local WantedMagics = {"Time","Reality Collapse","Celestial","Eclipse","Blood","","","","",""} -- Put what elements you want between the quotation marks local WantedRarities = {"Heavenly","Legendary","Exotic","","",""} -- Put the name of the rarities you want between the quotation marks -- Script will stop rolling if a wanted rarity or wanted magic is rolled. You can change between the quotation marks to whatever you want in the list below, as long as it's in the right category --[[ RARITIES: - Common - Uncommon - Rare - Exotic - Legendary - Heavenly ELEMENTS (AT TIME OF WRITING): Common Elements: - Fire - Water - Lightning Uncommon Elements: - Wind - Earth Rare Elements: - Light - Darkness - Metal Exotic Elements: - Eclipse - Blood Legendary Elements: - Celestial Heavenly Elements: - Reality Collapse - Time --]] while wait(0.00001) do local Magic, Rarity = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.Spin:InvokeServer(false) if Magic == nil or Rarity == nil then print("Out of spins!") break end print("Rolled "..Magic.." with a rarity of "..Rarity) if table.find(WantedMagics,Magic) or table.find(WantedRarities,Rarity) then break end end game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:BreakJoints()