if (game.PlaceId ~= 13253735473) then return end local queue_teleport = queueonteleport or queue_on_teleport local script = [[ local player_gui = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") if (not player_gui:FindFirstChildOfClass('Actor')) then warn('Bypass Loading...') local connection; connection = player_gui.ChildAdded:Connect(function(child) if (child.ClassName == 'Actor') then for _, client in next, child:GetChildren() do if (client:IsA('Script')) then client.Disabled = true client.Parent = player_gui client.Disabled = false else client.Parent = player_gui end end task.wait() child:Destroy() warn('Actors have been bypassed') connection:Disconnect() end end) end ]] local player_gui = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui') local actor = player_gui:FindFirstChildOfClass('Actor') if (actor) then if (actor:FindFirstChild('LobbyClient')) then if (not _G.lobby_bypass) then _G.lobby_bypass = true if (queue_teleport) then queue_teleport(script) warn('Lobby bypass loaded!') else warn('Cant load lobby bypass (executor problem)') end else warn('Lobby bypass has already loaded!') end elseif (not getrenv()._G.modules) then warn('Actors have not been bypassed') warn('Please Inject') warn(' - In Lobby') warn(' - While Loading') warn('For the bypass to work!') end elseif (not getrenv()._G.modules) then loadstring(script)() else warn('Actors have already been bypassed!') end