local v0=tonumber;local v1=string.byte;local v2=string.char;local v3=string.sub;local v4=string.gsub;local v5=string.rep;local v6=table.concat;local v7=table.insert;local v8=math.ldexp;local v9=getfenv or function()return _ENV;end ;local v10=setmetatable;local v11=pcall;local v12=select;local v13=unpack or table.unpack ;local v14=tonumber;local function v15(v16,v17,...)local v18=1;local v19;v16=v4(v3(v16,5),"..",function(v30)if (v1(v30,2)==79) then v19=v0(v3(v30,1,1));return "";else local v82=0;local v83;while true do if (v82==0) then v83=v2(v0(v30,16));if v19 then local v96=v5(v83,v19);v19=nil;return v96;else return v83;end break;end end end end);local function v20(v31,v32,v33)if v33 then local v84=0 -(0 + 0) ;local v85;while true do if (v84==0) then v85=(v31/(2^(v32-((2 -0) -1))))%((3 -1)^(((v33-(2 -1)) -(v32-(620 -(555 + 64)))) + ((1997 -(68 + 997)) -(857 + 74)))) ;return v85-(v85%(569 -(367 + 201))) ;end end else local v86=927 -(214 + 713) ;local v87;while true do if (v86==(0 + 0)) then v87=(1 + 1)^(v32-(878 -(282 + 595))) ;return (((v31%(v87 + v87))>=v87) and (1638 -(1523 + 114))) or 0 ;end end end end local function v21()local v34=v1(v16,v18,v18);v18=v18 + 1 ;return v34;end local function v22()local v35,v36=v1(v16,v18,v18 + 2 );v18=v18 + (1272 -(226 + 1044)) ;return (v36 * (1114 -858)) + v35 ;end local function v23()local v37,v38,v39,v40=v1(v16,v18,v18 + (120 -(32 + 85)) );v18=v18 + 4 + 0 ;return (v40 * (3720433 + 13056783)) + (v39 * (156337 -90801)) + (v38 * (1213 -(892 + 65))) + v37 ;end local function v24()local v41=0 -0 ;local v42;local v43;local v44;local v45;local v46;local v47;while true do if (v41==(1 -0)) then v44=351 -(87 + (839 -576)) ;v45=(v20(v43,1,20) * ((182 -(67 + 113))^(24 + 8))) + v42 ;v41=4 -2 ;end if ((2 + 0 + 0)==v41) then v46=v20(v43,83 -62 ,(1738 -755) -(802 + (588 -(145 + 293))) );v47=((v20(v43,85 -(483 -(44 + 386)) )==(1 -0)) and -(1 + 0)) or (998 -(915 + (1568 -(998 + 488)))) ;v41=3;end if (v41==(0 -0)) then v42=v23();v43=v23();v41=1 + 0 ;end if (v41==(3 -0)) then if (v46==(1187 -(1069 + 118))) then if (v45==(0 -0)) then return v47 * (0 -0) ;else v46=1 + 0 ;v44=0 + 0 ;end elseif (v46==(3636 -1589)) then return ((v45==(0 + 0)) and (v47 * ((792 -(368 + 423))/(0 -0)))) or (v47 * NaN) ;end return v8(v47,v46-(1041 -(10 + 8)) ) * (v44 + (v45/((7 -5)^(494 -(416 + 26))))) ;end end end local function v25(v48)local v49;if not v48 then local v88=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v88==(772 -(201 + (2084 -1513)))) then v48=v23();if (v48==(1138 -((411 -295) + 1022))) then return "";end break;end end end v49=v3(v16,v18,(v18 + v48) -(4 -3) );v18=v18 + v48 ;local v50={};for v64=1 + 0 , #v49 do v50[v64]=v2(v1(v3(v49,v64,v64)));end return v6(v50);end local v26=v23;local function v27(...)return {...},v12("#",...);end local function v28()local v51=0 -0 ;local v52;local v53;local v54;local v55;local v56;local v57;while true do local v66=1900 -(106 + 1794) ;local v67;while true do if (v66~=(935 -(39 + 896))) then else v67=0 -0 ;while true do if (v67==0) then if (v51~=(1 -0)) then else v55={v52,v53,nil,v54};v56=v23();v57={};v51=2;end if (v51==(7 -4)) then local v97=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v97==(396 -(115 + 281))) then for v109=1,v23() do v53[v109-(585 -(57 + 527)) ]=v28();end return v55;end end end v67=1428 -(41 + 1386) ;end if ((104 -(17 + 86))~=v67) then else if (v51~=0) then else local v98=0 -0 ;while true do if (v98==0) then v52={};v53={};v98=1 + 0 ;end if (v98==(1 + 0)) then v54={};v51=1;break;end end end if (v51~=(4 -2)) then else for v100=1,v56 do local v101=0;local v102;local v103;local v104;while true do if (v101==(3 -2)) then v104=nil;while true do if (v102==(867 -(550 + 317))) then local v374=0;while true do if (v374==(1 -0)) then v102=1 -0 ;break;end if ((0 + 0)==v374) then local v762=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v762~=1) then else v374=2 -1 ;break;end if (v762~=0) then else v103=v21();v104=nil;v762=286 -(134 + 151) ;end end end end end if (v102==(66 -(30 + 35))) then if (v103==(1 + 0)) then v104=v21()~=(1665 -(970 + 695)) ;elseif (v103==(1259 -(1043 + 214))) then v104=v24();elseif (v103~=(5 -2)) then else v104=v25();end v57[v100]=v104;break;end end break;end if (v101==0) then local v111=0;while true do if ((1991 -(582 + 1408))==v111) then v101=3 -2 ;break;end if (v111~=(0 -0)) then else v102=580 -(361 + 219) ;v103=nil;v111=1 -0 ;end end end end end v55[11 -8 ]=v21();for v105=1825 -(1195 + 629) ,v23() do local v106=0 -0 ;local v107;local v108;while true do if (v106==(242 -(187 + 54))) then while true do if (v107~=(413 -(15 + 398))) then else v108=v21();if (v20(v108,781 -(162 + 618) ,1)==(982 -(18 + 964))) then local v729=0 -0 ;local v730;local v731;local v732;local v733;local v734;while true do if (v729~=1) then else v732=nil;v733=nil;v729=2 + 0 ;end if (v729~=(2 + 0)) then else v734=nil;while true do if (v730~=(850 -(20 + 830))) then else local v1002=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v1002==1) then v730=127 -(116 + 10) ;break;end if (v1002==(0 -0)) then v731=0;v732=nil;v1002=1 + 0 ;end end end if (v730==2) then while true do if (v731==3) then if (v20(v733,741 -(542 + 196) ,6 -3 )~=(1 -0)) then else v734[1 + 3 ]=v57[v734[4]];end v52[v105]=v734;break;end if (v731~=(1637 -(1373 + 263))) then else local v1005=1000 -(451 + 549) ;local v1006;local v1007;while true do if ((1 + 0)==v1005) then while true do if (v1006~=(0 -0)) then else v1007=0 -0 ;while true do if ((1384 -(746 + 638))~=v1007) then else v734={v22(),v22(),nil,nil};if (v732==(341 -(218 + 123))) then local v1019=0 -0 ;local v1020;local v1021;while true do if ((377 -(142 + 235))~=v1019) then else v1020=0;v1021=nil;v1019=1;end if (v1019==1) then while true do if (v1020==(1581 -(1535 + 46))) then v1021=0;while true do if (v1021~=(0 + 0)) then else v734[13 -10 ]=v22();v734[1 + 3 ]=v22();break;end end break;end end break;end end elseif (v732==(561 -(306 + 254))) then v734[1 + 2 ]=v23();elseif (v732==(3 -1)) then v734[3]=v23() -((1469 -(899 + 568))^(11 + 5)) ;elseif (v732==3) then local v1024=0 -0 ;local v1025;local v1026;while true do if (v1024~=(603 -(268 + 335))) then else v1025=0 -0 ;v1026=nil;v1024=291 -(60 + 230) ;end if (v1024==(573 -(426 + 146))) then while true do if (v1025==(0 + 0)) then v1026=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v1026==(1456 -(282 + 1174))) then v734[2 + 1 ]=v23() -((2 + 0)^(827 -(569 + 242))) ;v734[11 -7 ]=v22();break;end end break;end end break;end end end v1007=1 + 0 ;end if (v1007~=1) then else v731=1026 -(706 + 318) ;break;end end break;end end break;end if (0~=v1005) then else v1006=1251 -(721 + 530) ;v1007=nil;v1005=1272 -(945 + 326) ;end end end if (0==v731) then local v1008=0;local v1009;local v1010;while true do if ((1 + 0)~=v1008) then else while true do if (v1009~=(0 -0)) then else v1010=0 -0 ;while true do if ((753 -(239 + 514))~=v1010) then else local v1018=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v1018==(1 + 0)) then v1010=1;break;end if (v1018~=(0 + 0)) then else v732=v20(v108,1 + 1 ,6 -3 );v733=v20(v108,4,706 -(271 + 429) );v1018=1203 -(373 + 829) ;end end end if (v1010==(1 + 0)) then v731=1131 -(369 + 761) ;break;end end break;end end break;end if (v1008==(0 + 0)) then v1009=1500 -(1408 + 92) ;v1010=nil;v1008=1087 -(461 + 625) ;end end end if (2==v731) then local v1011=1288 -(993 + 295) ;while true do if (v1011~=0) then else if (v20(v733,1 + 0 ,1)~=(1172 -(418 + 753))) then else v734[1 + 1 ]=v57[v734[1 + 1 ]];end if (v20(v733,2 -0 ,1 + 1 )~=(1 + 0)) then else v734[219 -(42 + 174) ]=v57[v734[3]];end v1011=1;end if ((1 + 0)==v1011) then v731=532 -(406 + 123) ;break;end end end end break;end if ((1770 -(1749 + 20))==v730) then local v1003=0;while true do if (v1003~=(1504 -(363 + 1141))) then else v733=nil;v734=nil;v1003=1 + 0 ;end if (v1003~=(1323 -(1249 + 73))) then else v730=1 + 1 ;break;end end end end break;end if (v729~=(0 + 0)) then else v730=0;v731=nil;v729=1146 -(466 + 679) ;end end end break;end end break;end if (v106==(1975 -(1913 + 62))) then v107=0;v108=nil;v106=2 -1 ;end end end v51=8 -5 ;end break;end end break;end end end end local function v29(v58,v59,v60)local v61=v58[1];local v62=v58[2];local v63=v58[3];return function(...)local v68=v61;local v69=v62;local v70=v63;local v71=v27;local v72=1;local v73= -1;local v74={};local v75={...};local v76=v12("#",...) -1 ;local v77={};local v78={};for v89=0,v76 do if (v89>=v70) then v74[v89-v70 ]=v75[v89 + 1 ];else v78[v89]=v75[v89 + 1 ];end end local v79=(v76-v70) + 1 ;local v80;local v81;while true do v80=v68[v72];v81=v80[1];if (v81<=39) then if (v81<=19) then if (v81<=9) then if (v81<=4) then if (v81<=1) then if (v81>0) then local v112=v80[2];v78[v112]=v78[v112](v13(v78,v112 + 1 ,v80[3]));else v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];end elseif (v81<=2) then local v116=0;local v117;local v118;local v119;local v120;while true do if (v116==1) then v73=(v119 + v117) -1 ;v120=0;v116=2;end if (v116==0) then v117=v80[2];v118,v119=v71(v78[v117](v78[v117 + 1 ]));v116=1;end if (v116==2) then for v735=v117,v73 do v120=v120 + 1 ;v78[v735]=v118[v120];end break;end end elseif (v81>3) then local v376;v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v376=v80[2];v78[v376]=v78[v376](v78[v376 + 1 ]);v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v72=v80[3];else local v386;local v387;local v388;v78[v80[2]]={};v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v388=v80[3];v387=v78[v388];for v540=v388 + 1 ,v80[4] do v387=v387 .. v78[v540] ;end v78[v80[2]]=v387;v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v78[v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v386=v80[2];v78[v386](v13(v78,v386 + 1 ,v80[3]));end elseif (v81<=6) then if (v81>5) then local v121;local v122;local v121,v123;local v124;local v125;v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v125=v80[2];v124=v78[v80[3]];v78[v125 + 1 ]=v124;v78[v125]=v124[v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v125=v80[2];v121,v123=v71(v78[v125](v78[v125 + 1 ]));v73=(v123 + v125) -1 ;v122=0;for v340=v125,v73 do local v341=0;while true do if (0==v341) then v122=v122 + 1 ;v78[v340]=v121[v122];break;end end end v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v125=v80[2];v121={v78[v125](v13(v78,v125 + 1 ,v73))};v122=0;for v342=v125,v80[4] do v122=v122 + 1 ;v78[v342]=v121[v122];end v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v72=v80[3];else local v136=0;local v137;local v138;local v139;local v140;local v141;while true do if (v136==3) then v78[v141 + 1 ]=v140;v78[v141]=v140[v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v136=4;end if (v136==4) then v141=v80[2];v138,v139=v71(v78[v141](v78[v141 + 1 ]));v73=(v139 + v141) -1 ;v137=0;v136=5;end if (v136==5) then for v740=v141,v73 do local v741=0;while true do if (v741==0) then v137=v137 + 1 ;v78[v740]=v138[v137];break;end end end v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v141=v80[2];v136=6;end if (v136==2) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v141=v80[2];v140=v78[v80[3]];v136=3;end if (v136==7) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];if v78[v80[2]] then v72=v72 + 1 ;else v72=v80[3];end break;end if (v136==6) then v78[v141]=v78[v141](v13(v78,v141 + 1 ,v73));v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]];v136=7;end if (v136==0) then v137=nil;v138,v139=nil;v140=nil;v141=nil;v136=1;end if (v136==1) then v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v136=2;end end end elseif (v81<=7) then local v142=0;local v143;local v144;local v145;local v146;while true do if (v142==1) then v73=(v145 + v143) -1 ;v146=0;v142=2;end if (0==v142) then v143=v80[2];v144,v145=v71(v78[v143](v13(v78,v143 + 1 ,v80[3])));v142=1;end if (2==v142) then for v742=v143,v73 do v146=v146 + 1 ;v78[v742]=v144[v146];end break;end end elseif (v81>8) then local v398;v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v398=v80[2];v78[v398]=v78[v398](v78[v398 + 1 ]);v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];else local v408;v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v408=v80[2];v78[v408]=v78[v408](v13(v78,v408 + 1 ,v80[3]));v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v78[v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v78[v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v72=v80[3];end elseif (v81<=14) then if (v81<=11) then if (v81>10) then v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]];else local v149=0;local v150;local v151;local v152;while true do if (v149==0) then v150=v80[2];v151={v78[v150](v78[v150 + 1 ])};v149=1;end if (v149==1) then v152=0;for v745=v150,v80[4] do v152=v152 + 1 ;v78[v745]=v151[v152];end break;end end end elseif (v81<=12) then local v153=0;local v154;while true do if (5==v153) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v78[v80[4]];v153=6;end if (6==v153) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v153=7;end if (v153==0) then v154=nil;v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v153=1;end if (v153==3) then v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v153=4;end if (v153==2) then v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v153=3;end if (7==v153) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v72=v80[3];break;end if (v153==1) then v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v153=2;end if (4==v153) then v80=v68[v72];v154=v80[2];v78[v154]=v78[v154](v13(v78,v154 + 1 ,v80[3]));v153=5;end end elseif (v81>13) then local v418=v80[2];do return v13(v78,v418,v418 + v80[3] );end else local v419;local v420;v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v78[v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v420=v80[2];v78[v420](v13(v78,v420 + 1 ,v80[3]));v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v420=v80[2];v419=v78[v80[3]];v78[v420 + 1 ]=v419;v78[v420]=v419[v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]={};v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];end elseif (v81<=16) then if (v81==15) then local v155=v80[2];v78[v155](v13(v78,v155 + 1 ,v73));else local v156=0;local v157;local v158;local v159;local v160;local v161;while true do if (1==v156) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v156=2;end if (v156==5) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v156=6;end if (v156==0) then v157=nil;v158,v159=nil;v160=nil;v161=nil;v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];v156=1;end if (v156==2) then v161=v80[2];v160=v78[v80[3]];v78[v161 + 1 ]=v160;v78[v161]=v160[v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v156=3;end if (3==v156) then v80=v68[v72];v161=v80[2];v158,v159=v71(v78[v161](v78[v161 + 1 ]));v73=(v159 + v161) -1 ;v157=0;v156=4;end if (v156==4) then for v748=v161,v73 do local v749=0;while true do if (v749==0) then v157=v157 + 1 ;v78[v748]=v158[v157];break;end end end v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v161=v80[2];v78[v161]=v78[v161](v13(v78,v161 + 1 ,v73));v156=5;end if (v156==6) then if v78[v80[2]] then v72=v72 + 1 ;else v72=v80[3];end break;end end end elseif (v81<=17) then local v162;v78[v80[2]]={};v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v162=v80[2];v78[v162]=v78[v162](v13(v78,v162 + 1 ,v80[3]));v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v162=v80[2];v78[v162]=v78[v162](v78[v162 + 1 ]);v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];elseif (v81==18) then v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];else local v433=0;local v434;local v435;while true do if (v433==5) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v433=6;end if (v433==0) then v434=nil;v435=nil;v78[v80[2]]={};v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v433=1;end if (v433==3) then v78[v435]=v78[v435](v13(v78,v435 + 1 ,v80[3]));v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v433=4;end if (v433==4) then v80=v68[v72];v435=v80[2];v434=v78[v80[3]];v78[v435 + 1 ]=v434;v78[v435]=v434[v80[4]];v433=5;end if (v433==6) then v435=v80[2];v78[v435](v13(v78,v435 + 1 ,v80[3]));v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v435=v80[2];v433=7;end if (v433==2) then v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v435=v80[2];v433=3;end if (v433==7) then v434=v78[v80[3]];v78[v435 + 1 ]=v434;v78[v435]=v434[v80[4]];break;end if (v433==1) then v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];v72=v72 + 1 ;v433=2;end end end elseif (v81<=29) then if (v81<=24) then if (v81<=21) then if (v81==20) then v60[v80[3]]=v78[v80[2]];else local v175=0;while true do if (v175==3) then v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v78[v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v72=v80[3];break;end if (v175==1) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v175=2;end if (v175==0) then v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v175=1;end if (v175==2) then v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v175=3;end end end elseif (v81<=22) then v78[v80[2]]=v59[v80[3]];elseif (v81>23) then local v436;local v437;v437=v80[2];v436=v78[v80[3]];v78[v437 + 1 ]=v436;v78[v437]=v436[v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v437=v80[2];v78[v437]=v78[v437](v13(v78,v437 + 1 ,v80[3]));v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v78[v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v59[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];if (v78[v80[2]]==v80[4]) then v72=v72 + 1 ;else v72=v80[3];end else local v450=0;local v451;local v452;while true do if (v450==0) then v451=nil;v452=nil;v452=v80[2];v451=v78[v80[3]];v78[v452 + 1 ]=v451;v78[v452]=v451[v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v450=1;end if (v450==2) then v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v450=3;end if (v450==3) then v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v452=v80[2];v78[v452]=v78[v452](v13(v78,v452 + 1 ,v80[3]));v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]] + v78[v80[4]] ;v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v450=4;end if (v450==1) then v80=v68[v72];v452=v80[2];v78[v452]=v78[v452](v13(v78,v452 + 1 ,v80[3]));v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v450=2;end if (v450==10) then v78[v452](v13(v78,v452 + 1 ,v80[3]));v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];break;end if (v450==8) then v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v450=9;end if (v450==6) then v80=v68[v72];v452=v80[2];v451=v78[v80[3]];v78[v452 + 1 ]=v451;v78[v452]=v451[v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v450=7;end if (v450==7) then v452=v80[2];v78[v452]=v78[v452](v13(v78,v452 + 1 ,v80[3]));v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v450=8;end if (5==v450) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v452=v80[2];v451=v78[v80[3]];v78[v452 + 1 ]=v451;v78[v452]=v451[v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v450=6;end if (v450==4) then v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v78[v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v450=5;end if (v450==9) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v452=v80[2];v78[v452]=v78[v452](v13(v78,v452 + 1 ,v80[3]));v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]] + v78[v80[4]] ;v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v452=v80[2];v450=10;end end end elseif (v81<=26) then if (v81==25) then v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v78[v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];else v72=v80[3];end elseif (v81<=27) then local v186=v80[2];v78[v186]=v78[v186]();elseif (v81==28) then local v453=0;local v454;while true do if (0==v453) then v454=nil;v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v453=1;end if (v453==3) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v453=4;end if (v453==5) then v80=v68[v72];v72=v80[3];break;end if (v453==1) then v454=v80[2];v78[v454]=v78[v454](v13(v78,v454 + 1 ,v80[3]));v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v453=2;end if (v453==2) then v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];v453=3;end if (v453==4) then v80=v68[v72];v454=v80[2];v78[v454](v78[v454 + 1 ]);v72=v72 + 1 ;v453=5;end end elseif (v78[v80[2]]==v80[4]) then v72=v72 + 1 ;else v72=v80[3];end elseif (v81<=34) then if (v81<=31) then if (v81>30) then v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v78[v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v72=v80[3];else local v195;v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v195=v80[2];v78[v195]=v78[v195](v13(v78,v195 + 1 ,v80[3]));v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v78[v80[4]];end elseif (v81<=32) then local v205;local v206;local v205,v207;local v208;local v209;v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v209=v80[2];v208=v78[v80[3]];v78[v209 + 1 ]=v208;v78[v209]=v208[v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v209=v80[2];v205,v207=v71(v78[v209](v78[v209 + 1 ]));v73=(v207 + v209) -1 ;v206=0;for v345=v209,v73 do v206=v206 + 1 ;v78[v345]=v205[v206];end v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v209=v80[2];v205={v78[v209](v13(v78,v209 + 1 ,v73))};v206=0;for v348=v209,v80[4] do v206=v206 + 1 ;v78[v348]=v205[v206];end v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v72=v80[3];elseif (v81==33) then local v455;local v456;local v455,v457;local v458;local v459;v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v78[v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v459=v80[2];v458=v78[v80[3]];v78[v459 + 1 ]=v458;v78[v459]=v458[v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v459=v80[2];v455,v457=v71(v78[v459](v78[v459 + 1 ]));v73=(v457 + v459) -1 ;v456=0;for v615=v459,v73 do v456=v456 + 1 ;v78[v615]=v455[v456];end v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v459=v80[2];v455={v78[v459](v13(v78,v459 + 1 ,v73))};v456=0;for v618=v459,v80[4] do local v619=0;while true do if (v619==0) then v456=v456 + 1 ;v78[v618]=v455[v456];break;end end end v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v72=v80[3];else v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]] -v78[v80[4]] ;end elseif (v81<=36) then if (v81>35) then local v220=0;local v221;while true do if (v220==4) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v220=5;end if (v220==5) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];if (v78[v80[2]]45) then v59[v80[3]]=v78[v80[2]];else local v246;local v247;v78[v80[2]]=v59[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v247=v80[2];v246=v78[v80[3]];v78[v247 + 1 ]=v246;v78[v247]=v246[v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]={};v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v247=v80[2];v78[v247](v13(v78,v247 + 1 ,v80[3]));v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];do return;end end elseif (v81<=47) then if (v78[v80[2]]==v78[v80[4]]) then v72=v72 + 1 ;else v72=v80[3];end elseif (v81>48) then local v489=0;local v490;while true do if (v489==0) then v490=v80[2];v78[v490](v13(v78,v490 + 1 ,v80[3]));break;end end else local v491=0;local v492;while true do if (v491==7) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v491=8;end if (v491==1) then v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v491=2;end if (v491==8) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v78[v80[4]];v491=9;end if (v491==3) then v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v491=4;end if (v491==4) then v80=v68[v72];v492=v80[2];v78[v492]=v78[v492](v13(v78,v492 + 1 ,v80[3]));v491=5;end if (v491==2) then v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v491=3;end if (v491==0) then v492=nil;v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v491=1;end if (5==v491) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v78[v80[4]];v491=6;end if (v491==6) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];v491=7;end if (v491==9) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v72=v80[3];break;end end end elseif (v81<=54) then if (v81<=51) then if (v81>50) then local v258;local v259;v259=v80[2];v258=v78[v80[3]];v78[v259 + 1 ]=v258;v78[v259]=v258[v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v259=v80[2];v78[v259]=v78[v259](v13(v78,v259 + 1 ,v80[3]));v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v78[v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v72=v80[3];else local v270;local v271,v272;local v273;local v274;v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v274=v80[2];v273=v78[v80[3]];v78[v274 + 1 ]=v273;v78[v274]=v273[v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v274=v80[2];v271,v272=v71(v78[v274](v13(v78,v274 + 1 ,v80[3])));v73=(v272 + v274) -1 ;v270=0;for v351=v274,v73 do local v352=0;while true do if (v352==0) then v270=v270 + 1 ;v78[v351]=v271[v270];break;end end end v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v274=v80[2];v78[v274]=v78[v274](v13(v78,v274 + 1 ,v73));v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v274=v80[2];v78[v274]=v78[v274]();v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];end elseif (v81<=52) then local v285=0;local v286;while true do if (v285==6) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];v285=7;end if (v285==5) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v78[v80[4]];v285=6;end if (v285==0) then v286=nil;v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v285=1;end if (3==v285) then v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v285=4;end if (v285==4) then v80=v68[v72];v286=v80[2];v78[v286]=v78[v286](v13(v78,v286 + 1 ,v80[3]));v285=5;end if (v285==1) then v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v285=2;end if (v285==7) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];break;end if (v285==2) then v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v285=3;end end elseif (v81==53) then local v493=0;local v494;while true do if (v493==0) then v494=v80[2];v78[v494]=v78[v494](v78[v494 + 1 ]);break;end end else local v495=v80[2];v78[v495](v78[v495 + 1 ]);end elseif (v81<=56) then if (v81==55) then local v287=v80[2];local v288={};for v353=1, #v77 do local v354=v77[v353];for v496=0, #v354 do local v497=0;local v498;local v499;local v500;while true do if (1==v497) then v500=v498[2];if ((v499==v78) and (v500>=v287)) then v288[v500]=v499[v500];v498[1]=v288;end break;end if (0==v497) then v498=v354[v496];v499=v498[1];v497=1;end end end end else local v289=v80[2];v78[v289]=v78[v289](v13(v78,v289 + 1 ,v73));end elseif (v81<=57) then local v291=0;local v292;local v293;local v294;while true do if (v291==3) then v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v291=4;end if (0==v291) then v292=nil;v293=nil;v294=nil;v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v291=1;end if (v291==5) then v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v291=6;end if (v291==4) then v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v291=5;end if (v291==1) then v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v291=2;end if (v291==6) then v294=v80[2];v293={v78[v294](v78[v294 + 1 ])};v292=0;for v754=v294,v80[4] do local v755=0;while true do if (v755==0) then v292=v292 + 1 ;v78[v754]=v293[v292];break;end end end v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v291=7;end if (v291==2) then v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v291=3;end if (v291==7) then v72=v80[3];break;end end elseif (v81>58) then local v501=0;local v502;local v503;local v504;local v505;local v506;while true do if (v501==3) then v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v501=4;end if (v501==5) then v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v501=6;end if (0==v501) then v502=nil;v503,v504=nil;v505=nil;v506=nil;v501=1;end if (v501==14) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];do return;end break;end if (v501==10) then v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v501=11;end if (v501==9) then v505=v78[v80[3]];v78[v506 + 1 ]=v505;v78[v506]=v505[v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v501=10;end if (v501==12) then v503,v504=v71(v78[v506](v78[v506 + 1 ]));v73=(v504 + v506) -1 ;v502=0;for v990=v506,v73 do v502=v502 + 1 ;v78[v990]=v503[v502];end v501=13;end if (v501==7) then v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v501=8;end if (v501==8) then v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v506=v80[2];v501=9;end if (v501==1) then v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v506=v80[2];v501=2;end if (v501==4) then v506=v80[2];v78[v506]=v78[v506](v13(v78,v506 + 1 ,v80[3]));v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v501=5;end if (v501==6) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v501=7;end if (v501==11) then v78[v80[2]]=v59[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v506=v80[2];v501=12;end if (v501==2) then v505=v78[v80[3]];v78[v506 + 1 ]=v505;v78[v506]=v505[v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v501=3;end if (v501==13) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v506=v80[2];v78[v506](v13(v78,v506 + 1 ,v73));v501=14;end end else v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];end elseif (v81<=69) then if (v81<=64) then if (v81<=61) then if (v81==60) then do return v78[v80[2]];end else local v295=v80[2];local v296=v80[4];local v297=v295 + 2 ;local v298={v78[v295](v78[v295 + 1 ],v78[v297])};for v355=1,v296 do v78[v297 + v355 ]=v298[v355];end local v299=v298[1];if v299 then v78[v297]=v299;v72=v80[3];else v72=v72 + 1 ;end end elseif (v81<=62) then local v300=v80[3];local v301=v78[v300];for v358=v300 + 1 ,v80[4] do v301=v301 .. v78[v358] ;end v78[v80[2]]=v301;elseif (v81==63) then local v511=0;local v512;local v513;while true do if (0==v511) then v512=nil;v513=nil;v78[v80[2]]=v59[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v511=1;end if (v511==6) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v513=v80[2];v78[v513](v13(v78,v513 + 1 ,v80[3]));v511=7;end if (1==v511) then v80=v68[v72];v513=v80[2];v512=v78[v80[3]];v78[v513 + 1 ]=v512;v511=2;end if (v511==3) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];v72=v72 + 1 ;v511=4;end if (v511==4) then v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v511=5;end if (5==v511) then v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];v511=6;end if (v511==2) then v78[v513]=v512[v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]={};v511=3;end if (v511==7) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];do return;end break;end end else local v514;v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v514=v80[2];v78[v514](v78[v514 + 1 ]);v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];do return;end end elseif (v81<=66) then if (v81>65) then v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]] + v78[v80[4]] ;else v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];end elseif (v81<=67) then local v306;v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v306=v80[2];v78[v306]=v78[v306](v13(v78,v306 + 1 ,v80[3]));v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v78[v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v78[v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v72=v80[3];elseif (v81==68) then v78[v80[2]]();else local v520=0;local v521;while true do if (v520==3) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];v520=4;end if (v520==0) then v521=nil;v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v520=1;end if (v520==6) then v78[v521](v78[v521 + 1 ]);v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v520=7;end if (v520==4) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]];v520=5;end if (5==v520) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v521=v80[2];v520=6;end if (v520==7) then v72=v80[3];break;end if (2==v520) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]];v520=3;end if (v520==1) then v80=v68[v72];v521=v80[2];v78[v521]=v78[v521](v13(v78,v521 + 1 ,v80[3]));v520=2;end end end elseif (v81<=74) then if (v81<=71) then if (v81==70) then local v316;local v317,v318;local v319;local v320;v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v320=v80[2];v319=v78[v80[3]];v78[v320 + 1 ]=v319;v78[v320]=v319[v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v320=v80[2];v317,v318=v71(v78[v320](v13(v78,v320 + 1 ,v80[3])));v73=(v318 + v320) -1 ;v316=0;for v359=v320,v73 do local v360=0;while true do if (v360==0) then v316=v316 + 1 ;v78[v359]=v317[v316];break;end end end v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v320=v80[2];v78[v320]=v78[v320](v13(v78,v320 + 1 ,v73));v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v320=v80[2];v78[v320]=v78[v320]();v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v320=v80[2];v319=v78[v80[3]];v78[v320 + 1 ]=v319;v78[v320]=v319[v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]={};v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v320=v80[2];v78[v320]=v78[v320](v13(v78,v320 + 1 ,v80[3]));v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]];else for v361=v80[2],v80[3] do v78[v361]=nil;end end elseif (v81<=72) then local v332=0;local v333;local v334;while true do if (v332==3) then v78[v334]=v78[v334](v13(v78,v334 + 1 ,v80[3]));v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v332=4;end if (v332==6) then v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];break;end if (v332==2) then v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v334=v80[2];v332=3;end if (v332==4) then v80=v68[v72];v334=v80[2];v333=v78[v80[3]];v78[v334 + 1 ]=v333;v78[v334]=v333[v80[4]];v332=5;end if (v332==0) then v333=nil;v334=nil;v78[v80[2]]={};v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v332=1;end if (v332==5) then v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]={};v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v332=6;end if (1==v332) then v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];v72=v72 + 1 ;v332=2;end end elseif (v81>73) then if (v80[2]==v78[v80[4]]) then v72=v72 + 1 ;else v72=v80[3];end else v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v60[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];if (v78[v80[2]]==v78[v80[4]]) then v72=v72 + 1 ;else v72=v80[3];end end elseif (v81<=77) then if (v81<=75) then local v335=v69[v80[3]];local v336;local v337={};v336=v10({},{__index=function(v363,v364)local v365=v337[v364];return v365[1][v365[2]];end,__newindex=function(v366,v367,v368)local v369=v337[v367];v369[1][v369[2]]=v368;end});for v371=1,v80[4] do v72=v72 + 1 ;local v372=v68[v72];if (v372[1]==11) then v337[v371-1 ]={v78,v372[3]};else v337[v371-1 ]={v59,v372[3]};end v77[ #v77 + 1 ]=v337;end v78[v80[2]]=v29(v335,v336,v60);elseif (v81==76) then local v526;v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]][v80[4]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v526=v80[2];v78[v526]=v78[v526](v78[v526 + 1 ]);v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v78[v80[3]];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]][v80[3]]=v80[4];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v78[v80[2]]=v80[3];v72=v72 + 1 ;v80=v68[v72];v72=v80[3];else local v536=v80[2];local v537={v78[v536](v13(v78,v536 + 1 ,v73))};local v538=0;for v726=v536,v80[4] do v538=v538 + 1 ;v78[v726]=v537[v538];end end elseif (v81<=78) then v78[v80[2]]={};elseif (v81>79) then if v78[v80[2]] then v72=v72 + 1 ;else v72=v80[3];end elseif (v78[v80[2]]