--[[ Autodraw for Color by number (8137333410) made by Perception#7960 ]] local Players = game:GetService("Players") local Player = Players.LocalPlayer local Map = workspace.Map assert(Map, "Could not find the Map in workspace") local Blocks = Map.Blocks assert(Blocks, "Could not find Blocks in the Map") local plrBlock for _,v in pairs (Blocks:GetChildren()) do local Block = v if v:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("SpawnLocation") then v = v:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("SpawnLocation") if v:FindFirstChild("OwnerFace") and v:FindFirstChild("OwnerFace"):IsA("BasePart") then local OwnerFace = v:FindFirstChild("OwnerFace") if OwnerFace:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("SurfaceGui") then local SurfaceGui = OwnerFace:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("SurfaceGui") if SurfaceGui:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("ImageLabel") then local ImageLabel = SurfaceGui:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("ImageLabel") local Image = ImageLabel.Image local UserId = string.split(string.split(Image, '&')[2], '=')[2] if tonumber(UserId) == Player.UserId then plrBlock = Block end end end end end end local Draw = plrBlock.Draw local remote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Knit.Services.PixelGeneratorService.RF.DrawPixel for _, v in pairs(Draw:GetChildren()) do if v:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Decal") then local Texture = v:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Decal") if v.Name == 'Part' and Texture.Transparency == 0.75 or Texture.Transparency == 0 then task.spawn(function() task.wait(math.random(0,30)) Texture.Transparency = 0.1 remote:InvokeServer(v) end) end end end