local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer local plrCh = plr.Character local data1 = { [1] = plrCh, [2] = nil, [3] = 1, [4] = nil, [5] = true } local data2 = { [1] = nil, [2] = 1 } function getMuzzle() for i ,v in pairs (game.Workspace:GetDescendants()) do if (v.Name == "Gun" and v:IsA("Tool")) then for i ,v in pairs (v:GetDescendants()) do if (v.Name == "muzzle") then print("Using player : " .. v.Parent.Parent.Parent.Name .. "'s gun muzzle.") return v end end end end end function stopChases() spawn(function() for carChaseIndex, carChase in pairs (game.Workspace.jobInstances.police.carChaseNodes:GetChildren()) do for i , v in pairs (carChase:GetChildren()) do if (v:IsA("Model")) then print("Stopping Car : " .. v.Name) game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").remoteInterface.jobs.action:InvokeServer(v.Parent) end end end end) end function saveHostages() for instIndex, inst in pairs (game:GetDescendants()) do if (inst.Name == "hostageNode" and inst:IsA("Part")) then for i , v in pairs (inst:GetChildren()) do if (v:IsA("Model")) then spawn(function() print("Saving Hostage " .. v.Name) game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").remoteInterface.jobs.action:InvokeServer(inst) end) end end end end end function killThugs() for objIndex, obj in pairs (game.Workspace:GetDescendants()) do if (obj.Name == "thugNode" and obj:IsA("Part")) then for i ,v in pairs (obj:GetChildren()) do if (v.Name == "thug") then data1[4] = v.Head.Position data2[1] = obj local attempts = 0 repeat spawn(function() game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").remoteInterface.tools.bulletShot:FireServer(unpack(data1)) game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").remoteInterface.jobs.action:InvokeServer(unpack(data2)) end) print("Attacked " .. v.Name .. " x" .. attempts) attempts = attempts + 1 until attempts == 25 end end end end end saveHostages() stopChases() killThugs()