--// Temporal X Aimbot + ESP --// Created by ProtoType32 --// "Delta" refers to the amount of degrees that the aimbot expects the camera to rotate by (while camera sensitivity is set to 1.0) when the mouse moves by one (1) pixel. --// For example, if the delta was set to (2), that tells the aimbot that moving the mouse by one pixel on 1.0 sensitivity would rotate the camera by 2 degrees. --// It adjusts automatically to account for different camera sensitivity settings. Aimbot is most accurate on lower sensitivities. --!! Keep these set to (nil) if you aren't sure what they do! local deltaX = nil -- Left/Right rotation delta local deltaY = nil -- Up/Down rotation delta local aimDeltaX = nil -- These delta values override the normal delta values when "gameAimButton" is being held down. Can be used for if games change camera sensitivity when aiming in. local aimDeltaY = nil -- ^^^ local gameAimButton = nil -- Can be either an Enum.KeyCode or Enum.UserInputType -- Defaults to Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 if set to (nil) --// I've also made a tool to automatically grab delta values here: --// https://pastebin.com/raw/YYdL4kxh loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://pastebin.com/raw/w2S8YyDt", true))()