--[[ Fe Creepy Crawler by MyWorld#4430 discord.gg/pYVHtSJmEY ]] if "MyWorld reanimate cool" then --reanimate by MyWorld#4430 discord.gg/pYVHtSJmEY local netboost = Vector3.new(0, 45, 0) --velocity --netboost usage: --set to false to disable --set to a vector3 value if you dont want the velocity to change --set to a number to change the velocity in real time with magnitude equal to the number local idleMag = 0.01 --used only in case netboost is set to a number value --if magnitude of the real velocity of a part is lower than this --then the fake velocity is being set to Vector3.new(0, netboost, 0) local noRotVel = true --parts rotation velocity set to Vector3.new(0, 0, 0) local simradius = "shp" --simulation radius (net bypass) method --"shp" - sethiddenproperty --"ssr" - setsimulationradius --false - disable local antiragdoll = true --removes hingeConstraints and ballSocketConstraints from your character local newanimate = true --disables the animate script and enables after reanimation local discharscripts = true --disables all localScripts parented to your character before reanimation local R15toR6 = true --tries to convert your character to r6 if its r15 local addtools = false --puts all tools from backpack to character and lets you hold them after reanimation local hedafterneck = true --disable aligns for head and enable after neck is removed local loadtime = game:GetService("Players").RespawnTime + 0.5 --anti respawn delay local method = 3 --reanimation method --methods: --0 - breakJoints (takes [loadtime] seconds to laod) --1 - limbs --2 - limbs + anti respawn --3 - limbs + breakJoints after [loadtime] seconds --4 - remove humanoid + breakJoints --5 - remove humanoid + limbs local alignmode = 2 --AlignPosition mode --modes: --1 - AlignPosition rigidity enabled true --2 - 2 AlignPositions rigidity enabled both true and false --3 - AlignPosition rigidity enabled false local lp = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local rs = game:GetService("RunService") local stepped = rs.Stepped local heartbeat = rs.Heartbeat local renderstepped = rs.RenderStepped local sg = game:GetService("StarterGui") local ws = game:GetService("Workspace") local cf = CFrame.new local v3 = Vector3.new local v3_0 = v3(0, 0, 0) local inf = math.huge local c = lp.Character if not (c and c.Parent) then return end c.Destroying:Connect(function() c = nil end) local function gp(parent, name, className) if typeof(parent) == "Instance" then for i, v in pairs(parent:GetChildren()) do if (v.Name == name) and v:IsA(className) then return v end end end return nil end local function align(Part0, Part1) Part0.CustomPhysicalProperties = PhysicalProperties.new(0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001) local att0 = Instance.new("Attachment", Part0) att0.Orientation = v3_0 att0.Position = v3_0 att0.Name = "att0_" .. Part0.Name local att1 = Instance.new("Attachment", Part1) att1.Orientation = v3_0 att1.Position = v3_0 att1.Name = "att1_" .. Part1.Name if (alignmode == 1) or (alignmode == 2) then local ape = Instance.new("AlignPosition", att0) ape.ApplyAtCenterOfMass = false ape.MaxForce = inf ape.MaxVelocity = inf ape.ReactionForceEnabled = false ape.Responsiveness = 200 ape.Attachment1 = att1 ape.Attachment0 = att0 ape.Name = "AlignPositionRtrue" ape.RigidityEnabled = true end if (alignmode == 2) or (alignmode == 3) then local apd = Instance.new("AlignPosition", att0) apd.ApplyAtCenterOfMass = false apd.MaxForce = inf apd.MaxVelocity = inf apd.ReactionForceEnabled = false apd.Responsiveness = 200 apd.Attachment1 = att1 apd.Attachment0 = att0 apd.Name = "AlignPositionRfalse" apd.RigidityEnabled = false end local ao = Instance.new("AlignOrientation", att0) ao.MaxAngularVelocity = inf ao.MaxTorque = inf ao.PrimaryAxisOnly = false ao.ReactionTorqueEnabled = false ao.Responsiveness = 200 ao.Attachment1 = att1 ao.Attachment0 = att0 ao.RigidityEnabled = false if netboost then local steppedcon = nil local heartbeatcon = nil Part0.Destroying:Connect(function() Part0 = nil steppedcon:Disconnect() heartbeatcon:Disconnect() end) local vel = v3_0 local rotvel = noRotVel and v3_0 if typeof(netboost) == "Vector3" then steppedcon = stepped:Connect(function() Part0.Velocity = vel if rotvel then Part0.RotVelocity = rotvel end end) heartbeatcon = heartbeat:Connect(function() vel = Part0.Velocity Part0.Velocity = netboost if rotvel then rotvel = Part0.RotVelocity Part0.RotVelocity = v3_0 end end) elseif typeof(netboost) == "number" then steppedcon = stepped:Connect(function() Part0.Velocity = vel if rotvel then Part0.RotVelocity = rotvel end end) heartbeatcon = heartbeat:Connect(function() vel = Part0.Velocity local newvel = vel local mag = newvel.Magnitude if mag < idleMag then newvel = v3(0, netboost, 0) else local multiplier = netboost / mag newvel *= v3(multiplier, multiplier, multiplier) end Part0.Velocity = newvel if rotvel then rotvel = Part0.RotVelocity Part0.RotVelocity = v3_0 end end) end end end local function respawnrequest() local ccfr = ws.CurrentCamera.CFrame local c = lp.Character lp.Character = nil lp.Character = c local con = nil con = ws.CurrentCamera.Changed:Connect(function(prop) if (prop ~= "Parent") and (prop ~= "CFrame") then return end ws.CurrentCamera.CFrame = ccfr con:Disconnect() end) end local destroyhum = (method == 4) or (method == 5) local breakjoints = (method == 0) or (method == 4) local antirespawn = (method == 0) or (method == 2) or (method == 3) addtools = addtools and gp(lp, "Backpack", "Backpack") local fenv = getfenv() if simradius == "shp" then local shp = fenv.sethiddenproperty or fenv.set_hidden_property or fenv.set_hidden_prop or fenv.sethiddenprop if shp then spawn(function() while c and heartbeat:Wait() do shp(lp, "SimulationRadius", inf) end end) end elseif simradius == "ssr" then local ssr = fenv.setsimulationradius or fenv.set_simulation_radius or fenv.set_sim_radius or fenv.setsimradius or fenv.set_simulation_rad or fenv.setsimulationrad if ssr then spawn(function() while c and heartbeat:Wait() do ssr(inf) end end) end end antiragdoll = antiragdoll and function(v) if v:IsA("HingeConstraint") or v:IsA("BallSocketConstraint") then v.Parent = nil end end if antiragdoll then for i, v in pairs(c:GetDescendants()) do antiragdoll(v) end c.DescendantAdded:Connect(antiragdoll) end if antirespawn then respawnrequest() end if method == 0 then wait(loadtime) if not c then return end end if discharscripts then for i, v in pairs(c:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("LocalScript") then v.Disabled = true end end elseif newanimate then local animate = gp(c, "Animate", "LocalScript") if animate and (not animate.Disabled) then animate.Disabled = true else newanimate = false end end local hum = c:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") if hum then for i, v in pairs(hum:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do v:Stop() end end if addtools then for i, v in pairs(addtools:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Tool") then v.Parent = c end end end pcall(function() settings().Physics.AllowSleep = false settings().Physics.PhysicsEnvironmentalThrottle = Enum.EnviromentalPhysicsThrottle.Disabled end) local OLDscripts = {} for i, v in pairs(c:GetDescendants()) do if v.ClassName == "Script" then table.insert(OLDscripts, v) end end local scriptNames = {} for i, v in pairs(c:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") then local newName = tostring(i) local exists = true while exists do exists = false for i, v in pairs(OLDscripts) do if v.Name == newName then exists = true end end if exists then newName = newName .. "_" end end table.insert(scriptNames, newName) Instance.new("Script", v).Name = newName end end c.Archivable = true local cl = c:Clone() for i, v in pairs(cl:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") then v.Transparency = 1 v.Anchored = false end end local model = Instance.new("Model", c) model.Name = model.ClassName model.Destroying:Connect(function() model = nil end) for i, v in pairs(c:GetChildren()) do if v ~= model then if destroyhum and v:IsA("Humanoid") then v:Destroy() else if addtools and v:IsA("Tool") then for i1, v1 in pairs(v:GetDescendants()) do if v1 and v1.Parent and v1:IsA("BasePart") then local bv = Instance.new("BodyVelocity", v1) bv.Velocity = v3_0 bv.MaxForce = v3(1000, 1000, 1000) bv.P = 1250 bv.Name = "bv_" .. v.Name end end end v.Parent = model end end end local head = gp(model, "Head", "BasePart") local torso = gp(model, "Torso", "BasePart") or gp(model, "UpperTorso", "BasePart") if breakjoints then model:BreakJoints() else if head and torso then for i, v in pairs(model:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("Weld") or v:IsA("Snap") or v:IsA("Glue") or v:IsA("Motor") or v:IsA("Motor6D") then local save = false if (v.Part0 == torso) and (v.Part1 == head) then save = true end if (v.Part0 == head) and (v.Part1 == torso) then save = true end if save then if hedafterneck then hedafterneck = v end else v:Destroy() end end end end if method == 3 then spawn(function() wait(loadtime) if model then model:BreakJoints() end end) end end cl.Parent = c for i, v in pairs(cl:GetChildren()) do v.Parent = c end cl:Destroy() local modelDes = {} for i, v in pairs(model:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") then i = tostring(i) v.Destroying:Connect(function() modelDes[i] = nil end) modelDes[i] = v end end local modelcolcon = nil local function modelcolf() if model then for i, v in pairs(modelDes) do v.CanCollide = false end else modelcolcon:Disconnect() end end modelcolcon = stepped:Connect(modelcolf) modelcolf() for i, scr in pairs(model:GetDescendants()) do if (scr.ClassName == "Script") and table.find(scriptNames, scr.Name) then local Part0 = scr.Parent if Part0:IsA("BasePart") then for i1, scr1 in pairs(c:GetDescendants()) do if (scr1.ClassName == "Script") and (scr1.Name == scr.Name) and (not scr1:IsDescendantOf(model)) then local Part1 = scr1.Parent if (Part1.ClassName == Part0.ClassName) and (Part1.Name == Part0.Name) then align(Part0, Part1) break end end end end end end if (typeof(hedafterneck) == "Instance") and head then local aligns = {} local con = nil con = hedafterneck.Changed:Connect(function(prop) if (prop == "Parent") and not hedafterneck.Parent then con:Disconnect() for i, v in pairs(aligns) do v.Enabled = true end end end) for i, v in pairs(head:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("AlignPosition") or v:IsA("AlignOrientation") then i = tostring(i) aligns[i] = v v.Destroying:Connect(function() aligns[i] = nil end) v.Enabled = false end end end for i, v in pairs(c:GetDescendants()) do if v and v.Parent then if v.ClassName == "Script" then if table.find(scriptNames, v.Name) then v:Destroy() end elseif not v:IsDescendantOf(model) then if v:IsA("Decal") then v.Transparency = 1 elseif v:IsA("ForceField") then v.Visible = false elseif v:IsA("Sound") then v.Playing = false elseif v:IsA("BillboardGui") or v:IsA("SurfaceGui") or v:IsA("ParticleEmitter") or v:IsA("Fire") or v:IsA("Smoke") or v:IsA("Sparkles") then v.Enabled = false end end end end if newanimate then local animate = gp(c, "Animate", "LocalScript") if animate then animate.Disabled = false end end if addtools then for i, v in pairs(c:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Tool") then v.Parent = addtools end end end local hum0 = model:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") if hum0 then hum0.Destroying:Connect(function() hum0 = nil end) end local hum1 = c:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") if hum1 then hum1.Destroying:Connect(function() hum1 = nil end) end if hum1 then ws.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = hum1 local camSubCon = nil local function camSubFunc() camSubCon:Disconnect() if c and hum1 then ws.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = hum1 end end camSubCon = renderstepped:Connect(camSubFunc) if hum0 then hum0.Changed:Connect(function(prop) if hum1 and (prop == "Jump") then hum1.Jump = hum0.Jump end end) else respawnrequest() end end local rb = Instance.new("BindableEvent", c) rb.Event:Connect(function() rb:Destroy() sg:SetCore("ResetButtonCallback", true) if destroyhum then c:BreakJoints() return end if hum0 and (hum0.Health > 0) then model:BreakJoints() hum0.Health = 0 end if antirespawn then respawnrequest() end end) sg:SetCore("ResetButtonCallback", rb) spawn(function() while c do if hum0 and hum1 then hum1.Jump = hum0.Jump end wait() end sg:SetCore("ResetButtonCallback", true) end) R15toR6 = R15toR6 and hum1 and (hum1.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15) if R15toR6 then local part = gp(c, "HumanoidRootPart", "BasePart") or gp(c, "UpperTorso", "BasePart") or gp(c, "LowerTorso", "BasePart") or gp(c, "Head", "BasePart") or c:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("BasePart") if part then local cfr = part.CFrame local R6parts = { head = { Name = "Head", Size = v3(2, 1, 1), R15 = { Head = 0 } }, torso = { Name = "Torso", Size = v3(2, 2, 1), R15 = { UpperTorso = 0.2, LowerTorso = -0.8 } }, root = { Name = "HumanoidRootPart", Size = v3(2, 2, 1), R15 = { HumanoidRootPart = 0 } }, leftArm = { Name = "Left Arm", Size = v3(1, 2, 1), R15 = { LeftHand = -0.85, LeftLowerArm = -0.2, LeftUpperArm = 0.4 } }, rightArm = { Name = "Right Arm", Size = v3(1, 2, 1), R15 = { RightHand = -0.85, RightLowerArm = -0.2, RightUpperArm = 0.4 } }, leftLeg = { Name = "Left Leg", Size = v3(1, 2, 1), R15 = { LeftFoot = -0.85, LeftLowerLeg = -0.15, LeftUpperLeg = 0.6 } }, rightLeg = { Name = "Right Leg", Size = v3(1, 2, 1), R15 = { RightFoot = -0.85, RightLowerLeg = -0.15, RightUpperLeg = 0.6 } } } for i, v in pairs(c:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") then for i1, v1 in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do if v1:IsA("Motor6D") then v1.Part0 = nil end end end end part.Archivable = true for i, v in pairs(R6parts) do local part = part:Clone() part:ClearAllChildren() part.Name = v.Name part.Size = v.Size part.CFrame = cfr part.Anchored = false part.Transparency = 1 part.CanCollide = false for i1, v1 in pairs(v.R15) do local R15part = gp(c, i1, "BasePart") local att = gp(R15part, "att1_" .. i1, "Attachment") if R15part then local weld = Instance.new("Weld", R15part) weld.Name = "Weld_" .. i1 weld.Part0 = part weld.Part1 = R15part weld.C0 = cf(0, v1, 0) weld.C1 = cf(0, 0, 0) R15part.Massless = true R15part.Name = "R15_" .. i1 R15part.Parent = part if att then att.Parent = part att.Position = v3(0, v1, 0) end end end part.Parent = c R6parts[i] = part end local R6joints = { neck = { Parent = R6parts.torso, Name = "Neck", Part0 = R6parts.torso, Part1 = R6parts.head, C0 = cf(0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -0), C1 = cf(0, -0.5, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -0) }, rootJoint = { Parent = R6parts.root, Name = "RootJoint" , Part0 = R6parts.root, Part1 = R6parts.torso, C0 = cf(0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -0), C1 = cf(0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -0) }, rightShoulder = { Parent = R6parts.torso, Name = "Right Shoulder", Part0 = R6parts.torso, Part1 = R6parts.rightArm, C0 = cf(1, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -0, -1, 0, 0), C1 = cf(-0.5, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -0, -1, 0, 0) }, leftShoulder = { Parent = R6parts.torso, Name = "Left Shoulder", Part0 = R6parts.torso, Part1 = R6parts.leftArm, C0 = cf(-1, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0), C1 = cf(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0) }, rightHip = { Parent = R6parts.torso, Name = "Right Hip", Part0 = R6parts.torso, Part1 = R6parts.rightLeg, C0 = cf(1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -0, -1, 0, 0), C1 = cf(0.5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -0, -1, 0, 0) }, leftHip = { Parent = R6parts.torso, Name = "Left Hip" , Part0 = R6parts.torso, Part1 = R6parts.leftLeg, C0 = cf(-1, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0), C1 = cf(-0.5, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0) } } for i, v in pairs(R6joints) do local joint = Instance.new("Motor6D") for prop, val in pairs(v) do joint[prop] = val end R6joints[i] = joint end hum1.RigType = Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6 hum1.HipHeight = 0 end end end local lp = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local c = lp.Character if not (c and c.Parent) then return print("character not found") end c:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Parent"):Connect(function() if not (c and c.Parent) then c = nil end end) --getPart function local function gp(parent, name, className) local ret = nil pcall(function() for i, v in pairs(parent:GetChildren()) do if (v.Name == name) and v:IsA(className) then ret = v break end end end) return ret end --check if reanimate loaded local model = gp(c, "Model", "Model") if not model then return print("model not found") end --find body parts local head = gp(c, "Head", "BasePart") if not head then return print("head not found") end local torso = gp(c, "Torso", "BasePart") if not torso then return print("torso not found") end local humanoidRootPart = gp(c, "HumanoidRootPart", "BasePart") if not humanoidRootPart then return print("humanoid root part not found") end local leftArm = gp(c, "Left Arm", "BasePart") if not leftArm then return print("left arm not found") end local rightArm = gp(c, "Right Arm", "BasePart") if not rightArm then return print("right arm not found") end local leftLeg = gp(c, "Left Leg", "BasePart") if not leftLeg then return print("left leg not found") end local rightLeg = gp(c, "Right Leg", "BasePart") if not rightLeg then return print("right leg not found") end --find rig joints local neck = gp(torso, "Neck", "Motor6D") if not neck then return print("neck not found") end local rootJoint = gp(humanoidRootPart, "RootJoint", "Motor6D") if not rootJoint then return print("root joint not found") end local leftShoulder = gp(torso, "Left Shoulder", "Motor6D") if not leftShoulder then return print("left shoulder not found") end local rightShoulder = gp(torso, "Right Shoulder", "Motor6D") if not rightShoulder then return print("right shoulder not found") end local leftHip = gp(torso, "Left Hip", "Motor6D") if not leftHip then return print("left hip not found") end local rightHip = gp(torso, "Right Hip", "Motor6D") if not rightHip then return print("right hip not found") end --humanoid local hum = c:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") if not hum then return print("humanoid not found") end local animate = gp(c, "Animate", "LocalScript") if animate then animate.Disabled = true end for i, v in pairs(hum:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do v:Stop() end --60 fps local fps = 60 local event = Instance.new("BindableEvent", c) event.Name = "60 fps" local floor = math.floor fps = 1 / fps local tf = 0 local con = nil con = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function(s) if not c then con:Disconnect() return end tf += s if tf >= fps then for i=1, floor(tf / fps) do event:Fire(c) end tf = 0 end end) local event = event.Event local function stopIfRemoved(instance) if not (instance and instance.Parent) then c = nil return end instance:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Parent"):Connect(function() if not (instance and instance.Parent) then c = nil end end) end stopIfRemoved(c) stopIfRemoved(hum) for i, v in pairs({head, torso, leftArm, rightArm, leftLeg, rightLeg, humanoidRootPart}) do stopIfRemoved(v) end for i, v in pairs({neck, rootJoint, leftShoulder, rightShoulder, leftHip, rightHip}) do stopIfRemoved(v) end if not c then return end hum.WalkSpeed = 10 local cf, v3, euler, sin, sine, abs = CFrame.new, Vector3.new, CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ, math.sin, 0, math.abs while event:Wait() do sine += 1 local vel = humanoidRootPart.Velocity if (vel*v3(1, 0, 1)).Magnitude > 2 then -- walk neck.C0 = neck.C0:Lerp(cf(0, 0, 0.5) * euler(0.17453292519943295, 0.03490658503988659 * sin((sine + 2.5) * 0.2), 3.141592653589793 + -0.17453292519943295 * sin((sine + -10) * 0.2)), 0.2) rootJoint.C0 = rootJoint.C0:Lerp(cf(0, -1.5, 0) * euler(3.0543261909900767, 0.08726646259971647 * sin((sine + 7.5) * 0.2), -3.1590459461097367 + -0.08726646259971647 * sin(sine * 0.2)), 0.2) leftShoulder.C0 = leftShoulder.C0:Lerp(cf(-1, 1.5 + 0.5 * sin((sine + 10) * 0.2), 0.3 + 0.2 * sin((sine + -10) * 0.2)) * euler(1.6580627893946132 + 0.17453292519943295 * sin((sine + 15) * 0.2), 0, -0.08726646259971647 * sin(sine * 0.2)), 0.2) rightShoulder.C0 = rightShoulder.C0:Lerp(cf(1, 1.5 + 0.5 * sin((sine + -7.5) * 0.2), 0.3 + 0.2 * sin((sine + 5) * 0.2)) * euler(1.6580627893946132 + 0.17453292519943295 * sin(sine * 0.2), 0, -0.08726646259971647 * sin(sine * 0.2)), 0.2) leftHip.C0 = leftHip.C0:Lerp(cf(-1, -1.5 + 0.5 * sin((sine + -7.5) * 0.2), 0.5 + 0.2 * sin((sine + 5) * 0.2)) * euler(1.6580627893946132 + 0.17453292519943295 * sin(sine * 0.2), 0, -0.08726646259971647 * sin(sine * 0.2)), 0.2) rightHip.C0 = rightHip.C0:Lerp(cf(1, -1.5 + 0.5 * sin((sine + 10) * 0.2), 0.5 + 0.2 * sin((sine + -7.5) * 0.2)) * euler(1.6580627893946132 + -0.17453292519943295 * sin(sine * 0.2), 0, -0.08726646259971647 * sin(sine * 0.2)), 0.2) elseif abs(vel.Y) > 2 then -- fall neck.C0 = neck.C0:Lerp(cf(0, 0, 0.5) * euler(0, 0, 3.141592653589793), 0.2) rootJoint.C0 = rootJoint.C0:Lerp(cf(0, -1.4, 0) * euler(3.141592653589793, 0, -3.141592653589793), 0.2) leftShoulder.C0 = leftShoulder.C0:Lerp(cf(-1, 1.5, 0.3) * euler(1.7453292519943295, 0, -0.17453292519943295), 0.2) rightShoulder.C0 = rightShoulder.C0:Lerp(cf(1, 1.5, 0.3) * euler(1.7453292519943295, 0, 0.17453292519943295), 0.2) leftHip.C0 = leftHip.C0:Lerp(cf(-1, -1.5, 0.8) * euler(1.3962634015954636, 0, -0.17453292519943295), 0.2) rightHip.C0 = rightHip.C0:Lerp(cf(1, -1.5, 0.8) * euler(1.3962634015954636, 0, 0.17453292519943295), 0.2) else -- idle neck.C0 = neck.C0:Lerp(cf(0, 0, 0.5) * euler(0.08726646259971647 * sin((sine + 20) * 0.05), 0, 3.141592653589793 + 0.3490658503988659 * sin((sine + -30) * 0.025)), 0.2) rootJoint.C0 = rootJoint.C0:Lerp(cf(0, -1.5 + 0.1 * sin(sine * 0.05), 0) * euler(3.141592653589793, 0, -3.1590459461097367 + 0.05235987755982989 * sin(sine * 0.025)), 0.2) leftShoulder.C0 = leftShoulder.C0:Lerp(cf(-1, 1.5, -0.1 * sin(sine * 0.05)) * euler(1.5707963267948966, 0, 0.08726646259971647 * sin(sine * 0.025)), 0.2) rightShoulder.C0 = rightShoulder.C0:Lerp(cf(1, 1.5, -0.1 * sin(sine * 0.05)) * euler(1.5707963267948966, 0, 0.08726646259971647 * sin(sine * 0.025)), 0.2) leftHip.C0 = leftHip.C0:Lerp(cf(-1, -1.5, 0.5 + -0.1 * sin((sine + 10) * 0.05)) * euler(1.5707963267948966, 0, 0.08726646259971647 * sin(sine * 0.025)), 0.2) rightHip.C0 = rightHip.C0:Lerp(cf(1, -1.5, 0.5 + -0.1 * sin((sine + 10) * 0.05)) * euler(1.5707963267948966, 0, 0.08726646259971647 * sin(sine * 0.025)), 0.2) end end