local v0 = 14077344476 - 823609003; if (game.PlaceId ~= v0) then local v168 = 0; while true do if (v168 == 0) then warn(("This script is intended for use in game with place ID %d, but the current game has place ID %d."):format(v0, game.PlaceId)); return; end end end repeat task.wait(); until game:IsLoaded() local v1 = game:GetService("Workspace").Camera; local v1 = game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera; local v2 = game:GetService("Workspace").Ignore.LocalCharacter.Middle; local v3 = 2; local v4 = os.clock(); if not LPH_OBFUSCATED then local v169 = 0; while true do if (0 == v169) then function LPH_JIT(...) return ...; end function LPH_JIT_MAX(...) return ...; end v169 = 210 - (111 + 98); end if (1 == v169) then function LPH_JIT_ULTRA(...) return ...; end function LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(...) return ...; end v169 = 1525 - (1098 + 425); end if (v169 == (6 - 2)) then function LPH_CRASH() return print(debug.traceback()); end break; end if (v169 == (6 - 3)) then function LPH_STRENC(...) return ...; end function LPH_HOOK_FIX(...) return ...; end v169 = 1417 - (447 + 966); end if (v169 == (5 - 3)) then function LPH_NO_UPVALUES(v248) return (function(...) return v248(...); end); end function LPH_ENCSTR(...) return ...; end v169 = 3; end end end local v5 = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BigHacker123/Library.lua/main/Library.lua"))(); local v6 = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/violin-suzutsuki/LinoriaLib/main/addons/SaveManager.lua"))(); local v7 = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BigHacker123/Library.lua/main/Theme.lua"))(); local v8 = "free"; local v9 = "#00FF00"; local v10 = "v1.1b"; if (v8 == "free") then local v170 = 0; while true do if (0 == v170) then v9 = "#00FF00"; v10 = "v1.1b"; break; end end end local v11 = v5:CreateWindow({Size=UDim2.fromOffset(550, 610),Title=('velocity.cc | ' .. '' .. v8 .. "" .. " [" .. v10 .. "]"),Center=true,AutoShow=true}); local v12 = {MainTab=v11:AddTab("main"),UISettings=v11:AddTab("settings")}; local v13 = v12.MainTab:AddRightTabbox("head hitbox"); local v14 = v13:AddTab("head hitbox"); local v15; v15 = hookmetamethod(game, "__index", LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function(...) local v84 = 1817 - (1703 + 114); local v85; local v86; while true do if (v84 == (702 - (376 + 325))) then return v15(...); end if (v84 == (0 - 0)) then v85, v86 = ...; if (not checkcaller() and (v86 == "Size") and (v85.Name == "Head")) then return 1.672248125076294, 0.835624098777771 - 0, 0.835624098777771 + 0; end v84 = 2 - 1; end end end)); local v16 = 17 - (9 + 5); local v17 = 3; local v18 = 379 - (85 + 291); local v19 = 1265.5 - (243 + 1022); v14:AddToggle("EnabledHB", {Text="enabled",Default=false,Tooltip=nil}); Toggles.EnabledHB:OnChanged(function(v87) if (v87 == true) then local v203 = 0 - 0; while true do if (v203 == (0 + 0)) then for v251, v252 in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do if v252:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then local v258 = 1180 - (1123 + 57); while true do if (v258 == (0 + 0)) then v252.Head.Size = Vector3.new(v16, v17, v18); v252.Head.Transparency = v19; break; end end end end game.ReplicatedStorage.Player.Head.Size = Vector3.new(v16, v17, v18); break; end end elseif (v87 == false) then local v227 = 254 - (163 + 91); while true do if (v227 == (1930 - (1869 + 61))) then for v259, v260 in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do if v260:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then v260.Head.Size = Vector3.new(1.672248125076294 + 0, 0.835624098777771 - 0, 0.835624098777771 - 0); v260.Head.Transparency = 0 + 0; end end game.ReplicatedStorage.Player.Head.Size = Vector3.new(1.672248125076294 - 0, 0.835624098777771 + 0, 1474.8356240987778 - (1329 + 145)); break; end end end end); v14:AddSlider("HitboxT_Slider", {Text="transparency",Default=(971.5 - (140 + 831)),Min=(1850 - (1409 + 441)),Max=(719 - (15 + 703)),Rounding=2,Suffix="%",Compact=true}):OnChanged(function(v88) v19 = v88; end); v14:AddSlider("HitboxXSize_Slider", {Text="x-yize:",Default=(2 + 1),Min=0,Max=6,Rounding=(440 - (262 + 176)),Suffix="%",Compact=false}):OnChanged(function(v89) v16 = v89; end); v14:AddSlider("HitboxYSize_Slider", {Text="y-size:",Default=(1724 - (345 + 1376)),Min=0,Max=(694 - (198 + 490)),Rounding=2,Suffix="%",Compact=false}):OnChanged(function(v90) v17 = v90; end); v14:AddSlider("HitboxZSize_Slider", {Text="z-size:",Default=(13 - 10),Min=0,Max=(14 - 8),Rounding=2,Suffix="%",Compact=false}):OnChanged(function(v91) v18 = v91; end); local v20 = {}; local v21 = {Texts={}}; local v22 = {Settings={Boxes=false,BoxesOutline=false,BoxesFilled=false,BoxesFilledColor=Color3.fromRGB(1461 - (696 + 510), 255, 534 - 279),BoxesFilledTransparency=0.25,BoxesColor=Color3.fromRGB(1517 - (1091 + 171), 42 + 213, 255),OtherBoxesColor=Color3.fromRGB(255, 802 - 547, 255),OtherBoxesColorTeam=Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0 - 0),BoxesOutlineColor=Color3.fromRGB(374 - (123 + 251), 0 - 0, 698 - (208 + 490)),Distances=false,DistanceColor=Color3.fromRGB(22 + 233, 255, 255),OtherDistanceColor=Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 114 + 141),OtherDistanceColorTeam=Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 836 - (660 + 176)),HighlightTarget=false,HighlightTargetColor=Color3.fromRGB(255, 0 + 0, 0),TextFont=(204 - (14 + 188)),TextOutline=true,TextSize=(687 - (534 + 141)),RenderDistance=(403 + 597),TeamCheck=false,TargetSleepers=true,MinTextSize=11},Drawings={},Connections={},Players={},Ores={},StorageThings={}}; local v23 = {UI=0,System=(1 + 0),Plex=2,Monospace=(3 + 0)}; local v24 = {}; v20.Draw = function(v92, v93, v94) if (not v93 and not v94) then return; end local v95 = Drawing.new(v93); for v171, v172 in pairs(v94) do v95[v171] = v172; end table.insert(v22.Drawings, v95); return v95; end; v22.CreateEsp = function(v96, v97) local v98 = 0 - 0; local v99; while true do if (v98 == (2 - 0)) then v99.PlayerTable = v97; v22.Players[v97.model] = v99; break; end if (v98 == (0 - 0)) then if not v97 then return; end v99 = {}; v98 = 1 + 0; end if (v98 == 1) then v99.Sleeping = v20:Draw("Text", {Text="Nil",Font=v22.Settings.TextFont,Size=v22.Settings.TextSize,Center=true,Outline=v22.Settings.TextOutline,Color=v22.Settings.SleepingColor,Color=v22.Settings.OtherSleepingColor,Color=v22.Settings.OtherSleepingColorTeam,ZIndex=(2 + 0),Visible=false}); v99.Distance = v20:Draw("Text", {Text="[nil]",Font=v22.Settings.TextFont,Size=v22.Settings.TextSize,Center=true,Outline=v22.Settings.TextOutline,Color=v22.Settings.DistanceColor,Color=v22.Settings.OtherDistanceColor,Color=v22.Settings.OtherDistanceColorTeam,ZIndex=(398 - (115 + 281)),Visible=false}); v98 = 4 - 2; end end end; v22.RemoveEsp = function(v100, v101) local v102 = 0; while true do if (0 == v102) then if (not v101 and (v101.model ~= nil)) then return; end esp = v22.Players[v101.model]; v102 = 1; end if (v102 == (1 + 0)) then if not esp then return; end for v228, v229 in pairs(esp) do if (not type(v229) == "table") then v229:Remove(); end end v102 = 4 - 2; end if ((7 - 5) == v102) then v22.Players[v101.model] = nil; break; end end end; v22.UpdateEsp = function(v103) for v174, v175 in pairs(v22.Players) do local v176 = 867 - (550 + 317); local v177; local v178; local v179; local v180; local v181; local v182; local v183; local v184; local v185; local v186; local v187; local v188; while true do if (v176 == 2) then v183, v184 = math.floor(v178.X), math.floor(v178.Y); v185 = (v2:GetPivot().Position - v177:GetPivot().Position).Magnitude; v176 = 3; end if (v176 == (3 - 0)) then v186, v187 = math.floor(v183 - (v181 * 0.5)), math.floor(v184 - (v182 * 0.5)); v188 = CFrame.new(0 - 0, 0, -4); v176 = 11 - 7; end if (v176 == (285 - (134 + 151))) then v177 = v174; v178, v179 = v1:WorldToViewportPoint(v177:GetPivot().Position); v176 = 1666 - (970 + 695); end if (v176 == (7 - 3)) then if (v177 and v177:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and v177:FindFirstChild("Head") and (v177.Parent == game.Workspace)) then local v253 = 1990 - (582 + 1408); local v254; while true do if ((3 - 2) == v253) then if ((v179 == true) and (v22.Settings.Distances == true) and (v185 <= v22.Settings.RenderDistance)) then local v266 = 0 - 0; while true do if ((0 - 0) == v266) then if ((v22.Settings.TeamCheck == true) and (v254 == false)) then v175.Distance.Visible = true; elseif ((v22.Settings.TeamCheck == true) and (v254 == true)) then v175.Distance.Visible = false; else v175.Distance.Visible = true; end if ((v22.Settings.TargetSleepers == true) and (v175.PlayerTable.sleeping == true)) then v175.Distance.Visible = false; end v266 = 1825 - (1195 + 629); end if (v266 == (3 - 0)) then v175.Distance.Text = tostring("[" .. math.floor(v185)) .. "]"; v175.Distance.Font = v22.Settings.TextFont; break; end if (v266 == (243 - (187 + 54))) then v175.Distance.Position = Vector2.new(v183, math.floor(v184 + (v182 * 0.5))); v175.Distance.Color = v22.Settings.DistanceColor; v266 = 783 - (162 + 618); end if (v266 == (1 + 0)) then v175.Distance.Outline = v22.Settings.TextOutline; v175.Distance.Size = math.max(math.min(math.abs(v22.Settings.TextSize * v180), v22.Settings.TextSize), v22.Settings.MinTextSize); v266 = 2 + 0; end end else v175.Distance.Visible = false; end break; end if (v253 == (0 - 0)) then v254 = v177.Head.Teamtag.Enabled; if ((v179 == true) and (v22.Settings.Sleeping == true) and (v185 <= v22.Settings.RenderDistance)) then if (v177.Head.Nametag.tag.Text ~= "") then v175.Sleeping.Text = v177:FindFirstChild("Head").Nametag.tag.Text; else local v279 = 0 - 0; while true do if (v279 == (0 + 0)) then v175.Sleeping.Text = "Enemy"; if (v254 == true) then v175.Sleeping.Text = "Friendly"; end v279 = 1; end if (v279 == (1637 - (1373 + 263))) then if (v175.PlayerTable.sleeping == true) then v175.Sleeping.Text = "Sleeping"; end break; end end end if ((v22.Settings.TeamCheck == true) and (v254 == false)) then v175.Sleeping.Visible = true; elseif ((v22.Settings.TeamCheck == true) and (v254 == true)) then v175.Sleeping.Visible = false; else v175.Sleeping.Visible = true; end if ((v22.Settings.TargetSleepers == true) and (v175.PlayerTable.sleeping == true)) then v175.Sleeping.Visible = false; end v175.Sleeping.Outline = v22.Settings.TextOutline; v175.Sleeping.Color = v22.Settings.SleepingColor; v175.Sleeping.Size = math.max(math.min(math.abs(v22.Settings.TextSize * v180), v22.Settings.TextSize), v22.Settings.MinTextSize); v175.Sleeping.Color = v22.Settings.SleepingColor; v175.Sleeping.Font = v22.Settings.TextFont; v175.Sleeping.Position = Vector2.new(v183, math.floor((v184 - (v182 * 0.5)) - v175.Sleeping.TextBounds.Y)); else v175.Sleeping.Visible = false; end v253 = 1; end end else v175.Distance.Visible = false; v175.Sleeping.Visible = false; end break; end if (v176 == (1001 - (451 + 549))) then v180 = ((1 + 0) / (v178.Z * math.tan(math.rad(v1.FieldOfView * (0.5 - 0))) * (2 - 0))) * (1484 - (746 + 638)); v181, v182 = math.floor((16 + 24) * v180), math.floor((91 - 31) * v180); v176 = 343 - (218 + 123); end end end end; local v29 = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped; local v30 = v29:Connect(function() v22:UpdateEsp(); end); for v104, v105 in pairs(getupvalues(getrenv()._G.modules.Player.GetPlayerModel)[1]) do if not table.find(v24, v105) then local v204 = 1581 - (1535 + 46); while true do if (v204 == (0 + 0)) then table.insert(v24, v105); v22:CreateEsp(v105); break; end end end end game:GetService("Workspace").ChildAdded:Connect(function(v106) if v106:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then for v215, v216 in pairs(getupvalues(getrenv()._G.modules.Player.GetPlayerModel)[1]) do if not table.find(v24, v216) then local v250 = 0 + 0; while true do if ((560 - (306 + 254)) == v250) then table.insert(v24, v216); v22:CreateEsp(v216); break; end end end end end end); local v31 = v12.MainTab:AddLeftTabbox(); local v32 = v31:AddTab("player visuals"); local v33 = v31:AddTab("player settings"); v32:AddToggle("EnabledToggle", {Text="enabled",Default=false}):OnChanged(function() end); v32:AddSlider("RenderDistance", {Text="max distance:",Default=(62 + 938),Min=(0 - 0),Max=(3967 - (899 + 568)),Rounding=0,Compact=false,Suffix=" studs"}):OnChanged(function(v107) v22.Settings.RenderDistance = v107; end); local v34 = Drawing.new("Text"); v34.Visible = false; v34.Text = "velocity.cc"; v34.Size = 12; v34.Outline = true; v34.Center = true; v34.Font = 2; v34.Color = Color3.new(137 + 71, 123, 255); v34.Position = Vector2.new(v1.ViewportSize.X / (4 - 2), v1.ViewportSize.Y / (604.89 - (268 + 335))); v32:AddToggle("12t2ta22", {Text="onscreen",Default=false,Tooltip="Onscreen Information"}):AddColorPicker("OnscreenColor", {Default=Color3.fromRGB(498 - (60 + 230), 695 - (426 + 146), 255),Title="Color"}):OnChanged(function(v109) v34.Visible = v109; end); Options.OnscreenColor:OnChanged(function(v111) v34.Color = v111; end); local v43, v44, v45 = true, 0, 0.008 + 0; local function v46() local v113 = 1456 - (282 + 1174); while true do if (v113 == (812 - (569 + 242))) then if (v43 and (v44 >= 1)) then v43 = false; elseif (not v43 and (v44 <= (0 - 0))) then v43 = true; end break; end if (v113 == (0 + 0)) then v34.Transparency = v44; v44 = v44 + ((v43 and v45) or -v45); v113 = 1025 - (706 + 318); end end end game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Connect(v46); v32:AddToggle("Sleeping", {Text="names",Default=false}):AddColorPicker("SleepingColor", {Default=Color3.fromRGB(208, 1374 - (721 + 530), 255),Title="Color"}); Options.SleepingColor:OnChanged(function(v114) v22.Settings.SleepingColor = v114; end); Toggles.Sleeping:OnChanged(function(v116) v22.Settings.Sleeping = v116; end); v32:AddToggle("Distances", {Text="distance",Default=false}):AddColorPicker("DistancesColor", {Default=Color3.fromRGB(208, 123, 1526 - (945 + 326)),Title="Color"}); Toggles.Distances:OnChanged(function(v118) v22.Settings.Distances = v118; end); Options.DistancesColor:OnChanged(function(v120) v22.Settings.DistanceColor = v120; end); v33:AddToggle("TargetSleepers", {Text="sleeper check",Default=true}):OnChanged(function(v122) v22.Settings.TargetSleepers = v122; end); v33:AddToggle("TeamCheck", {Text="team check",Default=false}):OnChanged(function(v124) v22.Settings.TeamCheck = v124; end); v33:AddToggle("TextOutline", {Text="text outlines",Default=true}):OnChanged(function(v126) v22.Settings.TextOutline = v126; end); v33:AddSlider("TextSizeSlider", {Text="text size:",Default=(29 - 17),Min=1,Max=(23 + 2),Rounding=(700 - (271 + 429)),Suffix="px",Compact=false}):OnChanged(function(v128) local v129 = 0 + 0; while true do if (v129 == 0) then v22.Settings.TextSize = v128; v34.Size = v128; break; end end end); v33:AddDropdown("EspFont", {Values={"UI","System","Plex","Monospace"},Default=(1089 - (461 + 625)),Multi=false,Text="font:"}):OnChanged(function(v130) v22.Settings.TextFont = v23[v130]; end); local v47 = v12.MainTab:AddLeftTabbox("crosshair"); local v48 = v47:AddTab("crosshair"); local v49 = Drawing.new("Circle"), Drawing.new("Circle"); v49.Position = Vector2.new(v1.ViewportSize.X / (1290 - (993 + 295)), v1.ViewportSize.Y / 2); v49.Thickness = 1 + 0; v49.ZIndex = 3; do local v133 = 1171 - (418 + 753); while true do if (v133 == (1 + 0)) then v48:AddToggle("Crosshair_Filled1", {Text="filled",Default=false}):OnChanged(function() v49.Filled = Toggles.Crosshair_Filled1.Value; end); v48:AddSlider("Crosshair_Radius", {Text="size",Suffix="°",Default=(1 + 1),Min=0,Max=(30 + 70),Rounding=(0 + 0),Compact=true}):OnChanged(function(v233) v49.Radius = v233; end); break; end if ((529 - (406 + 123)) == v133) then v48:AddToggle("zCrosshairX_Toggle", {Text="enabled",Default=false}):AddColorPicker("eCrosshairX_Color", {Default=Color3.fromRGB(1977 - (1749 + 20), 30 + 93, 255)}):OnChanged(function() v49.Visible = Toggles.zCrosshairX_Toggle.Value; end); Options.eCrosshairX_Color:OnChanged(function() v49.Color = Options.eCrosshairX_Color.Value; end); v133 = 1; end end end local v53 = v12.MainTab:AddLeftTabbox("trash talk"); local v54 = v53:AddTab("trash talk"); local v55 = false; local v56 = {["velocity.cc"]={"start winning with velocity.cc today","get good, get velocity.cc","if only you had velocity.cc smh","velocity.cc, the only way to win","ur kills would be better if u bought velocity.cc","velocity.cc owns you","start beaming get velocity.cc","beamed u kid u should of had velocity.cc","this is why u should buy velocity.cc","stop dying on the job go get velocity.cc"}}; local v57 = getrenv()._G.modules.Network; local v58 = getrenv()._G.modules.Network.SendCodes; game:GetService("LogService").MessageOut:Connect(function(v134) local v135 = v134:match("->([%w_]+)"); local v136, v137 = v134:match("(%-?%d+%.?%d*)%D*->(%-?%d+%.?%d*)hp"); local v138 = v134:match("(%d+%.?%d*)s"); if (v55 and v135 and v136 and v137 and v138 and (v135 ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name)) then if (v55 and (tonumber(v137) <= (0 + 0))) then v57.Send(v58.SEND_CHAT_MESSAGE, v135 .. " killed from " .. v138 .. "m, " .. v56["velocity.cc"][math.random(2 - 1, #v56["velocity.cc"])] .. " [.gg/velocitycc]", "Global"); end end end); local v59 = false; local v60 = ""; local v61 = 3; local function v62() local v139 = {[1]=27,[2]=v60,[3]="Global"}; while v59 do local v189 = 0 - 0; while true do if (v189 == 0) then game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.RemoteEvent:FireServer(unpack(v139)); wait(v61); break; end end end end v54:AddToggle("Enabled_Toggle1", {Text="enabled",Default=false}):OnChanged(function(v140) local v141 = 114 - (4 + 110); while true do if (v141 == 0) then v55 = v140; v59 = v140; break; end end end); v54:AddDropdown("", {Values={"None","Trash Talk","Chat Spammer"},Default=1,Multi=false,Text="type:"}):OnChanged(function(v142) if (v142 == "None") then local v205 = 0; while true do if (v205 == 0) then v55 = false; v59 = false; break; end end elseif (v142 == "Trash Talk") then v55 = true; elseif (v142 == "Chat Spammer") then v62(); end end); v54:AddSlider("SpamChatSpeed", {Text="speed:",Suffix="s",Default=(1430 - (41 + 1386)),Min=(104 - (17 + 86)),Max=(7 + 3),Rounding=0,Compact=false}):OnChanged(function(v143) v61 = v143; end); v54:AddInput("ChatSpammer", {Default="If you cant beat them join them [.gg/velocitycc] on top!",Numeric=false,Finished=true,Text="chat spammer:",Placeholder="Chat Spam Custom Text [HERE]"}):OnChanged(function(v144) v60 = v144; end); local v63 = v12.MainTab:AddRightTabbox("hud"); local v64 = v63:AddTab("hud"); v64:AddToggle("AWASZnfh", {Text="remove server info",Default=false,Tooltip="Hides Server Info"}):OnChanged(function(v145) if (v145 == true) then game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.ServerInfo.Visible = false; elseif (v145 == false) then game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.ServerInfo.Visible = true; end end); v64:AddToggle("AWAaSZasanfh", {Text="remove server status",Default=false,Tooltip="Hides Server Status"}):OnChanged(function(v146) if (v146 == true) then game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.ServerStatus.Visible = false; elseif (v146 == false) then game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.ServerStatus.Visible = true; end end); v64:AddToggle("GnAf", {Text="hide chat",Default=false,Tooltip="Hides chat )"}):OnChanged(function(v147) if (v147 == true) then game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.Chat.Position = UDim2.new(0 - 0, 0 - 0, 167 - (122 + 44), 0 - 0); elseif (v147 == false) then game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.Chat.Position = UDim2.new(0 - 0, 0, 0 + 0, 0 + 0); end end); v64:AddLabel("custom inventory:"):AddColorPicker("Inventory_Color", {Default=Color3.fromRGB(80, 162 - 82, 80)}); Options.Inventory_Color:OnChanged(function(v148) local v149 = 65 - (30 + 35); local v150; while true do if (v149 == (0 + 0)) then v150 = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter; for v242 = 1283 - (1043 + 214), 29 do v150.Armor["ItemSlot" .. v242].BackgroundColor3 = v148; end v149 = 3 - 2; end if (v149 == (1213 - (323 + 889))) then for v244 = 15 - 9, 605 - (361 + 219) do v150.Inventory["ItemSlot" .. v244].BackgroundColor3 = v148; end break; end end end); v64:AddLabel("energy:"):AddColorPicker("Energy_Color_Value", {Default=Color3.fromRGB(517 - (53 + 267), 43 + 144, 453 - (15 + 398))}); Options.Energy_Color_Value:OnChanged(function(v151) game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.Vitals.EnergyFrame.Energy.BackgroundColor3 = v151; end); v64:AddLabel("health:"):AddColorPicker("Health_Color_Value", {Default=Color3.fromRGB(1060 - (18 + 964), 575 - 422, 43 + 31)}); Options.Health_Color_Value:OnChanged(function(v153) game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.Vitals.HealthFrame.Health.BackgroundColor3 = v153; end); v64:AddLabel("ammo:"):AddColorPicker("Ammo_Color_Value", {Default=Color3.fromRGB(161 + 94, 255, 1105 - (20 + 830))}); Options.Ammo_Color_Value:OnChanged(function(v155) game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Ammo.TextColor3 = v155; end); v64:AddSlider("Vitals_Transparency", {Text="vitals transparency",Suffix="%",Default=0.1,Min=0,Max=(1 + 0),Rounding=(128 - (116 + 10)),Compact=true}):OnChanged(function(v157) local v158 = 0; while true do if (v158 == (0 + 0)) then game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.Vitals.EnergyFrame.Energy.BackgroundTransparency = v157; game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.Vitals.HealthFrame.Health.BackgroundTransparency = v157; break; end end end); v64:AddSlider("Background_Transparency", {Text="inventory transparency",Suffix="%",Default=(738.7 - (542 + 196)),Min=(0 - 0),Max=1,Rounding=(1 + 1),Compact=true}):OnChanged(function(v159) local v160 = 0 + 0; while true do if (v160 == 0) then game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Inventory.BackgroundTransparency = v159; game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Hotbar.BackgroundTransparency = v159; v160 = 1 + 0; end if ((2 - 1) == v160) then game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.FPS.BottomCenter.Armor.BackgroundTransparency = v159; break; end end end); local v65 = v12.MainTab:AddRightTabbox("other"); local v66 = v65:AddTab("other"); v66:AddToggle("", {Text="jump crouch",Default=false}):AddKeyPicker("JumpCrouchKey", {Default="Q",SyncToggleState=true,Mode="Toggle",Text="Jump Crouch",NoUI=false}); local v67 = false; task.spawn(function() while true do local v190 = Options.JumpCrouchKey:GetState(); if v190 then local v226 = 0; while true do if ((4 - 2) == v226) then keypress(1583 - (1126 + 425)); keyrelease(437 - (118 + 287)); v226 = 3; end if (v226 == (11 - 8)) then wait(1121.5 - (118 + 1003)); keyrelease(67); v226 = 11 - 7; end if (0 == v226) then keypress(87); keypress(393 - (142 + 235)); v226 = 1; end if (v226 == (4 - 3)) then wait(0.05 + 0); keypress(1044 - (553 + 424)); v226 = 2; end if ((7 - 3) == v226) then wait(1 + 0); break; end end end if v5.Unloaded then break; end wait(); end end); task.spawn(function() while task.wait() do local v191 = 0 + 0; local v192; while true do if (v191 == (0 + 0)) then v192 = Options.JumpCrouchKey:GetState(); if not v192 then if v67 then keyrelease(37 + 50); keyrelease(16); v67 = false; end else v67 = true; end break; end end end end); v66:AddLabel("loot all"):AddKeyPicker("gakb", {Default="F",SyncToggleState=false,Mode="Toggle",Text="loot all",NoUI=true}); Options.gakb:OnClick(function() for v193 = 1, 20 do wait(0.03 + 0); local v194 = 12; local v195 = v193; local v196 = true; game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.RemoteEvent:FireServer(v194, v195, v196); end end); local v68 = v12.UISettings:AddLeftGroupbox("Game"); v68:AddInput("GameID_Check", {Default="Game ID",Numeric=true,Finished=false,Text="Game ID:",Placeholder="Game ID Here"}); v68:AddButton("Join Game", function() game:GetService("TeleportService"):Teleport(Options.GameID_Check.Value, plr); end); local v69 = v12.UISettings:AddRightGroupbox("Menu"); v69:AddLabel("" .. game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.ServerInfo.Text .. "", true); local v70 = v69:AddLabel("Player Count: 0", nil, true); local function v71() local v161 = 0; local v162; while true do if (v161 == (0 - 0)) then v162 = #game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers(); v70:SetText("Players Online: " .. v162); break; end end end game:GetService("Players").PlayerAdded:Connect(v71); game:GetService("Players").PlayerRemoving:Connect(v71); v71(); v69:AddLabel(' Made by: velocity#9108 👑', true); v69:AddButton("Unload Script", function() local v163 = 0 - 0; while true do if (v163 == (0 - 0)) then v5:Unload(); for v246, v247 in pairs(Toggles) do v247:SetValue(false); v5:Notify("Unloaded!", 1 + 0); end break; end end end); v69:AddButton("Panic Button", function() for v197, v198 in pairs(Toggles) do local v199 = 0 - 0; while true do if (0 == v199) then v198:SetValue(false); v5:Notify("Panic Button!", 754 - (239 + 514)); break; end end end end); v69:AddButton("Copy Discord", function() if pcall(setclipboard, "https://discord.gg/dWvMFGkT") then v5:Notify("Successfully copied discord link to your clipboard!", 5); end end); local function v72() local v164 = 0 + 0; local v165; while true do if (v164 == (1329 - (797 + 532))) then v165 = os.date("%X"); return v165; end end end v69:AddToggle("WatermarkToggle", {Text="Watermark",Default=false,Tooltip=nil}); Toggles.WatermarkToggle:OnChanged(function() while Toggles.WatermarkToggle.Value do task.wait(1); local v200 = string.format("%.0f", game.Stats.Workspace.Heartbeat:GetValue()); local v201 = string.format("%.0f", game.Stats.Network.ServerStatsItem["Data Ping"]:GetValue()); local v202 = v72(); v5:SetWatermark("velocity.cc - FPS: " .. v200 .. " | Ping: " .. v201 .. " | Time: " .. v202); v5:SetWatermarkVisibility(Toggles.WatermarkToggle.Value); end end); v5:SetWatermarkVisibility(false); v69:AddToggle("UISettings_KeybindFrameVisibility", {Text="Keybind",Default=true}):OnChanged(function() v5.KeybindFrame.Visible = Toggles.UISettings_KeybindFrameVisibility.Value; end); v69:AddLabel("Menu Keybind"):AddKeyPicker("MenuKeybind", {Default="Insert",NoUI=true,Text="Menu keybind"}); v5.ToggleKeybind = Options.MenuKeybind; v6:SetLibrary(v5); v6:SetFolder("velocity.cc/folder"); v6:BuildConfigSection(v12.UISettings); v6:IgnoreThemeSettings(); v7:SetLibrary(v5); v7:SetFolder("velocity.cc/themes"); v7:ApplyToTab(v12.UISettings); local v75 = (string.format("%." .. tostring(v3) .. "f", os.clock() - v4)); v5:Notify("Script [Loaded] In - " .. tostring(v75) .. "s", 11 + 4); loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EIOlmqV6v1owgJBEoqj5lK9p01SFE2THpxcOnvX/LinoriaBurnEdition/main/LoaderManager.lua")); local v76 = Drawing.new("Text"); v76.Text = "velocity.cc | Free \nhttps://discord.gg/velocitycc"; v76.Visible = true; v76.Font = 1 + 1; v76.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 599 - 344); v76.Outline = true; v76.Center = true; v76.Position = Vector2.new(v1.ViewportSize.x / (1204 - (373 + 829)), 731 - (476 + 255));