_G.KEY = "q" _G.PART = "HumanoidRootPart" _G.PRED = 0.057 _G.Frame = Vector3.new(0, 0.53, 0) local L_76_ = game:GetService "Workspace".CurrentCamera local L_77_ local L_78_ = false local L_79_ = nil local L_80_ = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse() local L_81_ = Instance.new("Part", game.Workspace) local L_82_ = Instance.new("Folder", game.CoreGui) function makemarker(L_86_arg0, L_87_arg1, L_88_arg2, L_89_arg3, L_90_arg4) local L_91_ = Instance.new("BillboardGui", L_86_arg0) L_91_.Name = "PP" L_91_.Adornee = L_87_arg1 L_91_.Size = UDim2.new(L_89_arg3, L_90_arg4, L_89_arg3, L_90_arg4) L_91_.AlwaysOnTop = true local L_92_ = Instance.new("Frame", L_91_) L_92_.Size = UDim2.new(4, 0, 4, 0) L_92_.BackgroundTransparency = 0.1 L_92_.BackgroundColor3 = L_88_arg2 local L_93_ = Instance.new("UICorner", L_92_) L_93_.CornerRadius = UDim.new(50, 50) return L_91_ end local L_83_ = game.Players:GetPlayers() function noob(L_94_arg0) local L_95_ repeat wait() until L_94_arg0.Character local L_96_ = makemarker(L_82_, L_94_arg0.Character:WaitForChild(_G.PART), Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), 0.0, 0) L_96_.Name = L_94_arg0.Name L_94_arg0.CharacterAdded:connect( function(L_98_arg0) L_96_.Adornee = L_98_arg0:WaitForChild(_G.PART) end ) local L_97_ = Instance.new("TextLabel", L_96_) L_97_.BackgroundTransparency = 1 L_97_.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, -50) L_97_.Size = UDim2.new(0, 100, 0, 100) L_97_.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansSemibold L_97_.TextSize = 14 L_97_.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) L_97_.TextStrokeTransparency = 0 L_97_.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Bottom L_97_.Text = "Bling" .. L_94_arg0.Name L_97_.ZIndex = 10 spawn( function() while wait() do if L_94_arg0.Character then end end end ) end for L_99_forvar0 = 1, #L_83_ do if L_83_[L_99_forvar0] ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer then noob(L_83_[L_99_forvar0]) end end game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect( function(L_100_arg0) noob(L_100_arg0) end ) game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect( function(L_101_arg0) L_82_[L_101_arg0.Name]:Destroy() end ) spawn( function() L_81_.Anchored = true L_81_.CanCollide = false L_81_.Size = Vector3.new(0.1, 0.1, 0.1) L_81_.Transparency = 0.1 makemarker(L_81_, L_81_, Color3.fromRGB(0, 180, 0), 0.20, 0) end ) L_80_.KeyDown:Connect( function(L_102_arg0) if L_102_arg0 ~= _G.KEY then return end if L_78_ then L_78_ = false TextLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 20, 75) TextLabel.Text = "------" else L_78_ = true L_77_ = getClosestPlayerToCursor() TextLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(12, 255, 0) TextLabel.Text = L_77_.Character.Humanoid.DisplayName end end ) function getClosestPlayerToCursor() local L_103_ local L_104_ = math.huge for L_105_forvar0, L_106_forvar1 in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if L_106_forvar1 ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer and L_106_forvar1.Character and L_106_forvar1.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and L_106_forvar1.Character.Humanoid.Health ~= 0 and L_106_forvar1.Character:FindFirstChild(_G.PART) then local L_107_ = L_76_:WorldToViewportPoint(L_106_forvar1.Character.PrimaryPart.Position) local L_108_ = (Vector2.new(L_107_.X, L_107_.Y) - Vector2.new(L_80_.X, L_80_.Y)).magnitude if L_108_ < L_104_ then L_103_ = L_106_forvar1 L_104_ = L_108_ end end end return L_103_ end game:GetService "RunService".Stepped:connect( function() if L_78_ and L_77_.Character and L_77_.Character:FindFirstChild(_G.PART) then L_81_.CFrame = CFrame.new(L_77_.Character[_G.PART].Position + _G.Frame + L_77_.Character[_G.PART].Velocity * L_79_) else L_81_.CFrame = CFrame.new(0, 9999, 0) end end ) local L_84_ = getrawmetatable(game) local L_85_ = L_84_.__namecall setreadonly(L_84_, false) L_84_.__namecall = newcclosure( function(...) local L_109_ = { ... } if L_78_ and getnamecallmethod() == "FireServer" and L_109_[2] == "UpdateMousePos" then L_109_[3] = L_77_.Character[_G.PART].Position + _G.Frame + L_77_.Character[_G.PART].Velocity * L_79_ return L_85_(unpack(L_109_)) end return L_85_(...) end ) game.Players.LocalPlayer.Chatted:Connect( function(L_110_arg0) if L_110_arg0 == "/e print" then print(_G.PRED) end end ) game.Players.LocalPlayer.Chatted:Connect( function(L_111_arg0) if L_111_arg0 == "Code:1029" then _G.KEY = nil _G.AIR = nil _G.PART = nil _G.PRED = nil TextLabel.Visible = false end end ) game.Players.LocalPlayer.Chatted:Connect( function(L_112_arg0) if L_112_arg0 == "/e hrp" then _G.KEY = "q" _G.AIR = 0.00005 _G.PART = "HumanoidRootPart" _G.PRED = 0.032 TextLabel.Visible = true end end ) game.Players.LocalPlayer.Chatted:Connect( function(L_113_arg0) if L_113_arg0 == "/e lt" then _G.KEY = "q" _G.AIR = 0.00005 _G.PART = "LowerTorso" _G.PRED = 0.032 TextLabel.Visible = true end end ) game.Players.LocalPlayer.Chatted:Connect( function(L_114_arg0) if L_114_arg0 == "Screensharing" then _G.KEY = "q" _G.AIR = 0.00005 _G.PART = "LowerTorso" _G.PRED = 0.033 TextLabel.Visible = true L_81_ = nil end end ) game.Players.LocalPlayer.Chatted:Connect( function(L_115_arg0) if L_115_arg0 == "/e P+" then _G.PRED = _G.PRED + 0.001 end end ) game.Players.LocalPlayer.Chatted:Connect( function(L_116_arg0) if L_116_arg0 == "/e P-" then _G.PRED = _G.PRED - 0.001 end end ) while wait() do if getClosestPlayerToCursor().Character.Humanoid.Jump == true and getClosestPlayerToCursor().Character.Humanoid.FloorMaterial == Enum.Material.Air then _G.Frame = Vector3.new(0, -2.3, 0) wait(0.05) else local L_117_ = game:GetService("Stats").Network.ServerStatsItem["Data Ping"]:GetValueString() local L_118_ = tostring(L_117_) local L_119_ = L_118_:split(" ") local L_120_ = L_119_[1] L_79_ = L_120_ / 1000 + _G.PRED _G.Frame = Vector3.new(0, 0.53, 0) end end