if game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild("FluxLib") or game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild("Message") then return end local Flux = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://lolcat.boo/assets/flux-fixed"))() local Window = Flux:Window("Lolcat script [paid]", "Doors", Color3.new(0,0.8), Enum.KeyCode.RightControl) local Tab = Window:Tab("Manual", "rbxassetid://6026568198") local Tab2 = Window:Tab("esp", "rbxassetid://6031763426") local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local Players = game:GetService("Players") local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local TextChatService = game:GetService("TextChatService") local Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting") local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer local Character = LocalPlayer.Character local Backpack = LocalPlayer.Backpack local Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") local AvatarIcon = Players:GetUserThumbnailAsync(LocalPlayer.UserId,Enum.ThumbnailType.HeadShot,Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size420x420) local MainUI = LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.MainUI local Main_Game = MainUI.Initiator.Main_Game local Modules = Main_Game.RemoteListener.Modules local SpeedBoost = 0 local ScreechSafeRooms = {} local PrimaryPart = Character.PrimaryPart local CurrentRooms = workspace.CurrentRooms local EntityInfo = ReplicatedStorage.EntityInfo local ClientModules = ReplicatedStorage.ClientModules local DeathHint = EntityInfo.DeathHint local CamLock = EntityInfo.CamLock local MotorReplication = EntityInfo.MotorReplication local EntityModules = ClientModules.EntityModules local ItemESP = false local EntityESP = false local OtherESP = false local EyesOnMap = false local InstantInteract = false local IncreasedDistance = false local InteractNoclip = false local EnableInteractions = false local DisableDupe = false local DisableSeek = false local NoDark = false local Noclip = false local DisableTimothy = false local DisableA90 = false local NoclipNext = false local IsExiting = false local RemoveDeathHint = false local ClosetExitFix = false local NoBreaker = false local DisableEyes = false local DisableGlitch = false local DisableSnare = false local WasteItems = false local ScreechModule local CustomScreechModule local TimothyModule local CustomTimothyModule local A90Module local CustomA90Module local DoorRange local SpoofMotor local ESP_Items = {KeyObtain={"Key",1.5},LiveHintBook={"Book",1.5},Lighter={"Lighter",1.5},Lockpick={"Lockpicks",1.5},Vitamins={"Vitamins",1.5},Crucifix={"Crucifix",1.5},CrucifixWall={"Crucifix",1.5},SkeletonKey={"Skeleton Key",1.5},Flashlight={"Flashlight",1.5},Candle={"Candle",1.5},LiveBreakerPolePickup={"Fuse",1.5},Shears={"Shears",1.5},Battery={"Battery",1.5},PickupItem={"Paper",1.5},ElectricalKeyObtain={"Electrical Key",1.5},Shakelight={"Shakelight",1.5},Scanner={"iPad",1.5}} local ESP_Entities = {RushMoving={"Rush",5},AmbushMoving={"Ambush",5},FigureRagdoll={"Figure",7},FigureLibrary={"Figure",7},SeekMoving={"Seek",5.5},Screech={"Screech",2},Eyes={"Eyes",4},Snare={"Snare",2},A60={"A-60",10},A120={"A-120",10}} local ESP_Other = {Door={"Door",5},LeverForGate={"Lever",3},GoldPile={"Gold",0.5},Bandage={"Bandage",0.5}} local MainFrame = MainUI.MainFrame local GameData = ReplicatedStorage.GameData local LatestRoom = GameData.LatestRoom local Floor = GameData.Floor local OldEnabled = {} local Module_Events = require(ClientModules.Module_Events) local ShatterFunction = Module_Events.shatter local HideTick = tick() local GlitchModule = EntityModules.Glitch local CustomGlitchModule = GlitchModule:Clone() local Ranks = { Creator = { Title = "awesome script creator", Color = Color3.new(0,0.8,0) }, MrHong = { Title = "Mr. Hong", Color = Color3.new(0.9,0,0) }, Cool = { Title = "Cool", Color = Color3.new(0,0.7,1) }, Greg = { Title = "official greg heffley", Color = Color3.new(0.3,0.3,0.3) } } local PlayerRanks = { ["2615068449"] = "Creator", ["2300945089"] = "MrHong", ["152169512"] = "Cool", ["1160958289"] = "Cool", ["211059753"] = "Greg", ["47466584"] = "Cool" } CustomGlitchModule.Name = "CustomGlitch" CustomGlitchModule.Parent = GlitchModule.Parent GlitchModule:Destroy() EntityInfo.UseEnemyModule.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(Entity,x,...) if Entity == "Glitch" then if not DisableGlitch then require(CustomGlitchModule).stuff(require(Main_Game),table.unpack({...})) end end end) DeathHint.OnClientEvent:Connect(function() if RemoveDeathHint then task.wait() firesignal(DeathHint.OnClientEvent,{},"Blue") end end) for _,Player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do if Player ~= LocalPlayer then ESP_Other[Player.Name] = {Player.DisplayName,4} end end local function ReplacePainting(Painting,NewImage,NewTitle) Painting:WaitForChild("Canvas").SurfaceGui.ImageLabel.Image = NewImage Painting.Canvas.SurfaceGui.ImageLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Painting.Canvas.SurfaceGui.ImageLabel.ImageTransparency = 0 Painting.Canvas.SurfaceGui.ImageLabel.ImageColor3 = Color3.new(1,1,1) local NewPrompt = Painting:WaitForChild("InteractPrompt"):Clone() Painting.InteractPrompt:Destroy() NewPrompt.Parent = Painting NewPrompt.Triggered:Connect(function() require(Main_Game).caption("This painting is titled \"" .. NewTitle .. "\".") end) end local function ApplyCustoms(DontYield) task.wait(DontYield and 0 or 1) ScreechModule = Modules:WaitForChild("Screech") TimothyModule = Modules.SpiderJumpscare A90Module = Modules.A90 CustomScreechModule = ScreechModule:Clone() CustomTimothyModule = TimothyModule:Clone() CustomA90Module = A90Module:Clone() CustomScreechModule.Name = "CustomScreech" CustomTimothyModule.Name = "CustomTimothy" CustomA90Module.Name = "CustomA90" CustomScreechModule.Parent = ScreechModule.Parent CustomTimothyModule.Parent = TimothyModule.Parent CustomA90Module.Parent = A90Module.Parent ScreechModule:Destroy() TimothyModule:Destroy() A90Module:Destroy() end local function ApplySpeed(Force) local Extra = 0 local Behind = 0 if Humanoid:GetAttribute("SpeedBoostExtra") then Extra = Humanoid:GetAttribute("SpeedBoostExtra") end if Humanoid:GetAttribute("SpeedBoostBehind") then Behind = Humanoid:GetAttribute("SpeedBoostBehind") end local MaxSpeed = 15 + Humanoid:GetAttribute("SpeedBoost") + Extra + Behind if Force then local CrouchNerf = 0 if require(Main_Game).crouching then CrouchNerf = 5 end Humanoid.WalkSpeed = MaxSpeed + SpeedBoost - CrouchNerf end if Humanoid.WalkSpeed <= MaxSpeed then Humanoid.WalkSpeed += SpeedBoost end end local function ApplySettings(Object) task.spawn(function() task.wait() if (ESP_Items[Object.Name] or ESP_Entities[Object.Name] or ESP_Other[Object.Name]) and Object.ClassName == "Model" then if Object:FindFirstChild("RushNew") then if not Object.RushNew:WaitForChild("PlaySound").Playing then return end end local Color = ESP_Items[Object.Name] and Color3.new(1,1) or ESP_Entities[Object.Name] and Color3.new(1) or Color3.new(0,1,1) if Object.Name == "RushMoving" or Object.Name == "AmbushMoving" or Object.Name == "Eyes" or Object.Name == "A60" or Object.Name == "A120" then for i = 1, 100 do if Object:FindFirstChildOfClass("Part") then break end if i == 100 then return end end Object:FindFirstChildOfClass("Part").Transparency = 0.99 Instance.new("Humanoid",Object) end local function ApplyHighlight(IsValid,Bool) if IsValid then if Bool then local TXT = IsValid[1] if IsValid[1] == "Door" then local RoomName if Floor.Value == "Rooms" then RoomName = "" else workspace.CurrentRooms:WaitForChild(tonumber(Object.Parent.Name) + 1,math.huge) if not OtherESP then return end local OldString = workspace.CurrentRooms[tonumber(Object.Parent.Name) + 1]:GetAttribute("OriginalName"):sub(7,99) local NewString = "" for i = 1, #OldString do if i == 1 then NewString = NewString .. OldString:sub(i,i) continue end if OldString:sub(i,i) == OldString:sub(i,i):upper() and OldString:sub(i-1,i-1) ~= "_" then NewString = NewString .. " " end if OldString:sub(i,i) ~= "_" then NewString = NewString .. OldString:sub(i,i) end end RoomName = " (" .. NewString .. ")" end TXT = "Door " .. (Floor.Value == "Rooms" and "A-" or "") .. tonumber(Object.Parent.Name) + 1 .. RoomName end if IsValid[1] == "Gold" then TXT = Object:GetAttribute("GoldValue") .. " Gold" end local UI = Instance.new("BillboardGui",Object) UI.Size = UDim2.new(0,1000,0,30) UI.AlwaysOnTop = true UI.StudsOffset = Vector3.new(0,IsValid[2],0) local Label = Instance.new("TextLabel",UI) Label.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,1,0) Label.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Label.TextScaled = true Label.Text = TXT Label.TextColor3 = Color Label.FontFace = Font.new("rbxasset://fonts/families/Oswald.json") Label.TextStrokeTransparency = 0 Label.TextStrokeColor3 = Color3.new(Color.R/2,Color.G/2,Color.B/2) elseif Object:FindFirstChild("BillboardGui") then Object.BillboardGui:Destroy() end local Target = Object if IsValid[1] == "Door" and Object.Parent.Name ~= "49" and Object.Parent.Name ~= "50" then Target = Object:WaitForChild("Door") end if Bool then local Highlight = Instance.new("Highlight",Target) Highlight.FillColor = Color Highlight.OutlineColor = Color elseif Target:FindFirstChild("Highlight") then Target.Highlight:Destroy() end end end ApplyHighlight(ESP_Items[Object.Name],ItemESP) ApplyHighlight(ESP_Entities[Object.Name],EntityESP) ApplyHighlight(ESP_Other[Object.Name],OtherESP) end if Object:IsA("ProximityPrompt") then if InstantInteract then Object.HoldDuration = -Object.HoldDuration end if IncreasedDistance and Object.Parent and Object.Parent.Name ~= "Shears" then Object.MaxActivationDistance *= IncreasedDistance and 2 or 0.5 end if InteractNoclip then Object.RequiresLineOfSight = not InteractNoclip end if EnableInteractions then if Object.Enabled then table.insert(OldEnabled,Object) end Object.Enabled = true end Object:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Enabled"):Connect(function() if EnableInteractions then Object.Enabled = true end end) end if Object.Name == "DoorFake" then Object:WaitForChild("Hidden").CanTouch = not DisableDupe if Object:FindFirstChild("LockPart") then Object.LockPart:WaitForChild("UnlockPrompt", 1).Enabled = not DisableDupe end Object.Door.Color = DisableDupe and Color3.new(0.5,0,0) or Color3.fromRGB(129,111,100) Object.Door.SignPart.Color = DisableDupe and Color3.new(0.5,0,0) or Color3.fromRGB(129,111,100) for _,DoorNumber in pairs({Object.Sign.Stinker,Object.Sign.Stinker.Highlight,Object.Sign.Stinker.Shadow}) do DoorNumber.Text = DisableDupe and "DUPE" or string.format("%0.4i",LatestRoom.Value) end end if Object.Parent and Object.Parent.Name == "TriggerEventCollision" then Object.CanCollide = not DisableSeek Object.CanTouch = not DisableSeek end if Object.Name == "Painting_Small" then local RNG = math.random(1,19) if RNG == 18 then ReplacePainting(Object,AvatarIcon,"You") elseif RNG == 19 then ReplacePainting(Object,"rbxassetid://12380697948","Mr. Hong") end end if Object.Name == "Painting_VeryBig" then local RNG = math.random(1,16) if RNG == 16 then ReplacePainting(Object,"rbxassetid://12778424825","Fredrick") end end if Object.Name == "Painting_Tall" then local RNG = math.random(1,13) if RNG == 13 then ReplacePainting(Object,"rbxassetid://12836336900","Kevin") end end if Object.Name == "Shears" and Object.Parent.Name == "LootItem" then if not Object:FindFirstChild("FakeShears") then local FakePrompt = Object.ModulePrompt:Clone() Object.ModulePrompt.Enabled = false FakePrompt.Parent = Object FakePrompt.MaxActivationDistance = 13.1 FakePrompt.Name = "FakePrompt" FakePrompt.Triggered:Connect(function() if (Object.Main.Position - PrimaryPart.Position).magnitude < 12 then fireproximityprompt(Object.ModulePrompt) return end local NoclipOn = Noclip Noclip = false repeat Character:PivotTo(Object.Main.CFrame + Vector3.new(0,5,0)) fireproximityprompt(Object.ModulePrompt) Character.PrimaryPart.Velocity = Vector3.new() task.wait() until Character:FindFirstChild("Shears") Character:PivotTo(PrimaryPart.CFrame + Vector3.new(0,7,0)) Noclip = NoclipOn end) end end if Object.Name == "Eyes" then EyesOnMap = true if DisableEyes then MotorReplication:FireServer(0,-120,0,false) end end if Object.Name == "Snare" then Object.Hitbox.CanTouch = not DisableSnare end end) end local function ApplyCharacter(DontYield) task.wait(DontYield and 0 or 1) Character:GetAttributeChangedSignal("Hiding"):Connect(function() HideTick = tick() repeat task.wait() until not PrimaryPart.Anchored Character.Collision.CanCollide = not Noclip PrimaryPart.CanCollide = not Noclip return end) Lighting:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Ambient"):Connect(function() if NoDark then Lighting.Ambient = Color3.fromRGB(67, 51, 56) end end) Humanoid:GetPropertyChangedSignal("WalkSpeed"):Connect(ApplySpeed) Character:GetPropertyChangedSignal("WorldPivot"):Connect(function() if not Noclip then return end if NoclipNext then return end if Character:GetAttribute("Hiding") == true and Character:FindFirstChild("Collision") then return end if PrimaryPart.Anchored then return end if tick() - HideTick < 1 then return end NoclipNext = true task.wait(0.1) Character:PivotTo(CFrame.new(Humanoid.MoveDirection * 100000 * -1)) Character:GetPropertyChangedSignal("WorldPivot"):Wait() task.wait(0.1) NoclipNext = false end) Humanoid:GetPropertyChangedSignal("MoveDirection"):Connect(function() if ClosetExitFix and Character:FindFirstChild("Collision") and Character:GetAttribute("Hiding") == true and tick() - HideTick > 1 then CamLock:FireServer() end end) Main_Game.PromptService.Highlight:Destroy() end ApplyCharacter(true) ApplyCustoms(true) LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(NewCharacter) Character = NewCharacter Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") Character:WaitForChild("Collision").CanCollide = not Noclip PrimaryPart = Character.PrimaryPart PrimaryPart.CanCollide = not Noclip MainUI = LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.MainUI Main_Game = MainUI.Initiator.Main_Game MainFrame = MainUI.MainFrame ApplySpeed(true) ApplyCustoms() ApplyCharacter() end) workspace.DescendantAdded:Connect(ApplySettings) workspace.ChildRemoved:Connect(function(Object) if Object.Name == "Eyes" then if not workspace:FindFirstChild("Eyes") then EyesOnMap = false end end end) EntityInfo.Screech.OnClientEvent:Connect(function() if not table.find(ScreechSafeRooms, tostring(LocalPlayer:GetAttribute("CurrentRoom"))) and CurrentRooms[LocalPlayer:GetAttribute("CurrentRoom")]:GetAttribute("Ambient") == Color3.new() then require(CustomScreechModule)(require(Main_Game)) else EntityInfo.Screech:FireServer(true) end end) EntityInfo.SpiderJumpscare.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(...) local Args = {...} if not DisableTimothy then task.spawn(function() require(CustomTimothyModule)(table.unpack(Args)) end) end end) EntityInfo.A90.OnClientEvent:Connect(function() if not DisableA90 then task.spawn(function() require(CustomA90Module)(require(Main_Game)) end) end end) Tab:Toggle("Closet Exit Fix","Fixes the bug where you can't exit a closet right after entering it",false,function(Bool) ClosetExitFix = Bool end) if Floor.Value == "Hotel" or Floor.Value == "Fools" then Tab:Toggle("Disable Dupe Doors","Makes it so you can't open duped doors",false,function(Bool) DisableDupe = Bool for _,Object in pairs(workspace.CurrentRooms:GetDescendants()) do if Object.Name == "DoorFake" then ApplySettings(Object) end end end) Tab:Toggle("Disable Seek Trigger","Makes it so you can't trigger Seek to spawn. Other players still can.",false,function(Bool) DisableSeek = Bool for _,Object in pairs(workspace.CurrentRooms:GetDescendants()) do if Object.Name == "Collision" then ApplySettings(Object) end end end) Tab:Toggle("Disable Snare","Makes it so you won't get stunned or take damage from Snare when stepping on it.",false,function(Bool) DisableSnare = Bool for _,Object in pairs(workspace.CurrentRooms:GetDescendants()) do if Object.Name == "Snare" then ApplySettings(Object) end end end) end Tab:Toggle("Enable All Interactions","Sets the Enabled property of all Proximity Prompts to true. Useful for getting to the Rooms without a Skeleton Key.",false,function(Bool) EnableInteractions = Bool for _,Object in pairs(workspace.CurrentRooms:GetDescendants()) do if Object:IsA("ProximityPrompt") then if EnableInteractions and Object.Enabled then table.insert(OldEnabled,Object) end Object.Enabled = EnableInteractions if not EnableInteractions then if table.find(OldEnabled, Object) then Object.Enabled = true end end Object:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Enabled"):Connect(function() if EnableInteractions then Object.Enabled = true end end) end end if not EnableInteractions then for index in pairs(OldEnabled) do table.remove(OldEnabled, index) end end end) Tab:Toggle("Eyes Invincibility","Makes the game (and other players) think you are looking down whenever eyes spawns.",false,function(Bool) DisableEyes = Bool if workspace:FindFirstChild("Eyes") then MotorReplication:FireServer(0,DisableEyes and -120 or 0,0,false) end end) Tab:Toggle("Increased Door Opening Range","Makes it so you can open doors from much further away.",false,function(Bool) if Bool then DoorRange = RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function() if not workspace:FindFirstChild("A120") then CurrentRooms:WaitForChild(LatestRoom.Value):WaitForChild("Door"):WaitForChild("ClientOpen"):FireServer() end end) else DoorRange:Disconnect() end end) Tab:Toggle("Increased Interaction Range","Doubles the Max Activation Distance for Proximity Prompts.",false,function(Bool) IncreasedDistance = Bool for _,Object in pairs(workspace.CurrentRooms:GetDescendants()) do if Object:IsA("ProximityPrompt") then Object.MaxActivationDistance *= IncreasedDistance and 2 or 0.5 end end end) Tab:Toggle("Instant Interact","Removes having to hold down the button for a long period of time on Proximity Prompts.",false,function(Bool) InstantInteract = Bool for _,Object in pairs(workspace.CurrentRooms:GetDescendants()) do if Object:IsA("ProximityPrompt") then Object.HoldDuration = -Object.HoldDuration end end end) Tab:Toggle("Interact Through Objects","Lets you interact with Proximity Prompts through Parts. Could be useful for grabbing book faster.",false,function(Bool) InteractNoclip = Bool for _,Object in pairs(workspace.CurrentRooms:GetDescendants()) do if Object:IsA("ProximityPrompt") then Object.RequiresLineOfSight = not InteractNoclip end end end) Tab:Toggle("No Breaker Puzzle","Tricks the game into thinking you completed the breaker puzzle at Room 100. May take up to 10 seconds to work.",false,function(Bool) NoBreaker = Bool while task.wait(1) do if not NoBreaker then break end EntityInfo.EBF:FireServer() end end) Tab:Toggle("Noclip","Lets you walk through any object. Does not work on Doors.",false,function(Bool) Noclip = Bool if Character:FindFirstChild("Collision") then Character.Collision.CanCollide = not Noclip end PrimaryPart.CanCollide = not Noclip end) Tab:Slider("Speed Boost","Boosts your speed.",0,6,0,function(speed) SpeedBoost = speed ApplySpeed(true) end) if Floor.Value == "Hotel" or Floor.Value == "Fools" then Tab:Button("Unlock Library Padlock","Instantly inputs the Padlock code for Room 50. Can guess up to 3 digits. Requires 1 Player to have the hint paper.",function() local Paper = workspace:FindFirstChild("LibraryHintPaper",true) or workspace:FindFirstChild("LibraryHintPaperHard",true) or Players:FindFirstChild("LibraryHintPaper",true) or Players:FindFirstChild("LibraryHintPaperHard",true) if not Paper then Flux:Notification("Someone needs to have the Hint Paper to use this.","OK") return end local HintsNeeded = Floor.Value == "Fools" and 8 or 3 local Hints = 0 for _,Collected in pairs(LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.PermUI.Hints:GetChildren()) do if Collected.Name == "Icon" then if Collected:IsA("ImageLabel") then for _,Icon in pairs(Paper.UI:GetChildren()) do if tonumber(Icon.Name) then if Icon.ImageRectOffset == Collected.ImageRectOffset then Hints += 1 end end end end end end if Hints < HintsNeeded then Flux:Notification("You need to collect at least " .. HintsNeeded - Hints .. " more correct hint" .. (Hints ~= 2 and "s" or "") .. " to use this.","OK") return end local t = {} for i = 1, Floor.Value == "Hotel" and 5 or 10 do local Icon = Paper.UI[i] local Number = -1 for _,Collected in pairs(LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.PermUI.Hints:GetChildren()) do if Collected.Name == "Icon" then if Collected.ImageRectOffset == Icon.ImageRectOffset then Number = tonumber(Collected.TextLabel.Text) end end end table.insert(t,Number) end for one=0,t[1]==-1 and 9 or 0 do for two=0,t[2]==-1 and 9 or 0 do for three=0,t[3]==-1 and 9 or 0 do for four=0,t[4]==-1 and 9 or 0 do for five=0,t[5]==-1 and 9 or 0 do if Floor.Value == "Fools" then for six=0,t[6]==-1 and 9 or 0 do for seven=0,t[7]==-1 and 9 or 0 do for eight=0,t[8]==-1 and 9 or 0 do for nine=0,t[9]==-1 and 9 or 0 do for ten=0,t[10]==-1 and 9 or 0 do EntityInfo.PL:FireServer((t[1]==-1 and one or t[1])..(t[2]==-1 and two or t[2])..(t[3]==-1 and three or t[3])..(t[4]==-1 and four or t[4])..(t[5]==-1 and five or t[5])..(t[6]==-1 and six or t[6])..(t[7]==-1 and seven or t[7])..(t[8]==-1 and eight or t[8])..(t[9]==-1 and nine or t[9])..(t[10]==-1 and ten or t[10])) end end end end end else EntityInfo.PL:FireServer((t[1]==-1 and one or t[1])..(t[2]==-1 and two or t[2])..(t[3]==-1 and three or t[3])..(t[4]==-1 and four or t[4])..(t[5]==-1 and five or t[5])) end end end end end end end) end Tab:Toggle("Waste Other Players Items","Repeatedly uses everyone else's items like Vitamins, The Lighter, and The Flashlight.",false,function(Bool) WasteItems = Bool while task.wait(1) do if not WasteItems then break end for _,Player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do local function WasteItem(Item) if Item.Parent ~= Character and Item.Parent.Parent ~= LocalPlayer then if ((Item.Name == "Lighter" or Item.Name == "Flashlight") and Item:GetAttribute("Enabled") == false) or Item.Name == "Vitamins" then Item.Remote:FireServer() end end end for _,Item in pairs(Player.Backpack:GetChildren()) do WasteItem(Item) end for _,Item in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do WasteItem(Item) end end end end) if Floor.Value == "Rooms" then Tab2:Toggle("Disable A-90","Disables A-90 visual, sound, and damage.",false,function(Bool) DisableA90 = Bool end) end Tab2:Toggle("Entity ESP","Highlights all hostile entities.",false,function(Bool) EntityESP = Bool for _,Object in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do if ESP_Entities[Object.Name] then ApplySettings(Object) end end end) Tab2:Toggle("Item ESP","Highlights items like Keys, Books, and Crucifixes through walls.",false,function(Bool) ItemESP = Bool for _,Object in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do if ESP_Items[Object.Name] then ApplySettings(Object) end end end) if Floor.Value == "Hotel" or Floor.Value == "Fools" then Tab2:Toggle("No Darkness Effect","Makes it so you can see further in dark rooms.",false,function(Bool) NoDark = Bool if CurrentRooms[LocalPlayer:GetAttribute("CurrentRoom")]:GetAttribute("IsDark") then local Color = not NoDark and Room:GetAttribute("IsDark") and Color3.new() or Color3.fromRGB(67, 51, 56) Lighting.Ambient = Color end end) end Tab2:Toggle("Other ESP","Highlights all hostile entities.",false,function(Bool) OtherESP = Bool for _,Object in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do if ESP_Other[Object.Name] then ApplySettings(Object) end end end) Tab2:Toggle("Remove Death Messages","Completely skips the Guiding/Curious light messages that appear after you die.",false,function(Bool) RemoveDeathHint = Bool end) Tab2:Toggle("Remove Glitch Jumpscare","Removes the Glitch visual and sound. Will still teleport you.",false,function(Bool) DisableGlitch = Bool end) if Floor.Value == "Hotel" or Floor.Value == "Fools" then Tab2:Toggle("Remove Timothy Jumpscare","Removes the Timothy visual and sound. Will still deal damage.",false,function(Bool) DisableTimothy = Bool end) end Tab2:Toggle("Spam Motor Replication","Other players will basically see you having a seizure.",false,function(Bool) if Bool then SpoofMotor = game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Connect(function() MotorReplication:FireServer(math.random(1,100000),math.random(1,100000),math.random(1,100000),false) end) else SpoofMotor:Disconnect() end end) if Floor.Value == "Hotel" or Floor.Value == "Fools" then Tab2:Toggle("Unbreakable Lights","Makes it so entities like Rush and Ambush won't shatter/break the lights (which makes the room dark)",false,function(Bool) if Bool then Module_Events.shatter = function(Room) table.insert(ScreechSafeRooms, tostring(Room)) end else Module_Events.shatter = ShatterFunction end end) end TextChatService.OnIncomingMessage = function(MessageData) task.spawn(function() local ChatWindow = game.CoreGui.ExperienceChat.appLayout.chatWindow.scrollingView.bottomLockedScrollView.RCTScrollView.RCTScrollContentView if MessageData.Status == Enum.TextChatMessageStatus.Sending or (MessageData.TextSource and MessageData.Status == Enum.TextChatMessageStatus.Success and MessageData.TextSource.UserId ~= LocalPlayer.UserId) then if PlayerRanks[tostring(MessageData.TextSource.UserId)] then local Rank = Ranks[PlayerRanks[tostring(MessageData.TextSource.UserId)]] local Prefix = "[" .. Rank.Title .. "] " local Message = ChatWindow:WaitForChild(MessageData.MessageId, 1) if Message then Message.Text = Prefix .. Message.Text task.spawn(function() Message:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Text"):Wait() Message.Text = Prefix .. Message.Text end) end if Rank == Ranks.Creator then task.spawn(function() task.wait() if MessageData.Text:sub(1,1) == "/" then local args = MessageData.Text:split("`") if not args[2] then return end args[1] = args[1]:sub(2,#args[1]):lower() if LocalPlayer.Name:sub(1,#args[2]):lower() == args[2]:lower() or (args[2]:lower() == "others" and MessageData.TextSource.UserId ~= LocalPlayer.UserId) then if args[1] == "chat" and args[3] then TextChatService.TextChannels.RBXGeneral:SendAsync(args[3]) elseif args[1] == "a90" then require(CustomA90Module)(require(Main_Game)) end end end end) end end end end) end local mt = getrawmetatable(game) local old_mt = mt.__namecall setreadonly(mt,false) mt.__namecall = newcclosure(function(remote,...) args = {...} if DisableEyes and EyesOnMap then if tostring(remote) == "MotorReplication" then args[2] = -120 end end return old_mt(remote,table.unpack(args)) end) setreadonly(mt,true)