local v0 = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Singularity5490/rbimgui-2/main/rbimgui-2.lua"))(); local v1 = v0.new({text="Creepstu's Script",size=UDim2.new(300, 362 - 162)}); v1.open(); local v2 = v1.new({text="FORM #1"}); local v3 = v2.new("label", {text="A remake of @AlperSocial's script.",color=Color3.new(186 + 69, 997 - (915 + 82), 0 - 0)}); local v4 = v2.new("button", {text="Spam Up On Carts"}); v4.event:Connect(function() for v28, v29 in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do if ((v29.Parent.Name == "Up") and (v29.ClassName == "ClickDetector")) then spawn(function() while true do wait(); if v29 then fireclickdetector(v29); else break; end end end); elseif ((v29.Parent.Name == "On") and (v29.ClassName == "ClickDetector")) then if (v29.Parent.BrickColor ~= BrickColor.new("Dark green")) then fireclickdetector(v29); end v29.Parent:GetPropertyChangedSignal("BrickColor"):Connect(function() if (v29.Parent.BrickColor ~= BrickColor.new("Dark green")) then fireclickdetector(v29); end end); end end workspace.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(v30) if ((v30.Parent.Name == "Up") and (v30.ClassName == "ClickDetector")) then spawn(function() while true do wait(); if v30 then fireclickdetector(v30); else break; end end end); elseif ((v30.Parent.Name == "On") and (v30.ClassName == "ClickDetector")) then local v40 = 0 + 0; while true do if (v40 == (0 - 0)) then if (v30.Parent.BrickColor ~= BrickColor.new("Dark green")) then fireclickdetector(v30); end v30.Parent:GetPropertyChangedSignal("BrickColor"):Connect(function() if (v30.Parent.BrickColor ~= BrickColor.new("Dark green")) then fireclickdetector(v30); end end); break; end end end end); end); local v5 = v2.new("button", {text="Spam Down On Carts"}); v5.event:Connect(function() for v31, v32 in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do if ((v32.Parent.Name == "Down") and (v32.ClassName == "ClickDetector")) then spawn(function() while true do wait(); if v32 then fireclickdetector(v32); else break; end end end); elseif ((v32.Parent.Name == "On") and (v32.ClassName == "ClickDetector")) then local v41 = 1187 - (1069 + 118); while true do if (v41 == (0 - 0)) then if (v32.Parent.BrickColor ~= BrickColor.new("Dark green")) then fireclickdetector(v32); end v32.Parent:GetPropertyChangedSignal("BrickColor"):Connect(function() if (v32.Parent.BrickColor ~= BrickColor.new("Dark green")) then fireclickdetector(v32); end end); break; end end end end workspace.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(v33) if ((v33.Parent.Name == "Down") and (v33.ClassName == "ClickDetector")) then spawn(function() while true do wait(); if v33 then fireclickdetector(v33); else break; end end end); elseif ((v33.Parent.Name == "On") and (v33.ClassName == "ClickDetector")) then local v42 = 0 - 0; while true do if (v42 == (0 + 0)) then if (v33.Parent.BrickColor ~= BrickColor.new("Dark green")) then fireclickdetector(v33); end v33.Parent:GetPropertyChangedSignal("BrickColor"):Connect(function() if (v33.Parent.BrickColor ~= BrickColor.new("Dark green")) then fireclickdetector(v33); end end); break; end end end end); end); local v6 = v2.new("button", {text="Auto Join Back"}); v6.event:Connect(function() local v13 = game.PlaceId; local v14 = game.JobId; local v15 = game.Players; local v16 = game.CoreGui:FindFirstChild("RobloxPromptGui"):FindFirstChild("promptOverlay"); v16.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(v34) if (v34.Name == "ErrorTitle") then v34:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Text"):Connect(function() if (v34.Text:sub(0, 12) == "Disconnected") then if (#v15:GetPlayers() <= (1 - 0)) then local v44 = 0; while true do if (v44 == (1 + 0)) then TeleportService:Teleport(v13, v15.LocalPlayer); break; end if (v44 == 0) then v15.LocalPlayer:Kick("\nRejoining..."); wait(); v44 = 792 - (368 + 423); end end else TeleportService:TeleportToPlaceInstance(v13, v14, v15.LocalPlayer); end end end); end end); end); local v7 = v2.new("button", {text="Rejoin To Stop"}); v7.event:Connect(function() local v17 = 0; local v18; local v19; while true do if (v17 == (3 - 2)) then v18:Teleport(game.PlaceId, v19); break; end if (v17 == (18 - (10 + 8))) then v18 = game:GetService("TeleportService"); v19 = game.Players.LocalPlayer; v17 = 1; end end end); local v8 = v2.new("button", {text="Mess Carts"}); v8.event:Connect(function() local v20 = 0 - 0; while true do if (v20 == 0) then getgenv().AutoBreakCarts = true; spawn(function() while AutoBreakCarts do local v43 = 442 - (416 + 26); while true do if (v43 == 0) then wait(0.3 - 0); pcall(function() for v45, v46 in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do if v46:IsA("ClickDetector") then fireclickdetector(v46); end end end); break; end end end end); break; end end end); local v4 = v2.new("button", {text="Break Game"}); v4.event:Connect(function() local v21 = 0 + 0; while true do if (v21 == (0 - 0)) then for v37, v38 in next, workspace:GetDescendants() do if (v38("ClickDetector") and (v38.Parent.Name ~= "Down")) then spawn(function() while v38:IsDescendantOf(workspace) and wait() do if (v38.Parent.Name ~= "On") then fireclickdetector(v38); elseif (tostring(v38.Parent.BrickColor) == "Bright red") then fireclickdetector(v38); end end end); end end workspace.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(v39) if (v39("ClickDetector") and (v39.Parent.Name ~= "Down")) then while v39:IsDescendantOf(workspace) and wait() do if (v39.Parent.Name ~= "On") then fireclickdetector(v39); elseif (tostring(v39.Parent.BrickColor) == "Bright red") then fireclickdetector(v39); end end end end); break; end end end); local v9 = v2.new("button", {text="Teleport Winner Place"}); v9.event:Connect(function() game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(310.683014, 849.75, 759.389221 - (145 + 293), 431 - (44 + 386), 1486 - (998 + 488), 0, 0, 1 + 0, 0 + 0, 772 - (201 + 571), 1138 - (116 + 1022), 4 - 3); end); local v10 = v2.new("button", {text="Teleport Default Place"}); v10.event:Connect(function() game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(44, 0.049999997 + 0, -76, 3 - 2, 0 - 0, 0, 859 - (814 + 45), 1, 0 - 0, 0 + 0, 0 + 0, 886 - (261 + 624)); end); local v11 = v2.new("slider", {text="WalkSpeed",color=Color3.new(0.8 - 0, 1080.5 - (1020 + 60), 1423 - (630 + 793)),min=0,max=50,value=(53 - 37),rounding=1}); v11.event:Connect(function(v24) game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = v24; end); v11.set(16); local v12 = v2.new("slider", {text="JumpPower",color=Color3.new(0.8 - 0, 0.5 + 0, 0 - 0),min=(1747 - (760 + 987)),max=(2013 - (1789 + 124)),value=50,rounding=(767 - (745 + 21))}); v12.event:Connect(function(v26) game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = v26; end); v12.set(18 + 32);