--[[ Instructions: There are 2 ways to break a game, by flinging the player into the void and by killing yourself. Fling Bomb Holder - If you are not playing, then you can fling the player that is holding the bomb by pressing fling bomb holder button in hopes that player dies by the void. By the way, it only works for maps: city, crossroads, and outsidehouses. Any other maps will be almost impossible to fling the player out of the barriers. If you succesfully kill the player by flinging them into the void and the player didnt leave, then it should break the timer. Reset - If you are playing, then you can break the timer by getting the bomb and dying with it. You should press the button that teleports to the bomb holder and back to spawn. You go back to spawn because it is less likely that a player can steal the bomb from you. After you get the bomb, you can press the reset button and you have successfully broken the timer. ]] loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://pastebin.com/raw/SQVVs4sw"))()