repeat wait() until game:IsLoaded() getgenv().Fix = false getgenv().TeclasWS = { ["tecla1"] = "M", -- speed +5 ["tecla2"] = "N", -- speed -5 ["tecla3"] = "V" -- toggle } -- // servicios local MININOS_DOXXEADOS = game:GetService("Players") local AUDIOS_LOUD_DE_TRAP = game:GetService("StarterGui") or "son una mierda" -- // objetos local neonazi = MININOS_DOXXEADOS.LocalPlayer local esvastica = neonazi:GetMouse() -- // variables local lista_de_victimas_de_drizzy = getrenv()._G local da_hood_rblxm_REAL = getrawmetatable(game) local CP = da_hood_rblxm_REAL.__newindex local CP_DE_DRIZZY = da_hood_rblxm_REAL.__index local velocidad_de_cum = 150 local es_pedofilo = true -- // funciones para acortar codigo :] function anunciar_atentado_terrorista(fecha_del_atentado) AUDIOS_LOUD_DE_TRAP:SetCore("SendNotification",{ Title="Fake Macro", Text=fecha_del_atentado, Icon="rbxthumb://type=Asset&id=1332213374&w=150&h=150" }) end getgenv().TECHWAREWALKSPEED_LOADED = true wait(1.5) anunciar_atentado_terrorista("Welcome"..TeclasWS.tecla3.."") -- // conexión esvastica.KeyDown:Connect(function(el_impostor) if el_impostor:lower() == TeclasWS.tecla1:lower() then velocidad_de_cum = velocidad_de_cum + 5 anunciar_atentado_terrorista(" (speed = "..tostring(velocidad_de_cum)..")") elseif el_impostor:lower() == TeclasWS.tecla2:lower() then velocidad_de_cum = velocidad_de_cum - 5 anunciar_atentado_terrorista(" (speed = "..tostring(velocidad_de_cum)..")") elseif el_impostor:lower() == TeclasWS.tecla3:lower() then if es_pedofilo then es_pedofilo = false anunciar_atentado_terrorista("speed off") else es_pedofilo = true anunciar_atentado_terrorista("speed on") end end end) -- // mi parte favorita: metametodos setreadonly(da_hood_rblxm_REAL,false) da_hood_rblxm_REAL.__index = newcclosure(function(BEST_ON_TOP,IS_GARBAGE) local esPedofilo = checkcaller() if IS_GARBAGE == "WalkSpeed" and not esPedofilo then return lista_de_victimas_de_drizzy.CurrentWS end return CP_DE_DRIZZY(BEST_ON_TOP,IS_GARBAGE) end) da_hood_rblxm_REAL.__newindex = newcclosure(function(kaias,ip,logger) local unNeonazi = checkcaller() if es_pedofilo then if ip == "WalkSpeed" and logger ~= 0 and not unNeonazi then return CP(kaias,ip,velocidad_de_cum) end end return CP(kaias,ip,logger) end) setreadonly(da_hood_rblxm_REAL,true) repeat wait() until game:IsLoaded() local Players = game:service('Players') local Player = Players.LocalPlayer repeat wait() until Player.Character local userInput = game:service('UserInputService') local runService = game:service('RunService') local Multiplier = -0.22 local Enabled = false local whentheflashnoiq userInput.InputBegan:connect(function(Key) if Key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.LeftBracket then Multiplier = Multiplier + 0.01 print(Multiplier) wait(0.2) while userInput:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftBracket) do wait() Multiplier = Multiplier + 0.01 print(Multiplier) end end if Key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.RightBracket then Multiplier = Multiplier - 0.01 print(Multiplier) wait(0.2) while userInput:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.RightBracket) do wait() Multiplier = Multiplier - 0.01 print(Multiplier) end end if Key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.P then Enabled = not Enabled if Enabled == true then repeat game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame + game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.MoveDirection * Multiplier game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:waitn() until Enabled == true end end end) if Fix == true then loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() end