = false, SleepingColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), Distances = false, DistanceColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), Armour = false, ArmourColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), Tool = false, ToolColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), Tracer = false, TracerColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), TracerThickness = 1, TracerTransparrency = 1, TracerFrom = "Bottom", ViewAngle = false, ViewAngleColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), ViewAngleThickness = 1, ViewAngleTransparrency = 1, OreDistances = false, OreDistanceColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), OreNames = false, OreNamesColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), OresRenderDistance = 1500, TextFont = 2, TextOutline = true, TextSize = 15, RenderDistance = 1500, TeamCheck = false, TargetSleepers = false, MinTextSize = 8, }, Drawings = {}, Connections = {}, Players = {}, Ores = {}, StorageThings = {}, } local Fonts = { ["UI"] = 0, ["System"] = 1, ["Plex"] = 2, ["Monospace"] = 3 } local Fov = { Settings = { FovEnabled = false, FovColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), FovSize = 90, FovFilled = false, FovTransparency = 1, OutlineFovColor = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0), Dynamic = true, RealFovSize = 90, FovPosition = "Mouse", Snapline = false, SnaplineColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), }, } local Combat = { Settings = { SilentEnabled = false, SilentHitChance = 100, SilentAimPart = "Head", TeamCheck = true, SleeperCheck = true, } } local Spinbot = { Settings = { Enabled = false, Speed = 23, Mode = "Random", ForceCrouch = false, } } local Misc = { Settings = { SpeedHackEnabled = false, SpeedHackSpeed = 30, LeavesTrans = 0.4, } } local cache, OreCache = {}, {} local AllowedOres, AllowedItems = { "StoneOre", "NitrateOre", "IronOre" }, { "PartsBox", "MilitaryCrate", "SnallBox", "SnallBox", "Backpack", "VendingMachine" } local SkyBoxes = { ["Standard"] = { ["SkyboxBk"] = Sky.SkyboxBk, ["SkyboxDn"] = Sky.SkyboxDn, ["SkyboxFt"] = Sky.SkyboxFt, ["SkyboxLf"] = Sky.SkyboxLf, ["SkyboxRt"] = Sky.SkyboxRt, ["SkyboxUp"] = Sky.SkyboxUp, }, ["Among Us"] = { ["SkyboxBk"] = "rbxassetid://5752463190", ["SkyboxDn"] = "rbxassetid://5752463190", ["SkyboxFt"] = "rbxassetid://5752463190", ["SkyboxLf"] = "rbxassetid://5752463190", ["SkyboxRt"] = "rbxassetid://5752463190", ["SkyboxUp"] = "rbxassetid://5752463190", }, ["Spongebob"] = { ["SkyboxBk"] = "rbxassetid://277099484", ["SkyboxDn"] = "rbxassetid://277099500", ["SkyboxFt"] = "rbxassetid://277099554", ["SkyboxLf"] = "rbxassetid://277099531", ["SkyboxRt"] = "rbxassetid://277099589", ["SkyboxUp"] = "rbxassetid://277101591", }, ["Deep Space"] = { ["SkyboxBk"] = "rbxassetid://159248188", ["SkyboxDn"] = "rbxassetid://159248183", ["SkyboxFt"] = "rbxassetid://159248187", ["SkyboxLf"] = "rbxassetid://159248173", ["SkyboxRt"] = "rbxassetid://159248192", ["SkyboxUp"] = "rbxassetid://159248176", }, ["Winter"] = { ["SkyboxBk"] = "rbxassetid://510645155", ["SkyboxDn"] = "rbxassetid://510645130", ["SkyboxFt"] = "rbxassetid://510645179", ["SkyboxLf"] = "rbxassetid://510645117", ["SkyboxRt"] = "rbxassetid://510645146", ["SkyboxUp"] = "rbxassetid://510645195", }, ["Clouded Sky"] = { ["SkyboxBk"] = "rbxassetid://252760981", ["SkyboxDn"] = "rbxassetid://252763035", ["SkyboxFt"] = "rbxassetid://252761439", ["SkyboxLf"] = "rbxassetid://252760980", ["SkyboxRt"] = "rbxassetid://252760986", ["SkyboxUp"] = "rbxassetid://252762652", }, --["test"] = {"SkyboxBk"="rbxassetid://","SkyboxDn"="rbxassetid://","SkyboxFt"="rbxassetid://","SkyboxLf"="rbxassetid://","SkyboxRt"="rbxassetid://","SkyboxUp"="rbxassetid://"}, } LPH_JIT_MAX(function() function Functions:GetClosest() local closest, PlayerDistance, playerTable = nil, Esp.Settings.RenderDistance, nil for i, v in pairs(getupvalues(getrenv()._G.modules.Player.GetPlayerModel)[1]) do if v.model:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then local Mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse() local pos, OnScreen = Camera.WorldToViewportPoint(Camera, v.model:GetPivot().Position) local MouseMagnitude = (Vector2.new(pos.X, pos.Y) - Vector2.new(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y)).Magnitude local PlayerDistance = (CharcaterMiddle:GetPivot().Position - v.model:GetPivot().Position).Magnitude if MouseMagnitude < Fov.Settings.RealFovSize and PlayerDistance <= Esp.Settings.RenderDistance and OnScreen == true then closest = v.model PlayerDistance = PlayerDistance playerTable = v end end end return closest, playerTable end end)() function Functions:GetProjectileInfo() if getrenv()._G.modules.FPS.GetEquippedItem() == nil then return 0, 0 end local mod = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ItemConfigs[getrenv()._G.modules.FPS.GetEquippedItem().id]) for i, v in pairs(mod) do if i == "ProjectileSpeed" or i == "ProjectileDrop" then return mod.ProjectileSpeed, mod.ProjectileDrop end end return 0, 0 end LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function() function Functions:Predict() local Prediction = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0) local Drop = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0) if Functions:GetClosest() ~= nil then local ps, pd = Functions:GetProjectileInfo() local Player, PlayerTable = Functions:GetClosest() local Velocity = PlayerTable.velocityVector local Distance = (CharcaterMiddle.Position - Player[Combat.Settings.SilentAimPart].Position).Magnitude if ps == 0 then ps = 500 end if pd == 0 then pd = 1 end local TimeOfFlight = Distance / ps newps = ps - 13 * ps ^ 2 * TimeOfFlight ^ 2 TimeOfFlight = TimeOfFlight + (Distance / newps) if Velocity and TimeOfFlight then Drop = Vector3.new(0, TimeOfFlight, 0) Prediction = (Velocity * (TimeOfFlight * 10)) * 0.5 Prediction = Prediction + Drop end end return Prediction, Drop end end)() function Functions:Draw(Type, Propities) if not Type and not Propities then return end local drawing = Drawing.new(Type) for i, v in pairs(Propities) do drawing[i] = v end table.insert(Esp.Drawings, drawing) return drawing end function Functions:GetToolNames() tbl = {} for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").HandModels:GetChildren()) do if not table.find(tbl, v.Name) then table.insert(tbl, v.Name) end end return tbl end function Esp:CheckTools(PlayerTable) if not PlayerTable then return end if PlayerTable.equippedItem and table.find(Functions:GetToolNames(), PlayerTable["equippedItem"].id) then return tostring(PlayerTable["equippedItem"].id) elseif PlayerTable.handModel and PlayerTable.handModel.Name and string.find(PlayerTable.handModel.Name, "Hammer") then return PlayerTable["handModel"].Name else return "Empty" end end function Esp:CreateEsp(PlayerTable) if not PlayerTable then return end local drawings = {} drawings.BoxOutline = Functions:Draw( "Square", { Thickness = 2, Filled = false, Transparency = 1, Color = Esp.Settings.BoxesOutlineColor, Visible = false, ZIndex = -1, Visible = false, } ) drawings.Box = Functions:Draw( "Square", { Thickness = 1, Filled = false, Transparency = 1, Color = Esp.Settings.BoxesColor, Visible = false, ZIndex = 2, Visible = false } ) drawings.Sleeping = Functions:Draw( "Text", { Text = "Nil", Font = Esp.Settings.TextFont, Size = Esp.Settings.TextSize, Center = true, Outline = Esp.Settings.TextOutline, Color = Esp.Settings.SleepingColor, ZIndex = 2, Visible = false, } ) drawings.Armour = Functions:Draw( "Text", { Text = "Naked", Font = Esp.Settings.TextFont, Size = Esp.Settings.TextSize, Center = false, Outline = Esp.Settings.TextOutline, Color = Esp.Settings.ArmourColor, ZIndex = 2, Visible = false, } ) drawings.Tool = Functions:Draw( "Text", { Text = "Nothing", Font = Esp.Settings.TextFont, Size = Esp.Settings.TextSize, Center = false, Outline = Esp.Settings.TextOutline, Color = Esp.Settings.ToolColor, ZIndex = 2, Visible = false, } ) drawings.ViewAngle = Functions:Draw( "Line", { Thickness = Esp.Settings.ViewAngleThickness, Transparency = Esp.Settings.ViewAngleTransparrency, Color = Esp.Settings.ViewAngleColor, ZIndex = 2, Visible = false, } ) drawings.Tracer = Functions:Draw( "Line", { Thickness = Esp.Settings.TracerThickness, Transparency = 1, Color = Esp.Settings.TracerColor, ZIndex = 2, Visible = false } ) drawings.PlayerTable = PlayerTable Esp.Players[PlayerTable.model] = drawings end function Esp:RemoveEsp(PlayerTable) if not PlayerTable and PlayerTable.model ~= nil then return end esp = Esp.Players[PlayerTable.model] if not esp then return end for i, v in pairs(esp) do if not type(v) == "table" then v:Remove() end end Esp.Players[PlayerTable.model] = nil end function Esp:UpdateEsp() for i, v in pairs(Esp.Players) do local Character = i local Position, OnScreen = Camera:WorldToViewportPoint(Character:GetPivot().Position) local scale = 1 / (Position.Z * math.tan(math.rad(Camera.FieldOfView * 0.5)) * 2) * 100 local w, h = math.floor(40 * scale), math.floor(55 * scale) local x, y = math.floor(Position.X), math.floor(Position.Y) local Distance = (CharcaterMiddle:GetPivot().Position - Character:GetPivot().Position).Magnitude local BoxPosX, BoxPosY = math.floor(x - w * 0.5), math.floor(y - h * 0.5) local offsetCFrame = CFrame.new(0, 0, -4) if Character and Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and Character:FindFirstChild("Head") then local TeamTag = Character.Head.Teamtag.Enabled if OnScreen == true and Esp.Settings.Boxes == true and Distance <= Esp.Settings.RenderDistance then if Esp.Settings.TeamCheck == true and TeamTag == false then v.BoxOutline.Visible = Esp.Settings.BoxesOutline v.Box.Visible = true elseif Esp.Settings.TeamCheck == true and TeamTag == true then v.BoxOutline.Visible = false v.Box.Visible = false else v.BoxOutline.Visible = Esp.Settings.BoxesOutline v.Box.Visible = true end if Esp.Settings.TargetSleepers == true and v.PlayerTable.sleeping == true then v.BoxOutline.Visible = false v.Box.Visible = false end v.BoxOutline.Position = Vector2.new(BoxPosX, BoxPosY) v.BoxOutline.Size = Vector2.new(w, h) v.Box.Position = Vector2.new(BoxPosX, BoxPosY) v.Box.Size = Vector2.new(w, h) v.Box.Color = Esp.Settings.BoxesColor v.BoxOutline.Color = Esp.Settings.BoxesOutlineColor else v.BoxOutline.Visible = false v.Box.Visible = false end if OnScreen == true and Esp.Settings.Sleeping == true and Distance <= Esp.Settings.RenderDistance then if v.PlayerTable.sleeping == true then v.Sleeping.Text = "Sleeping" else v.Sleeping.Text = "Awake" end if Esp.Settings.TeamCheck == true and TeamTag == false then v.Sleeping.Visible = true elseif Esp.Settings.TeamCheck == true and TeamTag == true then v.Sleeping.Visible = false else v.Sleeping.Visible = true end if Esp.Settings.TargetSleepers == true and v.PlayerTable.sleeping == true then v.Sleeping.Visible = false end v.Sleeping.Outline = Esp.Settings.TextOutline v.Sleeping.Color = Esp.Settings.SleepingColor v.Sleeping.Size = math.max( math.min(math.abs(Esp.Settings.TextSize * scale), Esp.Settings.TextSize), Esp.Settings.MinTextSize ) v.Sleeping.Color = Esp.Settings.SleepingColor v.Sleeping.Font = Esp.Settings.TextFont v.Sleeping.Position = Vector2.new(x, math.floor(y - h * 0.5 - v.Sleeping.TextBounds.Y)) else v.Sleeping.Visible = false end if OnScreen == true and Esp.Settings.Distances == true and Distance <= Esp.Settings.RenderDistance then if Esp.Settings.TeamCheck == true and TeamTag == false then v.Sleeping.Visible = true elseif Esp.Settings.TeamCheck == true and TeamTag == true then v.Sleeping.Visible = false else v.Sleeping.Visible = true end if Esp.Settings.TargetSleepers == true and v.PlayerTable.sleeping == true then v.Sleeping.Visible = false end if Esp.Settings.Sleeping == false then v.Sleeping.Text = math.floor(Distance) .. "s" else v.Sleeping.Text = v.Sleeping.Text .. " | " .. math.floor(Distance) .. "s" end v.Sleeping.Outline = Esp.Settings.TextOutline v.Sleeping.Color = Esp.Settings.SleepingColor v.Sleeping.Size = math.max( math.min(math.abs(Esp.Settings.TextSize * scale), Esp.Settings.TextSize), Esp.Settings.MinTextSize ) v.Sleeping.Color = Esp.Settings.SleepingColor v.Sleeping.Font = Esp.Settings.TextFont v.Sleeping.Position = Vector2.new(x, math.floor(y - h * 0.5 - v.Sleeping.TextBounds.Y)) else v.Sleeping.Visible = false end if OnScreen == true and Esp.Settings.Tool == true and Distance <= Esp.Settings.RenderDistance then if Esp.Settings.TeamCheck == true and TeamTag == false then v.Tool.Visible = true elseif Esp.Settings.TeamCheck == true and TeamTag == true then v.Tool.Visible = false else v.Tool.Visible = true end if Esp.Settings.TargetSleepers == true and v.PlayerTable.sleeping == true then v.Tool.Visible = false end v.Tool.Position = Vector2.new( math.floor((BoxPosX + w) + v.Tool.TextBounds.X / 10), BoxPosY + v.Tool.TextBounds.Y * 1.55 * 0.5 - ((v.Tool.TextBounds.Y * 2) * 0.5) + v.Tool.TextBounds.Y ) v.Tool.Text = Esp:CheckTools(v.PlayerTable) v.Tool.Outline = Esp.Settings.TextOutline v.Tool.Size = math.max( math.min(math.abs(Esp.Settings.TextSize * scale), Esp.Settings.TextSize), Esp.Settings.MinTextSize ) v.Tool.Color = Esp.Settings.ToolColor v.Tool.Font = Esp.Settings.TextFont else v.Tool.Visible = false end if OnScreen == true and Esp.Settings.Armour == true and Distance <= Esp.Settings.RenderDistance then if Character.Armor:FindFirstChildOfClass("Folder") then v.Armour.Text = "Armoured" else v.Armour.Text = "Naked" end if Esp.Settings.TeamCheck == true and TeamTag == false then v.Armour.Visible = true elseif Esp.Settings.TeamCheck == true and TeamTag == true then v.Armour.Visible = false else v.Armour.Visible = true end if Esp.Settings.TargetSleepers == true and v.PlayerTable.sleeping == true then v.Armour.Visible = false end v.Armour.Outline = Esp.Settings.TextOutline v.Armour.Size = math.max( math.min(math.abs(Esp.Settings.TextSize * scale), Esp.Settings.TextSize), Esp.Settings.MinTextSize ) v.Armour.Position = Vector2.new( math.floor((BoxPosX + w) + v.Armour.TextBounds.X / 10), BoxPosY + v.Armour.TextBounds.Y * 1.55 * 0.5 - ((v.Armour.TextBounds.Y * 2) * 0.5) ) v.Armour.Color = Esp.Settings.ArmourColor v.Armour.Font = Esp.Settings.TextFont else v.Armour.Visible = false end if OnScreen == true and Esp.Settings.Tracer == true and Distance <= Esp.Settings.RenderDistance then if Esp.Settings.TeamCheck == true and TeamTag == false then v.Tracer.Visible = true elseif Esp.Settings.TeamCheck == true and TeamTag == true then v.Tracer.Visible = false else v.Tracer.Visible = true end if Esp.Settings.TargetSleepers == true and v.PlayerTable.sleeping == true then v.Tracer.Visible = false end v.Tracer.Color = Esp.Settings.TracerColor v.Tracer.Thickness = Esp.Settings.TracerThickness v.Transparency = Esp.Settings.TracerTransparrency if Esp.Settings.TracerFrom == "Bottom" then v.Tracer.From = Vector2.new(Camera.ViewportSize.X / 2, Camera.ViewportSize.Y) v.Tracer.To = Vector2.new(x, y + h * 0.5) elseif Esp.Settings.TracerFrom == "Middle" then v.Tracer.From = Vector2.new(Camera.ViewportSize.X / 2, Camera.ViewportSize.Y / 2) v.Tracer.To = Vector2.new(x, y) else v.Tracer.From = Vector2.new(Camera.ViewportSize.X / 2, Camera.ViewportSize.Y / Camera.ViewportSize.Y) if Esp.Settings.Sleeping == true then v.Tracer.To = Vector2.new(x, (y - h) - v.Sleeping.TextBounds.Y * 0.5) else v.Tracer.To = Vector2.new(x, y - h * 0.5) end end else v.Tracer.Visible = false end if OnScreen == true and Esp.Settings.ViewAngle == true and Distance <= Esp.Settings.RenderDistance then if Esp.Settings.TeamCheck == true and TeamTag == false then v.ViewAngle.Visible = true elseif Esp.Settings.TeamCheck == true and TeamTag == true then v.ViewAngle.Visible = false else v.ViewAngle.Visible = true end if Esp.Settings.TargetSleepers == true and v.PlayerTable.sleeping == true then v.ViewAngle.Visible = false end v.ViewAngle.Color = Esp.Settings.ViewAngleColor v.ViewAngle.Thickness = Esp.Settings.ViewAngleThickness v.Transparency = Esp.Settings.ViewAngleTransparrency local headpos = Camera:WorldToViewportPoint(Character.Head.Position) local offsetCFrame = CFrame.new(0, 0, -4) v.ViewAngle.From = Vector2.new(headpos.X, headpos.Y) local value = math.clamp(1 / Distance * 100, 0.1, 1) local dir = Character.Head.CFrame:ToWorldSpace(offsetCFrame) offsetCFrame = offsetCFrame * CFrame.new(0, 0, 0.4) local dirpos = Camera:WorldToViewportPoint(Vector3.new(dir.X, dir.Y, dir.Z)) if OnScreen == true then v.ViewAngle.To = Vector2.new(dirpos.X, dirpos.Y) offsetCFrame = CFrame.new(0, 0, -4) end else v.ViewAngle.Visible = false end else v.Box.Visible = false v.BoxOutline.Visible = false v.Tool.Visible = false v.Armour.Visible = false v.Sleeping.Visible = false v.ViewAngle.Visible = false v.Tracer.Visible = false end end end --Drawings local FovCircle = Functions:Draw( "Circle", { Filled = Fov.Settings.FovFilled, Color = Fov.Settings.FovColor, Radius = Fov.Settings.FovSize, NumSides = 90, Thickness = 1, Transparency = Fov.Settings.FovTransparency, ZIndex = 2, Visible = false, } ) local FovSnapline = Functions:Draw("Line", { Transparency = 1, Thickness = 1, Visible = false }) --Connections local PlayerUpdater = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped local PlayerConnection = PlayerUpdater:Connect(function() Esp:UpdateEsp() end) --Init Functions for i, v in pairs(getupvalues(getrenv()._G.modules.Player.GetPlayerModel)[1]) do if not table.find(cache, v) then table.insert(cache, v) Esp:CreateEsp(v) end end game:GetService("Workspace").ChildAdded:Connect(function(child) if child:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then for i, v in pairs(getupvalues(getrenv()._G.modules.Player.GetPlayerModel)[1]) do if not table.find(cache, v) then Esp:CreateEsp(v) table.insert(cache, v) end end end end) local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BigHacker123/Library.lua/main/Library.lua"))() local SaveManager = loadstring( game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/violin-suzutsuki/LinoriaLib/main/addons/SaveManager.lua") )() local ThemeManager = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/violin-suzutsuki/LinoriaLib/main/addons/ThemeManager.lua"))() local skybox_assets = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BigHacker123/skybox/main/.lua", true))() --// Create UI local Build = "Full Undetected" local Color = "#FF0000" local Ver = "2.00" if Build == "Standard" then Color = "#00FF00" Ver = "1.1" elseif Build == "Full Undetected" then Color = "#FF0000" Ver = "2.0" elseif Build == "Personal" then Color = "#0000FF" Ver = "1.1" end local Window = Library:CreateWindow({ Size = UDim2.fromOffset(550, 610), Title = 'Astral.pro | ' .. '' .. Build .. "" .. " [v" .. Ver .. "]", Center = true, AutoShow = true, }) local CustomTopText = Drawing.new("Text") CustomTopText.Text = "Astral [Legit Public] - discord.gg/astralttm" CustomTopText.Visible = true CustomTopText.Transparency = 1 CustomTopText.Size = 15 CustomTopText.Outline = true CustomTopText.Center = true CustomTopText.Font = 3 CustomTopText.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) CustomTopText.Position = Vector2.new(Camera.ViewportSize.X / 2, 0) Library:SetWatermark("Astral TS") local Tabs = { Combat = Window:AddTab("Combat"), Visual = Window:AddTab("Visual"), Misc = Window:AddTab("Miscellaneous"), ["UISettings"] = Window:AddTab("UI Settings"), } local HBExpanderTabbox = Tabs.Combat:AddLeftTabbox() local HBExpanderTab = HBExpanderTabbox:AddTab("Force Hitbox Expansion") local GunModsTabbox = Tabs.Combat:AddRightTabbox() local GunModsTab = GunModsTabbox:AddTab("Modifications") local RiskyTabbox = Tabs.Combat:AddRightTabbox() local RiskyTab = RiskyTabbox:AddTab("Risky") local CustomHitsoundsTabBox = Tabs.Misc:AddLeftTabbox("Custom Hitsounds") local PlayerHitsoundsTab = CustomHitsoundsTabBox:AddTab("Player Hitsounds") local NatureHitsoundsTab = CustomHitsoundsTabBox:AddTab("Nature Hitsounds") local sounds = { ["Defualt Headshot Hit"] = "rbxassetid://9119561046", ["Defualt Body Hit"] = "rbxassetid://9114487369", ["Defualt Wood Hit"] = "rbxassetid://9125573608", ["Defualt Rock Hit"] = "rbxassetid://9118630389", Neverlose = "rbxassetid://8726881116", Gamesense = "rbxassetid://4817809188", One = "rbxassetid://7380502345", Bell = "rbxassetid://6534947240", Rust = "rbxassetid://1255040462", TF2 = "rbxassetid://2868331684", Slime = "rbxassetid://6916371803", ["Among Us"] = "rbxassetid://5700183626", Minecraft = "rbxassetid://4018616850", ["CS:GO"] = "rbxassetid://6937353691", Saber = "rbxassetid://8415678813", Baimware = "rbxassetid://3124331820", Osu = "rbxassetid://7149255551", ["TF2 Critical"] = "rbxassetid://296102734", Bat = "rbxassetid://3333907347", ["Call of Duty"] = "rbxassetid://5952120301", Bubble = "rbxassetid://6534947588", Pick = "rbxassetid://1347140027", Pop = "rbxassetid://198598793", Bruh = "rbxassetid://4275842574", Bamboo = "rbxassetid://3769434519", Crowbar = "rbxassetid://546410481", Weeb = "rbxassetid://6442965016", Beep = "rbxassetid://8177256015", Bambi = "rbxassetid://8437203821", Stone = "rbxassetid://3581383408", ["Old Fatality"] = "rbxassetid://6607142036", Click = "rbxassetid://8053704437", Ding = "rbxassetid://7149516994", Snow = "rbxassetid://6455527632", Laser = "rbxassetid://7837461331", Mario = "rbxassetid://2815207981", Steve = "rbxassetid://4965083997", Snowdrake = "rbxassetid://7834724809", } local SoundService = game:GetService("SoundService") SoundService.PlayerHitHeadshot.Volume = 5 SoundService.PlayerHitHeadshot.Pitch = 1 SoundService.PlayerHitHeadshot.EqualizerSoundEffect.HighGain = -2 -- GAME PlayerHitsoundsTab:AddToggle("Enabled_Toggle1", { Text = "Enabled", Default = false }) PlayerHitsoundsTab:AddDropdown( "HeadshotHit", { Values = { "Defualt Headshot Hit", "Neverlose", "Gamesense", "One", "Bell", "Rust", "TF2", "Slime", "Among Us", "Minecraft", "CS:GO", "Saber", "Baimware", "Osu", "TF2 Critical", "Bat", "Call of Duty", "Bubble", "Pick", "Pop", "Bruh", "Bamboo", "Crowbar", "Weeb", "Beep", "Bambi", "Stone", "Old Fatality", "Click", "Ding", "Snow", "Laser", "Mario", "Steve", "Snowdrake", }, Default = 1, Multi = false, Text = "Head Hitsound:", } ) Options.HeadshotHit:OnChanged(function() local soundId = sounds[Options.HeadshotHit.Value] game:GetService("SoundService").PlayerHitHeadshot.SoundId = soundId end) PlayerHitsoundsTab :AddSlider("Volume_Slider", { Text = "Volume", Default = 5, Min = 0, Max = 10, Rounding = 0, Compact = true }) :OnChanged(function(vol) SoundService.PlayerHitHeadshot.Volume = vol end) PlayerHitsoundsTab :AddSlider("Pitch_Slider", { Text = "Pitch", Default = 1, Min = 0, Max = 2, Rounding = 1, Compact = true }) :OnChanged(function(pich) SoundService.PlayerHitHeadshot.Pitch = pich end) -- PlayerHitsoundsTab:AddToggle("Enabled_Toggle2", { Text = "Enabled", Default = false }) PlayerHitsoundsTab:AddDropdown( "Hit", { Values = { "Defualt Body Hit", "Neverlose", "Gamesense", "One", "Bell", "Rust", "TF2", "Slime", "Among Us", "Minecraft", "CS:GO", "Saber", "Baimware", "Osu", "TF2 Critical", "Bat", "Call of Duty", "Bubble", "Pick", "Pop", "Bruh", "Bamboo", "Crowbar", "Weeb", "Beep", "Bambi", "Stone", "Old Fatality", "Click", "Ding", "Snow", "Laser", "Mario", "Steve", "Snowdrake", }, Default = 1, Multi = false, Text = "Body Hitsound:", } ) Options.Hit:OnChanged(function() local soundId = sounds[Options.Hit.Value] game:GetService("SoundService").PlayerHit2.SoundId = soundId end) PlayerHitsoundsTab :AddSlider("Volume_Slider", { Text = "Volume", Default = 5, Min = 0, Max = 10, Rounding = 0, Compact = true }) :OnChanged(function(vole) SoundService.PlayerHit2.Volume = vole end) PlayerHitsoundsTab :AddSlider("Pitch_Slider", { Text = "Pitch", Default = 1, Min = 0, Max = 2, Rounding = 1, Compact = true }) :OnChanged(function(piche) SoundService.PlayerHit2.Pitch = piche end) --* Nature Hitsounds *-- NatureHitsoundsTab:AddToggle("Enabled_Toggle2", { Text = "Enabled", Default = false }) NatureHitsoundsTab:AddDropdown( "WoodHit", { Values = { "Defualt Wood Hit", "Neverlose", "Gamesense", "One", "Bell", "Rust", "TF2", "Slime", "Among Us", "Minecraft", "CS:GO", "Saber", "Baimware", "Osu", "TF2 Critical", "Bat", "Call of Duty", "Bubble", "Pick", "Pop", "Bruh", "Bamboo", "Crowbar", "Weeb", "Beep", "Bambi", "Stone", "Old Fatality", "Click", "Ding", "Snow", "Laser", "Mario", "Steve", "Snowdrake", }, Default = 1, Multi = false, Text = "Wood Hitsound:", } ) Options.WoodHit:OnChanged(function() local soundId = sounds[Options.WoodHit.Value] game:GetService("SoundService").WoodHit.SoundId = soundId end) NatureHitsoundsTab :AddSlider("Volume_Slider", { Text = "Volume", Default = 5, Min = 0, Max = 10, Rounding = 0, Compact = true }) :OnChanged(function(vole) SoundService.WoodHit.Volume = vole end) NatureHitsoundsTab :AddSlider("Pitch_Slider", { Text = "Pitch", Default = 1, Min = 0, Max = 2, Rounding = 1, Compact = true }) :OnChanged(function(piche) SoundService.WoodHit.Pitch = piche end) -- NatureHitsoundsTab:AddToggle("Enabled_Toggle1", { Text = "Enabled", Default = false }) NatureHitsoundsTab:AddDropdown( "RockHit", { Values = { "Defualt Rock Hit", "Neverlose", "Gamesense", "One", "Bell", "Rust", "TF2", "Slime", "Among Us", "Minecraft", "CS:GO", "Saber", "Baimware", "Osu", "TF2 Critical", "Bat", "Call of Duty", "Bubble", "Pick", "Pop", "Bruh", "Bamboo", "Crowbar", "Weeb", "Beep", "Bambi", "Stone", "Old Fatality", "Click", "Ding", "Snow", "Laser", "Mario", "Steve", "Snowdrake", }, Default = 1, Multi = false, Text = "Rock Hitsound:", } ) Options.RockHit:OnChanged(function() local soundId = sounds[Options.RockHit.Value] game:GetService("SoundService").RockHit.SoundId = soundId end) NatureHitsoundsTab :AddSlider("Volume_Slider", { Text = "Volume", Default = 5, Min = 0, Max = 10, Rounding = 0, Compact = true }) :OnChanged(function(vol) SoundService.RockHit.Volume = vol end) NatureHitsoundsTab :AddSlider("Pitch_Slider", { Text = "Pitch", Default = 1, Min = 0, Max = 2, Rounding = 1, Compact = true }) :OnChanged(function(pich) SoundService.RockHit.Pitch = pich end) LPH_JIT_MAX(function() --** Hitbox Expander **-- local SizeX = 0 local SizeY = 0 local SizeZ = 0 local OriginalHeadSize = Vector3.new(1.672248125076294, 0.835624098777771, 0.835624098777771) local On = false local function UpdateHeadSizes(newvalue) local ToggleValue = newvalue for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace"):GetChildren()) do if v:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and v:FindFirstChild("Head") then local hasFakeHead = v:FindFirstChild("FakeHead") if ToggleValue then if not hasFakeHead then local FakeHead = v.Head:Clone() FakeHead.Name = "FakeHead" FakeHead.Parent = v FakeHead.Transparency = 0 FakeHead.Rotation = v.Head.Rotation end if not hasFakeHead then v.Head.Size = Vector3.new(SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ) v.Head.Transparency = 0.7 v.Head.CanCollide = false v.Head.Nametag.Enabled = false end else if hasFakeHead then v.FakeHead:Destroy() end v.Head.Size = OriginalHeadSize v.Head.Nametag.Enabled = true v.Head.Transparency = 0 end end end end end)() HBExpanderTab:AddToggle("HitboxExpander", { Text = "Toggle", Default = false }):OnChanged(function(Value) On = Value if Value == true then while Value == true do for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace"):GetChildren()) do if v:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and v:FindFirstChild("Head") then if not v:FindFirstChild("FakeHead") then local FakeHead = v.Head:Clone() FakeHead.Name = "FakeHead" FakeHead.Parent = v FakeHead.Transparency = 0 FakeHead.Rotation = v.Head.Rotation v.Head.Size = Vector3.new(SizeX, SizeY * 0.7, SizeZ) v.Head.Transparency = 0.7 v.Head.CanCollide = false v.Head.Nametag.Enabled = false end end end wait(3) end else if Value == false then for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace"):GetChildren()) do if v:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and v:FindFirstChild("Head") then if v:FindFirstChild("FakeHead") then v.FakeHead:Destroy() v.Head.Size = Vector3.new(1.672248125076294, 0.835624098777771, 0.835624098777771) v.Head.Nametag.Enabled = true end end end end end end) HBExpanderTab :AddSlider( "HBX", { Text = "X Size", Default = 1, Min = 0, Max = 4, Rounding = 2, Compact = false, Suffix = "Size" } ) :OnChanged(function(Value) SizeX = Value end) HBExpanderTab :AddSlider( "HBY", { Text = "Y Size", Default = 1, Min = 0, Max = 6, Rounding = 2, Compact = false, Suffix = "SIze" } ) :OnChanged(function(Value) SizeY = Value end) HBExpanderTab :AddSlider( "HBZ", { Text = "Z Size", Default = 1, Min = 0, Max = 4, Rounding = 2, Compact = false, Suffix = "Size" } ) :OnChanged(function(Value) SizeZ = Value end) HBExpanderTab:AddButton("Update Hitbox Size", function() Toggles.HitboxExpander:SetValue(false) Toggles.HitboxExpander:SetValue(true) end) local Recoil = getrenv()._G.modules.Camera.Recoil RiskyTab:AddToggle("RecoilToggle", { Text = "No Recoil (Cant Toggle Off)", Default = false }):OnChanged(function(Value) getrenv()._G.modules.Camera.Recoil = function(...) local args = { ... } if Value then args[1].cameraY = 0 args[1].cameraX = 0 args[1].push = 0 args[1].cameraXShake = 0 args[1].rotSpeed = 0 args[1].lerp = 0 end return Recoil(...) end end) -- BULLET TRACERS local Markeroid = { HitTracer = { Enabled = true, Texture = "rbxassetid://7071778278", Color = Color3.fromRGB(95, 0, 255), }, HitMarker = { Enabled = true, Texture = "rbxassetid://316279304", Color = Color3.fromRGB(95, 0, 255), Size = UDim2.new(1, 50, 1, 50), }, HitLog = { Enabled = false, Color = Color3.fromRGB(95, 0, 255), TextSize = 19, TextFond = 1, }, } GunModsTab:AddToggle("HitTracerEnabledToggle", { Text = "Hit Tracer Enabled", Default = false, Tooltip = nil }) Toggles.HitTracerEnabledToggle:OnChanged(function(HitTracerEnabledToggleValue) Markeroid.HitTracer.Enabled = HitTracerEnabledToggleValue end) GunModsTab:AddDropdown("HitTracerTextureDropDown", { Values = { "Beam", "Beam 2", "DNK", "Wave" }, Default = 1, Multi = false, Text = "Texture", Tooltip = nil, }) Options.HitTracerTextureDropDown:OnChanged(function(HitTracerTextureDropDownValue) if HitTracerTextureDropDownValue == "Beam" then Markeroid.HitTracer.Texture = "rbxassetid://446111271" elseif HitTracerTextureDropDownValue == "Beam 2" then Markeroid.HitTracer.Texture = "rbxassetid://7216850022" elseif HitTracerTextureDropDownValue == "DNK" then Markeroid.HitTracer.Texture = "rbxassetid://7071778278" elseif HitTracerTextureDropDownValue == "Wave" then Markeroid.HitTracer.Texture = "rbxassetid://13832105797" end end) GunModsTab:AddLabel("Color") :AddColorPicker("TracerColorH", { Default = Color3.fromRGB(95, 0, 255), Title = "Tracer Color" }) Options.TracerColorH:OnChanged(function(TracerColorValue) Markeroid.HitTracer.Color = TracerColorValue end) local Xf = getrenv()._G.modules.Network local _f _f = hookfunction( game.Players.LocalPlayer:FindFirstChild("RemoteEvent").FireServer, LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function(G, ...) local w = { ... } local workspace = game.Workspace if w[1] == 10 and w[2] == "Hit" and w[5] then task.spawn(function() local m = nil if w[8] then m = w[8] else m = w[3] end repeat wait() until m ~= nil if typeof(m) == "Vector3" then local z, h = workspace.CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint(m) local R = false local c = Instance.new("Part") c.CanCollide = false c.Anchored = true c.Parent = workspace local V = Instance.new("Attachment") V.Position = workspace.Ignore.LocalCharacter.Middle.Position V.Parent = c V.Visible = false local F = Instance.new("Attachment") F.Position = m F.Parent = c F.Visible = false local _ = Instance.new("Beam") _.Enabled = Markeroid.HitTracer.Enabled _.Brightness = 10 _.LightInfluence = 0.75 _.LightEmission = 0.1 _.Attachment0 = V _.Attachment1 = F _.Texture = Markeroid.HitTracer.Texture _.TextureLength = 7 _.TextureMode = "Stretch" _.TextureSpeed = 6.21 _.Color = ColorSequence.new({ ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(0, Markeroid.HitTracer.Color), ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(0.5, Markeroid.HitTracer.Color), ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(1, Markeroid.HitTracer.Color), }) _.Transparency = NumberSequence.new(0) _.Parent = c _.CurveSize0 = 0 _.CurveSize1 = 0 _.FaceCamera = true _.Segments = 10 _.Width0 = 2 _.Width1 = 2 _.ZOffset = 0 wait(1) c:Destroy() end end) end return _f(G, unpack(w)) end) ) local PlayerVisualTabbox = Tabs.Visual:AddLeftTabbox() local PlayerVisualTab = PlayerVisualTabbox:AddTab("Players") local PlayerSettingsVisualTab = PlayerVisualTabbox:AddTab("Settings") local PlayerVisualTabbox = Tabs.Visual:AddRightTabbox() local World = PlayerVisualTabbox:AddTab("World ESP") local PlayerVisualTabbox = Tabs.Visual:AddRightTabbox() local Skin = PlayerVisualTabbox:AddTab("SkinChanger") PlayerVisualTab:AddToggle("Boxes", { Text = "Boxes", Default = false }) :AddColorPicker("BoxesColor", { Default = Color3.fromRGB(155, 95, 255), Title = "Color" }) :AddColorPicker("BoxesOutlineColor", { Default = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0), Title = "Color" }) PlayerVisualTab:AddToggle("Sleeping", { Text = "Sleeping", Default = false }) :AddColorPicker("SleepingColor", { Default = Color3.fromRGB(155, 95, 255), Title = "Color" }) PlayerVisualTab:AddToggle("Distances", { Text = "Distance", Default = false }) :AddColorPicker("DistancesColor", { Default = Color3.fromRGB(155, 95, 255), Title = "Color" }) PlayerVisualTab:AddToggle("Armour", { Text = "Armour", Default = false }) :AddColorPicker("ArmourColor", { Default = Color3.fromRGB(155, 95, 255), Title = "Color" }) PlayerVisualTab:AddToggle("Tool", { Text = "Tool", Default = false }) :AddColorPicker("ToolColor", { Default = Color3.fromRGB(155, 95, 255), Title = "Color" }) PlayerVisualTab:AddToggle("ViewAngle", { Text = "View Angle", Default = false }) :AddColorPicker("ViewAngleColor", { Default = Color3.fromRGB(155, 95, 255), Title = "Color" }) PlayerVisualTab:AddToggle("Tracer", { Text = "Tracer", Default = false }) :AddColorPicker("TracerColor", { Default = Color3.fromRGB(155, 95, 255), Title = "Color" }) -- STORAGE World:AddToggle("STORAGEfag", { Text = "Crate ESP", Default = false }):OnChanged(function(monkey99) if monkey99 then local function onPartAdded(part) if part:IsA("Part") and part.BrickColor == BrickColor.new("Linen") and part.Material == Enum.Material.WoodPlanks then local parent = part.Parent if parent and parent:IsA("Model") and #parent:GetChildren() == 2 then local MilitaryEsp = Instance.new("BoxHandleAdornment") MilitaryEsp.Adornee = part MilitaryEsp.AlwaysOnTop = true MilitaryEsp.ZIndex = 0 MilitaryEsp.Size = part.Size MilitaryEsp.Name = "MilitaryCrate" MilitaryEsp.Transparency = 0.3 MilitaryEsp.Color = BrickColor.new("Dark Royal blue") MilitaryEsp.Parent = workspace.Monkey.StorageESPAdornee end end end workspace.DescendantAdded:Connect(onPartAdded) wait(1.5) local parts = workspace:GetDescendants() local meshes = {} for _, part in ipairs(parts) do if part:IsA("UnionOperation") and part.BrickColor == BrickColor.new("Cashmere") and part.Material == Enum.Material.Plastic then local PartCrateEsp = Instance.new("BoxHandleAdornment") PartCrateEsp.Adornee = part PartCrateEsp.AlwaysOnTop = true PartCrateEsp.ZIndex = 0 PartCrateEsp.Size = part.Size PartCrateEsp.Name = "PartCrate" PartCrateEsp.Transparency = 0.3 PartCrateEsp.Color = BrickColor.new("Bright yellow") PartCrateEsp.Parent = workspace.Monkey.StorageESPAdornee end end local function onPartAdded(part) if part:IsA("UnionOperation") and part.BrickColor == BrickColor.new("Cashmere") and part.Material == Enum.Material.Plastic then local UpdatePartCrateEsp = Instance.new("BoxHandleAdornment") UpdatePartCrateEsp.Adornee = part UpdatePartCrateEsp.AlwaysOnTop = true UpdatePartCrateEsp.ZIndex = 0 UpdatePartCrateEsp.Size = part.Size UpdatePartCrateEsp.Name = "PartCrate" UpdatePartCrateEsp.Transparency = 0.3 UpdatePartCrateEsp.Color = BrickColor.new("Bright yellow") UpdatePartCrateEsp.Parent = workspace.Monkey.StorageESPAdornee end end workspace.DescendantAdded:Connect(onPartAdded) else for _, v in ipairs(workspace.Monkey.StorageESPAdornee:GetDescendants()) do v:Destroy() end end end) -- TOTEMS -- ORES World:AddToggle("ore4s3", { Text = "Stone ESP", Default = false }):OnChanged(function(monkey4) if monkey4 then local function adornStoneOre(part) if part:IsA("MeshPart") and part.BrickColor == BrickColor.new("Flint") and part.Material == Enum.Material.Limestone then local parent = part.Parent if parent and parent:IsA("Model") and #parent:GetChildren() == 1 then local StoneEsp = Instance.new("BoxHandleAdornment") StoneEsp.Adornee = part StoneEsp.AlwaysOnTop = true StoneEsp.ZIndex = 0 StoneEsp.Size = part.Size StoneEsp.Name = "Stone" StoneEsp.Transparency = 0.3 StoneEsp.Color = BrickColor.new("Grey") StoneEsp.Parent = workspace.Monkey.OreESPAdornee end end end local function onPartAdded(part) adornStoneOre(part) end for _, part in ipairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do adornStoneOre(part) end workspace.DescendantAdded:Connect(onPartAdded) else for _, v in ipairs(workspace.Monkey.OreESPAdornee:GetDescendants()) do if v.Name == "Stone" then v:Destroy() end end end end) World:AddToggle("ores2", { Text = "Iron ESP", Default = false }):OnChanged(function(monkey3) if monkey3 then local parts = workspace:GetDescendants() local meshes = {} for _, part in ipairs(parts) do if part:IsA("MeshPart") and part.BrickColor == BrickColor.new("Burlap") and part.Material == Enum.Material.Slate then local IronEsp = Instance.new("BoxHandleAdornment") IronEsp.Adornee = part IronEsp.AlwaysOnTop = true IronEsp.ZIndex = 0 IronEsp.Size = part.Size IronEsp.Name = "Iron" IronEsp.Transparency = 0.3 IronEsp.Color = BrickColor.new("Burlap") IronEsp.Parent = workspace.Monkey.OreESPAdornee end end local function onPartAdded(part) if part:IsA("MeshPart") and part.BrickColor == BrickColor.new("Burlap") and part.Material == Enum.Material.Slate then if monkey3 then local UpdateIronEsp = Instance.new("BoxHandleAdornment") UpdateIronEsp.Adornee = part UpdateIronEsp.AlwaysOnTop = true UpdateIronEsp.ZIndex = 0 UpdateIronEsp.Size = part.Size UpdateIronEsp.Name = "Iron" UpdateIronEsp.Transparency = 0.3 UpdateIronEsp.Color = BrickColor.new("Burlap") UpdateIronEsp.Parent = workspace.Monkey.OreESPAdornee end end end workspace.DescendantAdded:Connect(onPartAdded) else for _, v in ipairs(workspace.Monkey.OreESPAdornee:GetDescendants()) do if v.Name == "Iron" then v:Destroy() end end end end) World:AddToggle("ores", { Text = "Nitrate ESP", Default = false }):OnChanged(function(monkey2) if monkey2 then local parts = workspace:GetDescendants() local meshes = {} for _, part in ipairs(parts) do if part:IsA("MeshPart") and part.BrickColor == BrickColor.new("Institutional white") and part.Material == Enum.Material.Slate then local NitrateEsp = Instance.new("BoxHandleAdornment") NitrateEsp.Adornee = part NitrateEsp.AlwaysOnTop = true NitrateEsp.ZIndex = 0 NitrateEsp.Name = "Nitrate" NitrateEsp.Size = part.Size NitrateEsp.Transparency = 0.3 NitrateEsp.Color = BrickColor.new("Institutional white") NitrateEsp.Parent = workspace.Monkey.OreESPAdornee end end local function onPartAdded(part) if part:IsA("MeshPart") and part.BrickColor == BrickColor.new("Institutional white") and part.Material == Enum.Material.Slate then if monkey2 then local UpdateNitrateEsp = Instance.new("BoxHandleAdornment") UpdateNitrateEsp.Adornee = part UpdateNitrateEsp.AlwaysOnTop = true UpdateNitrateEsp.ZIndex = 0 UpdateNitrateEsp.Size = part.Size UpdateNitrateEsp.Name = "Nitrate" UpdateNitrateEsp.Transparency = 0.3 UpdateNitrateEsp.Color = BrickColor.new("Institutional white") UpdateNitrateEsp.Parent = workspace.Monkey.OreESPAdornee end end end workspace.DescendantAdded:Connect(onPartAdded) else for _, v in ipairs(workspace.Monkey.OreESPAdornee:GetDescendants()) do if v.Name == "Nitrate" then v:Destroy() end end end end) --Esp Switches Toggles.ViewAngle:OnChanged(function(Value) Esp.Settings.ViewAngle = Value end) Options.ViewAngleColor:OnChanged(function(Value) Esp.Settings.ViewAngleColor = Value end) Toggles.Tracer:OnChanged(function(Value) Esp.Settings.Tracer = Value end) Options.TracerColor:OnChanged(function(Value) Esp.Settings.TracerColor = Value end) Toggles.Armour:OnChanged(function(Value) Esp.Settings.Armour = Value end) Options.ToolColor:OnChanged(function(Value) Esp.Settings.ToolColor = Value end) Toggles.Tool:OnChanged(function(Value) Esp.Settings.Tool = Value end) Options.ArmourColor:OnChanged(function(Value) Esp.Settings.ArmourColor = Value end) Toggles.Armour:OnChanged(function(Value) Esp.Settings.Armour = Value end) Toggles.Distances:OnChanged(function(Value) Esp.Settings.Distances = Value end) Options.DistancesColor:OnChanged(function(Value) Esp.Settings.DistanceColor = Value end) Options.SleepingColor:OnChanged(function(Value) Esp.Settings.SleepingColor = Value end) Toggles.Sleeping:OnChanged(function(Value) Esp.Settings.Sleeping = Value end) Options.BoxesColor:OnChanged(function(Value) Esp.Settings.BoxesColor = Value end) Options.BoxesOutlineColor:OnChanged(function(Value) Esp.Settings.BoxesOutlineColor = Value end) Toggles.Boxes:OnChanged(function(Value) Esp.Settings.Boxes = Value end) PlayerSettingsVisualTab:AddSlider( "RenderDistance", { Text = "Render Distance", Default = 1500, Min = 1, Max = 1500, Rounding = 0, Compact = false, Suffix = "s" } ):OnChanged(function(Value) Esp.Settings.RenderDistance = Value end) PlayerSettingsVisualTab:AddToggle("TargetSleepers", { Text = "Dont Show Sleepers", Default = false }) :OnChanged(function(Value) Esp.Settings.TargetSleepers = Value end) PlayerSettingsVisualTab:AddToggle("BoxesOutlines", { Text = "Box Outlines", Default = false }):OnChanged(function(Value) Esp.Settings.BoxesOutline = Value end) PlayerSettingsVisualTab:AddToggle("TeamCheck", { Text = "Team Check", Default = false }):OnChanged(function(Value) Esp.Settings.TeamCheck = Value end) PlayerSettingsVisualTab:AddToggle("TextOutline", { Text = "Text Outlines", Default = false }):OnChanged(function(Value) Esp.Settings.TextOutline = Value end) PlayerSettingsVisualTab:AddDropdown( "TracerPosition", { Values = { "Bottom", "Middle", "Top" }, Default = 1, Multi = false, Text = "Tracer Position" } ):OnChanged(function(Value) Esp.Settings.TracerFrom = Value end) --Misc local LightingTabbox = Tabs.Misc:AddLeftTabbox() local LightingTab = LightingTabbox:AddTab("Visuals") local MiscTabbox = Tabs.Misc:AddRightTabbox() local MiscTab = MiscTabbox:AddTab("Character Exploits") local MiscTabbox = Tabs.Misc:AddRightTabbox() local Bullets = MiscTabbox:AddTab("Customization") -- SKIN Changer local SkinChoice = "Galaxy" local SkinRBxId = 0 local SkinsEnabled = false local Framework = { Settings = { FullBright = false, Fov = 90, LocalChams = false, LocalGunChams = false }, SkinChanger = { SkinsEnabled = false, SkinChoice = "Galaxy", SkinName = "Float", SkinRBXAssetId = 12319249626 }, } function Framework:CheckSkins() local tbl = {} for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ItemSkins:GetChildren()) do table.insert(tbl, v.Name) end return tbl end function Framework:SetCammo(SkinName) if not require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ItemConfigs[getrenv()._G.modules.FPS.GetEquippedItem().id]).HandModel then return end local GunName = require( game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ItemConfigs[getrenv()._G.modules.FPS.GetEquippedItem().id] ).HandModel if table.find(Framework:CheckSkins(), GunName) then local SkinFolder = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ItemSkins[GunName] if game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ItemSkins[GunName]:FindFirstChild(GunName .. "_" .. SkinName) then local SkinChosen = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ItemSkins[GunName][GunName .. "_" .. SkinName] require(SkinChosen).ApplyToModel(game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.HandModel) end end end game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.ChildAdded:Connect(function() if game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms:WaitForChild("HandModel") and SkinsEnabled == true then Framework:SetCammo(SkinChoice) end end) for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ItemSkins:GetChildren()) do if v:FindFirstChild(v.Name .. "_" .. "Galaxy") then local clone = v:FindFirstChild(v.Name .. "_" .. "Galaxy"):Clone() clone.Parent = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ItemSkins[v.Name] clone.Name = v.Name .. "_Frozen" end end Skin:AddToggle("SkinsEnabled", { Text = "Enabled", Default = false }) Skin:AddDropdown("SkinChoice", { Values = { "Galaxy" }, Default = 1, Multi = false, Text = "Skin:" }) Skin:AddInput( "SkinName", { Default = "Skin", Numeric = false, Finished = false, Text = "Name:", Placeholder = "Skin Name" } ) Skin:AddInput( "SkinRBXAssetId", { Default = 0, Numeric = true, Finished = true, Text = "Asset Id:", Placeholder = "RbxId" } ) Skin:AddButton("Load Skin", function() for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ItemSkins:GetChildren()) do if v:FindFirstChild(v.Name .. "_" .. "Galaxy") and not v:FindFirstChild(v.Name .. "_" .. SkinChoice) then local clone = v:FindFirstChild(v.Name .. "_" .. "Galaxy"):Clone() clone.Parent = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ItemSkins[v.Name] clone.Name = v.Name .. "_" .. SkinChoice setconstant(require(clone).ApplyToModel, 3, "rbxassetid://" .. SkinRBxId) end end Framework:SetCammo(SkinChoice) end) Skin:AddButton("Save Skin", function() writefile( "AstralPro/Skins/" .. SkinChoice .. ".skin", game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode({ Id = SkinRBxId, Name = SkinChoice }) ) end) Toggles.SkinsEnabled:OnChanged(function() SkinsEnabled = Toggles.SkinsEnabled.Value end) Options.SkinName:OnChanged(function() SkinChoice = Options.SkinName.Value end) Options.SkinRBXAssetId:OnChanged(function() SkinRBxId = Options.SkinRBXAssetId.Value end) Options.SkinChoice:OnChanged(function() SkinChoice = Options.SkinChoice.Value end) Bullets:AddLabel("Custom Inventory:"):AddColorPicker("Inventory_Color", { Default = Color3.fromRGB(80, 80, 80) }) Options.Inventory_Color:OnChanged(function(Inventory_Color_Value) game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Armor.ItemSlot26.BackgroundColor3 = Inventory_Color_Value game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Armor.ItemSlot27.BackgroundColor3 = Inventory_Color_Value game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Armor.ItemSlot28.BackgroundColor3 = Inventory_Color_Value game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Armor.ItemSlot29.BackgroundColor3 = Inventory_Color_Value game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Inventory.ItemSlot6.BackgroundColor3 = Inventory_Color_Value game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Inventory.ItemSlot7.BackgroundColor3 = Inventory_Color_Value game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Inventory.ItemSlot8.BackgroundColor3 = Inventory_Color_Value game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Inventory.ItemSlot9.BackgroundColor3 = Inventory_Color_Value game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Inventory.ItemSlot10.BackgroundColor3 = Inventory_Color_Value game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Inventory.ItemSlot11.BackgroundColor3 = Inventory_Color_Value game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Inventory.ItemSlot12.BackgroundColor3 = Inventory_Color_Value game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Inventory.ItemSlot13.BackgroundColor3 = Inventory_Color_Value game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Inventory.ItemSlot14.BackgroundColor3 = Inventory_Color_Value game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Inventory.ItemSlot15.BackgroundColor3 = Inventory_Color_Value game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Inventory.ItemSlot16.BackgroundColor3 = Inventory_Color_Value game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Inventory.ItemSlot17.BackgroundColor3 = Inventory_Color_Value game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Inventory.ItemSlot18.BackgroundColor3 = Inventory_Color_Value game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Inventory.ItemSlot19.BackgroundColor3 = Inventory_Color_Value game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Inventory.ItemSlot20.BackgroundColor3 = Inventory_Color_Value game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Inventory.ItemSlot21.BackgroundColor3 = Inventory_Color_Value game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Inventory.ItemSlot22.BackgroundColor3 = Inventory_Color_Value game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Inventory.ItemSlot23.BackgroundColor3 = Inventory_Color_Value game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Inventory.ItemSlot24.BackgroundColor3 = Inventory_Color_Value game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Inventory.ItemSlot25.BackgroundColor3 = Inventory_Color_Value end) Bullets:AddLabel("Energy:"):AddColorPicker("Energy_Color_Value", { Default = Color3.fromRGB(197, 187, 40) }) Options.Energy_Color_Value:OnChanged(function(Energy_Color_Value) game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.Vitals.EnergyFrame.Energy.BackgroundColor3 = Energy_Color_Value end) Bullets:AddLabel("Health:"):AddColorPicker("Health_Color_Value", { Default = Color3.fromRGB(78, 153, 74) }) Options.Health_Color_Value:OnChanged(function(Health_Color_Value) game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.Vitals.HealthFrame.Health.BackgroundColor3 = Health_Color_Value end) Bullets:AddLabel("Ammo:"):AddColorPicker("Ammo_Color_Value", { Default = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) }) Options.Ammo_Color_Value:OnChanged(function(Ammo_Color_Value) game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Ammo.TextColor3 = Ammo_Color_Value end) Bullets:AddSlider( "Vitals_Transparency", { Text = "Vitals Transparency", Suffix = "%", Default = 0.1, Min = 0, Max = 1, Rounding = 2, Compact = true } ):OnChanged(function(VitalsTransparency) game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.Vitals.EnergyFrame.Energy.BackgroundTransparency = VitalsTransparency game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.Vitals.HealthFrame.Health.BackgroundTransparency = VitalsTransparency end) Bullets:AddSlider( "Background_Transparency", { Text = "Inventory Transparency", Suffix = "%", Default = 0.7, Min = 0, Max = 1, Rounding = 2, Compact = true } ):OnChanged(function(InventoryTransparency) game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Inventory.BackgroundTransparency = InventoryTransparency game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Hotbar.BackgroundTransparency = InventoryTransparency game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Armor.BackgroundTransparency = InventoryTransparency end) local Terrain = game:GetService("Workspace").Terrain local GCEN = Color3.fromRGB(93, 111, 55) local GRCEND = false LightingTab:AddToggle("CLRG", { Text = "Color Grass", Default = true, Tooltip = "Off/On" }) :AddColorPicker("ColorGrass", { Default = GCEN, Title = "Changer Color Grass" }) Toggles.CLRG:OnChanged(function(T) GRCEND = T Terrain:SetMaterialColor(Enum.Material.Grass, T and GCEN or Color3.fromRGB(93, 111, 55)) end) Options.ColorGrass:OnChanged(function(Grass1) if GRCEND then GCEN = Grass1 Terrain:SetMaterialColor(Enum.Material.Grass, Grass1) end end) local Terrain = game:GetService("Workspace").Terrain local CloudsColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) local EnableCustomColor = false LightingTab:AddToggle("CLRG1", { Text = "Clouds Color", Default = EnableCustomColor, Tooltip = "Off/On" }) :AddColorPicker("ColorGrass1", { Default = CloudsColor, Title = "Change Clouds Color" }) Toggles.CLRG1:OnChanged(function(T) EnableCustomColor = T Terrain.Clouds.Color = T and CloudsColor or Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) end) Options.ColorGrass1:OnChanged(function(NewColor) if EnableCustomColor then CloudsColor = NewColor Terrain.Clouds.Color = NewColor end end) local CARMS = false LightingTab:AddToggle("CLRT", { Text = "Arm Color", Default = false, Tooltip = "Off/On" }) :AddColorPicker("ARCCCC", { Default = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0), Title = "Arms Color" }) Options.ARCCCC:OnChanged(function(ARMC) if CARMS then game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.LeftUpperArm.Color = ARMC game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.LeftLowerArm.Color = ARMC game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.LeftHand.Color = ARMC game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.RightUpperArm.Color = ARMC game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.RightLowerArm.Color = ARMC game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.RightHand.Color = ARMC else game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.LeftUpperArm.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Dark stone grey") game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.LeftLowerArm.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Linen") game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.LeftHand.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Linen") game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.RightUpperArm.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Dark stone grey") game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.RightLowerArm.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Linen") game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.RightHand.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Linen") end end) Toggles.CLRT:OnChanged(function(T) CARMS = T end) LightingTab:AddDropdown( "MaterialD", { Values = { "Default", "ForceField" }, Default = 1, Multi = false, Text = "Naterial:", Tooltip = "Arms Material" } ):OnChanged(function() if Options.MaterialD.Value == "Default" then game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.RightUpperArm.Material = "Fabric" game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.RightLowerArm.Material = "SmoothPlastic" game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.RightHand.Material = "SmoothPlastic" game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.LeftUpperArm.Material = "Fabric" game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.LeftLowerArm.Material = "SmoothPlastic" game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.LeftHand.Material = "SmoothPlastic" end if Options.MaterialD.Value == "ForceField" then game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.RightUpperArm.Material = "ForceField" game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.RightLowerArm.Material = "ForceField" game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.RightHand.Material = "ForceField" game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.LeftUpperArm.Material = "ForceField" game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.LeftLowerArm.Material = "ForceField" game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.LeftHand.Material = "ForceField" end end) LightingTab:AddInput( "", { Default = "rbxassetid://11414633855", Numeric = false, Finished = true, Text = "Texture ID:", Placeholder = "rbxassetid://...", } ):OnChanged(function(TextureID) game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.LeftUpperArm.TextureID = TextureID game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.LeftLowerArm.TextureID = TextureID game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.LeftHand.TextureID = TextureID game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.RightUpperArm.TextureID = TextureID game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.RightLowerArm.TextureID = TextureID game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.FPSArms.RightHand.TextureID = TextureID end) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTab:AddToggle("", { Text = "Jump Crouch", Default = false }):AddKeyPicker( "JumpCrouchKey", { Default = "B", SyncToggleState = true, Mode = "Toggle", Text = "Jump Crouch", NoUI = false } ) local stoprun = false task.spawn(function() while true do local state = Options.JumpCrouchKey:GetState() if state then keypress(0x57) keypress(0x10) wait(0.05) keypress(0x43) keypress(0x20) keyrelease(0x20) wait(0.5) keyrelease(0x43) wait(1) end if Library.Unloaded then break end wait() end end) task.spawn(function() while task.wait() do local state = Options.JumpCrouchKey:GetState() if not state then if stoprun then keyrelease(0x57) keyrelease(0x10) stoprun = false end else stoprun = true end end end) MiscTab:AddToggle("LootAll", { Text = "Loot All", Default = false }) :AddKeyPicker( "LootAllKey", { Default = "P", SyncToggleState = true, Mode = "Toggle", Text = "Loot All", NoUI = false } ) Toggles.LootAll:OnChanged(function() for i = 1, 20 do game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.RemoteEvent:FireServer(12, i, true) end end) local XRAY22 = false MiscTab:AddToggle("XRAY", { Text = "XRAY", Default = false }) :AddKeyPicker("XRAYKey", { Default = "Z", SyncToggleState = true, Mode = "Toggle", Text = "XRAY", NoUI = false }) :OnChanged(function() XRAY22 = Toggles.XRAY.Value if XRAY22 then for i, v in pairs(game:GetDescendants()) do if v:FindFirstChild("Hitbox") then v.Hitbox.Transparency = 0.6 end end else for i, v in pairs(game:GetDescendants()) do if v:FindFirstChild("Hitbox") then v.Hitbox.Transparency = 0 end end end end) --// UI Settings \\-- local GameID = Tabs.UISettings:AddLeftGroupbox("Game") GameID:AddInput( "GameID_Check", { Default = "Game ID", Numeric = true, Finished = false, Text = "Game ID", Placeholder = "Game ID Here" } ) GameID:AddButton("Join Game", function() game:GetService("TeleportService"):Teleport(Options.GameID_Check.Value, plr) end) local MenuGroup = Tabs.UISettings:AddRightGroupbox("Menu") MenuGroup:AddLabel("" .. game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.ServerInfo.Text .. "", true) MenuGroup:AddLabel(' Made By:Anth', true) MenuGroup:AddButton("Unload Script", function() Library:Unload() for i, v in pairs(Toggles) do v:SetValue(false) Library:Notify("Unloaded!", 1) end end) MenuGroup:AddButton("Panic Button", function() for i, v in pairs(Toggles) do v:SetValue(false) Library:Notify("Panic Button!", 1) end end) MenuGroup:AddButton("Rejoin Server", function() game:GetService("TeleportService"):TeleportToPlaceInstance(game.PlaceId, game.JobId) Library:Notify("Rejoining Server!", 30) end) MenuGroup:AddButton("Copy Join Code", function() setclipboard( ("game:GetService('TeleportService'):TeleportToPlaceInstance(%s, '%s')"):format(game.PlaceId, game.JobId) ) Library:Notify("Copied Join Code!", 5) end) MenuGroup:AddButton("Copy Discord", function() if pcall(setclipboard, "https://discord.gg/astralttm") then Library:Notify("Successfully copied discord link to your clipboard!", 5) end end) MenuGroup:AddToggle("WatermarkToggle", { Text = "Watermark", Default = false, Tooltip = nil }) Toggles.WatermarkToggle:OnChanged(function() Library:SetWatermark("Astral.pro - CRACKED BY PANICHOOK9") Library:SetWatermarkVisibility(Toggles.WatermarkToggle.Value) end) MenuGroup:AddToggle("UISettings_KeybindFrameVisibility", { Text = "Keybind", Default = true }):OnChanged(function() Library.KeybindFrame.Visible = Toggles.UISettings_KeybindFrameVisibility.Value end) MenuGroup:AddLabel("Menu Keybind"):AddKeyPicker("MenuKeybind", { Default = "End", NoUI = true, Text = "Menu keybind" }) Library.ToggleKeybind = Options.MenuKeybind --// Save manager SaveManager:SetLibrary(Library) SaveManager:SetFolder("Astral/folder") SaveManager:BuildConfigSection(Tabs.UISettings) SaveManager:IgnoreThemeSettings() --// Theme manager ThemeManager:SetLibrary(Library) ThemeManager:SetFolder("Astral/themes") ThemeManager:ApplyToTab(Tabs.UISettings) --Wrapping function - needed to unload(Keep at end of script) loadstring( game:HttpGet( "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EIOlmqV6v1owgJBEoqj5lK9p01SFE2THpxcOnvX/LinoriaBurnEdition/main/LoaderManager.lua" ) ) Library:Notify("30 minute timer has started, If your not on a fresh acc anti ban may not work.", 5) task.wait(1500) Library:Notify("Initiated Timer Bypass Please Wait", 5) task.wait(60) Library:Notify("Bypassed Timer If It Dosent Work Then Please Report", 5) local old old = hookfunction(tick, function() if true then return 0 end return old() end) local old old = hookfunction(getrenv().tick, function() if true then return 0 end return old() end)