local Flux = loadstring(game:HttpGet"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dawid-scripts/UI-Libs/main/fluxlib.txt")() local Window = Flux:Window("MOTG", "Press N to open/close", Color3.fromRGB(255, 110, 48), Enum.KeyCode.N) local lp = game.Players.LocalPlayer local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local Remotes = RS.Resources.Remotes function getPlayer(str, players) -- https://v3rmillion.net/showthread.php?tid=1074885 local p local tbl = players or game:GetService('Players'):GetPlayers() for _, v in next, tbl do if (str:lower() == v.Name:lower()) then return v end end for i = str:len(), 2, -1 do for _, v in next, tbl do p = v.Name:lower() if (str:lower():sub(1, i) == p:sub(1, i)) then return v end end end for _, v in next, tbl do p = v.Name:lower() if (string.match(p, str:lower())) then return v end end return nil end function drink() for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace.Buildings:GetChildren()) do if v.Name == "Well" then Remotes.DrinkFromWell:FireServer(v) end end end function use(v, x) for i=1, x, 1 do spawn(function() Remotes.InteractItem:FireServer("Use", v) end) task.wait(.01) end end local Tab1 = Window:Tab("Misc", "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=6023426915") Tab1:Button("Drink", "drinks from wells", function() drink() end) Tab1:Button("Revive Self", "revives yourself in case you die", function() Remotes.Spawn:FireServer(lp) end) Tab1:Button("Raise island", "raises the island", function() for i=1, 100,1 do Remotes.RaiseIsland:FireServer() end end) Tab1:Button("Chop All Trees", "attempts to chop all trees", function() for _, tree in pairs(game.Workspace.Plants:GetChildren()) do if type(string.find(tree.Name, "Tree")) or type(string.find(tree.Name, "Palm")) == "number" then Remotes.ChopTree:FireServer(tree) end end end) Tab1:Button("Break All Rocks", "attempts to break all rocks", function() for _, rock in pairs(game.Workspace.Rocks:GetChildren()) do Remotes.BreakRock:FireServer(rock) end end) Tab1:Button("Kill All Animals", "kills all animals with their drops", function() for _, animal in pairs(game.Workspace.Animals:GetChildren()) do Remotes.DamageAnimal:FireServer(animal, 9999999) end end) Tab1:Button("Remove all Items", "removes all items on the map", function() for i, v in pairs(workspace.Items:GetChildren()) do Remotes.DestroyItem:FireServer(v) end end) Tab1:Button("End Season", "ends current season", function() Remotes.EndSeason:FireServer() end) Tab1:Button("Disable Destroy Function", "destroy function used to destroy stuff after being used will be disabled", function() local mt = getrawmetatable(game) make_writeable(mt) local namecall = mt.__namecall mt.__namecall = newcclosure(function(self, ...) local method = getnamecallmethod() local args = {...} if method == "FireServer" and self == Remotes.InteractItem and args[1] == "Destroy" then return wait(9e9) end return namecall(self, ...) end) end) Tab1:Button('Destroy this GUI', "boom", function() game:GetService("CoreGui").FluxLib:Destroy() end) local touse = "" local amounttouse = 0 local tobring = "" local Tab2 = Window:Tab("Use", "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=6023426915") Tab2:Textbox("Object To Use", "Name Here", true, function(output) touse = tostring(output) end) Tab2:Textbox("Amount of Times", "Amount Here", true, function(output) amounttouse = tonumber(output) end) Tab2:Button("Use", "uses the item inf amount of times without it being destroyed", function() use(lp.Character[touse], amounttouse) end) Tab2:Textbox("Object To Bring", "Name Here", true, function(output) tobring = tostring(output) end) Tab2:Button("Bring", "brings the item if they are on the map", function() if game.Workspace.Items:FindFirstChild(tobring) then for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace.Items:GetChildren()) do if v.Name == tobring then Remotes.InteractItem:FireServer("Take", v) task.wait(.1) Remotes.InteractItem:FireServer("Drop", lp.Character:WaitForChild(tobring)) task.wait(.1) end end end end) local fishtosummon = "" local Tab3 = Window:Tab("Fish", "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=6023426915") Tab3:Textbox("Fish To Spawn", "Name Here", true, function(output) fishtosummon = tostring(output) end) Tab3:Button("Spawn", "spawns the fish, requires you to have fishing rod out", function() Remotes.MakeFish:FireServer(fishtosummon, lp.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position) end) local playertoaction = "" local Tab4 = Window:Tab("Other Players", "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=6023426915") Tab4:Label("you can use the start of a player name instead of full names") Tab4:Textbox("Player to do Action", "Name Here", true, function(output) playertoaction = getPlayer(tostring(output)) end) Tab4:Button("Respawn Player", "respawns the chosen player", function() Remotes.Spawn:FireServer(playertoaction) end) Tab4:Button("Kill Player", "kills the chosen player", function() Remotes.DamagePlayer:FireServer(playertoaction, 9999999) end)