local FEmusic = true; local musicid = "5693287386"; --edit the id local shotsound = true local shotsoundid = "5693287386"--edit the id for i,v in pairs(game.ReplicatedStorage.WeaponScripts.WeaponConfigs:GetChildren()) do local gun = require(v) gun.magSize = 10000000 gun.damage = 999 gun.pellets = 30 gun.reloadTime = 0 gun.bulletSpeed = 100009999990 gun.range = 200099 gun.minSpread = 0 gun.maxSprea = 0 gun.RPM = 1000000000 gun.fireMode = 1 gun.customDamage.Head = 10000 gun.spreadCooldown = 0 gun.spreadAdd = 0 if shotsound == true then gun.shootSound = {shotsoundid,1000000000, 1, true } end if FEmusic == true then gun.equipSound = { musicid, 1000000000, 1, true } end end