getgenv().RebirthSpeed = math.huge -- edit this to speed u want, stay at math.huge if u want to autofarm getgenv().AutoRebirth = true -- false to disable. If disabled then will give speed getgenv().Amount = 999999999999 -- edit this to whatever u want ---------------------------------- made by cat ok#1337, improved auto rebirth, credits to people who made dat shit or sum local rs = game.ReplicatedStorage while getgenv().AutoRebirth == true do task.wait() rs.GlobalFunctions.AddPlayerSpeed:FireServer(getgenv().RebirthSpeed,getgenv().RebirthSpeed) rs.GlobalFunctions.RebirthPlayerCallFromClient:FireServer() end ------------------------------------------------- if auto rebirth disabled if getgenv().AutoRebirth == false then rs.GlobalFunctions.AddPlayerSpeed:FireServer(getgenv().Amount,getgenv().Amount) -- gives the speed end