local AztechTeam = {} local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local playerGui = player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui") local humanoid, character = nil, nil function AztechTeam.initializeCharacter() character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait() humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") end AztechTeam.initializeCharacter() player.CharacterAdded:Connect(AztechTeam.initializeCharacter) -- Reinitialize on character respawn function AztechTeam.setToolName(hotbarIndex, moveName) local hotbar = playerGui:FindFirstChild("Hotbar") if hotbar then local backpack = hotbar:FindFirstChild("Backpack") local hotbarFrame = backpack and backpack:FindFirstChild("Hotbar") local baseButton = hotbarFrame and hotbarFrame:FindFirstChild(tostring(hotbarIndex)) if baseButton then local toolNameLabel = baseButton:FindFirstChild("Base") and baseButton.Base:FindFirstChild("ToolName") if toolNameLabel then toolNameLabel.Text = moveName end end end end -- Set move names AztechTeam.setToolName(1, "Hulk PUNCH") AztechTeam.setToolName(2, "Fearsome barrage") AztechTeam.setToolName(3, "Hulk Push") AztechTeam.setToolName(4, "Hulk Smash") -- Create Hulk Leap Tool local function createHulkLeapTool() local tool = Instance.new("Tool") tool.Name = "Hulk Leap" tool.RequiresHandle = false tool.Parent = player.Backpack end createHulkLeapTool() -- Create the tool when the script starts -- Hulk Leap Function function AztechTeam.hulkLeap() local randomPlayer = nil local players = game.Players:GetPlayers() -- Filter out the local player to avoid teleporting to themselves local otherPlayers = {} for _, p in ipairs(players) do if p ~= player then table.insert(otherPlayers, p) end end -- Select a random player if #otherPlayers > 0 then randomPlayer = otherPlayers[math.random(1, #otherPlayers)] end if randomPlayer then -- Get the random player's position and add 100 to the Y-coordinate local targetPosition = randomPlayer.Character and randomPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position if targetPosition then character:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(CFrame.new(targetPosition.X, targetPosition.Y + 100, targetPosition.Z)) end end end -- Bind the Hulk Leap action to the tool's activation local hulkLeapTool = player.Backpack:WaitForChild("Hulk Leap") hulkLeapTool.Activated:Connect(function() AztechTeam.hulkLeap() -- Activate Hulk Leap when the tool is used end) -- change their speed and things local birdUSuck = { -- M1 replacements(bird sending hentai 4k) [10469493270] = {replacementId = "17889458563", startTime = 0, speed = 1}, -- 1st M1 [10469630950] = {replacementId = "17889461810", startTime = 0, speed = 1}, -- 2nd M1 [10469639222] = {replacementId = "17889471098", startTime = 0, speed = 1}, -- 3rd M1 [10469643643] = {replacementId = "17889290569", startTime = 0, speed = 1}, -- 4th M1 -- Moves [10468665991] = {replacementId = "18896127525", startTime = 0.2, speed = 1}, -- Move 1 [10466974800] = {replacementId = "12534735382", startTime = 0, speed = 1.3}, -- Move 2 [10471336737] = {replacementId = "17838006839", startTime = 0.5, speed = 1}, -- Move 3 [12510170988] = {replacementId = "18464372850", startTime = 2, speed = 1}, -- Move 4 -- moves like downslam etc... [10470104242] = {replacementId = "12684185971", startTime = 0, speed = 1}, -- Downslam [10503381238] = {replacementId = "14900168720", startTime = 1.3, speed = 1}, -- Mini Uppercut [10479335397] = {replacementId = "14046756619", startTime = 0, speed = 0.7}, -- Front Dash } function AztechTeam.stopAllAnimations() for _, track in ipairs(humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do track:Stop() end end function AztechTeam.playReplacementAnimation(config) local anim = Instance.new("Animation") anim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://" .. config.replacementId local track = humanoid:LoadAnimation(anim) track:Play() track:AdjustSpeed(0) track.TimePosition = config.startTime track:AdjustSpeed(config.speed) end humanoid.AnimationPlayed:Connect(function(animationTrack) local animId = tonumber(animationTrack.Animation.AnimationId:match("%d+")) local config = birdUSuck[animId] if config then AztechTeam.stopAllAnimations() AztechTeam.playReplacementAnimation(config) end end) character.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(descendant) if descendant:IsA("BodyVelocity") then descendant.Velocity = Vector3.new(descendant.Velocity.X, 0, descendant.Velocity.Z) end end) -- ult moves and name soon...