-- // Vars local detectionVectors = { CHECKER_1 = true, TeleportDetect = true, OneMoreTime = true, BANREMOTE = true, KICKREMOTE = true } -- // Metatable vars local mt = getrawmetatable(game) local backupnamecall = mt.__namecall setreadonly(mt, false) -- // Hook mt.__namecall = newcclosure(function(...) -- // Vars local method = getnamecallmethod() local args = {...} -- // Check if it trying to do naughty if (method == "FireServer" and tostring(args[1]) == "MainEvent" and detectionVectors[args[2]]) then return wait(9e9) end if (method == "CHECKER_1" and tostring(args[1]) == "MainEvent" and detectionVectors[args[2]]) then return wait(9e9) end if (method == "KICKREMOTE" and tostring(args[1]) == "MainEvent" and detectionVectors[args[2]]) then return wait(9e9) end if (method == "BANREMOTE" and tostring(args[1]) == "MainEvent" and detectionVectors[args[2]]) then return wait(9e9) end -- // Fly Bypass if (not checkcaller() and getfenv(1).crash ~= nil and getfenv(1).checkChild ~= nil) then getcallingscript():Destroy() return wait(9e9) end -- // Return return backupnamecall(...) end) -- // End Metatable setreadonly(mt, true)