local fpsBoost = fpsBoost or false if not getconnections then return end for i,v in next, getconnections(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Idled) do v:Disable() end local c = workspace:WaitForChild("__DEBRIS",10) c.ChildAdded:Connect(function(ch) task.wait() if fpsBoost then ch:Destroy() end end) local petNet = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://rawscripts.net/raw/Pet-Simulator-X!-PSX-Safe-Networking-3732"))() local Food = petNet:getPath("Food") local Entity = petNet:getPath("Entity") local Customer = petNet:getPath("Customer") local Waiter = petNet:getPath("Waiter") local Appliance = petNet:getPath("Appliance") local Bakery = petNet:getPath("Bakery") local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local _L = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Framework",10):WaitForChild("Library",10)); Food.RandomFoodChoice = function(customerOwnerUID, customerOwnerID, isRichCustomer, isPirateCustomer, isNearTree) local spoof = Food.new("45", customerOwnerUID, customerOwnerID, true, true) spoof.IsGold = true return spoof end function Entity:FadeTransparency(targetTransparency, finishedCallback) local processedCallback = false for _, child in ipairs(self.model:GetDescendants()) do if child.Name == "HumanoidRootPart" or child.Name == "CenterPart" or not child:IsA("BasePart") then continue end if child.Name == "Head" and self.ID == "25" then continue end _L.Functions.FastTween( child, {Transparency = targetTransparency}, {0.0000002, "Quad", "Out"} ).Completed:Connect(function() -- race condition? god I hope not if finishedCallback and not processedCallback then processedCallback = true finishedCallback() end end) end end function Entity:WalkThroughWaypoints(voxelpoints, waypoints, startX, startZ) self:PlayLoadedAnimation("walking") if #voxelpoints == 0 then return end if not self:BelongsToMyBakery() and self.stateData.walkingThroughWaypoints then repeat wait() until self.isDeleted or not self.stateData.walkingThroughWaypoints if self.isDeleted then return end end if not self:BelongsToMyBakery() then self.stateData.walkingThroughWaypoints = true end -- replication fix? if not self:BelongsToMyBakery() then self.model.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = false end for i, v in ipairs(waypoints) do self.model.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(v) --self.humanoid.MoveToFinished:Wait() local oldX, oldZ = self.xVoxel, self.zVoxel self.xVoxel = voxelpoints[i].x self.zVoxel = voxelpoints[i].y -- no need for position table updates if it's not my client. -- only the owner of the bakery does pathfinding calculations. -- if replication occurs, the host client sends the pathfinding -- data.... it is not recalculated if self:BelongsToMyBakery() then self:GetMyFloor():BroadcastNPCPositionChange(self, oldX, oldZ) end end if not self:BelongsToMyBakery() then self.stateData.walkingThroughWaypoints = false end self:StopLoadedAnimation("walking") self:PlayLoadedAnimation("idle") end function Customer:ChangeToWaitForOrderState() if self.state ~= "WalkingToSeat" then return end local seatLeaf = self:EntityTable()[self.stateData.seatUID] local tableLeaf = self:EntityTable()[self.stateData.tableUID] if seatLeaf.isDeleted or tableLeaf.isDeleted then self:ForcedToLeave() return end self:SetCustomerState("ThinkingAboutOrder") -- make the humanoid sit self:SitInSeat(seatLeaf).Completed:Connect(function() self.humanoid:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Seated, true) -- change voxel position to match the seat self.xVoxel = seatLeaf.xVoxel self.zVoxel = seatLeaf.zVoxel coroutine.wrap(function() -- start reading the menu self:ReadMenu() if self.isDeleted or self.state ~= "ThinkingAboutOrder" then return end -- stop reading the menu self:StopReadingMenu() -- advance to next state self:SetCustomerState("DecidedOnOrder") -- only set my entire group to ready to order when everybody has decided on the order local myGroup = {self} for _, partner in ipairs(self.stateData.queueGroup) do if not partner.isDeleted then table.insert(myGroup, partner) end end local foundUndecidedMember = false for _, groupMember in ipairs(myGroup) do if groupMember.state ~= "DecidedOnOrder" then foundUndecidedMember = true break end end -- if the entire group is ready, then have them say it in sync if not foundUndecidedMember then for _, groupMember in ipairs(myGroup) do groupMember:ReadyToOrder() end end end)() end) end function Customer:ChangeToEatingState() coroutine.wrap(function() if self.state == "EatingFood" then return end -- first, check for silverware local myFloor = self:GetMyFloor() table.sort(myFloor.silverwareTrays, function(a, b) local aDist = math.abs(self.xVoxel - a.xVoxel) + math.abs(self.zVoxel - a.zVoxel) local bDist = math.abs(self.xVoxel - b.xVoxel) + math.abs(self.zVoxel - b.zVoxel) return aDist < bDist end) table.sort(myFloor.goldSilverwareTrays, function(a, b) local aDist = math.abs(self.xVoxel - a.xVoxel) + math.abs(self.zVoxel - a.zVoxel) local bDist = math.abs(self.xVoxel - b.xVoxel) + math.abs(self.zVoxel - b.zVoxel) return aDist < bDist end) self:SetCustomerState("EatingFood") -- if there's a path to me, delete it if self.stateData.pathToMe then _L.Variables.MyBakery:CleanupAnimatedPath() self.stateData.pathToMe = nil end local didSaladCheck = false local function checkForSaladBars(isWalkingFromSilverware, doWalkBackToSeat) didSaladCheck = true local didWalkToSalad = false -- walk to salad bar sometimes local isWalkingToSaladBar = false for _, saladBar in ipairs(myFloor.saladBars) do if math.random() < 0.20 then if not isWalkingFromSilverware then self:StandUp() end isWalkingToSaladBar = true didWalkToSalad = true local sx, sy, sz = self.xVoxel, self.yVoxel, self.zVoxel self:WalkToPoint(saladBar.xVoxel, saladBar.yVoxel, saladBar.zVoxel, function() if saladBar.isDeleted then isWalkingToSaladBar = false self:ForcedToLeave() return end self:FaceEntity(saladBar) _L.SFX.Play(5708685167, saladBar.model.PrimaryPart) _L.Network.Fire("AwardTipWithVerification", self.UID, saladBar.UID, self.stateData.foodOrder.ID, isWalkingFromSilverware) if doWalkBackToSeat then self:WalkToPoint(sx, sy, sz, function() isWalkingToSaladBar = false if self.stateData.mySeat.isDeleted then self:ForcedToLeave() return end self:SitInSeat(self.stateData.mySeat) end) else isWalkingToSaladBar = false end end) break end end if isWalkingToSaladBar then repeat wait() until not isWalkingToSaladBar end return didWalkToSalad end local didDessertCheck = false local function checkForDessertBars(isWalkingFromSilverware, doWalkBackToSeat) didDessertCheck = true local didWalkToDessert = false -- walk to salad bar sometimes local isWalkingToDessertBar = false for _, dessertBar in ipairs(myFloor.dessertBars) do if math.random() < 0.20 then if not isWalkingFromSilverware then self:StandUp() end isWalkingToDessertBar = true didWalkToDessert = true local sx, sy, sz = self.xVoxel, self.yVoxel, self.zVoxel self:WalkToPoint(dessertBar.xVoxel, dessertBar.yVoxel, dessertBar.zVoxel, function() if dessertBar.isDeleted then isWalkingToDessertBar = false self:ForcedToLeave() return end self:FaceEntity(dessertBar) _L.SFX.Play(5708685167, dessertBar.model.PrimaryPart) _L.Network.Fire("AwardTipWithVerification", self.UID, dessertBar.UID, self.stateData.foodOrder.ID, isWalkingFromSilverware) if doWalkBackToSeat then self:WalkToPoint(sx, sy, sz, function() isWalkingToDessertBar = false if self.stateData.mySeat.isDeleted then self:ForcedToLeave() return end self:SitInSeat(self.stateData.mySeat) end) else isWalkingToDessertBar = false end end) break end end if isWalkingToDessertBar then repeat wait() until not isWalkingToDessertBar end return didWalkToDessert end -- create food model for the customer if not self.stateData.foodOrder then self:ForcedToLeave() return end local myTable = self:EntityTable()[self.stateData.tableUID] local mySeat = self:EntityTable()[self.stateData.seatUID] if not myTable or not mySeat then _L.Print("CRITICAL: COULDN'T FIND CUSTOMERS TABLE WHEN EATING", true) return end local myFloor = myTable:GetMyFloor() local worldPos = myFloor:WorldPositionFromVoxel(mySeat:GetFacePosition()) local tableRoot = myTable.model.PrimaryPart local tableTop = Vector3.new(worldPos.X, tableRoot.Position.Y + tableRoot.Size.Y/2, worldPos.Z) local foodOffset = (-1.1)*mySeat:GetFaceDirection() + Vector3.new(0, self.stateData.foodOrder.data.model.PrimaryPart.Size.Y/2, 0) local foodCF = CFrame.new(tableTop + foodOffset) self:CreateMyFoodModel(foodCF) local isWalkingToTray = false local wasWalkingToTray = false local trayUID = false local forkModel = nil local spoonModel = nil local welds = {} local function walkToTray(tray) isWalkingToTray = true wasWalkingToTray = true trayUID = tray.UID self:StandUp() local sx, sy, sz = self.xVoxel, self.yVoxel, self.zVoxel self:WalkToPoint(tray.xVoxel, tray.yVoxel, tray.zVoxel, function() if tray.isDeleted then isWalkingToTray = false self:ForcedToLeave() return end local sounds = {5601560377, 5601560515, 5601560641} _L.SFX.Play(sounds[math.random(#sounds)], tray.model.PrimaryPart) self:FaceEntity(tray) if not checkForSaladBars(true, false) then checkForDessertBars(true, false) end self:WalkToPoint(sx, sy, sz, function() isWalkingToTray = false if self.stateData.mySeat.isDeleted then self:ForcedToLeave() return end self:SitInSeat(self.stateData.mySeat) -- hold silverware local isGold = tray.ID == "25" local function weldToHand(part, hand) local weld = Instance.new("Weld", part) weld.Part0 = part weld.Part1 = hand weld.C0 = CFrame.Angles(-math.pi/2, 0, 0) table.insert(welds, weld) end if isGold then forkModel = game.ReplicatedStorage.Assets.Models["Luxury Fork"]:Clone() spoonModel = game.ReplicatedStorage.Assets.Models["Luxury Spoon"]:Clone() forkModel.Parent = self.model spoonModel.Parent = self.model weldToHand(forkModel, self.model.RightHand) weldToHand(spoonModel, self.model.LeftHand) else forkModel = game.ReplicatedStorage.Assets.Models["Default Fork"]:Clone() spoonModel = game.ReplicatedStorage.Assets.Models["Default Spoon"]:Clone() forkModel.Parent = self.model spoonModel.Parent = self.model weldToHand(forkModel, self.model.RightHand) weldToHand(spoonModel, self.model.LeftHand) end end) end) end if #myFloor.goldSilverwareTrays > 0 then walkToTray(myFloor.goldSilverwareTrays[1]) elseif #myFloor.silverwareTrays > 0 then local goodRoll = false for i = 1, #myFloor.silverwareTrays do if true then goodRoll = true end end if goodRoll then walkToTray(myFloor.silverwareTrays[1]) end end if isWalkingToTray then repeat wait() until not isWalkingToTray end if not didSaladCheck then if not checkForSaladBars(false, true) then checkForDessertBars(false, true) end end -- play eating animation self:PlayLoadedAnimation("eating") -- play served sound _L.SFX.Play(5205174537, self.model.PrimaryPart, nil, 0.60) -- play eating looped sound local pitch = 1 + (math.random() - 0.50)*0.10 local eatSound = math.random() < 0.50 and 5029600710 or 5029600543 self.stateData.loopedEatingSound = _L.SFX.Play(eatSound, self.model.PrimaryPart, pitch, 0.85, 35, nil, true) coroutine.wrap(function() -- eat timing is determined by the server. //no, it's not, -bluwud local forceLeaveTip = true if not self.isDeleted and self.state == "EatingFood" then if self.stateData.loopedEatingSound then self.stateData.loopedEatingSound = self.stateData.loopedEatingSound:Destroy() end self.stateData.foodOrder:ChangeToDirtyDish() self:StopLoadedAnimation("eating") self:ChangeToReadyToExitState(forceLeaveTip) if forkModel then forkModel:Destroy() spoonModel:Destroy() for _, weld in ipairs(welds) do weld:Destroy() end welds = {} end end end)() end)() end function Customer:ChangeToExitingState(wasForcedToLeave, forcedToLeaveTip) if self.isDeleted then return end self.leaving = true self:SetCustomerState("WalkingToExit") -- remove customer from table local myTable = self:EntityTable()[self.stateData.tableUID] if myTable and not myTable.isDeleted then myTable:RemoveCustomerFromTable(self) end local myFloor = self:GetMyFloor() coroutine.wrap(function() if wasForcedToLeave then self:TimedEmoji("MadEmoji", 2) else if math.random() < 0.30 or _L.Variables.MyBakery.isTutorial then self:TimedEmoji("HappyEmoji", 2.5) end end -- make humanoid stand self:StandUp() local function goToExitAndLeave() self:WalkToNewFloor(_L.Variables.MyBakery.floors[1], function() local vx, vy, vz = _L.Variables.MyBakery:GetCustomerStartVoxel(1) self:WalkToPoint(vx, vy, vz, function() self:FadeTransparency(1, function() self:LeaveBakery() end) end, nil, true) end) end local isLeavingTip = false local isGoingForGumball = false local isGoingForCandy = false local isGoingForArcade = false local isGoingForPopcorn = false local isGoingForSoda = false local isGoingForBowl = false -- is there a tip jar on this floor? if so, roll to leave tip if not wasForcedToLeave then local tipJars = myFloor:GetEntitiesFromClassAndSubClass("Appliance", "Tip Jar") if #tipJars > 0 then for _, tipJar in ipairs(tipJars) do local tipChance = tipJar.ID == "14" and 0.05 or tipJar.ID == "19" and 0.50 or tipJar.ID == "26" and 0.40 or 0 if true or forcedToLeaveTip or self:IsVIPCustomer() then isLeavingTip = true self:WalkToPoint(tipJar.xVoxel, tipJar.yVoxel, tipJar.zVoxel, function() if tipJar.isDeleted or self.isDeleted or not self.stateData or not self.stateData.foodOrder then goToExitAndLeave() return end -- happy emoji at tip jar self:TimedEmoji("VeryHappyEmoji", 2.5) _L.Network.Fire("AwardTipWithVerification", self.UID, tipJar.UID, self.stateData.foodOrder.ID) _L.SFX.Play(5839737230, tipJar.model.PrimaryPart) self:FaceEntity(tipJar) goToExitAndLeave() end) break end end end end if not isLeavingTip then local candyBowls = myFloor:GetEntitiesFromClassAndSubClass("Appliance", "CandyBowl") if #candyBowls > 0 then for _, bowl in ipairs(candyBowls) do if true and bowl.level and bowl.level > 0 then isGoingForBowl = true self:WalkToPoint(bowl.xVoxel, bowl.yVoxel, bowl.zVoxel, function() if bowl.isDeleted or not self.stateData or not self.stateData.foodOrder or bowl.level <= 0 then goToExitAndLeave() return end -- happy emoji at tip jar self:TimedEmoji("VeryHappyEmoji", 2.5) _L.Network.Fire("AwardTipWithVerification", self.UID, bowl.UID, self.stateData.foodOrder.ID) _L.SFX.Play(5057746151, bowl.model.PrimaryPart) self:FaceEntity(bowl) goToExitAndLeave() end) break end end end end -- only go for gumball if we're not leaving a tip if not isLeavingTip and not isGoingForBowl then local gumballMachines = myFloor:GetEntitiesFromClassAndSubClass("Appliance", "GumballMachine") if #gumballMachines > 0 then for _, gumballMachine in ipairs(gumballMachines) do if true then isGoingForGumball = true local fx, fy, fz = gumballMachine:GetFacePosition() if not myFloor:IsValidVoxel(fx, fy, fz) then fx, fy, fz = gumballMachine.xVoxel, gumballMachine.yVoxel, gumballMachine.zVoxel end self:WalkToPoint(fx, fy, fz, function() if gumballMachine.isDeleted or self.isDeleted then goToExitAndLeave() return end -- gumball tip if self.stateData.foodOrder then _L.Network.Fire("AwardTipWithVerification", self.UID, gumballMachine.UID, self.stateData.foodOrder.ID) end -- gumball sound _L.SFX.Play(5205171179, gumballMachine.model.PrimaryPart.Position) -- gumball emoji self:TimedEmoji("VeryHappyEmoji", 2.5) self:FaceEntity(gumballMachine) goToExitAndLeave() end) break end end end end if not isLeavingTip and not isGoingForGumball and not isGoingForBowl then local candyMachines = myFloor:GetEntitiesFromClassAndSubClass("Appliance", "CandyMachine") if #candyMachines > 0 then for _, candyMachine in ipairs(candyMachines) do if true then isGoingForCandy = true local fx, fy, fz = candyMachine:GetFacePosition() if not myFloor:IsValidVoxel(fx, fy, fz) then fx, fy, fz = candyMachine.xVoxel, candyMachine.yVoxel, candyMachine.zVoxel end self:WalkToPoint(fx, fy, fz, function() if candyMachine.isDeleted or self.isDeleted then goToExitAndLeave() return end _L.SFX.Play(5601560734, candyMachine.model.PrimaryPart) -- gumball tip if self.stateData.foodOrder then _L.Network.Fire("AwardTipWithVerification", self.UID, candyMachine.UID, self.stateData.foodOrder.ID) end -- gumball emoji self:TimedEmoji("VeryHappyEmoji", 2.5) self:FaceEntity(candyMachine) goToExitAndLeave() end) break end end end end -- check for popcorn machine if not isLeavingTip and not isGoingForGumball and not isGoingForCandy and not isGoingForBowl then local popcornMachines = myFloor:GetEntitiesFromClassAndSubClass("Appliance", "PopcornMachine") if #popcornMachines > 0 then for _, popcornMachine in ipairs(popcornMachines) do if true then isGoingForPopcorn = true local fx, fy, fz = popcornMachine:GetFacePosition() if not myFloor:IsValidVoxel(fx, fy, fz) then fx, fy, fz = popcornMachine.xVoxel, popcornMachine.yVoxel, popcornMachine.zVoxel end self:WalkToPoint(fx, fy, fz, function() if popcornMachine.isDeleted or self.isDeleted then goToExitAndLeave() return end _L.SFX.Play(5625433552, popcornMachine.model.PrimaryPart) -- popcorn tip if self.stateData.foodOrder then _L.Network.Fire("AwardTipWithVerification", self.UID, popcornMachine.UID, self.stateData.foodOrder.ID) end -- gumball emoji self:TimedEmoji("VeryHappyEmoji", 2.5) self:FaceEntity(popcornMachine) goToExitAndLeave() end) break end end end end -- check for soda machine if not isLeavingTip and not isGoingForGumball and not isGoingForCandy and not isGoingForPopcorn and not wasForcedToLeave and not isGoingForBowl then local sodaMachines = myFloor:GetEntitiesFromClassAndSubClass("Appliance", "SodaMachine") if #sodaMachines > 0 then for _, sodaMachine in ipairs(sodaMachines) do if true then isGoingForSoda = true local fx, fy, fz = sodaMachine:GetFacePosition() if not myFloor:IsValidVoxel(fx, fy, fz) then fx, fy, fz = sodaMachine.xVoxel, sodaMachine.yVoxel, sodaMachine.zVoxel end self:WalkToPoint(fx, fy, fz, function() if sodaMachine.isDeleted or self.isDeleted then goToExitAndLeave() return end _L.SFX.Play(5708685354, sodaMachine.model.PrimaryPart) -- soda tip if self.stateData.foodOrder then _L.Network.Fire("AwardTipWithVerification", self.UID, sodaMachine.UID, self.stateData.foodOrder.ID) end -- gumball emoji self:TimedEmoji("VeryHappyEmoji", 2.5) self:FaceEntity(sodaMachine) goToExitAndLeave() end) break end end end end -- check for arcade machine if not isLeavingTip and not isGoingForGumball and not isGoingForCandy and not isGoingForPopcorn and not isGoingForSoda and not wasForcedToLeave and not isGoingForBowl then local arcadeMachines = myFloor:GetEntitiesFromClassAndSubClass("Furniture", "ArcadeMachine") if #arcadeMachines > 0 then local indices = _L.Functions.RandomIndices(arcadeMachines) for _, index in ipairs(indices) do local arcadeMachine = arcadeMachines[index] if arcadeMachine.arcadeState ~= "Highscore" then continue end if arcadeMachine.busy then continue end arcadeMachine.busy = true isGoingForArcade = true local fx, fy, fz = arcadeMachine:GetFacePosition() if not myFloor:IsValidVoxel(fx, fy, fz) then fx, fy, fz = arcadeMachine.xVoxel, arcadeMachine.yVoxel, arcadeMachine.zVoxel end self:WalkToPoint(fx, fy, fz, function() if arcadeMachine.isDeleted or self.isDeleted then goToExitAndLeave() return end self:FaceEntity(arcadeMachine) -- play game (halts thread until done) arcadeMachine:PlayGameWithCustomer(self) arcadeMachine.busy = false goToExitAndLeave() end) break end end end -- check for celebrity customer local isGoingForCelebrity = false (function() if isLeavingTip or isGoingForGumball or isGoingForCandy or isGoingForPopcorn or isGoingForArcade or isGoingForSoda or isGoingForBowl then return end if _L.Variables.MyBakery.nameCounters["Celebrity Customer"] == 0 then return end local celebrity = _L.Variables.MyBakery:SearchForCelebrity() if not celebrity or celebrity.isDeleted or celebrity.stateData.celebrityApproachCount >= 3 then return end local function isValidCelebState() local validCelebStates = { ThinkingAboutOrder = true, DecidedOnOrder = true, WaitingToOrder = true, WaitingForFood = true, EatingFood = true } return not celebrity.isDeleted and validCelebStates[celebrity.state] end if not isValidCelebState() then return end isGoingForCelebrity = true celebrity.stateData.celebrityApproachCount += 1 self:WalkToNewFloor(celebrity:GetMyFloor(), function() if not isValidCelebState() then if not celebrity.isDeleted then celebrity.stateData.celebrityApproachCount -= 1 end goToExitAndLeave() return end self:WalkToPoint(celebrity.xVoxel, celebrity.yVoxel, celebrity.zVoxel, function() if not isValidCelebState() then if not celebrity.isDeleted then celebrity.stateData.celebrityApproachCount -= 1 end goToExitAndLeave() return end celebrity.stateData.celebrityApproachCount -= 1 _L.SFX.Play(5278932469, celebrity.model.PrimaryPart.Position) self:FaceEntity(celebrity) self:TimedEmoji("Starstruck", 2.5) self:PlayLoadedAnimation("wave") goToExitAndLeave() end) end) end)() if not isLeavingTip and not isGoingForGumball and not isGoingForCelebrity and not isGoingForCandy and not isGoingForArcade and not isGoingForPopcorn and not isGoingForBowl then goToExitAndLeave() end end)() end function Waiter:StartActionLoop() coroutine.wrap(function() while not self.isDeleted do self:PerformAction() wait() end end)() end function Waiter:CheckForDishPickup() local myFloor = self:GetMyFloor() local selectedDishChair, selectedDishChairFloor = nil -- check other floors for dishes local indices = _L.Functions.RandomIndices(_L.Variables.MyBakery.floors) --check my floor first if true then for i, index in ipairs(indices) do if index == myFloor.floorLevel then table.remove(indices, i) table.insert(indices, 1, myFloor.floorLevel) break end end end for _, index in ipairs(indices) do local thisFloor = _L.Variables.MyBakery.floors[index] local dishIndices = _L.Functions.RandomIndices(thisFloor.dishChairs) for _, dishIndex in ipairs(dishIndices) do local dishChair = thisFloor.dishChairs[dishIndex] if dishChair.isDeleted or dishChair.stateData.flaggedByWaiterForDishPickup or not dishChair.stateData.dish or dishChair.stateData.dish.isDeleted then continue end selectedDishChair = dishChair selectedDishChairFloor = dishChair:GetMyFloor() break end if selectedDishChair then break end end if not selectedDishChair then return false end local dishwashers = myFloor:GatherDishwashersOnAnyFloor() if #dishwashers == 0 then return false end -- chair that has an attached dish to go to local dishChair = selectedDishChair dishChair.stateData.flaggedByWaiterForDishPickup = true local dishwasher = dishwashers[math.random(#dishwashers)] dishwasher.stateData.dishWasherTargetCount += 1 -- flag the dish with the targeted dishwasher dishChair.stateData.dish.flaggedDishwasherUID = dishwasher.UID self.state = "WalkingToPickupDish" self:WalkToNewFloor(dishChair:GetMyFloor(), function() if dishChair.isDeleted or not dishChair.stateData.dish then dishwasher.stateData.dishWasherTargetCount -= 1 self.state = "Idle" return end self:WalkToPoint(dishChair.xVoxel, dishChair.yVoxel, dishChair.zVoxel, function() if dishChair.isDeleted or not dishChair.stateData.dish then dishwasher.stateData.dishWasherTargetCount -= 1 self.state = "Idle" return end dishChair.stateData.flaggedByWaiterForDishPickup = false if not dishChair.stateData.dish or dishChair.stateData.dish.isDeleted then dishwasher.stateData.dishWasherTargetCount -= 1 self.state = "Idle" return end -- dish is good. delete it and remove if dishChair.stateData.dish and dishChair.stateData.dish.model then -- remove dishChair from available for i, dishChairEntry in ipairs(selectedDishChairFloor.dishChairs) do if dishChairEntry == selectedDishChair then table.remove(selectedDishChairFloor.dishChairs, i) break end end -- stop the interact dishChair.stateData.dish:CleanupInteract() -- play dish sound if dishChair.stateData.dish.model and dishChair.stateData.dish.model.PrimaryPart then local dishSounds = {5205173686, 5205173942} _L.SFX.Play(dishSounds[math.random(#dishSounds)], dishChair.stateData.dish.model:GetPrimaryPartCFrame().p) end -- pick up the money and dish (if necessary) dishChair.stateData.dish:MoneyPickedUp() dishChair.stateData.dish:DestroyModel() dishChair.stateData.dish = nil -- hold the dish I'm delivering self:HoldDirtyDish() end self:FaceEntity(dishChair) if dishwasher.isDeleted then self:StopLoadedAnimation("hold") if self.stateData.heldDish then self.stateData.heldDish = self.stateData.heldDish:Destroy() end self.state = "Idle" return end -- walk to the dishwasher to deposit -- TODO face direction self:WalkToNewFloor(dishwasher:GetMyFloor(), function() if dishwasher.isDeleted then self:StopLoadedAnimation("hold") if self.stateData.heldDish then self.stateData.heldDish = self.stateData.heldDish:Destroy() end self.state = "Idle" return end self:WalkToPoint(dishwasher.xVoxel, dishwasher.yVoxel, dishwasher.zVoxel, function() -- put down the dish self:DropFood() if dishwasher.isDeleted then self.state = "Idle" return end dishwasher:AddDish() self:FaceEntity(dishwasher) self:ResetAllStates() end) end) end) end) return true end function Waiter:WalkToNewFloor(targetFloor, finishedCallback) local currentFloor = self:GetMyFloor() if not targetFloor or currentFloor.floorLevel == targetFloor.floorLevel then if finishedCallback then finishedCallback() end return end self:TransitionToDifferentFloor(targetFloor) if finishedCallback then finishedCallback() end end function Waiter:CheckForFoodDelivery() -- gather all order stands local myFloor = self:GetMyFloor() local orderStands = myFloor:GatherOrderStandsWithDeliveryReady() if #orderStands == 0 then -- if there are no order stands on my floor, search for floors that might need help local indices = _L.Functions.RandomIndices(_L.Variables.MyBakery.floors) for _, index in ipairs(indices) do local floor = _L.Variables.MyBakery.floors[index] if floor ~= myFloor then if not floor:HasAtLeastOneIdleStateOfClass("Waiter") then -- gather order stands on this floor orderStands = floor:GatherOrderStandsWithDeliveryReady() if #orderStands > 0 then break end end end end -- STILL nothing? abort if #orderStands == 0 then return false end end -- select a random order stand to deliver from local orderStand = orderStands[math.random(#orderStands)] if not orderStand then return false end orderStand.stateData.foodReadyTargetCount = orderStand.stateData.foodReadyTargetCount + 1 self.state = "WalkingToPickupFood" -- walk to the order stand self:WalkToNewFloor(orderStand:GetMyFloor(), function() -- no need to kick out the customer, they've already been removed. -- just reset the waiter back to idle if orderStand.isDeleted then self.state = "Idle" return end self:WalkToPoint(orderStand.xVoxel, orderStand.yVoxel, orderStand.zVoxel, function() if orderStand.isDeleted then self.state = "Idle" return end orderStand.stateData.foodReadyTargetCount = orderStand.stateData.foodReadyTargetCount - 1 -- it's possible that the user already cleared the queue... if #orderStand.stateData.foodReadyList == 0 then self.state = "Idle" return end -- grab some food off of the top of the queue local selectedFoodOrder = orderStand.stateData.foodReadyList[1] selectedFoodOrder.isGold = true table.remove(orderStand.stateData.foodReadyList, 1) if selectedFoodOrder.isGold then _L.SFX.Play(5370840758, orderStand.model.PrimaryPart) end -- delete this list item selectedFoodOrder:DestroyPopupListItemUI() -- the customer that I should deliver to... local customerOfOrder = self:EntityTable()[selectedFoodOrder.customerOwnerUID] if not customerOfOrder then _L.Print("CRITICAL: customer owner of food not found", true) self.state = "Idle" return false end -- pause to face the order stand for a little bit self:FaceEntity(orderStand) -- hold the dish I'm delivering self:HoldFood(selectedFoodOrder.ID, selectedFoodOrder.isGold) self.state = "WalkingToDeliverFood" if customerOfOrder.isDeleted then self.state = "Idle" self.stateData.heldDish = self.stateData.heldDish:Destroy() return end -- walk to the customer to deliver... self:WalkToNewFloor(customerOfOrder:GetMyFloor(), function() self:WalkToPoint(customerOfOrder.xVoxel, customerOfOrder.yVoxel, customerOfOrder.zVoxel, function() self:DropFood() if customerOfOrder.isDeleted then _L.Print("CRITICAL: walked to customer, but they were forced to leave. aborting", true) self.state = "Idle" return end customerOfOrder:ChangeToEatingState() -- face the customer self:FaceEntity(customerOfOrder) -- award XP for delivering food _L.Network.Fire("AwardWaiterExperienceForDeliveringOrderWithVerification", self.UID) -- free the waiter back up self.state = "Idle" end) end) end) end) return true end function Waiter:CheckForCustomerOrder() local myFloor = self:GetMyFloor() -- find a customer that is waiting to order local waitingCustomer = myFloor:GetCustomerWaitingToOrder() if not waitingCustomer then -- if there's no customer on my current floor, check if other floors need help local indices = _L.Functions.RandomIndices(_L.Variables.MyBakery.floors) for _, index in ipairs(indices) do local floor = _L.Variables.MyBakery.floors[index] if floor ~= myFloor then if not floor:HasAtLeastOneIdleStateOfClass("Waiter") then waitingCustomer = floor:GetCustomerWaitingToOrder() if waitingCustomer then break end end end end -- still nothing? abort if not waitingCustomer then return false end end self.state = "WalkingToTakeOrder" -- find the entire customer group local customerGroup = {waitingCustomer} for _, customerPartner in ipairs(waitingCustomer.stateData.queueGroup) do if customerPartner.state == "WaitingToOrder" and not customerPartner.waiterIsAttendingToFoodOrder then table.insert(customerGroup, customerPartner) end end -- tag debounce, not allowing other waiters to interfere for _, seatedCustomer in ipairs(customerGroup) do seatedCustomer.waiterIsAttendingToFoodOrder = true end local function untagGroup() for _, seatedCustomer in ipairs(customerGroup) do seatedCustomer.waiterIsAttendingToFoodOrder = false end end -- walk to the seated group local firstCustomer = customerGroup[1] local groupTable = self:EntityTable()[firstCustomer.stateData.tableUID] if not groupTable or groupTable.isDeleted then self.state = "Idle" return end local tx, ty, tz = groupTable.xVoxel, groupTable.yVoxel, groupTable.zVoxel local customerFloor = firstCustomer:GetMyFloor() self:WalkToNewFloor(customerFloor, function() if firstCustomer.leaving or firstCustomer.isDeleted then self.state = "Idle" return end self:WalkToPoint(tx, ty, tz, function() if firstCustomer.isDeleted or firstCustomer.leaving then self.state = "Idle" return end -- order stand to deposit the orders in local orderStand = customerFloor:FindOrderStandOnAnyFloor() if not orderStand then _L.Print("CRITICAL: NO ORDER STAND FOUND!", true) untagGroup() self.state = "Idle" self:TimedEmoji("ConcernedEmoji", 2) return end -- stop interacting local firstCustomer = customerGroup[1] if firstCustomer then firstCustomer:StopGroupEmoji() firstCustomer:CleanupGroupInteract() end -- check for customers in the group still waiting to have their -- order taken. it's possible that the user took one or -- more of their orders local groupOrder = {} local tookOrdersFrom = {} for _, seatedCustomer in ipairs(customerGroup) do if seatedCustomer.state == "WaitingToOrder" then table.insert(tookOrdersFrom, seatedCustomer) groupOrder[seatedCustomer.UID] = _L.Food.RandomFoodChoice(seatedCustomer.UID, seatedCustomer.ID, seatedCustomer:IsRichCustomer(), seatedCustomer:IsPirateCustomer(), seatedCustomer.isNearTree) seatedCustomer.state = "WaitingForFood" seatedCustomer:StopChat() end end -- if no orders are taken, abort if #tookOrdersFrom == 0 then self.state = "Idle" return end -- take order animation self:PlayLoadedAnimation("write") for _, customer in ipairs(customerGroup) do self:FaceEntity(customer) end self:StopLoadedAnimation("write") self.state = "WalkingToDropoffOrder" self:WalkToNewFloor(orderStand:GetMyFloor(), function() if orderStand.isDeleted then for _, customer in ipairs(customerGroup) do customer:ForcedToLeave() end self.state = "Idle" return end self:WalkToPoint(orderStand.xVoxel, orderStand.yVoxel, orderStand.zVoxel, function() if orderStand.isDeleted then for _, customer in ipairs(customerGroup) do customer:ForcedToLeave() end self.state = "Idle" return end -- deposit each of the orders for _, orderedCustomer in ipairs(tookOrdersFrom) do if orderedCustomer.isDeleted then continue end orderedCustomer:ChangeToWaitingForFoodState(groupOrder[orderedCustomer.UID]) orderStand:AddFoodToQueue(groupOrder[orderedCustomer.UID]) end -- award XP for taking an order _L.Network.Fire("AwardWaiterExperienceForTakingOrderWithVerification", self.UID) -- face deposit location self:FaceEntity(orderStand) -- free up the waiter for more actions self.state = "Idle" end) end) end) end) return true end function Waiter:CheckForQueuedCustomers() if not _L.Variables.MyBakery.isOpen then return false end local myFloor = self:GetMyFloor() -- if I'm not on the first floor, only go to help if there is nobody -- idle on the first floor if myFloor.floorLevel ~= 1 then if _L.Variables.MyBakery.floors[1]:HasAtLeastOneIdleStateOfClass("Waiter") then return false end -- only allow myself to go de-queue a customer if there are 5 or less waiters -- on the first floor. no need to overdo it. if #_L.Variables.MyBakery.floors[1].waiters > 5 then return false end end -- search for the top of the queue customer group that is ready -- to be seated local readyCustomerGroup = nil for _, customerGroup in ipairs(_L.Variables.MyBakery.customerQueue) do if customerGroup[1].state == "WaitingForSeat" and not customerGroup[1].waiterIsAttendingToInQueue then readyCustomerGroup = customerGroup break end end if not readyCustomerGroup then return false end -- tag each customer as attended to for _, customer in ipairs(readyCustomerGroup) do customer.waiterIsAttendingToInQueue = true end local firstCustomer = readyCustomerGroup[1] -- waiter is attending to me but I still haven't been seated? timeout coroutine.wrap(function() wait() if #readyCustomerGroup == 0 then return end if readyCustomerGroup[1].waiterIsAttendingToInQueue and readyCustomerGroup[1].state == "WaitingForSeat" then --_L.Print("timeout successful") for _, customer in ipairs(readyCustomerGroup) do customer.waiterIsAttendingToInQueue = false end end end)() self.state = "WalkingToQueuedCustomerGroup" -- walk to one of the customers in the queue group -- it's possible that the user sends the customers to their -- seat before we get there. if so, abort if firstCustomer.state ~= "WaitingForSeat" or firstCustomer.stateData.busyWalking then -- untag attending for _, customer in ipairs(readyCustomerGroup) do customer.waiterIsAttendingToInQueue = false end self:ResetAllStates() return end -- stop user pings firstCustomer:CleanupGroupInteract() firstCustomer:StopGroupEmoji() -- seat the customer group _L.Variables.MyBakery:SeatQueuedCustomerGroup(firstCustomer) -- update positioning _L.Variables.MyBakery:UpdateCustomerQueuePositioning() -- face the group self:FaceEntity(firstCustomer) -- free the waiter up self.state = "Idle" return true end local rng = Random.new() function Bakery:AddCustomersToQueueIfNecessary(kickCustomerIfNecessary, UIDBatch) -- helper function local function goToSeat(customer, doNotPlaySound) if customer.state ~= "WaitingForSeat" then -- error sound if not doNotPlaySound then _L.Audio.Play(5074110087, player.PlayerGui) end return end customer:StopGroupEmoji() customer:CleanupGroupInteract() self:SeatQueuedCustomerGroup(customer) self:UpdateCustomerQueuePositioning() -- click sound if not doNotPlaySound then _L.Audio.Play(5074101610, player.PlayerGui) end end -- max queue size of 4 if #self.customerQueue >= 4 then return 0 end -- every customer is initially on the first floor local firstFloor = self.floors[1] -- grab all available seats. search floors at random until a seat group is found local selectedTable, selectedSeatGroup local indices = _L.Functions.RandomIndices(_L.Variables.MyBakery.floors) for _, index in ipairs(indices) do local floor = self.floors[index] selectedTable, selectedSeatGroup = floor:GetAvailableSeatGroupings() if selectedTable and selectedSeatGroup then break end end if not (selectedTable and selectedSeatGroup) then -- if we didn't find a seat and kickCustomerIfNecessary (for VIP customers), then -- kick a random customer for the VIP customer if kickCustomerIfNecessary then local didKickCustomer = false for _, floor in ipairs(self.floors) do for _, customer in ipairs(floor.customers) do if customer.state ~= "ReadyToExit" then customer:ForcedToLeave() didKickCustomer = true break end end if didKickCustomer then break end end end return 0 end local queueEntry = {} local didPlayVIPCustomerSound = false -- if a vip is forced (royal set), let the server know local vipOverride = {} local johnDoeOverride = {} local pirateOverride = {} local youtuberOverride = {} local shadowOverride = {} local corruptedVIPOverride = {} local santaOverride = {} local elfOverride = {} local treeTable = {} -- create customers to fill this seat grouping local containsGhostOrSpecial = false for i, seatGroup in pairs(selectedSeatGroup) do local seat = seatGroup local tabl = selectedTable local forceVIPCustomer = false local forceShadowCustomer = false local forceJohnDoeCustomer = false local forcePirateCustomer = false local forceYoutuberCustomer = false local forceSantaCustomer = false local forceElfCustomer = false -- look for a nearby christmas tree local floor = self.floors[seat.floorLevel] for _, entity in ipairs(floor:GetEntitiesFromClassAndSubClass("Furniture", "ChristmasTree")) do local dist = math.sqrt(math.pow(entity.xVoxel - seat.xVoxel, 2) + math.pow(entity.zVoxel - seat.zVoxel, 2)) if dist < 4*math.sqrt(2)+0.1 then treeTable[i] = true break end end -- royal table logic local overrideUID = nil if seat.ID == "43" and tabl.ID == "44" then forceVIPCustomer = true overrideUID = seat.UID elseif seat.ID == "43" then forceVIPCustomer = true overrideUID = seat.UID elseif tabl.ID == "44" then forceVIPCustomer = true overrideUID = tabl.UID end if forceVIPCustomer then UIDBatch[i].ID = "13" vipOverride[i] = overrideUID end -- royal halloween table logic if not forceVIPCustomer then if seat.ID == "98" and tabl.ID == "99" then forceShadowCustomer = true overrideUID = seat.UID elseif seat.ID == "98" then forceShadowCustomer = true overrideUID = seat.UID elseif tabl.ID == "99" then forceShadowCustomer = true overrideUID = tabl.UID end -- 1% chance for haunted customer, otherwise corrupted VIP if forceShadowCustomer then UIDBatch[i].ID = "26" corruptedVIPOverride[i] = overrideUID end end -- John Doe Table Logic if not forceVIPCustomer then if seat.ID == "216" and tabl.ID == "217" then forceJohnDoeCustomer = true overrideUID = seat.UID elseif seat.ID == "216" then forceJohnDoeCustomer = true overrideUID = seat.UID elseif tabl.ID == "217" then forceJohnDoeCustomer = true overrideUID = tabl.UID end --Force John Doe if forceJohnDoeCustomer then -- if math.random() < 0.005 then UIDBatch[i].ID = "29" johnDoeOverride[i] = overrideUID -- else --UIDBatch[i].ID = "26" --corruptedVIPOverride[i] = overrideUID end end -- end -- pirate table logic if not forceVIPCustomer and not forceShadowCustomer then if seat.ID == "74" and tabl.ID == "75" then forcePirateCustomer = true overrideUID = seat.UID elseif seat.ID == "74" then forcePirateCustomer = true overrideUID = seat.UID elseif tabl.ID == "75" then forcePirateCustomer = true overrideUID = tabl.UID end if forcePirateCustomer then UIDBatch[i].ID = "21" pirateOverride[i] = overrideUID end end -- gamer table logic if not forceVIPCustomer and not forcePirateCustomer and not forceShadowCustomer then if seat.ID == "84" and tabl.ID == "85" then forceYoutuberCustomer = true overrideUID = seat.UID elseif seat.ID == "84" then forceYoutuberCustomer = true overrideUID = seat.UID elseif tabl.ID == "85" then forceYoutuberCustomer = true overrideUID = tabl.UID end if forceYoutuberCustomer then UIDBatch[i].ID = "22" youtuberOverride[i] = overrideUID end end -- santa table logic if not forceVIPCustomer and not forcePirateCustomer and not forceShadowCustomer and not forceYoutuberCustomer then if seat.ID == "108" and true then forceSantaCustomer = true overrideUID = seat.UID UIDBatch[i].ID = "27" santaOverride[i] = overrideUID end end -- elf table logic if not forceVIPCustomer and not forcePirateCustomer and not forceShadowCustomer and not forceYoutuberCustomer and not forceSantaCustomer then if seat.ID == "110" and tabl.ID == "111" then forceElfCustomer = true overrideUID = seat.UID elseif seat.ID == "110" then forceElfCustomer = true overrideUID = seat.UID elseif tabl.ID == "111" then forceElfCustomer = true overrideUID = tabl.UID end if forceElfCustomer then UIDBatch[i].ID = "28" elfOverride[i] = overrideUID end end local sx, sy, sz = self:GetCustomerStartVoxel(i, #selectedSeatGroup) local fx, fy, fz = self:GetCustomerQueueVoxel(i, -5, #selectedSeatGroup) local createdCustomer = _L.Customer.CreateRandomCustomer(UIDBatch[i], sx, sy, sz) local worldStart = firstFloor:WorldPositionFromVoxel(sx, sy, sz) local queueFront = firstFloor:WorldPositionFromVoxel(fx, fy, fz) createdCustomer.stateData.seatUID = seat.UID createdCustomer.stateData.tableUID = tabl.UID createdCustomer.stateData.queuePosition = #self.customerQueue + 1 createdCustomer.isNearTree = treeTable[i] ~= nil createdCustomer:SetVoxelPosition(self:GetCustomerStartVoxel(i, #selectedSeatGroup)) -- center the customer group...... remember that max group size is 4 if createdCustomer:BelongsToMyBakery() then if #selectedSeatGroup % 2 == 0 then createdCustomer.model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(CFrame.new(worldStart + Vector3.new(0, 2, 0), queueFront)) elseif #selectedSeatGroup == 1 then local startCFrame = CFrame.new(worldStart + Vector3.new(0, 2, 0)) * CFrame.Angles(0, self.baseAngle, 0) * CFrame.new(2, 0, 0) local faceCFrame = CFrame.new(queueFront) * CFrame.Angles(0, self.baseAngle, 0) * CFrame.new(2, 0, 0) createdCustomer.model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(CFrame.new(startCFrame.p, faceCFrame.p)) elseif #selectedSeatGroup == 3 then local startCFrame = CFrame.new(worldStart + Vector3.new(0, 2, 0)) * CFrame.Angles(0, self.baseAngle, 0) * CFrame.new(-2, 0, 0) local faceCFrame = CFrame.new(queueFront) * CFrame.Angles(0, self.baseAngle, 0) * CFrame.new(-2, 0, 0) createdCustomer.model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(CFrame.new(startCFrame.p, faceCFrame.p)) end end -- special customer notifications if _L.PlayerSettings.GetSetting("Notifications") == "Enabled" then -- Haunted Horseman if createdCustomer.ID == "25" and not didPlayVIPCustomerSound then didPlayVIPCustomerSound = true _L.SFX.Play(5839736886, player.PlayerGui, nil, 1) _L.Alert.Message("The Headless Horseman has entered your Restaurant!") end -- Santa if createdCustomer.ID == "27" and not didPlayVIPCustomerSound then didPlayVIPCustomerSound = true _L.SFX.Play("6106142958", player.PlayerGui) _L.Alert.Message("Santa has entered your Restaurant!") end -- VIP customer? play sound for at least one if createdCustomer.ID == "13" and not didPlayVIPCustomerSound then didPlayVIPCustomerSound = true _L.SFX.Play(5174014731, player.PlayerGui) _L.Alert.Message("A VIP Customer has entered your Restaurant!") end -- celebrity customer? if createdCustomer.ID == "20" and not didPlayVIPCustomerSound then didPlayVIPCustomerSound = true _L.SFX.Play(5278932246, player.PlayerGui) _L.Alert.Message("A Celebrity Customer has entered your Restaurant!") end -- pirate customer if createdCustomer.ID == "21" and not didPlayVIPCustomerSound then didPlayVIPCustomerSound = true _L.SFX.Play(5601560215, player.PlayerGui, nil, 0.25) _L.Alert.Message("A Pirate Customer has entered your Restaurant!") end -- youtuber customer if createdCustomer.ID == "22" and not didPlayVIPCustomerSound then didPlayVIPCustomerSound = true _L.SFX.Play(5625433365, player.PlayerGui, nil, 0.25) _L.Alert.Message("A Youtuber Customer has entered your Restaurant!") end -- corrupted VIP if createdCustomer.ID == "26" and not didPlayVIPCustomerSound then didPlayVIPCustomerSound = true _L.SFX.Play(5839737683, player.PlayerGui, nil, 0.25) _L.Alert.Message("A Haunted VIP Customer has entered your Restaurant!") end --John Doe if createdCustomer.ID == "29" and not didPlayVIPCustomerSound then didPlayVIPCustomerSound = true _L.SFX.Play(5839737683, player.PlayerGui, nil, 0.25) _L.Alert.Message("John Doe has entered your Restaurant!") end end if createdCustomer.ID == "14" or createdCustomer.ID == "15" then containsGhostOrSpecial = true end -- finally give the customer a parent (prevents weird teleporting from corner thing) createdCustomer.model.Parent = createdCustomer.cachedParent createdCustomer:FadeTransparency(createdCustomer:GetMyTransparency()) -- replication event.. customer created _L.Replication.SendEvent("CustomerCreated", createdCustomer:ToUIDData()) -- tutorial table + flag if self.isTutorial then table.insert(self.tutorial.firstCustomerWave, createdCustomer) self.tutorial.hasAllowedFirstWaveOfCustomers = true end seat:SetIsOccupied(createdCustomer) tabl:AddCustomerAtTable(createdCustomer) createdCustomer:Emoji("WaitingForSeat", true) createdCustomer:Interact(function() goToSeat(createdCustomer) end) -- celebrity customer flag if createdCustomer.ID == "20" then _L.Variables.MyBakery.activeCelebrity = true end table.insert(queueEntry, createdCustomer) end -- initialize each customer's queue group. the customer can NOT be -- inside of their own queue group, since cyclic tables are not permitted for _, customer0 in ipairs(queueEntry) do customer0.stateData.queueGroup = {} for _, customer1 in ipairs(queueEntry) do if customer0 ~= customer1 then table.insert(customer0.stateData.queueGroup, customer1) end end end table.insert(self.customerQueue, queueEntry) if not containsGhostOrSpecial then self:UpdateCustomerQueuePositioning() else goToSeat(queueEntry[1], true) end return #selectedSeatGroup, vipOverride, pirateOverride, youtuberOverride, shadowOverride, corruptedVIPOverride, santaOverride, elfOverride, johnDoeOverride, treeTable end local bakeryData = _L.Variables.UIDData if not bakeryData then repeat wait() bakeryData = _L.Variables.UIDData until bakeryData end --"ðŸˆ"-bluwu local Wells = {"101","49","50"} local Slots = {"57"} local UNIT_SECOND = 1 local UNIT_MINUTE = UNIT_SECOND * 60 local SLOT_REFRESH = UNIT_MINUTE * 10 local function useWell(wellUID, wellId) local event = "RequestWishingWellUsage" if wellId == "101" then event = "RequestHauntedWishingWellUsage" end _L.Network.Fire(event,wellUID) end coroutine.wrap(function() while true do for i,v in next, bakeryData["Furniture"] do local ID = v.ID if ID and table.find(Wells,ID) and v.ClassName == "Furniture" then task.spawn(function() local event = "GetWishingWellRefreshTime" if ID == "101" then event = "GetHauntedWishingWellRefreshTime" end local cooldown = _L.Network.Invoke(event,v.UID) if not isOnCooldown then useWell(v.UID, ID) end end) end if ID and table.find(Slots,ID) then task.spawn(function() local cooldown = _L.Network.Invoke("GetSlotRefreshTime") if cooldown == 0 then _L.Network.Fire("RequestSlotUsage", v.UID) end end) end end task.wait(3) end end)()