--// YOU can get the key at https://tightstudios.xyz/getkey.php if you need help you can join our discord server (it's in descprition) getgenv().Settings = { key = "yourkeyhere", --// replace yourkeyhere to yourkey --// UI SETTINGS Style = 1, SizeX = 500, SizeY = 350, Theme = "Light", MainFrame = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0), --// GLOBAL SETTINGS gametoloadscriptfor = "ff2", -- ff2,northwind,hoopz --// SETTINGS FOR HOOPZ betamode = true, -- making this false will make u able to use old aimbot thingthatcanmakeaimbotgood = math.huge, --// if aimbot ever breaks i can just change this number yawn defaultoffset = 35, --// default aimbot offset defaultautoshotdelay = .1, --// default auto shoot delay maxspeed = 19, --// max speed for speed slider defaultreachdistance = 5, --// reach distance defaultautopickupdistance = 5 --// auto pickup distance } loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://tightstudios.xyz/loader.lua'))()